The City of Terror

Chapter 1329: Open up the world (2)

This chapter is scheduled to be released.

At this moment, Qingniu suddenly made a sound, and the palm of his hand slammed gently toward the back of Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei felt like a shell of a smashing gun and quickly rushed toward the world.

Hey, in the blink of an eye, without any buffer, Wei Xiaobei rushed into this new world.

When Wei Xiaobei entered the world, he suddenly felt the familiarity of the world.

This is my own green wood!

However, perhaps because of the unfinished business, Wei Xiaobei and the world always feel a little slow.

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei could not control his own direction, and rushed straight toward the fireball that had been hung at several kilometers.

Fortunately, Qingniu left his back hand on Wei Xiaobei. When Wei Xiaobei was close to the fireball, the speed suddenly slowed down.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei hit the fireball at first, and I really don't know what will happen. Even this fireball is the heart of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei began to look at the fireball.

More than 30 meters in diameter, it can be called a giant.

Of course, this fireball is still too small compared to the real sun.

However, it still emits intense light and heat around it.

However, it is the slightest sense of Wei Xiaobei's mind, so even if its temperature is higher, there is no harm to Wei Xiaobei.

Yes, Master Qingniu sent himself over, not to see the fireball.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei thought of a lot of things.

For example, the fireball at this time seems to be still half-sleeping and half-awake, and does not completely become the real sun.

When I think of it, Wei Xiaobei puts the storage ring on the fireball when he is completely close to the fireball. Then, after all the thoughts, all the divinity stored in the storage ring is injected into the fireball in a flash. Among them!

When the divine nature is injected into the fireball, the flames emitted by the fireball suddenly become masterpieces.

In a flash, the fireball suddenly expands several times, and the amount of light and heat that comes out increases.

Under the intense light and heat effect of the fireball, the spring water flowing around the ground was continuously evaporated, and soon after, there was a white cloud in the sky.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

As the number of white clouds continued to increase, some black clouds began to appear. After some lightning flashes, the downpour fell.

The rain poured the earth thoroughly, and some low-lying places quickly gathered rainwater, forming a small lake.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that on the side of the mountain, a little green appeared.

It was a sprout that came out of the ground.

Its growth rate is extremely rapid, and it grows into a tree seedling in less than a few minutes. After that, the trunk rises rapidly, and the branches and leaves continue to stretch toward the sky, greedily absorbing the light and heat emitted by the fireball.

Is this the world tree? ! !

Feeling the breath of the big tree, Wei Xiaobei could not help but have some surprises.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that the world tree had completely disappeared with the collapse of Aoki Fudi. Unexpectedly, it still retained a little vitality!

However, Wei Xiaobei did not pay much attention to the world tree at this time.

Wei Xiaobei is concerned that the fireball has awakened at this time!

"I woke up."

A young voice sounded in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

When he heard this voice, Wei Xiaobei understood it. The divine spirit that formed the independent consciousness has completely merged with his own heart. After absorbing all the divinity in the fireball, he formed the consciousness of the fireball.

In the next moment, the fireball spreads a majestic atmosphere around it, which contains the power of Wei Xiaobei.

This is the breath of the gods!

Just for a while, this fireball has become the real sun god?

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

But it’s not surprising to think about it.

At this time, Aoki Fudi has become a truly independent world! Although very, it is indeed a new world!

And this new world has just been born, the rules of the world have not yet fully formed, then at this time as long as you have consciousness, no matter what life, want to be a **** is relatively simple compared to reality!

According to those sayings, the gods born in this world are all so-called innate gods, gods that do not need the support of faith!

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei has no time to check whether the fireball is a so-called innate god.

The volume of the big fireball is still expanding, which makes the amount of light falling on the ground suddenly increase several times.

The earth began to chapped, but more spring water flowed from the mountains and evaporates, keeping the temperature at a slightly higher average.

Time passed by, the Aomu Fudi has grown from the initial 8,000-meter diameter to 10,000 meters.

At this time, the sun in the sky began to slowly descend, and at the same time, a strong yin was ejected from somewhere in the mountain.

Wei Xiaobei was able to see the yin, and thousands of spirits appeared.

What are the spirits that look like little girls?

It is the eucalyptus spirit!

That's right, Wei Xiaobei used a lot of ghost bodies to cultivate the eucalyptus spirit for quite some time.

