The City of Terror

Chapter 1394: , the specialty of the indigenous gods

It’s so cold! The first thought of getting out of the poor road today! The temperature suddenly dropped by seven or eight degrees. The body that felt normal was suddenly subjected to a cruel test. Some clothes on the body could not resist the chill of the bones. The cold raindrops outside the window fell, and the body was numb.

Previously, those indigenous gods were probably too busy to take a long line to catch big fish. Now they may feel that there are more people hiding in the mountains, and they are ready to close the net.

After entering the mountains, Wei Xiaobei easily found those overseas Chinese.

In fact, it is easy to find them by switching to any one person.

There are too many people, and tens of thousands of people are hiding in the caves of the mountains. They also need food. They need to go out regularly to collect all kinds of food in the mountains to maintain their lives.

Wei Xiaobei did not come out to contact them after they determined their hiding place.

It is not a good thing to contact them at this time.

To know that they have been hiding for a while, and to see their mental outlook, they are now in an extreme anxiety and fear.

Wei Xiaobei can't save them at once, so once they get in touch with them, it's easy to lead to a chaos.

At that time, let alone those redeemed indigenous people may attack at any time. I am afraid that even if it is a civil unrest, it may cause many deaths.

I want to ask for a life to catch the only straw, lead to confusion, and civil strife.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in history.

In order to prevent this from happening, Wei Xiaobei didn't even leave the food for them.

However, you should first establish a protection circle for them.

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, his body was hiding in a bush, and his left hand was inserted into the soil.

Suddenly, countless shredded pork squirted out like a long snake into the soil, and then formed a fist-sized meat.

Not long after, these meat mites began to rupture, and a white worm came out from it. Their appearance is exactly like a fusion of cockroaches and worms. There are twelve pairs of flexible short legs and a pair of sharp edges. The mouthparts, by looking at the appearance, they have been able to claim the most horrible creature in the world.


The queen of the altar, which was cultivated by the altar of life, combines the genes of the white misted shrimp and the dozens of powerful ants, which are swallowed by the madness of the meat after the meat.

After more than fifty queens swallowed the meat mink fragments, the body shape swollen from the size of the finger to the size of the child's arm, and then they plunged into the soil and spread quickly.

Wei Xiaobei has been paying attention to these queens with electromagnetic fields and even induction.

These queens are, in fact, the fourteenth generation. They are more capable of drilling and more powerful than their predecessors.

After drilling deep into the soil 15 to 6 meters deep, these queens desperately crushed the surrounding soil and created a warm and comfortable delivery room.

Subsequently, the short legs on them and even the mouthparts fell off, and they became completely worm-like.

At this point, the horrible ability of the queen to reproduce is revealed.

The first time you lay eggs, the amount of eggs laid by the queens is over a thousand.

The ant eggs hatched quickly. In just five minutes, a thousand young ants broke out of the shell. Their first food was the short feet and mouthparts that fell off the queen's body. Then they came along the passage opened by the queen. On the ground, in just over ten minutes, the vegetation of more than ten square meters around the entrance floor was eaten.

At the same time as the body grows, these ants also convert the swallowed plants into milk and return them to the delivery room for feeding to the queen.

After the queens get food supplements, they spawn again

Under such a cycle, the size of the ant colony is rapidly expanding in geometry.

In order to allow the newborn ant colony to have enough food to grow, Wei Xiaobei even placed some food on the ground near his entrance.

For ant colonies, it is important to get a huge amount of food supplements at the first time.

However, under the frantic spawning degree of the queen, the swarming ant colony does not satisfy the food given by Wei Xiaobei. When the number of ants increases to 100,000, their recipes will grow to those rich in humus. On the soil.

Well, to be precise, humus is the organic matter formed by the decomposition of microorganisms in the soil of living organisms.

It is a natural fertilizer.

If there is no humus in one place, then it is not enough to have soil.

Undoubtedly, humus is edible.

Of course, this food is limited to a few specific creatures.

Such as 蚯蚓, such as the ants cultivated by the altar of life.

It can be said that even if Wei Xiaobei does not put food, these ant colonies can grow stronger, but not too slow.

For such a queen colony, Wei Xiaobei set ten along the foot of the mountain.

The cost of the queen is not low, and each ant needs to consume five hundred substances of the altar of life!

Thus, after setting up ten post-ant colonies, the material in the altar of life consumes one-third.

Of course, this is worth it.

