The City of Terror

Chapter 1392: Fairy slate!

The first chapter is sent, and I warmly congratulate the book for collecting 90,000.

It turns out that these **** soldiers have been transformed like this.

But then again, those middle-aged people originally had only one star of ordinary strength, that is, a thin white-collar body, but after that red light, the physical quality suddenly soared and reached a star elite.

Although they are not comparable to those of other soldiers, they are quicker.

In this central square, Wei Xiaobei does not have any priests with the ability to practice.

However, it is normal to think about it.

With the strength of those indigenous gods, it is too expensive to give the believer the ability to do magic.

Redemption like this can not only create a group of slightly useful cannon fodder, but also shock the believers. The cost is small, but it is much stronger than the ability to grant magic.

Different from Wei Sun’s belief in the sun **** in Dongpu, the indigenous people here originally had no external threats, so these gods directly used violence to let the other party believe in themselves. Anyway, they believed in giving their own strength, and they did not believe in the blood sacrifice. !

To be honest, if the people who are beheaded on the central square have always been the indigenous people, Wei Xiaobei does not matter, it is to watch the excitement.

It didn't take long for a group of scimitars to be invaded by humans to make Wei Xiaobei unable to sit still.

"I am grassing your fairy board! Go to the Japanese, kill the evil spirits of thousands of knives, Lao Tzu and you fight old."

"Cut! Kill them! A group of evil dogs!"

The man who was brought over by the team came all the way and smashed all the way. Although they were beaten by the indigenous people from time to time, they did not stop.

It is Chinese!

Wei Xiaobei, who was sitting on the female wall, stood up in an instant and his eyes were gathered.

Yes, yellow skin blackheads!

Their Chinese words have changed a bit, and they should be Chinese overseas Chinese here!

Wei Xiaobei thought about it at this time.

There are indeed many overseas Chinese in the Claw States. If this is not the case, China will not send an aircraft carrier fleet to evacuate the overseas Chinese.

Obviously, these Chinese compatriots have been stalking all the way, and they have long been regarded as unsalable by those indigenous peoples. When they are taken to the ditch, the indigenous people have slashed their swords and they have not let them kneel down.

Save people!

Wei Xiaobei also refused to be seen at this time, his legs slammed, his right hand smashed a piece of cement from the female wall, and people seemed to be rushing down a big bird.

The indigenous slashing knife is very fast. Those overseas Chinese have been comfortable before, but now they can see that the scimitar is cut down, and they can only force their eyes and sigh.

No way, even if you want to resist, it is impossible.

Everyone's hands are firmly tied behind them, and a group of people are **** in a row. Even if they run, they can't run.

Of course, even if the ropes are untied, they can't resist. These indigenous people are short-sighted, but they have a lot of strength. If they can beat them, they will not be caught here.

But as they closed their eyes, they heard the painful screams in the mouths of the indigenous people.

What happened?

The overseas Chinese hurriedly opened their eyes one by one, and then they saw the indigenous people who hated them so much that they fell to the ground, either their chests were bleeding or their arms were interrupted by something.


These overseas Chinese had a ecstasy in their hearts. Although they did not know how they were saved, they also reacted at this time, and they desperately wanted to break free from the **** of the rope.

You know, even if the indigenous people around you have fallen, the spears of the spears who are at the entrance to those streets in the distance have already seen the movement here, and they are dragging their spears to death.

If these spears are coming from Aboriginal, they have not yet broken off the rope and picked up the scimitar on the ground, then everything is really over.



Just in the hearts of everyone, anxiously, when the rope was tied too strong, unable to unravel, a soft bang sounded, and then they were surrounded by a person.

Of course, they did not notice the appearance of this person.

But the next moment, they had to face Wei Xiaobei.

The reason is very simple. After Wei Xiaobei grasped the rope and tried to test the degree of solidity, he rushed toward the sky. Those who were tied to the rope naturally could not escape, and could only be carried by the rope.

"What is going on here?"


Some overseas Chinese have been unable to withstand constant changes and screamed.

However, Wei Xiaobei had no intention to explain to them at this time, because just after he broke into the central square, there was a layer of red light on the five statues.

I am now!

With Wei Xiaobei being seen, there seems to be awakening on the statue, and a huge force is coming, which brings him a little threat.

Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that if he is alone, everything can be solved, but he still has a bunch of people in his hand, which is more troublesome.

