The City of Terror

Chapter 1349: Dead reconnaissance aircraft

As usual, this chapter is a scheduled cloth. At this time, the poor road is fighting in the dark room. There is not much nonsense. Let's read the book. ??

Wei Xiaobei has no time to grow up.

Well, it is better not to swallow it for the time being.

Wei Xiaobei thought of it silently.

Well, no!

Wei Xiaobei suddenly said that the Dragon Ball was still under the competition of the two dragons, and it was not in his own hands!

Well, Wei Xiaobei made a mistake and made a mistake that many mortals would make.

Just like buying a lottery ticket and not making a prize, I think that I have already made five million, and it is better to think about how to be smart.

Dragon Ball is mine!

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed on the two dragons, sinking into the sea and quietly swimming towards the sea.

To say the origin of this dragon ball, Wei Xiaobei probably can guess.

This may be one of the treasures of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. After all, the East China Sea Dragon Palace is the place where the true dragons gather. So many real dragons do not know how many dragon beads will come out. Occasionally one or two dragon beads appear in reality.

Perhaps it is the influence of these three dragons from the gray world into reality.

In short, these three dragons should know the existence of this dragon ball before, but they can't argue and form a stalemate. No one can get this dragon ball.

Now, sternly hangs, only two Snapdragons are left, breaking the stalemate, and then it is easy to compete for Dragon Ball.

The movement of the two dragons when they compete for the Dragon Ball is not small.

The wind and the wind above the sea, the huge waves rolling, the two dragons are killing you and living, there is no blood at all.

When Wei Xiaobei quietly lurked in the past, he could feel the violent turmoil of the sea, and the huge waves skyrocketed, and the depth of the affected water was over fifty or sixty meters!

In such an environment, I am afraid that even the 10,000-ton ship has been overturned!

Perhaps this Dragon Ball is too important for Xiaolong, and the two dragons have already killed their eyes.

Indeed, if other creatures take Dragon Ball, the chance of turning into a real dragon is only 30%, but this dragon is probably not necessarily.

The original body contains some true dragon blood, taking the Dragon Ball, the chance of being turned into a real dragon will be increased to more than 50%!

This 50% rate is enough to make Xiaolong pay all the price.

It should be known that among the aquariums, the power position between the dragon and the real dragon is even somewhat different.

Take the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the nine dragons, gave birth to their son and daughter, gave birth to the real dragon, then even the East China Sea Dragon King may attend its 100th birthday feast, and after the adulthood can open the government building, points Get a sea, call the king to dominate, have an orthodox identity!

But if you gave birth to a dragon.

Oh, it’s just an external support. There isn’t even a chance to host a 100-day banquet. The East China Sea Dragon Palace will raise you to adulthood and kick out.

If you have the ability to do it yourself, you may be able to occupy a piece of land in the river. If you are not lucky, you may be killed by other powerful people.

Of course, there are not a few good-heartedness in the mind of Xiaolong. The dragons who left the Dragon Palace to go outside, taking advantage of their own strength, occupying the majority, and do not do evil, do not occupy the majority, so it is not too much to be called evil.

In short, for these two dragons, this dragon ball means stepping into the sky and climbing to the top!

Just like the ancient Chinese imperial examinations, don't say anything else, as long as you are admitted to the people, it means that you have status and status, if you are admitted to the scholar! That is the orthodox official identity. From then on, you are not an ordinary person, but a court official!

This can also understand the current mentality of these two dragons.

Wei Xiaobei finally lurked in the waters of the two dragons fighting, but he did not rush to shoot.

Don't look at these two dragons now killing you and living, once Wei Xiaobei appears, huh, I am afraid that the two dragons will turn around and deal with Wei Xiaobei.

After all, the two dragons compete for Dragon Ball, killing it again, and it is only internal contradictions, while Wei Xiaobei is an outsider. Once it appears, it means that it may want to compete for Dragon Ball!

You must be inside!

This point, the two dragons still know.

Wei Xiaobei waited underneath, waiting quietly.

The two dragons between the two dragons are smashing, and you lick me a tail, I bite you.

For them, the huge waves that are provoked in the battle are already incidental attacks.

However, for Xiaolong, the huge waves slap on them and they are not very useful.

Xiaolong's water control ability is much worse than that of the real dragon, but it is enough to cope with the huge waves. Even they can bounce back the huge waves and attack the enemy.

Therefore, the killing between the two, the more damage that can be caused is the melee!