These spirits were unconsciously entangled at this time, sweeping the yin and gradually rising.

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene and thought about it. He took out the water spirit bead and gave it a light bullet.

The fairy-level water pearls quickly flew toward the group.

After the interest rate, the water pearl hits into the yin, like a magnetic magnet, attracting all the spirits at the same time, and constantly inhaling a large amount of yin.

The spirits that were attracted to the past were attached to the water pearls, and even changed.

The watery pearls burst out with cool white light, and bloomed in a circle, like a moon that was slowly rising, and absorbed more yin.

The cool white light that bloomed on it fell on Wei Xiaobei, which made Wei Xiaobei feel a sense of coolness.

Wei Xiaobei can see that after the combination of Shuilingzhu and Spirituality at this time, there is a strange change in the magical moment of the opening of the earth.

Of course, before Wei Xiaobei popped the water pearl, it was nothing more than feeling that the spirits seemed to lack a core, so it was itchy and the water spirit beads were bounced out.

What Wei Weibei never expected was that this pop-up seemed to trigger a change.

The feeling of giving Xiaobei to the whole Aoki Fudi was like missing something important, but now this defect is slowly being made up.

The sun has fallen halfway, and the water-spirited beads with cool light and the spirits are now parallel to the sun and continue to rise.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had some regrets. If I knew this, I should leave some when I injected the fireball into the spirit. At this time, I will inject the divine into the water pearl, and I can directly create a moon. Out.

Not much, the one wrapped in the water of the spirit beads, the spirit of the spirit became very thin, and there is the possibility of dispersing at any time.

Wei Xiaobei had to plunge into the storage ring, flipped it back and forth, and finally took a small bottle from the storage ring.

Looking at the small bottle that was engraved with some runes outside, Wei Xiaobei remembered that this small bottle was the spiritual water that Baita County City gave to himself.

It is said that this spiritual water is a special product of the city government. After the souls are called to collect ghosts and other spirits, they can turn these gathered ghosts into sinister soldiers!

And it is also a sinister scent that is rich in essence. Otherwise, it is impossible to transform those lonely ghosts into sinister soldiers with much stronger strength.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei unveiled the bottle cap, and the right hand of the real mercury was gently reminded at the bottom of the bottle!

In an instant, a crystal clear liquid with a green shimmer rushed out of the bottle to form a long line and went straight to the water pearl.

The liquid is like a long snake, spanning the sky, and finally falls on the water pearl.

Affected by this, the light above the water pearl is more dazzling, the liquid suddenly spreads out, part of it is swallowed by the water pearl, and the other part is evenly distributed on many spiritual bodies.

After the water Lingzhu absorbed the water of the earth, it began to expand rapidly, and its crystal clear texture is also rapidly changing.

The spirits that surround the water-filled beads are also wrapped in thick white fog, so Wei Xiaobei can't see what has changed.

However, Wei Xiaobei is still a bit worried about this. After all, this is the spiritual water used to transform the Yin soldiers.

If one is not careful, the transformation of the eucalyptus spirit of the little girl into a horrible sinister will make a big deal.

However, this change is not something that Wei Xiaobei can control at this time.

Finally the sun is less than a kilometer from the ground.

Under the blazing heat, the mountains below the sun began to melt down and collapse rapidly, and soon a huge magma valley was formed.

And the sun fell with joy to the valley of the magma.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei felt that this change was affected by his own memory.

You should know that there are mountains and seas in Wei Xiaobei's memory. Some of them are described as follows: there is Tanggu under the valley, Fusang on the soup valley, and a bath on the 10th.

Well, isn't the world tree next to this huge magma valley? The most terrible thing is the so-called Tanggu, which is actually a valley full of magma.


Wei Xiaobei noticed that when the sun slowly fell into the magma valley, the world tree next to it seemed to still shake the body, as if to say hello to the sun?

As Wei Xiaobei's gaze fell on the world tree, a well-behaved voice sounded in Wei Xiaobei's mind: "Master, master, I can speak."

The world tree also has its own consciousness?

Wei Xiaobei nodded to the world tree and thought of it. It seems that this is truly magical.

You must know that the world tree that is erected in the tree-ash world of the Nordic world is old and dying, and has not given birth to its own consciousness. Here, in the blue wood blessed land that is in the open, the world tree has its own name. Awareness. To be continued.

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