The City of Terror

Chapter 1377: ,bloodletting

Reporting to the boss, the sixth sense of the poor road has finally recovered! Today is January 2, 2017!

Undoubtedly, the combat experience of these Xiongnu cavalry is very rich.

When the battalion door is opened, it is the enemy's dispatch. If the attack is made at this time, the war horse cannot accelerate, and the enemy will be charged, and the loss will be heavy.

Three hundred meters away from the horse, when the enemy rushes down the mountain, the Xiongnu cavalry can accelerate, within two hundred meters can accelerate to the extreme, launch the final charge against the enemy!

Waiting for Bai Mayi to come out from the camp gate, and then after the camp gate closed, the Xiongnu cavalry could not help but laugh.

Only 30 rides?

More than 30 rides dare to play?

The idea of ​​most Xiongnu cavalry is that the other party is scared, right?

More than 30 rides, thousands of Xiongnu cavalry, I am afraid that a charge can be fully smashed.

Of course, although most of the Xiongnu cavalry were laughing a little breathless, the brigade of the Huns’ aristocratic army brought a hint of dignity to his face.

They don't have the same vision as the Xiongnu cavalry. They can see that these cavalry riding white horses are faintly murderous, and at this time they feel something too bad.

You must know that if you see thousands of enemies, you will dare to play in the number of more than 30 rides. This is not a sigh of relief or really stupid.

But these white horse cavalry don't look like silly, so the only answer is that they have the strength to fight against thousands of Xiongnu cavalry!

"Thousands of people, I am willing to lead the 100 people in this department to annihilate this enemy!"

"Chief, I am willing"

Probably seeing a small number of enemies, the centurions jumped out one by one, rushing to win this rare battle.

You know, they are not uninspired guys. After coming to this strange world, they find that the ordinary people here are too weak, and the army of this world has many magical weapons, which can continuously shoot the strange bow of the projectile. There are terrorist weapons that can be fired from far away and can explode.

Many cavalrymen have lost their lives under these magical weapons.

Compared with the army of this world, it is still that Bai Mayi is more in line with their tastes from this cold-armed army. What is more important is that the number of enemies is small and can be easily killed.

After listening to the commanders of the centurion, they have to fight. Although the commanders have some doubts, they are not good at suppressing their operational enthusiasm. Otherwise, their prestige in the tribe will suffer.

Besides, the commander also wants to see the strength of these white horse cavalry, so even if he ordered the first place to fight, the centurion took the troops to fight!

Seeing the commander of the commander, the rest of the centurion said that he was somewhat dissatisfied, but he did not dare to say anything, but regretted that he was too late.

Bai Mayi has driven the horse down the mountain at this time, and the speed has increased rapidly.

And more than a hundred Xiongnu cavalry began to accelerate the sprint under the leadership of the centurion.

The centurion has full confidence in the next battle.

To know that they are wearing strong armor, in their days, they were called heavy cavalry anyway.

With flexible and tactical tactics and heavy armor, they smashed Eurasia and destroyed one country. The farthest was even killed to the west of the Don River and east of the Danube, which seriously threatened the two major Romans at that time. empire.

When the Xiongnu Empire was in full swing, their territory reached the east bank of the Rhine!

In the end, they even killed Italy, Gaul and other countries, making the whole of Europe fear!

In short, in that era, the Huns cavalry was the symbol of the devil!

At this time, Bai Mayi, who was to fight with the Xiongnu cavalry, was a typical light cavalry.

This invisible makes the Huns Centurion feel stable and win!

But when the Xiongnu cavalry ran halfway, the white horses who had not completely descended from the mountain actually took off the bow in the high-speed sprint, and then the legs were sandwiched between the horse's legs, gently pulling for half a month, the right hand was light. Light one loose.


A series of arrows broke out of the string.

The more than 30 arrows that were off the strings, when they jumped into the sky, and swooped down, the feelings brought to the Xiongnu cavalry were like a dense arrow rain!

You know, these Xiongnu cavalry are very skilled at avoiding arrows at once.

But at that moment, their bodies couldn't move, and the arrows that were shot made them feel like they would be shot no matter how dodge.


After a short moment, a series of arrows smothered into the body.

Only this wave of arrows, there are more than 80 people who have lost!

Although those arrows are only white horses from the half-string, but they still contain a lot of power, after hitting one person, there is no pause, breaking a big hole in the back, and coming out again, shooting another one again. .

Some of the arrows are cleverly angled, and even after three shots, they are slanted into the ground.

The centurion, the biological level of the Samsung elite, was the first to die in this wave of arrows.

