The City of Terror

Chapter 1384: Dashun Tianyou Temple Bachelor Niu Jinxing?

Today, stewed chicken, slaughtered by the poor road, can be described as full of blood.

"You kid is too bad now?"

Wei Xiaobei blamed a sentence.

But at this time, Xu Feiyang was busy vomiting, and there is still time to rebut Wei Xiaobei.

This Wei Xiaobei ran in the air, and did not notice Xu Feiyang’s fright at all. If you think about it, you will know that it may hit the air run of a high-rise building from time to time. This is really scary, plus the impact of the previous high altitude fall. Xu Feiyang vomited out at this time, it is normal.

It has already become a ruin. Wei Xiaobei only saw some soldiers stationed outside the guest house. As for the staff of the guest house, I am afraid that I will scare away all the time when I first fight.

However, Xu Feiyang’s vomiting sound attracted some bystanders.

For example, the guy who came out of a few buildings that were about to collapse.

To be precise, it is a group of people.

A group of people wore black armor, armed with spears, and squatting on the back. At first glance, they knew that they were the messengers of Daqin Qiangjun. They were holding the bronze swords for the first person. The face was slightly black and black, and the whole body was murderous. It should be the grandson of Wang Hao. The king of Wang Xi’s son is gone.

A group of people are holding a strange knife, the whole body is bright and bright, and the light is slightly shining. It is radiant and extremely dazzling. This should be the Datang Modao. It is the first person, tall and strong, holding a strange knife, standing there, can be described as prestige.

In addition, a group of people are riding horses, holding long rifles, big bows, and red armor. They are the first ones. They look like they are still young, and they are at most fifteen or six years old. But they are full of heroic and armed with a silver gun. Yingwu is extraordinary.

As for the other groups of people, there are many differences compared to these three groups. Some are dressed in animal skins, holding mace sticks, and some are weapons that are confusing and diverse.

"Who is here? Dare to offend the Dashun messenger camp!"

Just as Wei Xiaobei was preparing to speak, a somewhat noisy sound sounded. He looked around and found that a group of sergeants wearing cloth robes were screaming.

"Da Shun?"

Wei Xiaobei turned around in the brain, to say that the dynasty of the Chinese orthodox dynasty, there is really no Dashun this country.

But this Dashun should be the local government created by Li Zicheng after the invasion of the capital in the late Ming Dynasty.

"You are Li Zicheng's men?"

To tell the truth, at the young age, Wei Xiaobei had a good impression on Li Zicheng, who was known as the king of the king. He also set up a squadron in the school, and every day he took advantage of the king to come to the food.

But after waiting for Xiaobei to grow up, I realized that Li Zicheng was not a good commodity, and it was completely first-class.

What is called rogue, is that there is no intention to operate a base area, roaming around, grabbing the East to grab the West.

Especially after it entered the capital city, it was completely degraded. Only when it was the emperor, he enjoyed the peace and was finally defeated by the Qing army.

To explain the dying, it is in the hands of this man.

Therefore, at this time, the so-called Dashun Army yelled at himself, and Wei Xiaobei did not give them a good face. He simply called Li Zicheng.

Wei Xiaobei feels that calling himself Li Zicheng is not a problem, but in the eyes of those big Shunjun, it is a totally unforgivable crime.

You know, Li Zicheng is their emperor!

"Bold! Calling my emperor name bogey, sin is like bullying! Come, take this madman! Send it to the capital to ask for sin!"

As a result, when Wei Xiaobei was asked, the Dashun army was excited. One of the guys wearing the scribes shirt crowded out the crowd and yelled at Wei Xiaobei.


The scribe should be the leader of the Dashun messenger, so when he spoke, the rest of the Dashun army rushed over with the big knife and Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, in the face of these rushing Dashun Army, Wei Xiaobei is quite a bit crying.

These guys gave him the feeling that he was completely a monkey and a crown. What a big straight, it was a group of bandits. In this kind of diplomatic occasion, where there is a disagreement, it is ordered to arrest people.

Really think of this as the land of their Dashun?


Seeing that the big Shun army will rush to the front, Wei Xiaobei reached out and will still vomit Xu Feiyang, then gently lifted the gas and slammed.

Suddenly a huge sound wave swept out and formed a gust of wind, sweeping toward the big Shun army.

Wei Xiaobei’s tone, although not comparable to the power of double boxing, but these Dashun army is the ordinary strength of the two stars, they were directly blown out and flew out, and then they fell to the ground one by one, and they screamed. .

I have to say that the strength of these Dashun Army is too weak.

It is no wonder that Li Zicheng claimed to be the king of the king, and then he became the emperor and the king of the country. Although he left a trace in history, he was not an orthodox dynasty. His officers and men were only a genus, so even There is their existence in the gray world, but this strength is not so good.

