The City of Terror

Chapter 1362: First entered Aoki Fudi

I slept a good feeling today, I just got up now, I feel that my spine is much more comfortable. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you! ——

Obviously, the faces of the people in the fleet, they saw it, which gave them a feeling of being above.

I am standing on the back of the whale!

Well, after this feeling came out, their former tightness relaxed.

This is human nature.

When you see others are more nervous, more fearful, and more embarrassed than yourself, when you think of this tension, fear, and the source of the wolverine is when you are riding, the vain emotion of the fox and tiger will instantly scatter the previous fear of tension. .

The desert island is here.

Including Tian Yuwen, except for Wei Xiaobei, everyone’s mood suddenly tightened.

Can't be taut, just beside the Great Desert Island, a team of shrimps and crabs will even be able to wait for the whales to wait for the waves.

This battle is scary.

If it is human, okay, that is a group of monsters!

Even the best whale handsome sharks will not be able to exempt some of the original features.

Moreover, their size is seven or eight meters or even more than ten meters, which is even more scary.

A group of monsters of red fruit!

If you don’t see those horrible monsters who see Wei Xiaobei and kneel down on the waves, those ordinary people may be scared to death and despair.

"Adults, the bodies are collected."

A shark that looks like a whale handsome figure will lean over the waves and hold his fists in his hands, saying in a hoarse voice.

"Well, yes, go back first."

Wei Xiaobei nodded, then reached out and took out a few dragon tortoises from the storage ring and threw them out.

The few whale handsome sharks will rush to catch, and then take a closer look, smelled with the nose, could not help but burst into ecstasy, opened their mouths and laughed, and then smashed a few against Wei Xiaobei. When the head is turned, the shrimp and crab will turn away.

This can not help but they are not happy, this dragon turtle fruit is one of the East Sea Qizhen, they know, this thing can activate the purification of blood!

For the aquarium, the blood is the most important thing!

To put it bluntly, the strength is not strong, the status is not high, it is to see the blood!

Those dragons and grandsons are high in hair, so strong for Mao’s strength?


It's not that they are born to be true dragons, or they have the true dragon blood!

Other aquariums have more or less blood of ancient animals, but the problem is that their blood is mixed, even if they have more powerful blood, it is impossible to show it, or the effect is very poor.

But with this dragon tortoise, the aquarium can activate the hidden blood in the body, and even purify the blood!

Once the blood is activated and purified, their strength will increase dramatically!

For aquariums with big fists and bosses, this is almost more important than life!

In the past, when they were in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, they couldn't possibly get such a rare treasure. Even if the dragon tortoise grows on the tree, there are counts, and each one is recorded!

At ordinary times, only those who are mixed with blood dragons or whose blood is not pure can get a few, in order to purify the blood.

If you are not good, it will be the first level of the Golden Crab. If you make a great contribution, you can also get the reward of the Dragon King of the East China Sea or the nine Princes! Get one or two dragon tortoises.

As for the whale handsome shark, the aquarium at the level of the cruiser night fork should not be daydreaming.

Not to mention whether they have the opportunity to make great achievements, even if it is a great achievement, it is impossible to have such a rare treasure of dragon tortoise.

But now, just after returning to the Wei Daren, they have received the reward of the dragon tortoise, which makes the whale handsome shark feel that their previous choices are absolutely reliable.

Can you imagine that the benefits of following this adult will be less?

If you think about it, it will make them more morale, and increase the service of the scattered aquarium one by one in order to better serve the adults in the future.

After the shrimps and crabs will leave, everyone can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The horrors of the Great Reef countries, they know, the culprit is these monsters.

But now, at first glance, these monsters have been conquered by the island owners, and their hearts are happy again.

There is no doubt that their fate is linked to Wei Xiaobei.

The stronger the strength of Wei Xiaobei, the greater the power, the better their days will be.

Although from now on, Wei Xiaobei seems to have the suspicion of driving monsters to attack the big reef countries, but for them, what is this?

This is more and more able to explain the power of Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei let the whale approach the Great Desert Island. Well, just approaching, everyone smelled a scent.

Well, for those who are used to seafood, there are nouns such as lobsters and crabs in their minds.

Ok, they think it's right, it's really lobster, sea crab.

However, it is a bit too big. Compared with the lobster crabs they have eaten in the past, the lobster crabs here are two or three meters long and are cooked.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain.

Here, the dead shrimps and crabs will pile up together, pile up from the seabed of tens of meters, and always rise to the surface of the sea dozens of meters high, like a mountain!