It can be said that this wave of arrows directly sees the Xiongnu cavalry in the back.

They ask themselves in their hearts. If they are themselves, can they escape this arrow?

And the answer is cruel negation!

Even the leader who led the team did not dare to completely guarantee that he could escape!

The strength of these white horse cavalry is so strong! !

Of course, the captain did not see that the level of biology of Bai Mayi was four or more.

In other words, that is the existence of more than 30 strengths like the captain!

Fortunately, the commander does not know, if you know, it is afraid to abandon the army and escape.

More than 30 four-star ordinary strong, not to mention a thousand cavalry, even if it is three thousand cavalry, may not be able to block each other's attack!

It was more shocking than those of the rushing cavalry. What was even more shocking was the Xiongnu cavalry who survived the arrow.

They didn't even think of it at all, just a wave of arrows. After a short while, they left themselves more than twenty people.

Some of them were scared to turn around and fled, while others continued to charge, and several war horses were allowed to stop, and they looked around and wondered what to do.

At this time, Bai Mayi had already rushed to the foot of the mountain. While continuing to sprint forward, the bow in his hand kept moving, and he once again shot a wave of arrows.

This arrow was not wasted on the remaining Xiongnu cavalry, but chose the Xiongnu cavalry in the rear.

To be honest, these Xiongnu cavalry did not think that the white horses had been attacked by the army, and they were attacked by a distance of more than three hundred meters.

Puff puff

Another series of arrows sounded in the body, the Xiongnu cavalry continued to fall to the horse, and even two centurions were killed by an arrow.

Suddenly, the Xiongnu cavalry bombed, and the courage of their considerable courage launched the charge. Even if it was dead, it would have to be dragged back, and some of them would turn and flee.

The scene is chaotic.

This is the disadvantage of the Xiongnu cavalry.

For the nomadic cavalry, it is not important to be rude and honest. The key is to save your life and grab more property.

Although they are better than those hooligans, they are also very limited. Except for the Xiongnu cavalry of the ranks of the royal princes, the rest of the Xiongnu cavalry are playing downwind, like a tiger going down the mountain. Once the situation changes, it will collapse. Like water.

Bai Mayi even killed just a few waves of arrows, and they killed these Xiongnu cavalry and fled on their own. Even the melee charge could not be used.

At this point, Bai Mayi dispersed from them, took a circle, and did not continue to kill, but the Xiongnu cavalry who wanted to escape would be shot far away by the arrow.

This left at least half of the Huns cavalry to be left behind, leaving it dangerous, but it seemed more dangerous to escape.

At this time, Zhu Xinyi and others will kill.

Under the grasp of the hand, killing the enemy to earn benefits and so on.

By the end of the battle, Zhu Xinyi had captured more than 150 Xiongnu cavalry, and the remaining Xiongnu cavalry were also killed by Cheng Dalong and others.

Undoubtedly, this is a big win.

After this battle, the Xiongnu camp immediately took back the patrol cavalry and scouts sent out. After that, the patrol team was dispatched for three kilometers and scouted for five kilometers, but never entered the hill. Just staring far away, once the hills have any movements, these scouts will desperately escape to the camp.

I have to say that this big victory is probably to scare the gallbladder of the Huns.

For the movement of the Xiongnu camp, Wei Xiaobei did not pay too much attention, nor did he send Zhu Xinyi and others to attack, as if he did not pay attention to the Xiongnu camp.

After a few days in the past, the Xiongnu camp seemed to have more guts, and a team of cavalry sneaked out and spread out.

At this time, the members of the special joint forces that were transferred have already been put in place, and thousands of people have filled the hill-headed military camp, but it has added a bit of popularity.

The next step is that members of the special joint force, under the leadership of Zhu Xinyi and others, frequently attacked and annihilated the cavalry who dared to leave the Xiongnu camp.

During the period, many Xiongnu troops attempted to shoot, but after being ambushed twice by Bai Mayi, they became honest.

Time and by bit, the constant blood-sucking attack made the atmosphere in the Xiongnu camp violent.

To be honest, if you can, the senior aristocrats in the Xiongnu camp want the enemy to fight for you.

However, in the face of more than 30 stable horses on the stable horse, even if it was hiding in the Xiongnu camp, the existence of four-star horror seems to be timid, and has never appeared.

It seems that this Xiongnu camp will increase some Xiongnu cavalry at regular intervals, so even if it is constantly being sucked and killed, the Xiongnu camp will not collapse.

On this point, Wei Xiaobei knows. To be continued.

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