The City of Terror

Chapter 1351: , nuclear bomb, little sun?

I checked it carefully and suddenly found that my head was not washed, which led to my codeword not being focused. Well, I went to wash my hair. Note: Do it yourself.

The two strange serpents were all right, which really surprised him.

As I said before, the formation leader will never believe that creatures will have such a strong defense!

This is the symptom of the rigid thinking.

To say that the captain is also a well-informed figure, I know a lot about the monsters invading the reality, and I have seen some videos.

But those videos made him more certain about his ideas.

The reason is very simple. The protagonists in those videos are all monsters appearing in Sam's country. They are only using powerful firearms. As for the flesh, they are stronger than ordinary humans. They are far from being able to resist human firearms. Not to mention the extent of the dragon.

No matter what kind of thinking the captain used, he could not tell how the two dragons escaped from the missile attack.

But it doesn't matter, the captain has only one purpose at this time, serving the interests of Sam!

Then it was time to put a nuclear bomb, and the captain’s face, which seemed to be amiable, suddenly became awkward.

I only hope that the two giant snakes will have more dead bodies under the bombardment of nuclear bombs.

After all, the captain also knows how high-level the hope is to get the bodies of these two giant snakes.

"All noticed, ready to deliver goods! Check the time, now it is 15:12:31, the first machine is placed 600 seconds later, the first one, coordinates 1381, 1928, 3891, 680 seconds after the second, the third After the 260th second of the coordinate No. 2 machine, three pieces are placed at one time, and the coordinates, the third machine 590 seconds later, the first one is placed, the coordinates"

The formation leader immediately began to issue orders.

According to his order, the three strategic bombers will successively launch cruise missiles carrying nuclear warheads according to the time band, and according to the coordinates they have divided, these nuclear bombs will arrive at the coordinate area at the same time within a time of less than three seconds. After exploding in a circle, there is no chance for the two dragons to escape!

I have to say that this hand is really beautiful.

And the cruise missiles ordered by the former captain will also be illusory by the two dragons. They believe that the power of this cruise missile is not so good that it will not escape.

After all, the speed of these two dragons really surprised the team leader.

Its speed is more than 600 kilometers per hour!

Although this speed is far less than those supersonic fighters, it is not comparable to those on earth.

You know, the fastest flying creature on the planet is the Swifttail, which has a normal flight speed of 175 km/h and a maximum speed of 375 km/h.

This dragon is almost twice as fast as the Swifttail.

This speed made the team leader have to use his mind to design this plan.

It takes only ten minutes in 600 seconds, and it is about 100 kilometers ahead of the speed of the dragon.

When the first strategic bomber opened the magazine and put a thick missile out, the dragon was less than 600 kilometers away.

A missile quickly ignited after being put on, accelerated, and turned into a small spot in the vision of the captain, and eventually disappeared.

This allowed the formation leader and even the members of the entire strategic bomber formation to enter a tense atmosphere.

"There are 3 minutes from the coordinate point"

As the sound became louder and the atmosphere became more and more tense, the captain who had been casually drinking coffee didn't even know that the coffee was accidentally spilled out of his hand, and the eyes were staring at the display.

Wei Xiaobei has long noticed some dangerous premonitions, but he found that this danger does not seem to be directed at himself, but against the two front dragons who are desperately chasing Dragon Ball!

If you change to the previous words, a dangerous premonition like this will appear. Wei Xiaobei will measure it a bit, and may eventually give up tracking the two dragons.

The problem is that this danger is not for yourself. If you give up, the dragon ball must be lost!

With this in mind, Wei Xiaobei made a decision and continued to track!

After all, the value of this dragon ball is too high, so that Wei Xiaobei has to take risks.

However, after a few minutes, Wei Xiaobei could not cry even crying.

The long strips of flying objects that suddenly appeared in the distance and the white smoke that was pulled out of the air behind them undoubtedly showed their identity.


Even Wei Xiaobei can clearly see a sign drawn on the missile warhead!

Yellow bottom, black three and a half arc plus a small black dot in the middle!


For this sign, the two dragons flying in front must not know, but Wei Xiaobei is familiar.

That is the sign of nuclear energy!

That is to say, several missiles flying from the front are nuclear bombs!

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei suddenly understood that the danger that he had felt before Mao was directed at Xiaolong, but he could feel it!

The reason for this is that he has become the fish of the city gate and the fish!

Well, Wei Xiaobei has the heart of her mother at this time.

The missiles that appeared were not only five in front, but also four in the side, and their heights were inconsistent!