Wei Xiaobei let Tian Yuwen lead the crowd to the shore, and then stuffed a few dragon tortoises into the mouth of the giant whale, and waved the whale to leave.

After the whale became a whale handsome, after stepping on the waves, Wei Xiaobei took out the key and opened the space passage to the Aomu Fudi.


Under the effect of the cow's hair key, the space channel appeared soon, like a funnel. With the movement of Wei Xiaobei, a huge suction came from the green wood.

The bodies of the shrimps and crabs were continuously sucked into the space passages. After the bodies on the sea were taken up, the bodies under the sea were mixed with the seawater and inhaled into the green wood.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is now reluctant to waste these bodies.

The suction from the space channel is very large, so it is not long before and after, the body of more than 100,000 shrimps and crabs will be sucked out.

Compared with the avant-garde Xiaobei, the body was sent to Aomufudi, and each time it was tired and half dead, this time it was much easier. Wei Xiaobei didn’t even consume a little energy.

"Okay, let's go in."

Wei Xiaobei greeted him, and Tian Yuwen followed the core disciples, and ordinary humans jumped into the sea and swam over.

Although the suction of the space channel has weakened a lot, it is not difficult to **** in Tian Yuwen.

As long as you are close to the radius of the space channel within 100 meters, you don't have to swim on your own, and the suction can drag them in quickly.

The open space channel was not closed until Wei Xiaobei entered.

Undoubtedly, whether it is those core disciples or ordinary people, after entering the Aomu Fudi, watching this wonderful world, they all look at it.

Although Aoki Fukushima is now a lot bigger than before, it still sees the edge, which gives everyone the feeling that they have entered a transparent glass box.

However, Tian Yuwen used to come to the brothers and brothers to drink the smart spring water, so it is much better than others.

Of course, the current Aomu Fudi is different from the past.

Do not say anything else, the central mountain range, the sun hanging in the sky, the huge world tree, etc. This series of things makes Tian Yuwen feel the illusion of time change.

Wei Xiaobei also came in, his eyes looked around.

According to the current situation, Aoki Fudi should be around 10 in the morning, and the sun is just when it is empty.

And the moon that has not yet fully formed has fallen on a branch of the world tree.

The diameter of Qingmu Fudi has grown to 10,000 meters and is four kilometers longer than before. However, the speed is much slower. It can be seen that there are some weaknesses in Qingmufu.

Of course, this is completely overwhelming and consumes too much, so that Aoki Fukuda’s previous reserves are exhausted.

This is not the case. As the bodies of the shrimps and crabs are inhaled into the green woods, the growth rate of Aomufudi has increased. It is obvious that the edge of the Aomu Fortune is constantly spreading toward the void.

When Wei Xiaobei and others entered the Aomufu Land at this time, they were less than a kilometer from the Central Mountain Range.

However, this location is not good.

For now, the sun can't fully control its power, which makes it always push out a lot of magma every time it falls back to the valley.

In addition, the moon that has not yet been fully formed is even more embarrassing. When it falls, the small half of the central mountain range will be covered with yin and turned into a frosty land.

In this way, this zone can be described as a double day!

If Tian Yuwen and others live near this central mountain range, Wei Xiaobei is very suspicious that these people are all hanged.

At least for now, their settlements should be as far away as possible from the central mountains to avoid unpredictable harm.

Compared with the time when Wei Xiaobei left last time, the current Aoki Fudi is barely considered to be alive.

Leaving the Central Mountain Range is a large patch of grassland. In some places, trees, shrubs, etc. have emerged. Some of the depressions that have been thrown out are filled with rainwater, forming small lakes.

The seawater sucked in with the body was moved by Wei Xiaobei to a pit near the edge.

When Wei Xiaobei is ready to have time, he will expand this pit and turn it into a sea. Well, it should be a saltwater lake.

What is the ocean, or wait until the area of ​​the green wood blessed land is expanded by a hundred times.

Later, Wei Xiaobei gave Tian Yuwen their choice of settlements beside a small lake nine kilometers from the Central Mountain Range.

This small lake is connected to a small stream flowing from the central mountain. There is a small forest next to it. What makes Wei Xiaobei happy is that there is already a fish in the small lake.

That's right, it's fish.

A fish that is about half a meter long and silvery white.

These fish are definitely not brought into by Wei Xiaobei from reality. They are definitely species that naturally form after the opening of the earth! (To be continued.)

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