The City of Terror

Chapter 1378: Special building Xiongnu camp

Busy with the code words, forgetting that the fire is boiling on the water, the result is sad reminder, boiled water does not say, even the pot is turned

This Xiongnu battalion is actually a special building. ?

Name: Xiongnu Day Camp (treasure building)

Introduction: The Xiongnu Camp is a special building that can produce its own soldiers. It has a variety of gain effects on the Xiongnu cavalry.

Effect 1: Recruiting cavalry, as long as they are recognized by the Xiongnu camp, they can recruit 300 Hun cavalry every day. When recruiting, they should deduct the corresponding food and metal according to the number of people.

Effect 2: Recruiting a wizard, blood sacrifices a thousand humanoid creatures, and recruits a Xiongnu wizard.

Effect 3: Riding bonus, rest in the Xiongnu camp for one night, will be able to get 10% of the riding bonus.

Effect 4: Shooting bonus, each time the Xiongnu camp is suspended for one day, the Xiongnu cavalry can get 5 percent of the shooting bonus. This effect can be accumulated for five days.

Effect 5: Resource output, Xiongnu Day Camp comes with 100 square kilometers of grassland, and the output of livestock is increased by 100%.

It can be said that if this Xiongnu camp has no one to pay attention to, it will be what it will be in the future.

It only takes a month to add nine thousand cavalry! Turn up the number of cavalry in the Xiongnu camp!

If it is a year, it is 100,000 cavalry!

I am afraid that by the time, don't say it here, even if it is in several nearby provinces, it will be poisoned by the Huns.

It is also true that Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to transfer those special joint forces and honed the soldiers while killing the number of Huns.

However, Wei Xiaobei has never seen the wizards in this Xiongnu camp.

I don't know how strong this wizard is.

Because Wei Xiaobei has no other strong atmosphere in the Xiongnu camp.

Of course, this does not mean that they did not recruit Huns and Wizards. You must know that many powerful beings are able to converge on their own atmosphere.

A few days have passed, and the aristocratic army in the Xiongnu camp will probably be too much.

You know, although the Xiongnu camp can recruit Huns cavalry, it has to pay a price.

In the past, when Wei Xiaobei did not bring people to come, the Xiongnu camp could send cavalry to attack the four sides, scraping food, metal and so on.

But now, it’s okay to turn around around the big camp. Once you leave the big camp a little farther, the cavalry sent out will basically not come back.

Just last night, a large number of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry secretly went out, but they were ambushed by Zhu Xinyi.

What people didn't expect was that one of the four-star elite Huns had disguised themselves as ordinary cavalry, and suddenly they broke out and almost killed Zhu Xinyi under heavy protection.

It is a pity that the white horse of the squadron was shot from a row of arrows, and the four-star elite Xiongnu nobles were retired.

However, Huang Kun is now the other guy who used to poison himself, and even killed.

Wei Xiaobei, who was secretly observing, had to shake his head. The character of Huang Kun’s kid was probably hard to change.

But this time it is a little different from the last time.

The last time Huang Kun was killed alone, surrounded by a large number of Huns cavalry, he was almost killed.

But this time, the Xiongnu cavalry was on the side of being surrounded, and there were many white horses on the side of Huang Kun. The slightest mistake was that a wave of arrows shot and forced the Xiongnu nobles to retreat.

Huang Kun used his imaginary will many times before the ambush. Anything that was summoned did not conform to his own mind, and then he was dispersed.

In the end, Huang Kun was summoned by the fantasy will to be Wei Xiaobei.

Well, well, this is not really Wei Xiaobei, but the image that Huang Kun is most consistent with Wei Xiaobei.

At that time, when Wei Xiaobei saw Huang Kun’s fantasy will call, he could not help but laugh.

But then again, the power of Wei Xiaobei summoned by Huang Kun is still quite good in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, and he has reached the peak of four stars.

The call of this fantasy will is random, and may summon something that is extremely weak, even if it has no usefulness, but it may also summon an extremely powerful existence.

To put it bluntly, this special ability is mainly to rely on luck to eat.

Good luck, summon a powerful summoning thing, then kill the Quartet, if you are not lucky, you can only be embarrassed.

The summoned guard is only the ordinary peak of four stars, but it has the ability of most of Wei Xiaobei.

What release current, what archery, etc., and even the ability to cultivate creatures, the most terrible thing is that they have mastered a little light and heat rules!

Of course, the ability of this fantasy Wei Xiaobei is much worse than that of Wei Xiaobei.

For example, when the current is released, the voltage is at most 30,000 volts. The archery is only a pure fire. The most powerful creature is only Samsung. As for the light and heat that starts, the core temperature is about three thousand degrees, and the radius is ten meters.

But even so, it is quite scary.

