The City of Terror

Chapter 1330: Open up the world (3)

I can't sleep at four in the morning, climb up the code, but the code word is too sleepy at this time, heaven, please give the poor road a brain that is not trapped for 24 hours! Fusheng is worthless! ——

For now, there are suns and world trees that have their own consciousness.

I don't know what changes will happen to the water spirit beads and those spirits.

But in any case, anyone who can create his own consciousness or have his own consciousness at this time will become the **** in the world of Aoki.

At this point, Master Qing Niu has already said to Wei Xiaobei.

Basically all the holes in the heavens will produce some of the gods that come with them, or control the existence of the heavens and blessings to give birth to a few.

After all, the gods produced in this kind of cave can better control and adjust the heavens and blessed land.

The only trouble is that the power of these gods is linked to the heavenly blessing itself.

In other words, the greater the happiness of the cave, the stronger the strength of these gods, and the weaker the opposite.

Another point is that the gods in these heavenly blessings are hard to leave their birthplace. Even if they leave, in other worlds, their strength will be greatly weakened by the changes in the rules.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not need to consider this now. These gods born from the Aomu Fudi only need to maintain the Aomu Fudi.

The sun did not enter the magma valley, and some of the magma in the valley overflowed. However, the magma quickly attached to the outside of the mountain wall and solidified into rock, but it thickened the mountain wall.

At this time, the water pearl has been hung high in the sky, and the cold light is scattered toward the ground. After the sun sets, the sky of the green wood will become dark, until the water pearl rises to the sky, bringing the world to the world. A little light.

Well, at this time, the water Lingzhu probably has some prototypes of the moon. Although its volume is not as large as the sun, it has reached the diameter of fifty or sixty meters.

However, thousands of spirits are attached to it and it looks very crowded.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Wei Xiaobei. From a distance, there seems to be a shadow of a tree in the water pearl.

It can be said that after the reopening of the earth, the appearance of Aoki Fudi has completely changed.

Except for the world tree, there is no green on the whole piece of land, which is desolate.

Wrong, not completely desolate, Wei Xiaobei saw some greens on the land next to some small lakes.

Take a closer look, the green is a green grass, trying to get out of the ground.

"It's almost the same, that is, the yin and yang cycles are a little bit worse, let the teacher help you."

Just when Wei Xiaobei looked at this world of his own, some of the sighs appeared. Qingniu appeared next to Wei Xiaobei, laughing and pointing at the water pearls above the sky.

With the green cow, the water-like spirit of the huge crystal ball changed instantly. Countless tiny yin was extracted from the green wood blessing in all directions and gathered toward the water pearl.

In the process, some corpses that were not completely destroyed, even turned into corpses, were turned into gravel and completely integrated into the green wood.

The shadow of the tree in the water pearl has also become clear with the passage of time.

Is that a banyan tree?

Wei Xiaobei smashed his eyes and looked at it carefully. Yes, it was indeed a banyan tree.

And after the eucalyptus was fully revealed, it quickly shrank and turned into a small seed.

At the same time, this seed exudes a huge suction. The first thing that suffers from it is the spirits that surround the water-spirited beads. They are sucked in by the seeds without any resistance, and eventually disappear.

Wei Xiaobei worried about the accident and looked at the young cow master around him. Seeing that the green cow didn't move at all, he was slightly relieved.

As the spirits were sucked in by the eucalyptus seeds, the seeds sprouted and quickly grew into a tree seedling.

Of course, this tree seedling is not in the water pearl at this time, but rooted in the water pearl, the trunk grows beyond the water pearl.

At this time, the diameter of the water pearl has expanded to more than 50 meters, and a small sapling grows on it, and it seems that there are not too many problems.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that the whole green wood blessed land was a shock, and then the connection between himself and Qingmu Fudi became smoother than before, and there was a feeling of integration with Aoki Fudi.

When Wei Xiaobei broke free from this strange feeling, he happened to hear the voice of Master Qing Niu: "The yin and yang cycle is initially established, so the teacher should have a good sleep."

When talking, Wei Xiaobei saw the green cow show the prototype, the hoof hoof fell in the air, and made a crisp crash, and fell towards the world tree. After that, the green cow also found a I was able to enjoy the cold light, and I was able to enjoy the position of the tree shade of the world. It took a long time to wake up and sleep.

The whole green wood blessed land began to emit a kind of aura that makes people feel very comfortable.

