The City of Terror

Chapter 1331: Open up the world (4)

The hand is frozen, and the code word feels like needlework in the sticky mud. What is going on?

This gray stone is like the head of the human being, which is the best quality of the gray stone in Wei Xiaobei.

Used at this time, it is a perfect fit.

Wei Xiaobei gently flicked on the gray stone. Like the coal-like gray stone, it rushed toward the ground like a shell. In the twinkling of an eye, it hit a hole in the ground, all the way down, until more than two thousand. The magma layer at the meter only slows down.

Of course, this is also the convenience of Wei Xiaobei in charge of Qingmu Fudi.

If it is in reality, if you want to easily penetrate the rock layer of more than 2,000 meters, Wei Xiaobei may not be able to succeed even if it is a power outburst.

After the gray boundary stone was driven into the magma layer by Wei Xiaobei, it began to slowly shrink.

Aoki Fudi wants to completely digest this gray stone, and it takes a long time.

However, during this time, Aokifu is still able to maintain a high growth rate.

After the work of the gray stone was completed, Wei Xiaobei immediately put his heart into the green wood, and slowly felt the change of the green wood.

This feeling process is good for Wei Xiaobei.

This will enable Wei Xiaobei to become more integrated into the green wood and improve his understanding of space and other aspects.

However, when Xiaobei felt that he was ready to leave Qingmufu, he was a little dumbfounded.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei wanted to leave the Aomu Fudi, and he only needed to move his mind.

But this time, Wei Xiaobei can't leave Qingmu Fudi no matter what he thinks.

How is this going?

Is it the change that Aoki Fudi has made after becoming a true miniature world?


The former Qingmu Fudi can only be said to be a prototype of the world, but its essence is still a space attached between the reality and the gray world. In short, it is the space of semi-subordinate reality and gray world.

Wei Xiaobei's entry into the Qingmu Fudi is like being in reality. It is so simple to open the door between the gray world and the Qingmu Fudi.

But now, with the opening up of the world, Aoki Fudi has turned into a real world, although it is indeed an independent world.

In this way, this Qingmu Fudi is not attached to the space between reality and gray.

Then Wei Xiaobei wants to leave Qingmufu to enter the reality at this time, which is equivalent to entering another world from a complete world!

If you want to cross the world, the difficulty is much higher than before.

Is it trapped in the green wood blessings?

Wei Xiaobei was excited for a while and realized that his status was somewhat wrong.

After experiencing a new world, my emotions became a little impulsive.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei sat down on the spot, driving the real mercury to accelerate in the meridians. It didn't take long for the impulse to dissipate a lot.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt that the best way was to ask the teacher of Qingniu!

However, turning to look at the green cows under the world tree, Wei Xiaobei shook his head. At this time, the green cow had just entered a dream, and was in the process of recovery.

Wei Xiaobei worried that after the blue cow was awakened, it affected his recovery.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei does not think that he can't leave Qingmufu.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes, and his heart expanded toward the whole green wood blessing, and was a little bit immersed in the green wood.

This kind of thing merged with Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei felt a few times before, but now Qingmu Fudi has become an independent world, Wei Xiaobei wants to fully integrate himself, it is not so easy.

However, as the founder of Aoki Fudi, plus the control, Wei Xiaobei is more or less convenient.

After a temptation, Wei Xiaobei finally found a way to easily integrate into the green wood.

Well, at this time Wei Xiaobei has merged with Aoki Fudi, and Aoki Fudi is the body of Wei Xiaobei at this time. There is a sense of swell in the body. Wei Xiaobei can feel his body is expanding. .

Open your eyes, Wei Xiaobei produced this idea.

However, compared with his own body, Wei Xiaobei’s action of opening his eyes is not to open his eyes, but to observe his surroundings in a very strange angle.

This singular angle is two completely different concepts from human vision.

If you have to describe it, Wei Xiaobei feels that his sight can see everything around him!

Whether it is the earth in the body, magma, air, plants, etc., or the change of all things, the time flow rate, so that the two giants not far from themselves, Wei Xiaobei can see.

As I said before, this is a wonderful visual angle.

For example, a small grass in his body, Wei Xiaobei can simultaneously see how the other party grows from a seed, grows, and finally grows into a grass, and the process of dead after hundreds of years.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat aware.

