The City of Terror

Chapter 1393: God makes giant albatross

These days I saw Deco’s wild survival video. The poor road feels too much. Is there another man at the top of the food chain?

However, those indigenous people who have been successfully redeemed probably will not think about these problems.

"Big Brother, go save them."

After crying, one of them was in front of Wei Xiaobei, and asked Xiaobei to save people.

Then everyone fell down.

It is natural to save people, and Wei Xiaobei immediately let them get up and ask.

According to these overseas Chinese, the surviving overseas Chinese on the island of Blue Cotton basically went to the Krasi Mountains in the Blue Cotton Island.

There are dense vegetation, complex terrain, and many interconnected underground caves, so those who hide in can escape.

However, the only problem is that there are too many people hiding in it. It is not only the Chinese overseas Chinese who know that it is safer. Therefore, there are also indigenous people and some foreigners. The total number of people exceeds There are as many as 50,000!

Although the Kelaxi Mountains are densely planted, but 100,000 people hide in, they face a problem of insufficient food. Even if the bark is grazing, the food is not enough.

If this is not the case, these overseas Chinese in front of Wei Xiaobei will not be arrested. If they are too hungry, they can only go around the city to find food, and then they will be caught by the indigenous people who searched for it!

50,000 people?

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that he would save them alone, but now he can hear it and the back is blown up.

Among these 50,000 people, there are at least 30,000 Chinese overseas Chinese.

Even if Wei Xiaobei only saved more than 30,000 people, he would have to die!

Moreover, when he took away the other five gods, the five indigenous gods may be mad now, and they must not find themselves.

In such a situation, if you want to save more than 30,000 people, it is absolutely impossible!

Besides, more than 30,000 overseas Chinese have been saved, and the remaining 10,000 people are not saved?

Not to mention things that may be a bit of a relative relationship between overseas Chinese and many indigenous people.

The most terrible thing is that based on the humanitarian spirit, Wei Xiaobei cannot completely ignore it.

Well, Wei Xiaobei feels that he has found a big trouble for himself.

Of course, the best way is to kill the five indigenous gods, and then the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet can take people away and send them elsewhere.

The problem is that Wei Xiaobei still wants to keep those indigenous gods to find more trouble for the claw country.


Wei Xiaobei vomited two breaths and made a gesture to let those overseas Chinese secretly sneak up, then took out the satellite phone and dialed Xu Feiyang’s number.

"Old Wei? Are you here? How is the situation? You are going to say it!"

Bibibibi, once answered the phone, has not waited for Xiaobei to open, then Xu Feiyang said a lot than Bibibi, so Wei Xiaobei could not open.

Obviously, Xu Feiyang is very concerned about the things on the side of the claws.

It is said that he has been promoted to the ranks of the Secretary of the China Special Committee!

This position doesn't look very good, but in fact, it is the deputy of the chairman of the special committee!

It can even be said to be the direct person in charge of daily work.

And this position also requires a lot of intelligence support to be competent.

Undoubtedly, Xu Feiyang wants to get the exact news from Wei Xiaobei to make his own judgment on the situation in the country.

You must know that this time, the evacuation of overseas Chinese, do not look at China only sent a fleet of aircraft carriers, if necessary, even can send three aircraft carrier fleet, and strive to withdraw all overseas Chinese.

If this job is done, Xu Feiyang’s position will be stable.

When Xu Feiyang stayed in the mouth, Wei Xiaobei said the situation he had learned and asked for the communication channel password of the aircraft carrier fleet.

Wei Xiaobei's satellite phone can be directly connected to other communication channels, but without a password, it is impossible to connect successfully.

"Okay, no problem, the carrier's communication channel password is 8899tgshj, etc. I will ask the chairman first to let the aircraft carrier match your actions as much as possible!"

To be honest, Xu Feiyang said that a long list of words, the most crucial point is the last sentence.

If there is cooperation with the aircraft carrier fleet, it will be much easier for Wei Xiaobei to save the 30,000 overseas Chinese.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will rescue them. So many people are transferred to some places. So many people eat and drink, they have to let Wei Xiaobei scratch their heads.

Although there are a lot of ingredients in the storage ring, if you divide it by 30,000, there will be not much, and at most, let them have enough to eat, nothing more.

After waiting for more than two hours, Xu Feiyang called back the phone and gave Wei Xiaobei a string of letters and passwords.

This string of passwords is not the communication channel password, but the authorization code of the Chinese military, valid for one month.

Well, to put it bluntly, after contacting the aircraft carrier fleet, it is only necessary to inform the highest commander of the authorization password. In the next month, the aircraft carrier fleet will follow the orders of Wei Xiaobei.