Perhaps the battle between the dragons and the dragons was too much. It didn't take long for a plane to appear in the distance and quickly flew over here.

When I saw the plane appearing, Wei Xiaobei knew that the plane was finished.

No matter how good its performance is, how fast it is, it is still not enough to look at in front of Xiaolong.

It was a Sam’s reconnaissance plane that came from a Sam’s military base thousands of miles away.

It flies above 20,000 meters and there are very few weapons that can threaten it.

At this time, the dragon is fighting above the altitude of the kilometer, it seems that there is not much threat.

So the reconnaissance plane quickly approached the battlefield, and there was an exclamation in the plane: "God, what did I see?"

"Is it a two giant snake that can fly?"

"Maybe the feather snake in myths and legends?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Tom, take all the pictures and send them back."

The two dragons naturally did not notice the plane overhead, and perhaps for them, the reconnaissance plane was just a fly-like existence.

Undoubtedly, the scenes that the reconnaissance plane can capture are far more detailed than the satellites.

At least, the top officials of the Sam State are very satisfied.

At this time, the 17th special aviation team affiliated with Sam is coming here.

The 17th special aviation team of Sam is a strategic bomber formation. It has three b71 strategic bombers with a range of 15,000 kilometers. It can reach 22,000 kilometers in the air once, claiming that the world is reaching destruction!

Of course, this b71 strategic bomber is still worse than the Chinese dragon strategic bomber in terms of voyage and stealth capability.

But in any case, the b71 strategic bomber fired a nuclear bomb attack target thousands of kilometers away, and it is the most sophisticated among the various nuclear weapon launching platforms of Sam.

It can even control the impact point within five meters of the target radius!

Of course, this requires the reconnaissance plane to guide the nuclear bomb attack.

And now, it's all there.

Sam is preparing to give the two dragons a raid, hoping to get some of their bodies to study the secrets they can fly.

After all, the huge body of the dragon, the long snake-like body that is completely unsuitable for flying can actually fly, which seems to be incredible.

If you can get some of its bodies, Sam believes that you can take a big step in biological research! Even able to apply it in the military field, the more summer!

Of course, for Sam, it is very difficult for this action to be kept secret.

At this time, I don't know how many military satellites have pointed the radar here.

In fact, it is not only the strategic bomber formation of the Samo Kingdom, but also an aircraft carrier formation of the Scorpio State, and even three fast-breaking destroyers of the Huaxia Kingdom.

Except for these three countries, the rest of the country is too far away from here, and it is difficult to arrive in a short time, or even if it is arrived, the porridge is cold.

The Sam’s reconnaissance plane cruised at high altitude and constantly transferred the following situation back to China.

The two Snapdragons below have entered the entangled state.

The dragon is a serpentine, and naturally has the means to strangle the enemy. But the problem is that when the opponent is also a dragon, the situation is not very good.

The two sides are intertwined with each other, just like two wires entangled together, they are constantly trying to twist each other into a meat sauce!

Well, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, once this happens, then the distance is not far away.

This is like the master described in the Chinese martial arts to fight against the general internal force, whoever is a chess game, will soon be defeated, like the dam collapsed, it is out of control.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

The dragon ball that was chased by the two dragons stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the sea before the two dragons entangled.

In the eyes of the two dragons, this dragon ball is probably also escaping, so that the two dragons are assured of making a big kill to each other!

After waiting for the two sides to get together, the dragon ball suddenly moved between them, drawing a blue ripple in the air, and rushing toward the sky in an instant.

When the two dragons look at them, they are dumbfounded. They are eager to chase. The body of more than 200 meters in length is like a wire. It is not an easy task to solve it in a flash.

The two sides made a hard effort to earn, not only failed to solve, but the two sides' body was even more entangled.

But fortunately, the two dragons flew upwards at the same time, although the flight was too twisted, but the degree was not slow, at least not let the dragon ball out of sight.

At this time, the reconnaissance plane flew to the line where the dragon ball rushed straight.


A sound like a firecracker blast came out. The six crew members in the cabin of the reconnaissance plane appeared on the cabin with a bowl-sized hole, while a blue-blue bead was suspended in the cabin.

How is this happening?

What the hell?

Of course, there is no time for the crew to think about it.

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, the air is thin, and a hole appears in the cabin, which instantly makes the air in the cabin leak out. This causes a gust of wind in the cabin and **** everything toward the hole.

Fortunately, at this time a tablet was sucked and pasted on the hole, which blocked the leaking air. (To be continued.) 8

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