The City of Terror

Chapter 1328: Open up the world (1)

Thank you for your support! This chapter of the poor road is taken from the manuscript, and then into the dark room. ——

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s eyes falling on his own bracelet, Qingniu smiled and raised his right hand and smiled: “Don’t watch, this is a smug work for the teacher to imitate the diamond bracelet refining, even if it is for you, You can't control it either."


Is it a knockoff?

But then again, even if it is a knockoff, its power also makes Wei Xiaobei look awkward.

It was a bit horrible to turn the people of Longbo over.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s attention was quickly drawn back by the changes in Aoki’s land.

At this time, Aoki Fukushima is already on the verge of breaking.

The earth is broken, the sky is completely dull, the magma is constantly erupting, and the surrounding area is covered with dense space cracks.

To be honest, at this time Wei Xiaobei’s heart was hung up again, for fear of being careless, and this Aomu Fudi collapsed directly.

Well, what happened next made Wei Xiaobei feel like a crow mouth.

The world tree strives to maintain the integrity of the earth, but at this moment, a transparent mass falling from the sky is like the messenger of fate, walking through the dense gaps of the world tree, and finally, 啪The slammed fell on the ground next to the world tree.

Just like this, the impact is at most a few tons.

For the entire Aoki Fudi, it is completely a slap in the face.

The problem is that the Aomufu land at this time is already on the verge of breaking, so the impact of this transparent block is like the last straw added on the camel's back.

Oh, a soft bang, the roots of the world tree can no longer pull the earth.

boom! Boom

A string of screams that made Wei Xiaobei’s ears deaf, the earth completely broke into two pieces!


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth at this time.

The chain reaction caused by the complete rupture of the earth is that the space cracks scattered around the outer edge of the Aomu Fortune suddenly expand, and all the space cracks will be connected in a blink of an eye.


Letting Xiao Xiaobei know the sound of a glass of crisp sound, the whole green wood blessed land suddenly collapsed into countless space debris, and continued to disintegrate.


When Wei Xiaobei came to the sorrow of the ruin of the Qingmufu, he saw a blue light shining from the young cows around him, which caused the space crack that had spread rapidly to stop, and settled a piece of space with the green cow. It will not let this space debris completely disintegrate.

"Master, it’s over."

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is empty, which is like having a million family wealth. He ran to stocks. He lost a feeling in a moment, and even the voice of his voice changed. As for the space in his body, the broken pieces are not broken. Wei Xiaobei’s thinking is within the scope.

"Well, what's over?"

Qingniu turned to look at Wei Xiaobei with some doubts.


The question of Qingniu is like a warm current injected into Wei Xiaobei's heart, so Wei Xiaobei can't help but ask the green cow with unparalleled expectation: "Master, Aoki Fudi is not disintegrating?"

After listening to Wei Bei’s question, Qingniu suddenly smiled: “Don’t you tell the teacher that this is a certain process?”

A must-have process?

Wei Xiaobei is a bit dumb, but the problem is Master! Your old man really didn't say it!

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is already full of ecstasy. Where can I still care about whether this has happened to Qingniu?

At least, Wei Xiaobei can be sure at this point that the Aomu Fortune is not completely destroyed, but a process in the world.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei to surprise the past, when I think about it, it is a bitter smile.

To say that the whole process is completely scaring yourself.

You know, if this green wood blessed land is really destroyed, where is the green cow’s suspension? I am afraid I have already caught Wei Xiaobei in advance.

The Aomu blessings are constantly disintegrating, and then the space debris is gathered as it is before the gray boundary stone is formed, and it is shrinking toward the center.

This is actually to make the space debris that Qingniu and Wei Xiaobei are waiting for.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't know how long the time has passed, or there is no time left in this situation.

The space debris that the Aomufu land collapsed has been like gravel, but in the end it has not completely shrunk into a ball, but when it is reduced to one tenth of the previous one, it forms an ellipsoid that looks looming.

Well, there is actually no effort. What Wei Xiaobei sees is not an ellipsoid, but a cube.

