The City of Terror

Chapter 1350: Withdraw

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The crew was scared to have a cold sweat on the back when they thought that this hole might cause serious disintegration of the aircraft.

But the most critical question now is how is this bead? Where did you come from?

Although the gravity is weakened above 20,000 meters above sea level, it is not without gravity. It is clear that the crew can stand on the cabin floor.

So why can this bead fly in the air against the law of gravity?

"God! I think we may have got something wrong!"

"Yes, I guess it might be the apple of Newton."

"Oh, this is not the baby that God has fallen on earth?"

The crew talked a lot and completely forgot that they were still on the plane at 20,000 meters.

But at this time, the pilot's voice rang in the communication channel: "Fuck! The two giant snakes are catching up with us!"

That's right, although the two dragons can't be separated from the entangled state for a while, but the two dragons work together, this is not slow, not long after they rushed to the height of 10,000 meters, with their It is only a matter of time before the 20,000 meters.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also had to rush out of the sea and chase up.

Very simple, Dragon Ball rushed into the plane. If the plane ran away, then Dragon Ball could not find it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is an adventure, but he has to fight it.

"leave here!"

As the highest officer in the reconnaissance crew, a lieutenant colonel immediately ordered it.

Subsequently, a correspondent began to use a military shackle to try to touch the bead.

Indeed, in the face of things that are not understood, temptation is a better way to study much better than taking the beads directly into the hands.

But the problem is coming out, this is a dragon ball, a treasure of the entry Lingbao level!

I have said before that the quality of a baby like this is higher, so the danger to ordinary people is greater.

Take Heaven Mountain Stone, is this stuff a baby?

Yes, it is definitely a baby.

It contains a large amount of positive energy, can serve as a good refiner material, even if it is not refining, wearing it on the body, it can also play the role of dispelling yin, evil spirits and so on.

The problem can be solved.

The positive energy contained in the paradise stone is extremely repelling the existence of other elements of energy, which is not a good thing for ordinary people.

Ordinary people wear this thing, although it can ward off evil, but over time, the body is weak because of positive energy repelling other elements.

There is also the pen fairy spirit beads, which can enhance the soul strength after swallowing, which is regarded as a very precious baby.

But if the ordinary person swallows a pearl, I am afraid that it will be frozen to death in a blink of an eye.

And this Dragon Ball is also true.

You don't touch it, you don't have anything, but if you use something to touch this stuff, especially if you take a metal plaque to touch the dragon ball, the problem is big.

We must know that in the Chinese culture, the five elements are an issue that cannot be avoided.

And the five elements are opposite each other, and one of them is Jin Shengshui!

The correspondent carefully stretched his arm and gently touched the dragonfly toward the dragon ball.

The next moment, the dragon ball is covered with a layer of water blue ripples, and in a flash, a sea of ​​water rushes out!


To be honest, such a change, no one crew thought.

The sea water flowing from the Dragon Ball was extremely turbulent, and the reconnaissance plane was filled in the blink of an eye, so that the crew members could not even send out the cry for help, and the sea water poured into the cockpit along the cabin door.

The two pilots didn’t understand what was going on and they were soaked in the sea.

In an instant, many instruments on the reconnaissance plane directly entered the water and scrapped.

Dozens of tons of sea water directly caused the reconnaissance plane to change from flat to fall.

The most terrible thing is that the Dragon Ball is constantly pouring water around!

Finally, just after the plane fell for a kilometer, a violent metal twist came and the reconnaissance plane was broken and disintegrated in the air by the sea.

Not to mention the fate of those crew members, the seawater released by Dragon Ball will be broken down after being crushed by the aircraft.

Obviously, the large amount of debris after the disintegration of the reconnaissance plane made Dragon Ball get the best cover.

The two cymbals that were rushing forward were a bit dumbfounded. They rushed up and wanted to kill the metal monster and recapture the Dragon Ball. I didn’t expect this thing to hang up.

But after that, Xiaolong came back to God and struggled to get up, ready to find Dragon Ball first.

Unexpectedly, this rush made the two dragons unravel each other.

The seawater mixed in the wreckage of the plane was then separated under the control of the dragon. In the process, Dragon Ball could no longer conceal the blue brilliance of his own, and once again flew away in the distance.

Run again?

Seeing the Dragon Ball flying away, Xiaolong naturally will not take care of the disintegrated aircraft, and then catch up.

