The City of Terror

Chapter 1348: 30% change dragon

It’s almost the end of the year. Looking back over the past year, it’s a wave of thoughts. Is this time running so fast? I believe that many brothers and sisters are waiting to go home for the New Year. I hope that everyone will be comfortable during the New Year, don't be too tired.

As far as speed is concerned, it is impossible for himself to fly faster than this dragon. Therefore, if the previous blow, he caused a heavy blow to the stern, then the result is only the other party suffered.

He will also lose the chance to get rid of the dragon!

Even if the dragon is hit hard, it is a breeze to escape.

Now, the violent anger, the whole body burst into a white mist, and the tail suddenly elongates, and it is slamming toward yourself!

Come well!

Wei Xiaobei Zhengzheng did not have the opportunity to approach this dragon. When he saw it, he greeted the dragon tail that had been drawn.

At the moment when the dragon tail draws on himself, the whole body is full of mercury, and the hands are like iron hoops, and the end of the dragon tail is firmly hugged!

This dragon's dragon tail hit, the power is not small, Wei Xiaobei just contact, a huge force came immediately!

After several consecutive unloadings, Wei Xiaobei still spewed a blood.

The internal organs are once again hit hard!

This is also Wei Xiaobei, the master of the national art, the control of the power of the whole body is extremely in place.

Switching to other four-star horror creatures, it may not be able to withstand it.

If you are stunned by a single blow, it is possible to hang it directly.

This is not a joke. The strongest part of this dragon is the tail. Especially when it is stretched, the strength of hundreds of meters of body gathers a little, it is terrible.

For his own injuries, Wei Xiaobei did not pay much attention to it.

For him now, as long as it is not hanging up, leaving a breath, you can recover.

But as long as you let yourself catch the tail, then the end of the dragon is here!

Wei Xiaobei was full of blood and smiled. The stern vision was not bad. Looking at the human beings who hugged their own tails, there was a chill in the inexplicable body. It seems that something bad is about to happen!

Light and hot!

In an instant, Wei Xiaobei released a lot of light and heat all over the body.

That sorrow only felt a tingling tingling in the tail, and the subconscious swayed the tail, trying to fly Wei Xiaobei directly.

As I said before, the tail of the dragon is the most powerful part of the whole body. The strength between it is enough to kill the 10,000-ton wheel!

But Wei Xiaobei is not vegetarian. He clings to the arms of the Shanwei and can burst out of 20,000 tons!

No matter how embarrassing it is, there is no way to send Wei Xiaobei out of his tail.

The most horrifying thing is that the group of light that is constantly emitting light and heat is climbing up along its tail! Wherever I went, I felt that the sting was hot and I didn’t feel anything after that.

Because the place that Wei Xiaobei climbed has been burned into carbon dust by the incredible heat!


Screaming in horror and horror, after sending a message to the distant brother, he turned and rushed toward the sea!

In the eyes of sorrow, if you want to get rid of this horrible human being, I am afraid that only the sea can be used.

For the stern move, Wei Xiaobei did not react, but continued to climb up along the Shanwei, only slightly speeding up.

The dragon plunged into the sea, and even as the waves rolled up, the huge waves continued to squat down Wei Weibei, who hugged the tail.

Although this has the potential to lose both sides, but that sternness has been unable to endure the horror of being burnt into a little bit of carbon.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei, the light and heat that radiated from his body, even if it was broken up by the huge waves, will be released in the next moment.

At this time, it seems to be mad in the sea. It even drills to the bottom of the sea and continually slams into the sea!

But all this is in vain.

When Wei Xiaobei climbed to the waist, the sternness basically lost the power of resistance.

The incredible heat of the heat, while boiling the sea, also burns the sturdy body into carbon ash.

At this moment, the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei suddenly subsided, and the sternness that had already fallen into desperation could not help but give birth to a glimmer of hope.

"When my brother arrives, you are dead!"

The dying, only the threat of the head and the small body of the body is so strong.

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel helpless. Is this guy burned with his brain?

Actually threaten yourself at this time?

"I don't know if I die, but I know that you are dead."

In view of the fact that many big villains have many words and were finally turned over by the enemy, Wei Xiaobei only said this sentence. Even if he took out the dragon knives, he grabbed the scales on the huge head and smashed his hands!

After a single cut, there was no obstruction at all, breaking the scales and opening the bones, and then turning the wrists, and then smashed the fierce head!

I am so dying!

At this point, this four-star horrible dragon has finally lost its life in Xiaobei!

Seeing that the blood was going to spurt out, Wei Xiaobei’s hand was fast, and he even took the stern head and residual body into the storage ring.

With the eyes of top chefs, Wei Xiaobei can see that this meat is the top quality ingredients!