Next is the cuboid, the hexagon, the cone

The things formed by the debris of the Qingmufu space are constantly changing, such as the same group of smoke that can be deformed at will.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei instantly understood it.

This group of things should be the chaos before the opening of heaven and earth?

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei was inexplicably caught in a strange state, just as his mind was being integrated into this chaos a little bit.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei felt very tired, his eyes closed and fell into a deep sleep.

So comfortable

I don't know how long it took. Wei Xiaobei slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and there was no light around him. He was wrapped in a soft thing, and even trying to stretch his hands and feet felt very hard.

What happened to yourself?

Wei Xiaobei recalled what he had before he slept, and suddenly found out that he didn’t know why he would become what he is now and be trapped here.

However, the most critical issue now is to go out from here!

Wei Xiaobei began to struggle and struggled, his hands desperately trying to push away the soft things around him, and his legs struggled to kick out!

This soft thing gives Wei Xiaobei a feeling of rubber sticking to himself. How to kick it can't push them away.

Wei Xiaobei is a little tired.

He has a hunch that if he can't struggle to get out, then he may be trapped in it forever!

Well, this thought is just to think about it, let Wei Xiaobei have some cold.

He doesn't want to be like a bug, always trapped here!


In the desperate struggle of Wei Xiaobei, finally, the soft things outside seemed to be loose.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a joy, and with this looseness, the power of the whole body suddenly broke out, and it was violently earned!

This soft thing was struggling with Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to make persistent efforts to expand this gap.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei used his own body to separate the group. Some of them were standing under his feet, and some were lifted by both hands. Only some of the edges were still stuck.

Good weight! There is a huge suction between the two parts that are separated, desperately trying to recombine!

Huh, Wei Xiaobei feels that he is already tired at the extreme, but he can't relax at this time. Otherwise, if this group of things is closed again, they will never have a chance to go out.

Squeeze your legs and use your hands!

As soon as the sound of the torn cloth was heard, this soft thing was finally completely split by Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei inexplicably screamed: "Long!"

In an instant, Wei Xiaobei felt that his body had grown upwards and the upper part was higher.

There is a play!

Wei Xiaobei has not had much strength at this time, so it is a good thing to have this method to make the two parts not close together.

As a result, in the continuous growth of Wei Xiaobei's body, the distance between the two parts is further and further.

According to his previous height judgment, Wei Xiaobei suspected that his height was close to more than 3,000 meters!

Can you seem to grow taller?

There seems to be some suction between the two parts, and then a little longer, Wei Xiaobei said to himself in his heart.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei grew five or six hundred meters.

At this time, there was no slight suction between the two parts separated by Wei Xiaobei.

As the suction disappeared, Wei Xiaobei’s strength was completely drained, and the huge body suddenly collapsed.


No, it seems that I am not so tired?

When Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the green cow. Although he was still mentally tired, his body was still full of vitality.

How is this going?

Even his height has changed back.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the chaos of the distant group.


The chaos of the group has split, and a huge human form in the middle is slowly falling.

This scene seems to be familiar?

Wei Xiaobei suddenly compared his previous experience with one, and he came to a conclusion.

The soft things that trapped myself before seem to be the chaos that has been separated.

And the huge human figure that fell is himself?

No, it should be that my consciousness has settled in that huge human form, which has caused this chaos to split.

However, at this time, it has been impossible to defend Xiaobei in distraction to think about this problem.

The chaos that was split into two parts was undergoing dramatic changes because of the fall of the giant.

The chaos in the lower part quickly gave birth to a yellowish color from where the giant fell, and quickly spread out to the surrounding area, and the place where it passed was turned into a khaki-colored land.

The chaos in the upper part begins to transform into air and constantly expands the space.

This is the real open space!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei felt extremely shocked, of course, perhaps because it also had its own credit.

Not long after, chaos has been transformed into the earth and the air.

A new world with a diameter of more than eight kilometers is slowly growing around.

The giant has now been transformed into a mountain range of up to a kilometer at the center of the earth.

Suddenly, a fireball rose from the mountain range and quickly flew high.

At the same time, a stock of clear springs was born from the mountains and flowed toward the low places.

"It's time! Go!" (To be continued.)

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