I want to come. In the battles that broke out in the previous guest house, there is no part of them. It can be seen by looking at the rest of the messengers’ contempt for them.

Of course, if they had previously intervened in the battle between the messengers, I am afraid that they have long since hanged, and where the spirit is here.

However, when Wei Xiaobei was in a breath, he would blow out the Dashun Dashun army. The eyes of the messengers who looked at Wei Xiaobei were bright, especially Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei, who seemed to want a look. Go forward and compete with Wei Xiaobei.

"You! You! What do you want?"

Wei Xiaobei ignored them at this time. In the first few steps, he came to the scribe of Dashunjun, scared the scribe to squat, and took a few steps back and forth. It seems that there is not much combat power, and he is afraid of Wei Xiaobei. .

It should be said that due to the birth of the Dashun Army, it was listed as a genus in the Ming Dynasty, so there are not many literati who are willing to rely on it.

He remembered that the famous literati under the Dashun army was Niu Jinxing and Li Yan.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei would like to see who this scribe is, and even start all things.

Name: Niu Jinxing

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 49 years old

Biology level: one star elite

Introduction: Niu Jinxing is a person of the Ming Dynasty. After Li Yan introduced it, he entered Li Zicheng's curtain. Later, he was a university student of the Dashun regime Tianyou Temple. His heart was narrow-minded, and he was awkward. He liked to fight for power, kill Li Yan, and then vote for the Qing army.

Attribute: (omitted)

Weakness: timid

Skills: words, eight shares, calligraphy, decision

Special ability: none

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: Bachelor of Heaven

When Wei Xiaobei looked at the attribute list of this person, he couldn't help laughing.

This person turned out to be the bull Venus.

To say that when Wei Xiaobei was young, the most hated person was this person.

In the view of Wei Xiaobei in the past, if it wasn’t for the rumor of the bull Venus and the killing of Li Yan, Li Zicheng would not end up in the end.

The villain, this person is a villain of red fruit.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn't need to do anything else at this time.

The biological grade of this cattle Venus is too low, one star elite.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei used all things to check his property list. This cow Jinxing suddenly vomited blood and fell down. I am afraid that it will take a long time to return to Huang Quan.

"The thief is so daring that he dared to kill the university!"

Seeing that Niu Jinxing’s mouth spit blood fell, those big Shunjun did not know what was going on, but the guess should have something to do with Wei Xiaobei, but they were blown by Wei Xiaobei before, now they dare to go to Wei Xiao When he stood up in the north, he stood up and dared to stand in the distance and yell.

"Go, you waste, even if you are allied, there is no use!"

What Wei Xiaobei didn't think was that he hadn't spoken yet. The teenager who looked like Yue Lei screamed at the big Shun army and scared those big Shun army to turn around and flee.

It seems that during this time, these Dashun troops should have suffered in the face of Yue Lei.

Xu Feiyang did not spit at this time, but the things here are developing too fast. In the blink of an eye, the Dashun army ran away, and the bull Venus seemed to hang up, which made Xu Feiyang feel a little anxious.

You must know that his current task is to tie this alliance down. This Dashun army ran away, and the cattle Venus hangs up. The alliance has lost one force. It is impossible to complete this task.

Just when Xu Feiyang thought about how to solve this problem, Li Zuoguo stood up and hugged his fist toward Wei Xiaobei. He smiled and said: "Hello, is this the negotiator sent by the Republic of China?"


Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, he should be considered, anyway, the task he came over was to promote alliance.

What Wei Xiaobei didn't think was that his voice had not yet fallen, and Yue Lei laughed: "Well, let this book see if you have the qualification to form an alliance."

Next, the long gun in the hand of Yue Lei was stabbed toward Wei Xiaobei.

Four stars ordinary!

The long gun was like a dragon, and a shot was stabbed. The momentum was sharp and the white light flashed slightly above the gun. It instantly made Wei Xiaobei see the biological level of Yue Lei.

I have to say that this son of Yue Fei is really powerful. Only four stars are common and the long guns that are pierced make Wei Xiaobei feel a threat.

Of course, the general strength of the four stars is not weak.

"Children, don't be too excited."

This Yue Lei is even more powerful, Wei Xiaobei is not too eye-catching, you know, Wei Xiaobei's current biological level is four-star disaster!

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Wei Xiaobei just stretched out his right hand and gently probed him and grabbed the stabbing rifle in his hand.

Seeing that the rifle was caught, that Yue Lei’s eyes flashed in amazement, and he tried to break the rifle out of Wei Xiaobei’s hand.

However, the power of Wei Xiaobei is too great. Even Yue Lei is the power to make breastfeeding. The white light on the long gun flashes again and again, and the long shots are not able to break off half a point!

Before seeing Yue Lei who had killed himself with his own, he was subject to Wei Xiaobei, but Li Zuoguo became excited. He called out: "Be careful, look at the trick!" Continued.).


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