The City of Terror

Chapter 1383: Rocket bungee

No nonsense reading. ?

It is said that the guest houses that hosted them were all ruined.

Can be biased to the Chinese military side of the master to go to the roots does not work, a punch is the other party to fly out, this is still the other party's mercy, otherwise, it has long been hung up.

Think about it too, now the strongest of the Chinese military should be Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, but now Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and himself, the Chinese military did not dare to assign orders, so let Xu Fei Yang said that he hopes that one of Zhu Xinyi or Huang Kun can shoot and keep the group of guys.

Otherwise, for a long time, the Chinese military will not even set up a group of messengers, which will undoubtedly have extremely bad consequences for the future alliance.

In fact, such things are often born in ancient times.

When a country’s messenger goes to another country, the weaker countries will bring with them rare animals and rare treasures, and let the other side identify them. If they can’t recognize them, they’ll be embarrassed. When they sign a covenant, they have to pay a lot. cost.

Or it is to bring a group of warriors to go out and challenge the other side. If the other party’s warriors repeatedly lose their hearts, they will not be said anything else. The entire country’s face is swollen and morale is bad.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is often born when neither side wants to explode the war. Everyone does not want to fight, so they can only seek victory through such things.

Therefore, the friction between the messengers, and then the battle, is an inevitable event.

Whether it is to seek more benefits for oneself, or to shock other forces, these messengers will do it.

But now it seems that the most vomiting should be the Chinese Parliament and the military.

No way, this kind of thing is entirely dependent on individual Wu Yong. You can't just throw an atomic bomb directly.

That is still a fart alliance!

Wei Xiaobei heard Xu Feiyang say this, but he gave birth to a bit of interest, and then he picked up the words: "Huang Kun's injury has not healed, Zhu Xinyi is still busy, or else, I am going?"

When I heard Wei Xiaobei’s words, Xu Feiyang was almost happy to blow up.

Obviously, Wei Xiaobei is much more powerful than Zhu Xinyi or Huang Kun.

With Wei Xiaobei out, the messengers dare to blow up the thorns?

As a result, Wei Xiaobei did not take long to go to the transport plane that had just landed, and accompanied by Xu Feiyang, rushed toward Huazhong Province.

The messengers of the ancient army were in the northern city of Central China.

The northern part of Central China is located at the junction of the three provinces, and Daqin, Datang, Yuejiajun and several other ancient troops appeared in the three nearby provinces, so that their messengers will be concentrated in the northern city.

Who would like to know that this time the messengers gathered together, they actually did not look pleasing to each other and played a big fight. This really did not meet the expectations of the Chinese Parliament.

You know, in modern society, things like this are impossible to make, unless it is a martial arts conference.

On the transport plane, Wei Xiaobei probably consulted Xu Feiyang, the name of the messenger of these ancient troops.

However, this question, the names of the messengers made Wei Xiaobei feel quite familiar.

The name of the emissary of the great Qin Qiangjun army was Wang Li, the name of the great Tang dynasty army was named Li Zuoguo, and the envoy of Yue Jiajun was named Yue Lei.

Take this Wang Li, the name does not sound loud, can be linked to this big Qin, Wei Xiaobei found a name in memory.

Wang Hao!

The son of Wang Hao is called Wang Li, and the father of Wang Xi is the famous king of Qin Dynasty!

At the time of the Warring States Period of China, the famous people came forth in large numbers, but the most famous one was the 翦 翦 牧!

Since then, Qin Guobai started, claiming to be a warring country to kill God, and the battle of Yi Yu killed the Han Wei coalition army 240,000. After attacking Chu three times, he attacked Chudu and burned his ancestral temple, destroying 350,000 Chu army.

Attacking Zhao has annihilated Zhao Jun 6 million (including the battle of Changping). Attacking Han Wei Wei Wan Wan.

It can be said that it was a heroic battle for Qin Guoli.

If you say that the Warring States, the most troops to kill the enemy, the white is well deserved.

Hey, the king of Qin, the first emperor respected him as a teacher, his wisdom is not violent, courageous and conscientious. In the battle of the Qin State and the six kingdoms, in addition to Han, the other five countries Chu, Yan, Zhao, Qi, Wei Jun For the death of Wang Xi and his son, the greatness of his work can be described as shocking.

However, after the success of Wang Hao and his son, they returned to their hometowns and became famous among the famous countries of the Warring States.

As for Li Mu, Lian Po does not need to say more, everyone who has learned history knows.

Wang Li is a famous man, but he is also known as a famous general. He led the army to attack the Xiongnu, causing the Huns to flee.

To put it simply, the chaos at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang’s rise, the dominance of the time, the battle of the giant deer, if it was not Zhang Wei, Wang Li’s relationship was not good, and Wang’s 200,000 Qin army had just ended. The war between the Huns, exhausted, that Xiang Yu wants to defeat Wang Li, it is really difficult.