After listening to Xu Feiyang’s explanation, Wei Xiaobei had to give a shock to the Chinese military’s big hand. He couldn’t help but joked with Xu Feiyang: “If I let them go to Sam, they will go. ?"

"Yes! So the boss, you don't joke to scare me."

Xu Feiyang was helpless to Wei Xiaobei’s jokes. To be honest, he was really afraid that Wei Bei’s brain would spurt the wind and let the aircraft carrier do something out, and could not help but beg for mercy.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. This kind of thing can't even be a joke.

We must know that although the reality of monster invasion has caused chaos around the world, the relationship between China and Sam, two powerful countries, has been in a state of mutual competition and mutual alert, but the two countries cannot avoid economics and so on. communicate with.

In short, if there is a war between the two countries, then the entire earth is estimated to be almost the same.

The nuclear bombs of the two countries are enough to destroy the earth dozens of times.

Next, Wei Xiaobei connected to the carrier's fleet communication channel and entered the password.

"Hello, my head is Zhao Xiaotian, the communications officer of the First Fleet Command."

With the communication channel connected, a slightly handsome male voice sounded. Obviously, the aircraft carrier fleet had already received the notice from the Chinese military. The current answer is only the regulations.

"I am Wei Xiaobei, please ask your highest commander to answer the phone."

Wei Xiaobei has some regrets. Why is this communications officer not a beauty?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is a bit regretful in his heart, and he will not delay the business, and he will return with solemnity.

"Okay, the head, I immediately call you the commander."

In less than five seconds, a mellow male voice rang in the satellite phone: "Hello Mr. Wei, I am Lieutenant General Zhang Dahai, the highest commander of the First Fleet! Please enter the authorization code!"

The sound is extremely high.

After the Weibei Xiaobei authorized the password input, the voice of the lieutenant Zhang Dahai became slightly softer: "The authorization password is correct. In the next month, the first aircraft carrier fleet will accept yours. command."

At this time, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Wei Xiaobei feels that the lives of more than 30,000 people are on his own. This is no more than killing with those horrible monsters. If something goes wrong, the trouble is really big.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei let the aircraft carrier fleet approach the Blue Cotton Island, but not less than 30 kilometers from the Blue Cotton Island.

To be honest, when I issued this order, Wei Xiaobei was still somewhat worried. If the five indigenous gods found the aircraft carrier fleet, the trouble went up again.

Next, Wei Xiaobei left some food and water for the rescued overseas Chinese, and they waited for peace here. After that, Wei Xiaobei got up and sneaked into the Blue Cotton Island again.

I have to say that after diving into the Blue Cotton Island, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had some small innocence of the five indigenous gods.


At a height of 1,000 meters, a huge black shadow was swept through.

From the appearance, it is an albatross.

But in fact, its body diameter is more than 20 meters, seven times bigger than the ordinary albatross!

After Wei Xiaobei sneaked into the Blue Cotton Island, such an albatross, Wei Xiaobei has met more than ten.

From their vast body far beyond the same kind, and the strange power attached to them, they should be the minions of the five indigenous gods.

Their biological level is as high as Samsung Horror!

It can be said that with their high-speed flight and huge body, Wei Xiaobei finally knows why the military power of the Claw States has been defeated by these five gods, and even the other large islands have been affected by the indigenous gods. The invasion of power.

The speed of the fighters is much faster than these giant albatrosses, but these giant albatrosses are flexible in the air and can easily avoid flying missiles. Once they are flying to the military airport, they may cause a massacre.

The opponent is located above the height of the kilometer, and even Wei Xiaobei is difficult to kill him immediately before the other party notices.

Obviously, these giant albatrosses soaring at high altitude are the eyes of the five indigenous gods. They monitor most of the areas on the island of Blue Cotton. Once they are active, they will soon be discovered by them. Then the redeemed indigenous people will Will flock to it.

If you want to save people, then the eyes of these gods must be removed.

This is unquestionable.

Only now, Wei Xiaobei needs to find the hiding places of those overseas Chinese, and then determine the situation before they can proceed to the next step.

At the speed of Wei Xiaobei, crossing the entire Blue Cotton Island is half an hour.

According to the clues provided by the overseas Chinese, Wei Xiaobei soon found a mountain tower standing in the southeast of the island of Blue Cotton.

I have to say that those overseas Chinese are already in a more dangerous situation.

Wei Xiaobei saw a group of redeemed indigenous people near the mountains gathering.

Obviously, the five gods are not vegetarian. There are so many people hiding in the mountains that they are easily found by their eyes. To be continued.

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