The City of Terror

Chapter 1379: Hungarian wolf totem!

This chapter is scheduled to be released. In the afternoon, I will go out and buy a kettle. In the afternoon, if you think about it, it will hurt people. Please search for the most complete! Novel

Well, it should be a prisoner of the Huns cavalry.

In fact, the Xiongnu was not only the Xiongnu, but the Xiongnu swept the grasslands and included the Moon, Loulan, Wusun, and Huzhun into the Xiongnu.

Obviously, these prisoners of war should be soldiers of these countries.

At this time, the Huns took out a black knife.

When the knife was taken out, Wei Xiaobei felt that the knife was full of evil atmosphere. This evil atmosphere was extremely terrifying. Even after it was taken out, it spread around and affected the Xiongnu cavalry and prisoners of war. Awareness.

Each of them quickly became red and gnashing their teeth, almost killing each other.

Fortunately, the Huns had a knife and shouted a few words, and the evil spirit that had spread out was immediately retracted into the knife.

But after the prisoners’ minds were clear, they were even more afraid.

As for the rest of the Xiongnu cavalry, it was very exciting to watch this scene.

The Xiongnu sorcerer cut off the pipes of the prisoners of war with a knife, and the bright red blood flowed on the altar and dyed the white human skull altar into a strip of red.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that there was no red light on the altar where there was no movement!

This group of red light is invisible to the naked eye, but only the special vision of Wei Xiaobei can be seen.

The red light is almost black, so Wei Xiaobei can't help but be a little scared!

This is the manifestation of sin, which means that the owner who emits red light owes a **** debt to the population of Wei Xiaobei.

At least hundreds of thousands!

The problem is that this red light is emitted from the altar, not a Huns.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are more closely watched.

As the hundreds of prisoners of war were cut off one by one, blood flowed through the altar and the altar was dyed red.

A strong atmosphere that Wei Xiaobei can feel is constantly climbing on the altar, and even the surrounding air is expelled for a distance.

This kind of breath is at least the level of four-star disaster!

Wei Xiaobei slightly felt it and got the judgment.

What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei has some doubts.

But after a short while, the Huns began to dance again.

As its dance progressed, the red light emanating from the altar quickly retracted, and soon, a giant red wolf appeared in the altar.

This giant wolf is not a physical one, and its body has a translucent luster. After its appearance, even with a huge mouth open, a bite is bitten on a horse with four hoofs, and then the head will sway and the horse will be Swallowed into the abdomen.

Seeing a horse suddenly disappeared into the air, and there was a sound of crunching and swallowing in the air. The Huns and nobles suddenly cheered up and sang in their mouths, probably praising the giant wolf.

Of course, they can't see the giant wolf.

Wei Xiaobei suddenly understood that the giant wolf was not something else, but the wolf totem worshipped by the Xiongnu people!

It is equivalent to the embodiment of the overall will of the Xiongnu people. To put it bluntly, it is somewhat similar to the existence of Gaia consciousness.

However, its breath appeared to have only four stars, but it made Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

But it’s not surprising that I think about it.

Like this, there is a direct relationship with its population, which should exist in the gray world.

And here is the reality, the Huns population that can support its emergence, probably only the 8,000 Xiongnu cavalry and the tens of thousands of herders on the grassland behind the small valley.

In this way, it is not surprising that the breath is a four-star disaster.

It is said that Wei Xiaobei’s interest in the wolf totem has suddenly increased.

The reason is very simple. The wolf totem is actually essentially a kind of regularization of the rules, and because of its appearance in reality, its strength has been weakened, and Wei Xiaobei can even see signs of uncompleted rules in his body.

If you can take this wolf totem, Wei Xiaobei will undoubtedly have another kind of stuff that can be used for research.


At this moment, the blood-red giant wolf screamed at the soul level. In a flash, a red light emerged from the giant wolf and shined on the Huns.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to see that the momentum of the Xiongnu cavalry began to climb!

The Xiongnu cavalry, which originally had only two elites, was quickly upgraded to the peak of the two-star elite, and then broke through to the two-star horror and continued to rise!

Less than ten minutes before and after, the strength of these Xiongnu cavalry has suddenly risen to the peak of two-star horror, and it has only broken through to the ordinary side of Samsung!

The strengths of the Xiongnu nobility military forces have also been enhanced by different strengths, some have been upgraded from Samsung terror to four-star ordinary, some have been upgraded from four-star ordinary to four-star elite, and one of the four-star elite has also improved. To the four-star horror, as for the commander of the Xiongnu, its strength has risen from the four-star terror to its peak!

In such a short period of time, the strength of these Xiongnu cavalry has increased dramatically.

