The City of Terror

Chapter 1395: Indigenous gods appear!

Not much to say, the poor road is busy with his feet and heating, suddenly there is a code on the side of the lame, there is a special rhythm in it, hahaha.

You must know that the altar of life owned by Wei Xiaobei can be described as a miracle-like object. It can easily analyze biological genes and cultivate powerful creatures.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei wants to shape a creature that breeds a terrorist power of Samsung. It also takes a lot of time, and the rest of the creatures do not have the ability to communicate in language.

How did these indigenous gods do it?

To say that this method should not consume too much power, we must know that the giant albatross that Wei Xiaobei saw over the Blue Cotton Island has passed a thousand!

The most important thing is that these giant albatrosses are actually those indigenous gods who have been strengthened with the transformation of the communication albatross!

To be honest, this method is much more costly than consuming a lot of material in the altar of life to cultivate powerful creatures.

If you can master this method and integrate it with the altar of life, then the altar of life may become a real god.

Of course, if you want to crack this method, you need to spend a lot of time on Wei Xiaobei, or grab an indigenous **** and try to torture it out!

Well, Wei Xiaobei shook his head and he felt that he was thinking too much now.

Compared to this icing on the cake, things in front of you are even more important.

At night, in the previous three hours, Wei Xiaobei used a sneak attack to kill more than fifty giant albatrosses near the mountains.

Obviously, this behavior has caught the attention of those indigenous gods.

The number of giant albatrosses gathered near the mountains has increased.

Wei Xiaobei turned around in the Blue Cotton Island, but there is no hiding place for the indigenous gods.

If you want to come, if the indigenous gods don't hide in the secret, I am afraid that the claws have already attacked them with missiles.

The strength of the four-star horror in Wei Xiaobei's view, although weaker, but after all, is a god, with some magical means, it is not surprising.

Without finding the hiding place of the indigenous gods, Wei Xiaobei simply slipped into another city with a statue.

The name of the city, Wei Xiaobei does not know, but its scale is not too small, depending on the scale of its construction, probably has a population of over 200,000.

The statues are erected in the center of the city square as usual. The indigenous people of a team are busy in the square. Their job is to send the captured humans to the groove to bleed.

Suddenly, there was a violent crash at the idol, and the indigenous people turned around and looked around.

In their eyes, the five seemingly tall statues are now falling.

No, the next moment, the **** image begins to disappear!

How is this going?

The indigenous people rushed toward the center of the square in horror, but waiting for them were countless stones.


Just as the machine gun was shooting, the stone continued to pass through the indigenous chest and hit the indigenous people again.

All the indigenous people who dare to step into the square, did not spend all their time being shot by the stone.

This kind of killing, even caused a lot of fear in the hearts of many indigenous people, standing at the entrance to the square, did not dare to move forward!

Undoubtedly, the disappearance of the idols and the killings in the square quickly caught the attention of the giant albatrosses nearby.

A large number of giant albatrosses flew in from all directions. They are like demons. Any creature that wants to leave the city, whether it is those who have been redeemed or who are hiding, will be attacked fiercely!

More than three hundred giant albatrosses surrounded the entire city, and it was a mess.

Even in the distance, there was a loud noise from the ground.

I am afraid that those indigenous gods thought they would seize themselves?

Wei Xiaobei feels the vibration of the ground, and can easily guess that the guy who caused the ground vibration should have lost more than 3,000 tons!

I don't know if this guy is the real body of an indigenous **** or something like a mole.

However, there is still some time to do something before the big guy arrives.

Wei Xiaobei's legs slammed, and even as he jumped from the square, his legs then stepped on the air and slammed into the air hundreds of meters.

Those giant albatrosses have long waited impatiently, and when Wei Xiaobei appeared, it was easy to recognize that the other party was an enemy with their wisdom.

Quite simply, in this airspace, except for them, any flying object is an enemy.

The giant albatross has fanned out huge wings and surrounded the past with Wei Xiaobei.

They don't have any abilities, or spells, their strong flesh, thick feathers that resist bullets, and high flying powers that make them occupy the horror of Samsung's creatures.

This shows how fast they fly.

A large number of giant albatrosses even broke through the sound barrier!

However, for Wei Xiaobei, the biological level of Samsung's horror is too weak.