In other words, the nine missiles carrying nuclear warheads form a semi-envelope with different levels!


Wei Xiaobei certainly has strong confidence in his current body, but those are not nuclear reactors! It is the ability to raise the core temperature to a tens of millions of nuclear bombs in a flash!

It can be said that once the nuclear bomb explodes, any matter in the central area will be vaporized!

Wei Xiaobei can't want to try this taste!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, a pound, and quickly fell from the sky to the sea!

Although this method of falling is not very comfortable, but Wei Xiaobei at this time can not wait.

The two dragons were still chasing the dragon ball, and they did not put the nine flying missiles in their eyes.

When one of the missiles approached them, a Snapdragon even slammed it up in an attempt to take the guy who was running around.

At this moment, the safety device in the nuclear bomb was opened.

In a thousandth of a second, the three pure uranium in the nuclear bomb was pushed together by the explosive gas after the explosion. Immediately afterwards, the three pure uranium gathered together made the chain reaction climb!

Nuclear fission reaction burst!

The tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature brought about by the nuclear fission reaction cause a layer of thermonuclear material attached to the nuclear fission device to enter the nuclear fusion reaction!

The tens of millions of degrees generated by the nuclear fusion reaction directly sent the outermost layer of uranium 8 into the nuclear fission reaction!

These missiles fired by strategic bombers carry three-phase bombs!

The so-called three-phase bomb is a nuclear bomb composed of three layers of nuclear material. The innermost layer is the most prone to nuclear fission uranium 5, while the second layer is composed of heavy hydrogen nuclear material, and the third layer is uranium 8. A material that is difficult to undergo nuclear fission.

The three layers of nuclear material are buckled in one ring, and the nuclear explosion continues! The ability to release the energy contained in nuclear materials to the maximum extent!

In fact, nuclear warheads like this are much more efficient than ordinary atomic bombs or hydrogen bombs.

The dragon that used the tail to slam the missile had a big idea. The high temperature generated by the instantaneous explosion of the nuclear bomb caused the temperature within 50 meters of the radius to rise to 30 million degrees in a moment, and then the high temperature spread in the direction of light radiation and high-temperature gas spreading around. Go out.

In that moment, the dragon was burnt into a gas! Of course, this is because the dragon has covered a layer of sea water outside the body at the first time. Otherwise, not half of the body is burned into gas.

Under the erosion of 30 million degrees of high temperature, let alone the dragon, I am afraid that even a real dragon can not be discussed here!

It is a hydrogen bomb! !

Fake, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is once again arrogant!

At the moment of the missile explosion, Wei Xiaobei felt the endless nuclear radiation passing through the kilometer distance and acting on himself in the first time.

Unlike neutron bombs, the most powerful three-phase bombs are nuclear radiation, light radiation and even high-temperature shock waves. Of course, after the explosion, nuclear pollution is quite serious.

The half-body is burned into a gas-filled dragon. In fact, it does not live for a long time. The diffused light radiation and high-temperature gas directly bake the seawater outside the dragon, and ignite the remaining body of the dragon!

This dragon is not saved.

The distance between the other dragons is a bit far, but it is also the first time to turn into a tumbling seawater to protect itself.

But this seems to be a futile action.

With a nuclear bomb exploding in just 20 seconds, the sky above the height of 10,000 meters is like igniting a glaring sun!

"What a beautiful picture."

After the nuclear bomb exploded one by one, the captain of the formation had long put on special glasses for preventing radiation, and looked at the small sun that had been extinguished after the group was lit up, and the heart could not help but be happy.

To be honest, as the commander of a strategic bomber formation, the captain will probably only have the opportunity to launch a nuclear bomb this life.

At this point, he is already lucky than many of his predecessors.

You know, many pilots of strategic bombers, crew members have not fired nuclear bombs in their lifetime.

This is a bit like a dragon and a knife, but there is no sadness to the dragon.

"Well? What happened? Why didn't the nuclear bomb go out?"

Suddenly, the captain could not help but exclaimed and attracted everyone's attention.

After all, not everyone has special glasses, they are more wearing glasses to prevent nuclear radiation.

But no one will care about the light radiation that the eyes may be exposed to.

The captain was right. There was a nuclear bomb that was not extinguished.

It should be known that after the explosion, the nuclear bomb can throw out violent light radiation all around, but this can last for a few seconds. After that, the mushroom cloud formed by the nuclear bomb will reduce the light radiation because of the rapid decrease of temperature, so that visible light cannot be formed. (To be continued)

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