It can be said that the previous eight thousand Xiongnu cavalry, the Chinese army can be annihilated by using an armored division with a fighter jet, but now, let alone an armored division, even three armored divisions are impossible.

After the red light spread out, the blood-red giant wolf suddenly became wilted from the previous strong state, and its strength suddenly declined from the four-star disaster to the four-star level.

As for the Xiongnu sorcerer, it was already vomiting blood at the moment, fell to the ground, dying, and the vitality was exhausted. It would not be long before it was hanged.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei understood it. There is no doubt that the wolf totem of this Huns is a kind of existence of beliefs. Its biggest role is probably to bless the Xiongnu cavalry under the guidance of the wizard. .

That's right, the strength of the Xiongnu cavalry that is rapidly rising at this time is the state in which the wolf totem is blessed.

There must be time limits, and once the time has passed, these Xiongnu cavalry will probably become weaker than before.

But even so, with the strength of the more than 8,000 Xiongnu cavalry plus those of the Xiongnu nobility, not to mention the hillside military camp, even if it is a small half of China, I am afraid there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei knows that he can no longer wait.

The right hand grabbed it, and the ink-and-blood rifle that was still evolving in the hands of Wei Xiaobei, with a pair of legs, Wei Xiaobei rushed out from the hidden place, his legs stepped on the air, rushed to the hundred When the sky was high, it rushed toward the Xiongnu camp.

At this time, the night was dark, although the existence of problems such as light pollution made it possible to blur some things in the middle of the night, but Wei Xiaobei rushed out from the distant hiding place, and the whole body was almost integrated into the night sky. Those Xiongnu cavalry did not How to notice.

They are now in the middle of excitement. The Xiongnu nobility army has been screaming at them, scolding their subordinates, letting them speed up their horses, preparing to squat at this time and rushing to the hills to give the enemy a good look!


Less than a few minutes before and after, Wei Xiaobei has already rushed to the front of the Xiongnu camp, less than 100 meters from the altar!

Of course, at this place, under the illumination of countless torches, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei's figure to be covered up.

The sudden appearance of Wei Xiaobei caused the exclamation and roar of the Xiongnu cavalry.

For these Xiongnu cavalry, the worship ceremony to the wolf totem before the expedition is the most sacred moment.

At this time, no matter who breaks in here, they will be hated by them!

The Xiongnu camp is extremely angry with your actions, and the relationship with you has been reduced from coldness to hatred!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei also took a leisurely look at the battle description in the property panel.

Obviously, in the previous battle against the Xiongnu camp, Wei Xiaobei basically did not have a hand, but the Xiongnu side is difficult to have a good relationship with anyone in China, so his relationship with the Xiongnu is second only to neutrality. The coldness.

This kind of relationship is hard to say. After the two sides meet, they decide the way of doing things according to their personality. However, after the two sides meet, the two sides will probably take the initiative to attack the Xiongnu cavalry, thus reducing the relationship to hostility.

However, because Wei Xiaobei now broke into the wolf totem worship ceremony held by the Xiongnu camp, the relationship between the two sides was directly reduced to the bottom line, hatred!

As I said before, if the relationship between the two sides is hatred, then as long as they meet, they will fight endlessly. Even if they search for the enemy's traces within a certain range, they will pursue the enemy.

In short, after Wei Xiaobei broke in, the first reaction of the Xiongnu cavalry was to take off the bow and prepare to shoot the arrow of hatred against Wei Xiaobei.

But how fast Wei Weibei was, and rushed to the altar.

The giant wolf, who looked extremely languid, originally intended to resist one or two, but Wei Xiaobei’s right-handed ink gun was directly inserted into the giant wolf.

This giant wolf is a wolf totem. It does not actually have an entity, but it is similar to a spiritual being.

But after the big gun was inserted, the giant wolf still heard the horrible screams.

Obviously, although the ink rifle is in evolution and loses all the additional effects, it is now an artifact-like weapon to deal with this spiritually similar existence, still powerful. Killing effect!


Wei Xiaobei then showed a layer of real mercury mixed with lightning on his left hand, and hit a fist on the head of the giant wolf.

At the same time, the fist that covers the true mercury has a killing effect on this similar to the existence of the spirit.

What's more, this wolf totem does not seem to be the type of combat. After being kicked, the skull bursts instantly, and countless red mists are ejected from the broken head.

But in the next moment, the body of this wolf totem recovered as it was, but its body, which was originally more than three meters long, suddenly shrank by half and became less than two meters.

The speed of Wei Xiaobei's attack is not fast.

However, the commander of the Xiongnu camp, which is closest to the altar, is not slow. )


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