The City of Terror

Chapter 1332: Light and heat rules

This chapter is to use the manuscript, after the update, the poor road will enter the small black house effort code. ?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei can only feel this, and it is still difficult to absorb such a true sun.

As Wei Xiaobei's right hand was attached to the surface of the sun, Wei Xiaobei sank into the sun for a moment, temporarily replacing the position of the sun god.

Not to mention, this feeling is similar to that of Aoki Fudi, but Wei Xiaobei feels more comfortable.

The huge and fiery circular body makes Wei Xiaobei feel that as long as he is willing, he will be able to extinct everything in Aokifu!

Well, just this kind of meditation, Wei Xiaobei is now a hot body, and instantly melted the valley used for bathing to expand the small half!

According to this degree, it will take a minute for the world tree next to it to be dried.

Wei Xiaobei was so scared that he would immediately converge on the light and heat, and would not cause damage in the green wood.

But what are those lines, Wei Xiaobei also knows at this time.

Those transparent lines are actually the connection between the Sun and the believers of the East!

In fact, after the consciousness in the sun officially became the sun god, this belief connection was born.

However, Wei Xiaobei couldn't see it before, until after the integration with Qingmu Fudi, it seems that he has obtained some residuals of Aoki's view of the land, so that he can see these belief connections.


Wei Xiaobei still feels very curious about the sun, and carefully explored it again.

He is now in reality, the sun in space, his own sun is a little different, although the main components are still hot gases, but in fact, the light and heat are not the nuclear polymerization of these gases, but There is a rule related to light and heat in the sun!

Wei Xiaobei feels that this light and heat rule exists in the sun, and he can be the focus of the next step.

To put it bluntly, if Wei Xiaobei can master this light and heat rule and apply it in reality or in the gray world, then the strength of Wei Xiaobei will be greatly improved, and it is possible to directly break through the four-star horror and enter the four-star disaster. Elder.

It must be said that as the master of Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei took great advantage in studying the rules related to Aoki Fudi.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei initially mastered this light and heat rule.

Give it a try?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was like a child who got a beloved toy and temporarily put aside the belief connection.

Mindful movements, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a layer of hot light and heat in a short period of time, this layer of light and heat quickly spread out, and Wei Xiaobei Xun rose to the sky.

Not long after, the Aomu Fudi had a sun above the sky and the moon in the distance.

However, compared to the sun that is being soaked in the soup valley, the sun that Wei Xiaobei inhabits is a lot of trumpet. When the power spreads to the maximum, it is only more than ten meters in diameter.

Of course, even so, the heat of the sun is quite scary.

Wei Xiaobei slightly estimated that, according to the degree of light and heat, if he is hanging in a hundred meters above a city in reality, I am afraid that it will take more than ten minutes, and the city will become a sea of ​​fire.

Obviously, this ability has already reached the level of disaster!

Wei Xiaobei felt very satisfied with this ability, and then dissipated the rules of light and heat and restored the person.

The next step is to study the belief connections above the sun.

Wei Xiaobei hopes to find a way to connect with the real world and let himself enter and exit the Qingmu blessed land.

As for the gray world, Wei Xiaobei is not planning for the time being.

After all, the gray world is much more dangerous than the reality. Wei Xiaobei does not want to bring in unnecessary dangers when he enters and exits the gray world and the green wood, making the Aomu Fortune a crisis.

Wei Xiaobei re-emerged his mind into the sun, took over the sun, and then gently touched a thicker belief connection.

With a light touch, Wei Xiaobei’s mind immediately showed some sound.

"Great and benevolent sun god, may your glory spill the land of suffering"

Obviously, this line of faith connects a priest in reality.

The voice was a little fuzzy, but Wei Xiaobei was able to feel the situation around the priest slightly, and he prayed in front of an altar.

Through the connection of faith, it is possible to detect what the believers feel, which is to give Wei Xiaobei a bit of interest.

Not long after, the priest ended his prayer and got up and left the altar.

By the time the priest stopped, several voices rushed.

"Priest priest, save my brother, priests!"

"Priest adult"

In a complicated voice, the priest saw the middle-aged man being carried, his abdomen was opened with a big mouth, and the intestines were exposed to a large part, which was covered with grass and dirt.