These overseas Chinese are not the realists of the gray world. They are just ordinary people. Once they are fighting, even if they win, the aftermath of the battle will kill them!

Well, it seems that we must not continue to root.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to save people and directly flashed people. But now I can see the situation, and I want to run straight.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei rushed straight toward the five gods.

He had a rope on his right hand, but his left hand took out the ink gun that was still evolving.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei rushed under a statue of God, and the ink and rifle violently swept out, and instantly collided with the legs of the gods.


A loud bang came, and the calf of the statue was swept away by Wei Xiaobei!

Although the ink-and-blood gun is still evolving, there are not so many accessory effects, but its sturdy, never-wearing attributes still exist.

Although the **** statue is made of granite stone, it is still weak in the face of the huge ink and water gun.

As the calf of the statue was swept away, the statue could no longer be erected, and it collapsed.

Wei Xiaobei did not stop at this time, the ink and squirt guns were swept out again, and another statue of the **** was swept off, and then the first statue that was falling down was included in the storage ring.

In this way, in just ten occasions, the five statues erected on the central square were collected by Wei Xiaobei as a storage ring.

The power that was coming before was interrupted for a moment, and Wei Xiaobei could even hear the screams from the depths of the Blue Cotton Island on the soul level.

Undoubtedly, with the disappearance of the idols, it is impossible for those gods to transmit their power from a distance.

Temporarily safe.

Wei Xiaobei then rushed to the high-altitude with the overseas Chinese, and he did not forget to shoot some indigenous stones that dared to shoot the spears.

After breaking through the strange forces that shrouded the Blue Cotton Island, Wei Xiaobei turned to a small island closest to the Blue Cotton Island, during which a scream of screams rang on the rope behind Wei Xiaobei.

When Wei Xiaobei lowered the height and placed a string of people on the small island that was less than 300 square meters above sea level, a series of vomiting sounds immediately.

Obviously, these ordinary people are hard to bear this kind of sport similar to high altitude bungee jumping.

If it is a high-altitude bungee, then it is, then, Wei Xiaobei took them to run more than 30 kilometers at high altitude!

Worried that the rope broke, I fell on it, I don’t know who Wei Xiaobei is, and I worry that I will go out of the cave and into the wolf.

In short, even if they landed on the island, their hearts are fearful.

"You are hungry, come, take the handle, let's divide it."

In Wei Xiaobei’s storage ring, there are not many high-quality foods, but ordinary food is not too small. These foods were originally prepared for those who entered the Aomu blessed land, but they did not eat the food in the Aomufudi. Any problems arise and they fall.

Before these overseas Chinese, they did not eat for many days. Those indigenous people were arrested everywhere. They were angry and worried. After being caught, their minds were used in roaring, and they did not feel hungry.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei took out the food and suddenly a series of belly sounds sounded.

Coupled with the previous vomiting, an unbearable sense of hunger poured into their hearts.

As a result, they did not have the heart to worry that Wei Xiaobei was poisoned in food.

Besides, if Wei Xiaobei really wants to harm them, he will not save them before.

After a while, they ate each other and they were about to spit it out again.

When I was full and full, these overseas Chinese’s faces turned red and thanked Xiaowei North Road.

Later, they were only aware of the fact that Xiaobei was a Chinese, and suddenly they cried.

Cry about your own encounters, the experiences of your family, and so on.

Wei Xiaobei was also able to learn something from their mouth at this time.

Of course, more is anger.

For Wei Xiaobei, China was the world's number one power before the monster invaded reality. It was difficult for him to imagine what the overseas Chinese who were far away from other countries would encounter.

Listening now, it is the tears of smell.

This matter is just a matter of thinking about it.

The indigenous people after the redemption, even the other indigenous people who have their own blood, kill, not to mention the overseas Chinese who are different from them.

In fact, on the entire Blue Cotton Island, except for a small number of indigenous people who have been redeemed and become soldiers, the rest, whether indigenous or foreign nationals, will be sent to the erected statues as long as they are caught. Blood sacrifice!

It can be said that before the indigenous gods entered reality, there were about two million people on the island of Blue Cotton.

Now, the number of human beings who are hiding in hiding is only about 500,000.

If the soldiers are removed, there will be more than 100,000 human beings.

From this we can imagine how many humans have died in it.

To put it simply, anyone who survives has more or less the blood of his family! (To be continued.)

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