The City of Terror

Chapter 1352: Light and heat

In a few days, I feel that something is wrong, lumbar vertebrae, shoulders, buttocks, winter is really bad -

This is equivalent to being extinguished in the human eye.

But in the air at this time, a glaring little sun still hangs there, emitting light and heat around!

What is going on?

How can this be? ! !

Even the pilot with the least understanding of nuclear physics opened his mouth at this time.

It is difficult to maintain a long-lasting nuclear fusion reaction in the top nuclear physics laboratory with the current scientific research conditions on the earth, let alone this is just a nuclear bomb!

How can this be?

There must be something wrong!

At this time, the captain did not dare to neglect, and even reported the information.

Of course, even if the Sam’s high-level officials get this information, it is of no use.

For them, this is an unexplained singular phenomenon!

In the little sun they feel is very strange, Wei Xiaobei's body is almost completely melted.

Although the light and heat that he released did not cause too much damage to his body, those nuclear bombs that were constantly exploding actually pitted him.

Although these nuclear bombs are not too large, they are only about 500,000 to 1 million tons of equivalent, but in the three-dimensional range of length, width and height of no more than three kilometers, the explosion of nine such nuclear bombs will be an effect. ?

To put it bluntly, the two dragons were surrounded by a series of injuries, such as nuclear radiation, light radiation, high-temperature shock waves, etc., although Wei Xiaobei escaped but did not escape completely, the two missiles exploded at a distance. Wei Xiaobei is less than a kilometer!

And Wei Xiaobei is sandwiched in the middle, like the same small sandwich biscuit!

Light is the first wave of nuclear radiation that passes through the body, that is, the neutron flux, so that Wei Xiaobei's body quickly appears large and small black blisters!

This does not only appear on the skin, including the body of Wei Xiaobei, also appears!

Such black blisters appear in all places where there are spaces in the blood vessels, trachea, lungs, bladder, etc!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt like a roast duck in the oven, and his body suddenly collapsed.

The light radiation that followed us made Wei Xiaobei's skin coke for the first time, and the water in the body was instantly evaporated by more than 70%!

The last high-temperature shock wave is actually the least harmful to Wei Xiaobei. However, the high-temperature shock wave rushed from both sides gives Wei Xiaobei the feeling that he is pinched in the middle by two red-hot soldering irons. extrusion!

Any of these three kinds of damage, replaced by any kind of creature on the earth, is probably dead.

Even if it is known as the invincible Xiaoqiang, the water bear who can open the water and survive in the vacuum can not survive.

But Wei Xiaobei survived.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei gave up resistance at the time, it would be dead.

It’s no exaggeration to describe it with frustration.

However, when Wei Xiaobei discovered that his state was rapidly deteriorating, he thought that there would be no difference in what went wrong, and simply stimulated the rules of light and heat!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei's body is a layer of light, and endless light and heat are emitted!

What makes Wei Xiaobei amazed is that after the launch of the light and heat rules, the radiation from the nuclear explosion, the shock wave is instantly dissipated by the diffused light and heat!

Within the rules, I am the king!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei’s mind showed this quite a bit of two words, but his heart was an inexplicable impulse at this time. If it was not shameful, he might have already said this sentence.

But this is the truth!

After looking around for a circle, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that within the limits of his own light and heat, nuclear radiation and even the wind and dust mixed with nuclear dust could not be invaded.

I am the king?

That's it!

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei suddenly realized that the momentum in the body suddenly climbed!

At this moment, even in the distance, those crew members on the strategic bomber formations who dare not approached felt the rising horror!

In the feelings of these crew members, this is the horrible destruction of terror!

They had a cold sweat on their backs and quickly lowered their heads! They have the illusion that if they are disrespectful to this master of the breath, I am afraid that waiting for themselves is a deep abyss!

After the interest rate, the horrible breath suddenly retracted, and in a blink of an eye, it was retracted to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei spit out a long sigh of relief, and his heart was very happy.

Although the nuclear bomb exploded a few times, but let yourself be blessed in disguise!

It seems that the phrase bursting healthier is not a hole in the wind.

Wei Xiaobei's mouth was slightly bent, and the whole body's light and heat quickly dissipated. At this moment, Wei Xiaobei's eyes widened.

At this time, due to the nuclear dust generated by the explosion of nine nuclear bombs and the like, the above-mentioned high altitude is seen as smog and the visual field is greatly affected.

But in the air less than 50 meters from Wei Xiaobei, it was a little blue light shimmering.

For this, Wei Xiaobei is already very familiar with it.

That dragon ball!

This is what Wei Weibei did not think of.