Obviously, with the current chaos, even if there are doctors in the base, the lack of necessary drugs makes those doctors useless.

In particular, wounds like this, in the absence of antibiotics, even if they are stitched, I am afraid that they will die immediately.

The priest did not refuse the request of these people, followed them to the medical office. After the doctor cleaned the suture wound, the priest extended his right hand and hanged on the abdomen of the middle-aged man. He whispered in his mouth: "May the Lord Glory cures your wounds!"

Just as this sound began, Wei Xiaobei’s own strength in his body was pumped out. In a flash, the priest’s right hand flashed a white light and fell on the abdominal wound of the middle-aged man.

In the ward, a voice praising the sun **** sounded.

When the white light dissipated, the priest looked down at the wound and could not help but be taken aback.

The wound of more than 30 centimeters has recovered more than half!

The priest is quite familiar with the magical skills that he has released. In the past, even if the wound is sutured, he will heal a wound and he will heal some of the wounds and remove some infected germs.

Now, with a cure, the effect is actually several times before!

This made the priest unable to resist the ecstasy of the heart. Was the sun **** seeing my piety?

Of course, from the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, there are too many such situations.

For this, Wei Xiaobei probably understands some.

This is the magic that the gods really gave to the priests. Compared to the magical techniques given by the gods in the past, the magical skills given by the real sun gods are undoubtedly much stronger.

Of course, as a result, as long as those priests release the magic, the sun attached to Wei Xiaobei will lose a little strength.

After such superposition, the consumption of the sun is still very large.

But the sun’s beliefs are no more profitable than before.

The power of those beliefs was absorbed by the gods everywhere, and then Wei Xiaobei manually harvested the divine nature and poured it into the fireball.

However, now Wei Xiaobei can feel the power of the faith of those believers to follow the line of faith and input into the sun.

This makes the sun's income far greater than the consumption.

Of course, if the consumption is greater than the income, then the sun can cut off the connection of faith and avoid being taken away by the priests too much power.

In addition, the rituals that each priest can release every day are also limited. From this point of view, as long as those priests are not lazy in maintaining their faith, the power of the sun will always be several times more than the consumption. the above.

The mind left the sun, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

To say that you can now determine the spatial coordinates of believers based on the connection of beliefs, the problem is that even if Wei Xiaobei is certain, it is difficult to send himself to that space coordinate!

At least until Wei Xiaobei's understanding of space goes deeper, this is impossible.

"Apprentice, what are you doing? Still not going out?"

Just when Wei Xiaobei thought about whether he would simply wake up the green cow from the scalp, the blue cow woke up.

Probably the former Xiaobei incarnation of the sun brought a lot of light and heat to the night of Qingmufu, and awakened the blue cow.

"Master, I can't go out."

Seeing that the blue cow has awakened, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel overjoyed. It’s better to ask Master to take the shot, rather than to let him know how to leave the Qingmu Fudi.

"can not go out?"

The green cow is a bit stunned. Obviously, the master didn’t think of it before.

Probably the level of contact with it is too high, and there is no question at all about whether Wei Xiaobei has the ability.

It’s like an adult can open the door at random, but he didn’t think that the younger child couldn’t open the door.

"Well, for the teacher to refine a magic weapon for you, so that you can enter and exit."

The green cow said something, and a ox leg immediately became a human hand. A cow hair was pulled from the neck and a mouthful was blown. A cyan flame was generated on the cow hair and burned.

It didn't take long for the cow hair to disappear, and instead a semi-transparent key appeared.

Then Qingniu grabbed the key and threw it to Wei Xiaobei: "When you leave, let the teacher sleep well!"


In the face of the green cows who continue to sleep, Wei Xiaobei, the master of Aoki Fudi, can only honestly echo.

But how is this key used?

After Wei Xiaobei took the key, he tried to make a stroke in the air, and then there was a wave of ripples in the air. A straight space crack appeared, and a trace of real atmosphere penetrated through the crack in the space.

That's right, the opposite of the crack in the space that was drawn by the key is a reality.

However, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to want the past in such a space crack.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei immediately made a semicircle along the crack in the space. (To be continued.) 8

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