Wei Xiaobei only shot a dragon's pin, which caused a **** rain on the front of the giant albatross, and then fell down.

Dragon's straw, its sharp edge has reached the extreme of the world.

Although this dragon's needle has been worse after refining, its sharpness is not something that these giant albatrosses can bear.

With just one dragon's needle shot, the number of giant albatrosses has been reduced by a quarter!

However, the super albatross's degree was too fast, and with the number of them, they quickly broke through the blockade of the dragon's pin, and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei again.

The large ink and water gun suddenly appeared in the hands of Wei Xiaobei, and the guns swayed, like a long snake, and several giant albatross screamed and fell.

The giant albatross is extremely fast, but Wei Xiaobei is more flexible in the air, easy to shuttle between the giant albatross, and the guns can be smashed, so that several giant albatrosses can be killed.

The number of giant albatrosses has decreased, which has caused the attention, or anger, of the presence that is coming in the distance.

A violent roar came and Wei Xiaobei saw a giant with a body size of 30 meters at the edge of the city.

The crown with feathers on the head, a spear on the right, dark skin, and a wooden shield on the left.

After seeing Wei Xiaobei, who is killing the giant albatross at a glance, the giant's right hand spear is thrown out!

Are you locked? ! !

Feeling the sudden threat, Wei Xiaobei's legs were separated, kicking on the giant albatross fluttering at both ends, and the two giant albatrosses kicked the bones of the whole body and died, while the body flew backwards.


A giant spear, about 30 meters long, shot in front of Wei Xiaobei with fire.

Play sneak attack?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was able to judge that the giant should be an indigenous god.

Not to mention that in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the divine light that is scattered on his body, like a small sun, says that in addition to the massive **** atmosphere of the giant spear that has just sneaked himself with the fire, There is even a little divine light.

I am afraid that only the gods who have been with them for a long time may have such a divine light.

Wei Xiaobei chuckled and took advantage of the spear that had just been shot.

The giant spear started to turn after passing a hundred meters from Wei Xiaobei. It seemed to be like an automatic tracking missile. He wanted to turn his head and deal with Wei Xiaobei again.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei had already rushed to the side of the giant spear, and the ink and squirt gun instantly fell in the middle of this giant spear!


A loud bang that was enough to shake most people's ears came out!

Compared with the giant spear, the big ink gun is like the difference between the embroidery needle and the chopsticks.

But the big ink shot on the giant spear, and a burst of black two-color fog emerged. This mist is like a flood, and the homeopathy spreads. In just a few short periods of time, it will suddenly This giant spear wrapped most of it.

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

You must know that this ink-and-blood gun was originally in the process of engulfing the sky, but now it is like a hungry hibernating giant bear, smelling the smell of food, wake up for a while, and suddenly start to The weapon of the indigenous gods starts!

Obviously, the indigenous gods noticed this and began to take a step. They rushed over. When they were running on the street, the abandoned cars were easily crushed like chocolate biscuits.

"Sorry, can't return you."

Wei Xiaobei made a mouth shape toward the indigenous god, and laughed. After the black and white two-color fog wrapped the whole giant spear into it, without the slightest softness, he took the ink gun and the giant spear. Among the storage rings!

Feeling that the connection between the soldiers and the self was suddenly interrupted, the indigenous **** suddenly became furious, and a high jump, vacated the kilometer, and waved the left hand of the wooden shield, and smashed toward Wei Xiaobei!

As the fall fell, the wood shield suddenly gave birth to a fire, as a whole, like a group of fiercely burning fireballs.

Is this the strength of the indigenous gods?

After Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, he couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t retreat. He shouted: “It’s good!” As soon as the legs slammed, the rushed up, the right hand punched, and the wood fell. The round shield smashed up.

To say that the wooden shield is on the indigenous gods, it looks like a small round shield, that is, a small round shield that can only protect the arm.

However, due to the size of the indigenous gods, the diameter of the wooden shield is over ten meters!

Wei Xiaobei’s head is now not even two meters. Under the care of the wood round shield fire, it is like a small point.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei did not retreat, rushed up, the indigenous **** could not help but burst into laughter, and then speed up the squat!

In the eyes of this indigenous god, this human being has at most the strength of some ordinary people. To fight against a god, it is completely impossible. (To be continued.)

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