These auras permeate the air, the earth and even the lake, and slowly immerse them in various living things.

And Wei Xiaobei feels that the green cow in the sleep seems to be somewhat different from before. After absorbing this aura, its weak atmosphere is slowly increasing.

Well, anyway, if the injury of Master Niu Niu can be restored here, Wei Xiaobei feels a happy thing.

At the same time, with the advent of this aura, on the barren land, some shrubs, weeds and even saplings seemed to be in the spring, and they grew out one by one.

Wei Xiaobei slightly observed it and found that these shrubs, weeds, and saplings are not all things, they belong to the baby.

For example, some kind of red weeds don't look like eyes. It is like a dog's tail grass in reality. But after all things are thoroughly explored, Wei Xiaobei discovered that this kind of real blood grass can actually supplement the blood lost by the creature!

Regardless of the blood of that kind of life, it can be supplemented.

Take Wei Xiaobei, now, even if the whole body is pumped out, you only need to eat five real blood grasses, you can add all the blood lost in the body!

In addition, there are several mutant creepers that grow on the wall of Tanggu Mountain.

Yes, Wei Xiaobei directly named the magma valley where the sun sank as Tanggu.

The mountain range of the body of the Longbo people is named Longbo Mountain, which is easy to remember.

Wei Xiaobei did not know whether these variants of the ivy were escaped from the catastrophe of the earth, or were re-emerged by the green wood.

To put it simply, these mutant creepers are not considered to be Wei Xiaobei's breeding creatures after they have been opened up, but there is still a slight connection between Wei Xiaobei and these mutant creepers, and they can feel their little emotions.

In addition to these growing plants, Wei Xiaobei also felt that some of the magical mineral deposits under this land are slowly being formed. Of course, according to the time in this green wood, the initial formation of these mineral deposits is at least It takes more than a hundred years.

What makes Wei Xiaobei most excited is that several places in Aoki Fudi are gestating a few treasures.

These babies are just the prototype, so that Wei Xiaobei can feel the flavor of the Xianpin level. If you let it continue to grow, I am afraid that Lingbao, even at a higher level, is possible.

This may be the baby born in the open world.

Of course, this is also because of the fact that Aoki is too small. If it is replaced by a larger world, the quality of the baby born in the world should be at least Lingbao.

Just like this, Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

Anyway, these babies are still in the process of gestation. If they want to wait until they mature, this time will not be slower than those mines.

Two of them are probably already in the Lord, one is in the sun, Wei Xiaobei looks like a disc, and the other is above the rudimentary moon, um, that is the sapling.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei suspects that the disc in the sun will be the giant dish fairy!

After all, after the opening of the world, the giant dish was gone.

Since the disc is bred in the sun, its natural master should be the sun god.

And the sapling should be the spirit.

Wei Xiaobei can feel that the spirits still exist in the embryonic moon, but it seems to melt together.

Qingmu Fudi has grown to 15,000 meters at this time, but it has entered the late stage of opening up, so its growth rate has dropped significantly.

However, the miniature world with a diameter of more than 15,000 kilometers makes Wei Xiaobei feel very satisfied.

More than two hundred and thirty square kilometers of land area is almost ten Weijiadao.

In addition to the mountains, Tang Valley and so on are not suitable for human habitation, the area where Aokifu is now available for human survival is probably more than 150 square kilometers.

At this time, it should be possible to move in from the family and even the residents of Weijia Island.

It is at least safe, and even after the ordinary living body enters here, it can enjoy the rich benefits after the opening of the earth.

To put it simply, according to Qingniu, the closer to the living body that was born when the earth was opened, the longer its life and the higher the talent!

Of course, these life bodies born at the beginning of the world can be so powerful, completely because they were born early enough, before the world rules were not perfected, and thus gained a lot of rule privileges.

If those ordinary living organisms can enter the Aomu blessed land at this time, then they will be able to enjoy such a cheaper.

In addition, after the opening of the earth, the strange aura filled with it can also quickly transform the living body, so that its life and so on can be extended and enhanced!

Simply put, this effect is much better than the youthful spring water.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat eager to get his family first.

Of course, before this, Wei Xiaobei still has something to do.

The right hand was caught in the storage ring, and the gray stone formed by the broken gray lake Cuihu University appeared in the hands of Wei Xiaobei. (To be continued.)

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