The City of Terror

Chapter 1361: The whales are on the tour!

Before the foot was cold, I used a wooden box with a baked foot. It took a long time. The poor spine has not had a problem with the spine. There is a problem with the posture of the code word. The foot is placed on the body. Distorted, the result is now old pain in the spine -

Tian Yuwen’s face is about to laugh at this time.

You know, he used to have a small treasure bag, three cubics, but it is not enough. Now it is better, more than 20 cubic meters, enough for their own use.

"Well, everyone will first carry the baggage they carry in their pockets, and Master will take us out."

However, Tian Yuwen has seen more market than other people, and his psychological quality is also much stronger. After a while, he took a clap and immediately noticed everyone’s attention.

This trip, Wei Xiaobei also considered before, to bring thirty people.

It is not impossible, but only a little trouble, to cultivate a thing similar to eDonkey.

Besides, even if it is refining, it may not be very useful.

After all, the eDonkey is special, and it is based on the fusion of Leviathan.

Take everyone to the beach in the northern part of Weijia Island.

This is one of the restricted areas of Weijia Island. Well, after all, the plants and other plants planted here are dangerous for ordinary people. Some plants carry the genes of the mutant creeper, while others are the kind of black. Water is born.

Therefore, in addition to a branch of the Institute of Biology, the rest is the site of the White Horse.

Even the ten core disciples are here for the first time. Here, their performance is only a little better than those of ordinary people.

A black tree with black venom in the whole body, a cane vine that moves slowly on the ground like a viper, and even a dragon horse that is running back and forth in the distant sea.

Ok, it’s all about their imagination.

When I came to the beach, it was not long before the sea in the distance slowly separated. One body was over two hundred meters long, and the whole body of black giants slowly floated on the sea.

"A big whale!"

Everyone recognized the identity of the giant, and could not help but marvel at it.

"Come a few people and take them over."

Wei Xiaobei screamed, and even a group of Bai Mayi rushed over from riding the dragon horse. When they probed their hands, they grabbed the core disciples and ordinary people, and then the dragon horse screamed and rushed to the surface. Stepping on the sea and rushing toward the giant whale.

Well, at this time, even the core disciples could not help but scream.

When Bai Mayi put them on the back of the whale, they didn't slow down.

No way, those white horses are okay, although they are the ordinary strength of the four stars, but they are very convergent about their own breath, and they will not be scattered at all.

But those dragon horses can't do it, the mixed dragon horse, Samsung's ordinary biological level, they can't converge on their own breath, this breath spread out, let those core disciples and ordinary human beings be held in the hands of Bai Mayi, they feel themselves It seems to be swaying at the mouth of the beast.

This is actually a little scary.

Wei Xiaobei was naturally not brought over by Bai Mayi. He came over the sea.

After falling on the back of the whale, Wei Xiaobei immediately ordered: "Out."

"Yes, adults."

The whales sounded like the whistle of a whistle, and the huge water column was ejected from the top of the head. The huge waves surged, and the giant whales continued to increase, as the same speedboat rushed out.

I have to say that this is too exciting for the core disciples, ordinary people.

This whale is not a natural thing, but a whale handsome, whose biological level is four stars!

Of course, its breath still converges very well, but when it drives the giant waves forward, in order to perform in front of Wei Xiaobei, this degree is a bit faster.

In particular, the whale's back is extremely smooth, and with such a high, it really makes people have the illusion of flying out at any time.

Well, yes, it is an illusion.

If the whales fly the humans on their backs, aren’t they playing their faces in front of Wei’s adults? Therefore, there is a suction on the back of the giant whale. Although it is not too strong, it is enough to **** these humans and not really fly out.

Of course, Tian Yuwen soon showed this and told the core disciples, ordinary humans. Otherwise, everyone screamed at the past, but it was not very good.

From Weijiadao to Dawei Island, it was not long before I got close to a route.

This route is a must for many ships to go to Weijia Island.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei soon saw a fleet of three 10,000-ton freighters passing by.

Similarly, the fleet also saw giant whales and even humans on the back of the whale.

It should be noted that the fact that China’s monsters invade the reality is not a fake, but the situation abroad is even more serious than that of China. Even in some coastal areas, there are a series of marine monsters.

Therefore, the current ship is not a single ship out of the past, or a ship of several shipping companies, or an appointment, several shipping companies ship together.

