The City of Terror

Chapter 1347: , the egg of the turtle demon king?

This chapter is a scheduled cloth. At this time, the poor road is probably lying on the bed. Sorry, hahahaha.

Or take a look at the situation of the tortoise demon king.

To be honest, from the wake of the resurrection to the present, Wei Xiaobei did not feel the life of the tortoise and the demon king, and the heart was actually playing drums.

Wei Xiaobei stood up, his right hand touched the neck of the tortoise demon king, and the place where he started was no longer the smooth leather feel of the past. The rest was only a rough carbon sensation.

The hand slowly passed, and some carbon ash fell.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart slammed and jumped out of the storage ring to take out the dragon knives and gently slid through the neck of the scorpion demon king.

The carbon ash is all carbon ash. As the dragon knives continue to pass, a layer of carbon ash falls.

A recess of more than ten meters thick appeared, but it was still carbon ash.

Was the turtle demon king so hurt this time?

Wei Xiaobei left into the groove and wanted to thoroughly feel the life of this turtle.

But this time there was an accident, and a gust of wind blew, and the neck of the tortoise demon king snorted, then shook it, and it broke from the groove, like a giant pillar that fell toward the sea. go with!


A loud bang, the head of the tortoise and the demon king, together with the big half neck, slammed the waves on the sea.

But Wei Xiaobei was in a cold moment.

He can see clearly that the breaks in the neck of the turtle demon king are all carbon gray!

That is to say, this part of the tortoise monster demon king has been carbonized by robbery, including the skull!


Wei Xiaobei did not believe that, at the moment of his neck break, Wei Xiaobei felt the life of a scorpion turtle demon king still exists.

However, the head is gone, and the turtle demon king still has a breath of life?

Wei Xiaobei's gaze fell on the body of the giant tortoise, and if the turtle demon king still has a trace of life, then it should be in its body!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei took the dragon knives and jumped to the back of the scorpion demon king, and smashed it with a knife.

Carbon ash splashes!

A large amount of carbon ash pieces were cut out by a dragon chopper knife.

Gradually, the turtle demon king formed a big hole on the back and quickly extended downward.

When the depth of this big hole was over 20 meters, Wei Xiaobei finally caught the trace of life of the turtle and the demon king!

This is the direction!

The large hole dug by Wei Xiaobei began to tilt, advancing a little toward the belly of the tortoise demon king.

The carbon ash is all carbon ash.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei feels a little surprised. This turtle demon king has become a carbon ash, and it has not burned. This is a miracle.

Life is getting stronger and stronger, which means Wei Xiaobei is not far from it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's movements became cautious, and the choppers that served as gimmicks were careful every time.

When the breath of life was almost in front of him, Wei Xiaobei collected the dragon knives and he worried that he had accidentally ruined the last hope of the scorpion demon king.

Insert your hands into the carbon ash, gently plan, a little white appears in front of Wei Xiaobei.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei had some doubts, and the carbon ash around him was then opened.

That's it!

This is a white giant egg with a diameter of ten meters!

When I saw this white giant egg, Wei Xiaobei felt the familiar atmosphere of the tortoise and demon king, and suddenly understood it.

This turtle demon king turned the final power into a giant egg!

Wei Xiaobei carefully took the giant egg out of the carbon ash and then sent it to the storage ring.

After doing all this, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At least for now, the last hope of the tortoise demon king was saved.

The next step is to choose a suitable place and let it hatch.

As for the remaining body of the Turtle Demon King, it is basically useless for Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, a floating island made up of carbon ash, if it can be covered with a layer of soil, can be fixed next to other islands, adding some area.

However, these are the things that follow.

Wei Xiaobei climbed up from the big hole and took a shot of carbon ash with his hands. He was ready to go to Guodu Island in the big reef country to see the situation.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on the sea.

There is a small spot there, and it is flying towards this side. Wei Xiaobei can feel the familiar atmosphere from the little one!

It is Xiaolong!

Did the escaping dragon that had escaped come back?

For such an accident, Wei Xiaobei had some psychological preparations before.

That dragon is not a fool. Since the thunderstorm here is over, it is normal to run back and see.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not think that this dragon would come back so fast.

The dragon has not yet arrived, but the voice first arrived: "Ha ha ha, the old turtle demon is dead!"

Obviously, the head and neck floating on the sea after the smashing of the tortoise demon king made this dragon determine the death of the scorpion demon king!

Wei Xiaobei has now escaped from the big hole and quietly observed the increasingly close dragon.