At the beginning, Huang Kun was the main force. The fantasy Wei Xiaobei assisted in combat, but it didn’t take long for the fantasy Wei Xiaobei to rise, holding a big gun and turning Huang Kun to the side, with the four-star elite. The Huns were singled out.

The four-star elite Xiongnu nobles have been complaining at this time.

This can't be beaten!

As long as he bends his knife and smashes it, he gets in touch with the other side. In the blink of an eye, there is a thunder that emerges from the big gun. The electric body is full of numbness. If it is not a quick retreat, the Xiongnu nobles suspect that they have fallen.

This current, after I became familiar with it, was able to give it to me with my powerful blood, but when the kid’s body radiated light and heat, like a small sun, the Xiongnu nobles did not recruit.

The most famous blacksmith of the whole Xiongnu used a machete with a shovel of iron and iron. Once he passed, he was burnt red, and the Xiongnu nobles could hardly be stabilized.

In the end, this Xiongnu nobility was killed by a few guns and phoenix!

Subsequently, the fantasy Wei Xiaobei was not controlled by Huang Kun, and he entered the Xiongnu cavalry with the light of the whole body. Wherever he went, a scream of screams came out, and then the human flesh was burnt. The cooked scent is floating out.

Good to kill!

The Huns, who had killed the Huns, fled in horror, so that they did not have much effort, and the members of the special joint forces had no opponents.

If it is not the time of summoning, then the fantasy Wei Xiaobei had to dissipate in the air. After killing the Xiongnu cavalry, he went straight to the Xiongnu camp.

At the end of the battle, the scent on the battlefield became more and more intense. Many people accidentally took a sip of air and vomited.

Seeing this scene, Huang Kun is not too embarrassed, carefully looked at Master, an excuse to bsp; no doubt, this embarrassment should be to anger those Xiongnu nobles.

These Xiongnu nobility are relatives, you are his second uncle, I am your three eunuchs, he is my nephew and so on.

Of course, if there is no blood relationship, they are not likely to be Huns.

The most important issue here is that a four-star elite Xiongnu nobleman hangs.

Then the rest of the Xiongnu nobles will undoubtedly be saddened by the rabbits.

The next morning, when Wei Xiaobei was in the morning exercise, he had to report that the Xiongnu camp was dispatched.

When he went to see it, he saw the opening of the Xiongnu camp. A team of Xiongnu cavalry stalked out and lined up outside the camp.

Not long after, the number of Huns cavalry reached more than 8,000.

For this Xiongnu camp, it can be said that the whole army has dispatched.

When all the Xiongnu cavalry went out, they did not immediately launch, but they did not seem to be waiting.

Not long after, a Xiongnu old man wearing a weird and gorgeous robe, wearing a head, red fruit left chest, holding a thick animal bone accompanied by two Huns cavalry, came out.

When the old man of the Xiongnu appeared, the aristocrats of the Xiongnu took the lead and then the eight thousand Xiongnu cavalry.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the old man of the Xiongnu, but his breath is not the level of the two-star elite. Is it a big man?

But the Xiongnu family wants to come to Wu Zun, a two-star elite Xiongnu old man, how could it become a big man?

Is it the so-called Huns?

There is only this explanation.

This Xiongnu family believes in witchcraft and believes in the wolf. The sorcerers in their families are indeed extremely high. Even if they are alone in combat, they must ask the sorcerer to explore the fierce.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing for the Xiongnu nobles and the cavalry of the whole army to kneel down to the old Xiongnu.

Wei Xiaobei was not afraid of what the Xiongnu sorcerer was playing, but this was the first time he saw the Huns and Wizards, so he was extra curious and disguised his body, waiting to see the next move of the Huns.

"Catu Lusa is dripping, a little more than a lot."

The Xiongnu sorcerer spit out a word, Wei Xiaobei did not understand, but the two teams of Xiongnu cavalry were understandable, and even after returning to the camp, it was not long before they took a bunch of human skulls.

Then the Xiongnu sorcerer carefully superimposed the human skulls in a certain order, one by one.

A few minutes later, a white, small human skull altar was piled up.

After that, the Xiongnu sorcerer danced in front of the human skull altar. The action was rough, but it seemed to conform to a certain rhythm, and Wei Xiaobei was somewhat fascinated.

After the dance was over, the cavalry who served the Huns were brought over by the three horses.

For the appearance of this, facing the old man of the Xiongnu, who looked extremely embarrassed, the three horses looked a little scared and snorted from time to time.

The Xiongnu sorcerer personally used a special method to bind the horses to the four hooves and placed them in front of the altar.

The next thing, let Wei Xiaobei's eyes wide open, and the Xiongnu cavalry then pulled out a group of tattered humans from the big camp.

Wei Xiaobei initially thought that it was the population of the Xiongnu cavalry. It can be seen carefully. These humans look different from the modern Chinese people, and their mouths are shouting nervously. Their words are not the same as those of other Huns. The difference. (To be continued.) 8

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