The two dragons failed to pay for the dragon ball at the cost of their lives. But at this time, Dragon Ball appeared near him.

Is this God's will?

Wei Xiaobei did not think about it, and when he had a pair of legs, he rushed toward the dragon.

To be honest, he was really worried that the Dragon Ball suddenly slipped away.

Before the two dragons chased this dragon ball, it was played badly.

But this time, the accident did not appear.

When Wei Xiaobei grabbed the Dragon Ball in his hand, no abnormalities appeared, and even the Dragon Ball struggled without struggling.

Was it stunned by the nuclear bomb?

No way, before the performance of this Dragon Ball, Wei Xiaobei could not be regarded as a dead object!

Can the dragon ball that can be dodged by the dragon to hunt down the dragon will be a dead object?

Then people all over the world should be dead bodies.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the Dragon Ball and subconsciously sent the Dragon Ball into the storage ring.

What he never expected was that the Dragon Ball could not be sent to the storage ring!

What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned, but he did not get too entangled in this issue. He looked at the strategic bomber in the distance, and even fell like a stone toward the sea.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei will not go to trouble.

The three strategic bombers are willing to stay there and stay there.

At least they dare not rush into the nuclear explosion area to investigate.

At this time, even if all the satellites in the sky are gathered on the top of the head, it is impossible to find the trace of Wei Xiaobei!

Continuous nuclear radiation can interfere with most sophisticated observation instruments.

Moreover, it was not long before the nuclear explosion just happened, and the residual nuclear radiation reached a terrible level.

When Wei Xiaobei was close to the sea, he quietly reduced his weight, and even stepped on the air in a few steps to turn the fall, and then he plunged into the sea.

However, just fell into the water, he could not help but whispered.

Probably because of the excitement, Wei Xiaobei has forgotten that he does not have a good skin all over the body!

The black blisters that were born before were already cleaned when they were squeezed by high-temperature shock waves.

Now Wei Xiaobei is soaked in the sea water. Undoubtedly, after peeling off his skin, he bathes with high concentration of salt water.


This taste is too sour.

Wei Xiaobei swears that this should be one of the most uncomfortable tortures!

Then, Wei Xiaobei needs to swim more than two thousand kilometers in the sea to find the island ashore!

Because the two dragons chased Dragon Ball before, they flew more than two thousand kilometers in the direction of the deep sea!

Of course, this also makes Wei Xiaobei feel lucky. If the two dragons smashed the nuclear bomb over the big reef country, then it would be sad.

The spread of nuclear dust will turn the big reef country into a nuclear pollution area, and even the end of the country will be seriously affected.

Now, more than two thousand kilometers away, nuclear dust will still drift to the big reef country with the wind, and it will come from the country, but it will be much stronger than the top.

At least, Wei Xiaobei can think of ways to clean up these nuclear pollution.

When I think of it, I have a headache. This **** Sam is totally a crowbar!

Its nuclear bombs are cool, and the impact of this nuclear pollution is on its own.

This made Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but bite his teeth and hate Sam's country.

To say that before the Sams came to the aircraft carrier fleet to deal with Weijiadao, Wei Xiaobei did not hate anything.

But now, Wei Xiaobei remembered it.

The aircraft carrier formation and the nuclear bomb are completely incomparable.

The most important thing is that Wei Xiaobei is worried that the children in Tu Qingqing’s stomach will be affected by nuclear radiation.

Originally, I was a little worried that after my son was born, I had a root tail or something. Now I have another nuclear pollution.

Wei Xiaobei is simply not going to live.

Not to mention that Xiaobei now hates his teeth for Sam, only to say that after the three strategic bombers hovered outside the nuclear explosion area for a while, a plane that looked strange was flying in the distance.

It's not big, it's smaller than the fighters that Sam's country has. It's black, and the tail is a jet structure.

But when it is close to the nuclear explosion area, the nose, the wings on both sides, and even the upper part of the fuselage stick out a propeller.

As the propellers rotate, the jet ports at their tails close.

And this seemingly weird plane plunged into the nuclear explosion zone.

Seeing this scene, the well-informed team leader couldn’t help but take a breath.

That is the nuclear explosion zone!

The nuclear radiation inside is enough to kill a bull in just a few seconds! Even the thick casing of a strategic bomber cannot withstand the erosion of this nuclear radiation!

This guy is too bold.

After the captain slammed, he ordered the return.

Their mission is over.

Now you only need to return to Sam State, then you can enjoy a wonderful holiday. As for the mission, you will be buried in the deepest part of your heart forever. Never say half a word to the outside world! (To be continued.)

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