For now, if there are not enough security personnel on board, the sailors are not willing to go out to sea.

In this way, several ships will go out to sea together, and the number of security personnel added will be multiplied several times, which can improve the safety of the ship at sea.

This fleet is like this.

However, far from seeing a giant whale that drives the waves on the sea, this scene really makes people feel a little shocked and even a little shocked!

All the security personnel on board were on the deck urgently, holding weapons in their hands and guarding them up.

But the problem is that even these experienced and well-guarded security personnel have stunned their dogs at this time.

The weapons in our hands are very advanced, but can we only deal with pirates and those little monsters in the ocean? ! !

Now that a body is more than two hundred meters long, and at first glance, it is known that the whales of ordinary people do not appear. This is not a disaster, it is hard to say.

"Everyone pays attention, don't fire! Remember that there is no order to fire!!"

On the forehead of the security team responsible for the entire fleet, the sweat of the beans was mad, and the hysterical screams in the intercom.

Obviously, as long as people who don't have a stupid mind know that they can't easily provoke a giant beast that has grown over two hundred meters.

"Sir, we have guns, rockets, don't worry about it?"

It seems that there is some disagreement with a young man next to the security supervisor.

Who wants to know, the security supervisor turned and grabbed the collar of this young man, and replied with a bad voice: "Kid, yes, we have guns, rockets, but can you make sure that this monster is killed? If not If you close your mouth, otherwise, you can shoot a shot on your head, don't bother us!"

Well, the young man was the first time he saw the security chief yelling at himself so angry that he almost didn't scare the urine out.

"Yes, boy, even an ordinary whale, the thick fat layer on his body can weaken the kinetic energy of the bullet to the extreme. What's more, this giant whale is too big to see? It is not swimming, but it is not The waves underneath are pushing it forward. This is not an ordinary whale!"

Another middle-aged man patted the shoulder of the young man and said his face very seriously.

Indeed, this guy thinks too simple, bullets can deal with most of the world's creatures, but in dealing with some large creatures, the effect is not very good, let alone giants like giant whales.

It can be said that even if this whale is just an ordinary creature, whether it is a bullet or a rocket launcher, if it can't be killed in one fell swoop, then the whales will be angry and even be able to turn over tons of giant wheels!

"My God, this will not be a giant beast raised by Weijiadao? I heard that there is a giant tortoise on Weijiadao, which is as big as an island, up to a kilometer!"

The captain seemed to be well informed, but he said a possibility.

The whales advanced very quickly and soon approached the fleet, which made it easy for people on board to see dozens of people standing on the back of the whale.

"Oh, man, how are you."

Wei Xiaobei feels that the power of Weijia Island should be slightly promoted now, to avoid some small thieves paying attention to the top of Weijia Island.

In addition, the strength of Wei Xiaobei is not too low-key, it is time for the world to know something.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei simply let the whale pass by the fleet, casually with the nervous security guards standing on the bow, the sailor made a greeting.

Well, seeing the whales standing on the back of humans, those security guards, the sailors' minds are slightly flattered.

This is like walking in the jungle, suddenly seeing an elephant, if there is someone on the back of the elephant, the tension will be more or less relieved.

But in any case, as a human being, when you see a behemoth that is much larger than your own body, the fear from the deepest part of your heart is still inevitable.

"Hey, you are so cool, where are you from?"

A captain pressed down the fear of his heart, stuttered and said hello.

"Will the island know? We are from Weijiadao. Rest assured, we are not malicious. This ocean is safe. If you have something, you can go to Weijiadao for help."

Wei Xiaobei laughed and laughed. After a few words, he let the whales speed up and cross the fleet. It didn't take long for them to disappear into the fleet's vision.

"Call, I finally left, scared me."

The former boy who thought he could be calm was scared to death when the whale approached the ship.

You know, the whale is too big. When you are close to the ship, the whale back is higher than the ship's side of the 10,000-ton wheel. They even have to look up to see a group of Wei Xiaobei.

The fear brought by such feelings is hard to describe.

The young man turned his head and looked at it. Whether it was the captain or the security chief, his face was not very good-looking. It was pale and white. Undoubtedly, he was scared enough before.

After leaving the fleet, the ordinary people standing on the back of the whale became relaxed at this time. (To be continued.) 8

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