However, Wei Xiaobei caught up and looked at the wreckage of the plane falling towards the sea.

But even if he wants to save people, he can't do anything about it.

The reason is simple, the crew members have already hanged.

Not to mention that the sea water is enough to drown them. When the two dragons are trying to separate the sea water, there is no such thing as gentleness. The debris left in the sea has already broken them.

Not to mention that a reconnaissance plane lost contact inexplicably, and then disintegrated in the air, so that the high-level heart of the Sam State could not help but hurt. The direction of the Dragon Ball flew toward the three strategic bombers of Sam.

Of course, the strategic bomber formation did not know that a dragon ball was flying towards them. The only information they could get was that the two magical serpents were flying in their direction.

"Each unit, two conventional missiles are ready to test!"

Although the current missile is basically not tested, the 40-year-old captain has issued this order.


With the release of the order, the abdominal bombing chambers of the three b71 strategic bombers were immediately opened. A cruise conventional missile with a length of five meters was immediately thrown out of the magazine, and after a few seconds of falling down, it ignited and began to move toward the intended target. Travel long distances.

These cruise conventional missiles have a range of up to 1,300 kilometers. They can use the terrain navigation system to attack the ground or sea targets at a height of 50 meters from the ground. They can also attack the air targets under the guidance of satellite or electronic early warning aircraft. Play more energy.

Undoubtedly, the captain wants to test the strength of the two giant snakes first.

It’s impossible to fly a nuclear bomb with a target.

Cruise missiles fly in sub-tones, so even if the other party is approaching, but want to hit the target, at least forty minutes!

In this way, the captain feels that he can also grind a cup of fragrant Jamaican coffee and enjoy this rare free time.

Of course, this is also due to the smoothness of the strategic bomber flight, the aircraft with enough heads, when the plane is flying, a cup of water on a special table, probably will not spill.

The two dragons have been chasing the dragon beads for more than 30 minutes, and they can see that the dragon ball is slowing down.

This makes them bite.

They know that there is a sense of faint father in the Dragon Ball, and the subconscious will avoid them. Otherwise, they will have succeeded.

The only thing that puzzled the two dragons was that they had swallowed the Dragon Ball before Mao. Instead of hiding in that place?

However, the dragon's pearl began to slow down, which also made the atmosphere between the dragons become tense again.

They all know that when the dragon is reduced to a sufficient degree, a big battle between the two sides is inevitable!

No matter who it is, it is impossible to hand over this dragon ball!

Just then, two good-eyed dragons saw six small spots in the distance.

No, not a small point, it is a kind of cylindrical thing.

What is it?

Nine dragons have never seen a missile.

Well, when the big reef Guodu Island was defending, it did not shoot missiles, so that Xiaolong did not know that this thing would explode.

However, when Dragon Ball saw the missile, it accelerated again, and the straight line flew toward the missiles.

Is it the guy who wants to cut the Hu?

Xiaolong couldn't judge the monster that the missile was, and saw the Dragon Ball Plus. He couldn't help but rush, and then chased it up.

On a strategic bomber far more than 800 kilometers away, the captain had just drank a cup of aromatic coffee, and he was refreshed and watched the target and missiles through satellite video.

"Well, the serpent, try the human meeting, haha."

The captain's fingers gently tapped on the screen, and the warheads of the six missiles were unlocked!

The next moment, when Xiaolong prepared a tail to send the missile to the flight, a series of explosions and flashes flashed, and the two dragons were all blown up.

Xiaolong did not think that this thing will be a fire, it will explode!

Of course, even if the missile with the conventional explosive warhead is exploded, it will not have much damage to the defensive dragon.

The problem is that the two dragons didn't know what was going on and they were sneaked.

The heart is angry and burning!

But there is no target for them to vent, only to anger in the heart, rushed out of the smoke after the explosion, and once again chased toward the Dragon Ball.

"Fuck! Actually nothing?"

After seeing the video transmitted by the satellite, the captain could not help but swear.

Even if there was psychological preparation before, the captain still felt a little unbelievable.

You know, although the missiles are conventional missiles, the warheads contain five hundred kilograms of the most advanced t4 explosives!

The t4 explosive is also known as a nuclear bomb that is not a nuclear bomb.

If you don't say anything, even the most sturdy battleship will be blown out of a hole. (To be continued.) 8

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