This is probably the four-dimensional that those scientists have said in reality.

The simple four-dimensional is the length, width and height of the three-dimensional extra time.

And if the scene that 3D creatures can see is the time period that they are in, the moment they are experiencing.

The four-dimensional creature can simultaneously see the whole process of something from start to finish.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei slightly excited.

Be aware that such a visual angle is not limited to the spatial extent, but has entered the time horizon!

But what Wei Xiaobei can see clearly is only the weak creatures such as grass, such as the powerful life of the world tree. Wei Xiaobei can only see a short period of time before and after.

As for the two giants that sandwiched themselves in the middle, Wei Xiaobei looked like two gray things, huge and incomparable, and he could only see a part of it. As for the other time, he could not see it.

Another problem is that Wei Xiaobei doesn't care what he sees, even if it is a stone. The beginning of it is when the earth is opened up, and it is impossible to see it before the opening of the earth.

For this, Wei Xiaobei has his own guess. This should be before the Aoki Fudi reopened. The previous timeline was interrupted. The current timeline should be restarted, thus causing such a situation.

However, after watching a little grass, stone or something, Wei Xiaobei felt extremely exhausted.

After a dizziness, Wei Xiaobei directly stunned.

When Xiaobei Su woke up, he couldn’t help but feel awkward. He had already separated from the Aomu Fudi and returned to the flesh.

However, even if Wei Xiaobei got rid of Aoki Fudi, at this time, his eyes opened up and he was dizzy, his mind was in chaos, and there was a heavy hammer in his head. He was constantly typing, even if he wanted to think a little more. There is a feeling of fainting in the past.

I can only sleep for a while.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it this way. When his eyes were black, he fell into a coma again.

Fortunately, probably the aura of Aoki Fudi is quite sufficient now, and Wei Xiaobei’s coma did not take long to wake up again.

The first time Wei Xiaobei woke up was to take a few bottles of syrup from the storage ring and pour it in without thinking. After that, he took out a small piece of golden wild pork, a small bag of green peppers, and he didn’t want anything in his mind. Just do things according to the habit.

Until the plate did not know what quality wild pork fried green pepper, after being swallowed by Wei Xiaobei several times, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was better.

It was before the spirit was completely drained!

If Wei Xiaobei didn't give himself a bottle of world sap blending potion and ate a plate of wild boared green pepper with divine power, Wei Xiaobei probably had to faint again.

Although there is still some faintness in the brain, at least there will be no direct fainting.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that the emergence of this situation is nothing more than the fact that after the integration with Aoki Fudi, he used the four-dimensional vision to look around and squeeze his own spirit to cause serious consequences!

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s soul is now very powerful. If you switch to ordinary humans, I am afraid that it will take up to three seconds, and consciousness will directly collapse!

This is not a joke.

This is like pulling a five-ton trailer uphill. Wei Xiaobei is probably an elephant, barely able to pull a distance, and can still stop on the **** and free himself.

If you change to an ordinary person, it is an ant, not to mention that the trailer is uphill, and it is directly killed by the trailer.

This is the difference.

After adjusting for a while, Wei Xiaobei’s spirit was finally restored.

Wei Xiaobei thought about what he saw when he merged with Aoki Fudi. The two huge things that were incomparable should probably be reality and gray.

It is a pity that I can't completely control the perspective of Aoki's blessings. Otherwise, I can see something.

In Wei Xiaobei's impression, I only feel that the two worlds of reality and gray are huge, and it is not the existence that Aomufu can compare.

Of course, this is also true.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei saw that the sun in the soup valley seemed to have any abnormalities.

A strip of transparent lines suddenly appeared around the sun, and at the end was the green wood blessing, and I didn't know where to connect.

what is this?

Wei Xiaobei stood up. Because of his slight excitement, Wei Xiaobei started the authority of Qingmu Fudi, and disappeared directly into the place. When it reappeared, it was less than 50 meters above the sun.

That transparent connection, when Wei Xiaobei observed at a close distance, made Wei Xiaobei feel familiar.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not need to study this connection slowly, but to lower the height and directly put his right hand on the sun.

Compared with the past, the current sun is considered to be the real sun. The temperature of the surface is probably more than three thousand degrees. The light and heat that comes out contains a little sun. To be continued.

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