Although the blood stasis is considered to be an ingredient, its taste is too heavy, and the grade as a food ingredient is low.

It is the strong vitality contained in it. If it can be extracted with herbs, it can produce the top potion.

As for the cheekbones, suede, scales, etc., it is all refining materials, needless to say.

He whispered, Wei Xiaobei took a long breath and spit out a long stream of bubbles in the sea.

too tired.

I scatter my own enthusiasm and fight with this savage, almost draining my energy!

However, this time is not a time to rest. After Wei Xiaobei erased the traces left by the seabed, he dug a big pit and buried himself. Then he calmed down and converge on the whole body, as if he had died.

Not long after, the two dragons flew over here.

"The savage breath has disappeared!"

One of the dragons screamed.

Although these dragons are quite intriguing after entering the reality, they all want to take the Tunghai Dragon Palace to their own hands and enjoy the rare power.

But they are lonely in this world, only three in their class.

Well, those subordinates of the East China Sea Dragon Palace are not the same in their eyes.

Therefore, at this time, after discovering that the savage life is gone, these two dragons will be so scared.

Soon, Xiaolong quickly discovered the carbon corpses scattered on the sea.

"The old tortoise is dead."

The two dragons looked at each other and thought about what they thought. After searching for it again, they left the place in a hurry.


After Wei Xiaobei climbed out of the big pit in the seabed, I really couldn’t figure it out. These two dragons actually ran like this?

However, waiting for Xiaobei to recover slightly, after catching up with the breath of the two dragons, I finally saw what the two dragons were doing.

These two dragons are vying for a bead on the sea!

That bead seems to be life-like, flying back and forth in the air, dodging the pursuit of two dragons.

The two dragons are fighting each other and chasing the beads, which is extremely urgent.

That is?

Wei Xiaobei's eyes at this time were directly attracted by the beads.

This bead looks at the appearance of the extraordinary light, the size of the fist, and the outer layer of water ripples, giving the impression that there is a sea.

Everything is familiar!

Wei Xiaobei knows that the beads that can make the two dragons compete must be treasures, so they did not hesitate, and their eyes gathered together, and then they started everything.

Name: Dragon Ball (Introduction Lingbao)

Introduction: After five centuries of real dragon practice, a dragon ball is condensed. The dragon ball gathers the essence of the dragon to create its essence. It contains a little ocean rules, with the power of the sea, swallowing the dragon, and the clouds are available.

Effect one: Long Qi, Dragon Ball naturally emits the true dragon's gas, which can shock the Bai people in the water.

Effect 2: The power of the sea, carrying Dragon Ball, wherever you go, the waves are quiet, the mind is together, the storm is raining.

Effect 3: Hualong, swallowing Dragon Ball has a rate of 30% into a true dragon, 50% rate into a dragon, 20% rate into a dragon egg.

Effect 4: Tengyun driving fog, carrying dragon beads, can attract a cloud to fly at the foot

Sure enough, baby!

When Wei Xiaobei read the Dragon Ball's property sheet, his eyes could not help but brighten up.

Getting started with Lingbao level baby!

To say the treasure of the Lingbao level, Wei Xiaobei has seen a lot, and even made a few Lingbao-level dishes.

But the Dragon Ball is different.

Its dragon gas, the power of the sea, the effect of the clouds, the Wei Xiaobei is not how to look at the eyes.

But the effect of the dragon, let Wei Xiaobei look a bit straight.

Although only 30% rate is turned into a real dragon, but Dragon Ball is also a treasure!

Wei Xiaobei knows how powerful the real dragon is, and the beginning is the strength of the four-star disaster!

Think about phlegm and you will know.

Of course, there are also bonfires and the like that are not very reliable, but it is because their true dragon blood is not pure, and it was frightened by sputum inflammation at that time, so it seems so embarrassing.

But even these true dragons whose blood is not pure, their strength is not to be underestimated.

Do not say anything else, the strength of the true dragon body is enough to make Wei Xiaobei envious.

Dragon scales, dragon skins, these two make the body of the real dragon almost indestructible!

Compared with the defense of the real dragon, Wei Xiaobei feels that his defense is a scum.

Well, in fact, even if the dragon's defense power, it is better than Wei Xiaobei!

After all, Wei Xiaobei is only a personal class, and there is no natural strong defense force like a dragon.

And such a powerful defense, Wei Xiaobei only need to swallow Dragon Ball, it is possible to get!

Of course, the only trouble here is that after swallowing the Dragon Ball, it is not 100% turned into a real dragon, and a 50% chance is turned into a dragon, or a 20% chance is turned into a dragon egg.

If it can be turned into a true dragon 100%, Wei Xiaobei will not swallow.

Get the defensive power of the body from the air, and you can get more powerful power!

But if it turns into a dragon egg, it will be sad. (To be continued.).


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