And Li Zuoguo is the son of Li Shiye, the famous general of the Tang Dynasty. Li Yiye is said to be a large group of people. He is good at using the knives and is the leader of the Tang dynasty army. Every time he plays, he must be the first to be a pawn, so he is called the general of the gods.

With Gao Xianzhi's vertical and horizontal Western Regions, he defeated the Little Bourgeois, and conquered Pingshi, and sneaked into the Western Region's big food team. He also defeated the rebels several times during the Anshi Rebellion.

It can be said that as long as you talk about Datang Modao, then you must mention Li Yiye this person.

As for Yue Lei, it must be the second son of Yue Fei.

It must be said that the identity of these messenger fathers is extremely prominent.

It is no wonder that the Chinese military is anxious to let Xu Fei raise the horse to rescue the soldiers.

To put it bluntly, even if the Chinese military has any means to deal with these messengers, it is not dare to use it indiscriminately.

Once these messengers have suffered casualties, then the next thing will not be easy.

The speed of the transport aircraft was very fast, and the northern part of Central China was not too far away from Cuihu City. A few hours later, the captain of the transport plane reported that the plane had arrived in the northern city and was preparing to land at the military airport.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and grabbed Xu Feiyang, and opened the door. He smiled and said to the captain: "I have to work hard, I will take the first step."

After that, after waiting for the captain to return to the gods, Wei Xiaobei rushed out of the cabin with the hurricane of Hula.

Not to mention whether the captain was scared or not, Xu Feiyang was scared.

When Wei Xiaobei stepped out of the cabin door, Xu Feiyang’s first reaction was without an umbrella bag!

And his second reaction was to scream, his eyes didn't dare to open, and his mind was blank.

Dead and dead, dead.

The height of this transport plane is not low, at least it is more than 6,000 meters high. If you fall from such a high altitude, even the human body made of steel will be broken into pieces!

After waiting for a while, Xu Feiyang opened his eyes, and a huge wind blew on his face, so that he was almost unable to breathe.

The situation did not improve at all. Wei Xiaobei took him all the way and fell to the ground, and it was getting faster and faster.

"Boss, you can't think of it, do you want to drag me to die?"

Xu Feiyang was crying and sulking, and with a gust of wind, he barely said a word.

Wei Wei Xiaobei seems to have no reaction to the fall, haha ​​laughed: "Nothing, at most, it is broken into bolognese, rest assured, no pain, it will end."


If the degree of falling is getting faster and faster, and Xu Feiyang can’t talk, Xu Feiyang’s custody will make a noise, and what will not hurt, it will end.

I am still young, I still have my wife and children, I still have a great life to enjoy!

I don't want to die!

But what if you don't die?

No umbrella bag means no parachute, and there is no way to cushion yourself and let yourself land safely!

Xu Feiyang was desperate at this time.

Everyone knows that the gravity addition is 9.8 meters per second, which means that every one second, the drop will accelerate by 9.8 meters!

If it falls from a height of one kilometer, it will take about thirteen seconds to hit the ground, the height of three kilometers will take 24 seconds, and the height of eight kilometers will take about 4o seconds.

Now it has dropped 2o seconds, Xu Feiyang silently calculated in his heart, the height is about 58oo meters, then there are 2o seconds, he will be like a watermelon, kneeling on the ground, turned into a meat sauce.

At this time, Xu Feiyang had no pursuit in his heart. He only thought about his family silently, thinking about his unfinished work and his awkward eyes on Wei Xiaobei.

Ten seconds passed.

According to the previous calculations, probably more than half of the drop, Xu Feiyang's body is much stronger than most ordinary people, but the degree is about o per second, almost sound!

This makes Xu Feiyang feel uncomfortable and has a feeling of wanting to vomit.

But in the next moment, he felt black in front of him, and when he returned from the uncomfortable feelings, he suddenly slowed down a lot.

What is going on?

Xu Feiyang looked at Wei Xiaobei.

I saw Wei Xiaobei every other time, the legs made a pedaling action, and then the degree of falling will slow down a lot.

Not long after, when the two fell to a distance of less than 100 meters from the ground, Wei Xiaobei was completely suspended.

"What direction is the hospitality?"

This northern city, Wei Xiaobei is still coming for the first time, so it is still a difficult thing to find a guest house.

And just for a while, the following has gathered a lot of people, and even many people have taken out their mobile phones.

Obviously, two people standing in the air have caused their curiosity.


Xu Feiyang came to the northern city several times because of his working relationship. After shaking his faint head, he pointed his finger.

"let's go!"

Wei Xiaobei also did not want to be the focus of those people's attention, so his legs slammed and suddenly added, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Weibei found the guest house in the suburbs, he just stopped, and Xu Feiyang spit out a sour water. Then, the sound of vomiting made Wei Xiaobei’s stomach feel a little uncomfortable. (To be continued.) 8

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