This Snapdragon looks like what was before?

But then again, this guy has a lot of courage, and the other two dragons have not come back, this guy is back first.

It is a pity that Wei Xiaobei’s heart could not help but lament. I knew that there was such a chance to encounter the dragon alone, and I should prepare some bait in the storage ring.

It is important to know that the wishers who are extended by the fishing industry are used to deal with this dragon.

Unfortunately, the use of this ability requires a hook-and-fish line bait.

The special fish hook line, there is a pair in the storage ring, but this bait, since the last use, Wei Xiaobei has never been prepared.

Now even if you want to prepare, it is too late.

After seeing the body of the tortoise demon king, there was nothing to guard against, and the big swing flew over and looked like it, and there was a tendency to whip the body.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei took a dragon knives and digs holes down the sea level.

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At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who had dug a few tens of meters deep, felt the violent vibrations coming from all around, almost causing him to hit the wall. Not long after, the sea water poured in along the cave.

Wei Xiaobei even accelerated the excavation. When he digs through the body and enters the sea, he feels that the surrounding water is in a violent shock.

When he quietly probed out, but now the savage has already smashed the body of the scorpion demon king carbonized, a large number of cracks appear on his body, a huge wave or falling from the air, or rising from the sea, constantly Falling toward the body.

If you come down like this, I am afraid that it will not be a few times, and the body will collapse directly.

It’s hard to say that Wei Xiaobei’s heart is not very good.

But now, the giant demon of the tortoise demon king, Wei Xiaobei has already collected, seeing the fierce whip, and can barely endure.

Wei Xiaobei needs a time!

After all, the sternness on the sea directly added a bit of combat power and occupied the environmental advantage. If Wei Xiaobei went up to fight with each other in this way, it would be a stalemate at most.

If the other side of the reinforcements arrives, Wei Xiaobei will only be able to escape the end of the wolf.


The fierce continuous release of the huge waves failed to crush the body of the tortoise demon king. The mentality was somewhat eager. The body of the 100-meter-long body had a white cloud, and its tail suddenly stretched several times. Then he volleyed toward the body of the tortoise demon king.

Like a clear sky, blast!

The long tail of white was drawn on the body of the tortoise, and then a loud bang.

As the island's corpse erupted a burst of sound, it slowly split and turned into a huge block of carbon that still floated on the surface of the sea.

Finally, the body of this old turtle demon is broken!

Then I felt a sense of refreshment in my body and mind. Before that, the turtle demon king brought humiliation to myself, so that it never forgot.

This is also the case, it will take the risk to return to view the situation.

It is this time!

The opportunity is here!

Wei Xiaobei saw that the stern body was obviously relaxed. He knew that the opportunity was rare. He did not hesitate, and his legs slammed, and then he rushed to the sky and rushed toward it.

Just as it rushed into the sky, Wei Xiaobei grabbed a symbiotic big gun from the storage ring, sipped it, and unfolded his arm, and threw the symbiotic big gun toward the fierce belly!


Under the influence of Wei Xiaobei's giant force, this symbiotic big gun instantly turned into a white light. It took less than a few hundred meters in a short period of time, and the savage thorns in the abdomen!


A crisp crash came, and the symbiotic big gun was not a good product. It was just a symbiotic big gun that was produced when the front leg was shot. Whether it was sharp or firm, it was not too good.

Therefore, this symbiotic rifle failed to penetrate the scales on the abdomen, and was quickly flew out by thick scales.

Wei Xiaobei could even see that the symbiotic big gun had been permanently bent and was roughly scrapped.

It can also be seen that this sturdy scale is probably the perfect treasure of the treasure level.

Indeed, even if it is not a real dragon, how this dragon is a subspecies of the dragon, it can be said to be sitting in Jinshan, even if it is a scale, it is not comparable to everything.

Of course, even if the symbiotic big gun didn't break the scales, it made the pain a bit.

At this time, it’s like a big hate, but it’s the same feeling of chrysanthemum when it’s cool. This kind of feeling makes anger and anger, and turns to stare at Wei Xiaobei.

"蝼 蝼! Look for death!"

Obviously, Wei Xiaoli did not put Wei Xiaobei in his eyes. In its view, Wei Xiaobei was just a lucky man who relied on the tortoise and the demon king.

You may only need one tail to be able to kill each other!

After tasting the benefits of the tail hit, this sternness has a tendency to slam the tail.

Seeing that the fierce anger is incomparable, Wei Xiaobei knows that he is right. (To be continued.) 8

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