After two hours, the total number of ants has risen to hundreds of millions.

The soil near the colony of the queens, the vegetation, and even the insects, birds, etc. that lived during the period, became the food of the ant colony. They swarmed and plundered the resources around them with strength far from the same kind. These resources are converted into milk and supplied to the queen to facilitate the production of more ant eggs by the queen.

If someone looks at it from a high altitude at this time, it will be clear that there are ten empty spaces that are expanding around the mountain range.

It can be said that if Wei Xiaobei is left unchecked, it will take less than a month, and the entire mountain range will probably become a barren land. It is impossible to recover within ten years.

Seeing that some of the ant colony's range of food has begun to coincide with those of the indigenous agglomerations, some small-scale battles have begun to burst, and Wei Xiaobei knows that the time is ripe.

Probably because of the emergence of ant colonies, it attracted the attention of a giant albatross, which even fell to a height among a group of indigenous people.

The ant colonies that the indigenous people were already burning with the torches can see that after the giant albatross fell, they couldn’t care for anything. They lost their torches and bowed down to the giant albatross.

Obviously, this giant albatross has a high status in the indigenous people and can even be treated as a god.

Well, it seems to be the same.

The giant albatross was so proud that after enjoying the worship of the indigenous people, Zhang mouth began to talk.

This sudden change has made Wei Xiaobei unbeatable.

It should be known that in the creatures cultivated by Wei Xiaobei, only the creatures cultivated based on their own genes have the ability to speak.

But those indigenous gods can transform an albatross to be able to speak, and see its language description ability is no less than normal humans, it seems to have some thinking ability.

Of course, this is just a small accident.

It is rare that a giant albatross falls to the ground, and Wei Xiaobei will not let go!


Wei Xiaobei sighed softly and threw himself out of the hiding bushes. It was extremely fast. When the giant albatross was still talking, Wei Xiaobei had already plunged behind him!

However, the reaction of this giant albatross was not slow. After hearing the exhalations of the indigenous people, he turned and swung the wide wings toward Wei Xiaobei.

For the giant albatross, the wings are one of its weapons. When fighting with fighters at high altitudes, they can even use the wide wings to shoot the fighters and enter the death spiral.

And ordinary humans, as long as a wing fan has passed, they can shoot it!

But this giant albatross is probably never seen before, but this time it is a miscalculation.

The wings that were photographed, Wei Xiaobei did not care a little, and the left hand stretched out, immediately grabbed the wings, and then gently pulled it, and then torn off its wings!

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei's right fist has been hit on the head of the giant albatross, causing the other party to die immediately.

The giant albatross from the beginning to the death, even the even Wei Xiaobei did not see what it looked like.

Wei Xiaobei was convinced that the giant albatross failed to pass on his message to the indigenous gods.

This is exactly what Wei Xiaobei should avoid in the early days.

Once the indigenous gods appear on their own, the troubles will be much more.

As for the indigenous people, Wei Xiaobei did not have any mercy, grabbed a stone and threw it out. The stones containing the giant force penetrated the heads of the indigenous people in an accurate way, and they quickly killed these indigenous people.

After these gods have been redeemed by the gods, they are not normal human beings in terms of thinking. What's more, they have no pity for human beings, and their hands are full of blood. Like such a guy, Wei Xiaobei is impossible to show mercy.

Subsequently, in the first time, Wei Xiaobei broke the shredded pork in his left hand and quickly penetrated into the giant albatross to absorb the genes.

In the case of the life altar to go all out, the degree of extraction is very fast.

At the time of the count, the huge giant albatross was drawn into a skinny, and the blood in his body, even the muscles and internal organs, was cleaned up by the altar of life.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was fully activated, and the genes of the giant albatross began to be analyzed.

Well, in fact, the genes of this giant albatross are not complicated. They did not wait for Wei Bei to absorb the indigenous corpses with shredded pork. The gene has been initially analyzed by Wei Xiaobei.

Simply put, the genetics of this giant albatross is only two-tenths of a difference from the universal communication!

As can be seen from the three-dimensional genetic map, there are some red bumps somewhere in the gene chain.

It is these red bulges that make the giant albatross's size and even the biological level more of their kind, and have a certain wisdom and language ability!

After in-depth analysis, Wei Xiaobei now, these red bulges actually contain a trace of divine power.

After this point, Wei Xiaobei could not help but marvel at the expertise of the indigenous gods in this regard. (To be continued.) 8

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