The City of Terror

Chapter 1398: Ant flood

No nonsense reading. ——

At this time, when Wei Xiaobei made a large number of cheap and good people, a black spring water suddenly appeared on the ground around the mountain.

What is going on?

Some indigenous people who noticed the black springs were a little surprised.

After these people were redeemed, they still had some of their own thoughts, but they were branded in the depths of their subconscious minds, that is, they believed in the indigenous gods and regarded it as their only day!

Of course, such a means can only be used in these indigenous people with similar blood.

It is impossible to switch to other blood vessels.

Indigenous people were surprised to see the black spring water, but those black springs quickly spread around, just like the water of the king, wherever they passed, no matter plants, insects, or even the soil disappeared!

what is this? ! !

Seeing this scene, those indigenous peoples are inexplicably inexplicable.

After waiting for a daring indigenous to look at it, there was a scream of horror: "It's an ant!"

What is terrible for ants?

Most of the indigenous minds have come up with this disdainful idea.

You know, in the area of ​​the claws, ants are a rare food.

Every year, a large number of ant colonies are destroyed by the indigenous people, so as to collect ants, young ants and even ant eggs to make fresh ant caviar.

According to people who have eaten, it is the food that is given in heaven.

The problem is that the number of ant colonies has been decreasing year by year due to human greed. Until now, many indigenous people do not know what the taste of ant caviar looks like.

But they all know that ants are not terrible, just like pigs, sheep and sheep that are raised, are you afraid of the food you eat?

But shortly after the idea of ​​the indigenous people, the daring indigenous people turned to dance on the way back, and made a sharp scream.

The indigenous people with good eyesight soon discovered what was going on.

It is an ant!

The daring Indigenous does not know when to climb the ants!

These seemingly inconspicuous ants are extremely fierce on their bodies, constantly biting the indigenous skin, and some have gotten into their noses and ears!

Before and after the ten-day period, the indigenous people fell.

The black springs swept over and drowned them.

When the black springs left, only a white skeleton was revealed.




A lot of negative emotions emerged from the hearts of the indigenous people in a flash.


The vast majority of indigenous people have made the same decision!

If it is the enemy of the indigenous gods!

These indigenous people can probably die in the dead.

But they find that their enemies are ants everywhere, and these ants are terrible, so it is not surprising that the extreme negative choices of humanity appear.

It must be said that these indigenous people's ability to escape is still very strong.

In the indigenous people surrounding the mountains, at least 90% of the indigenous people escaped in the first place, and did not let those ants catch up!

The remaining ones are indigenous, some are surrounded by ant colonies, even if they want to escape, there is no chance, and some want to destroy these ant colonies with gasoline torches.

In any case, the indigenous people who did not escape in the first place were turned into a white skeleton by the ant colony.

Even the indigenous people who used gasoline to draw a circle around themselves did not escape the fate of death.

At this point, the number of ants has soared to more than two billion!

An indigenous person, with his feet to step on, can easily kill hundreds of ants in a single effort.

But when ants gather in groups and flood like floods, even hundreds of indigenous people who gather together can only die quickly in fear.

To be honest, the screams of the natives outside the mountains made the asylum seekers hiding in the caves of the mountains almost collapse.

They don't know what's going on outside the mountains, but as humans, they can guess.

Listening to the screams of the indigenous people, it should have been attacked by terrorist monsters.

At the thought of this, these asylum seekers almost collapsed and evolved into a chaos.

Fortunately, most of the overseas Chinese compatriots have formed a group according to their closeness, distance and location.

The leaders of these groups performed well at this time, and they calmed down everyone's emotions, even spurred young and strong, formed a joint escort, and seized some guys who tried to mess up.

At the same time, whether these guys are indigenous or foreigners, or overseas Chinese, do their best!

I have to say that this iron-and-iron disposal method has greatly shocked some of the people who are not thinking about it, and has also calmed down the chaos that is about to erupt.

At least, the vast majority of asylum seekers saw a glimmer of hope.

The combined escorts of the young and strong, always able to fight against those crazy indigenous people.

After the ants swarmed out and the indigenous people gathered near the mountains were driven away, the Pu people raised by Wei Xiaobei almost reached the mountains.

To say that Wei Xiaobei originally intended to let the ant colony annihilate those indigenous people.

I can think of myself, and I am still prepared to keep the indigenous gods to add chaos to the country. So, most of these indigenous people are better.

Otherwise, these indigenous peoples will be wiped out, and those indigenous gods will probably enter a long period of weakness, let alone add chaos to the claws, I am afraid that it will be destroyed soon.

Of course, the indigenous gods hiding in the northern islands are better not to come out at this time. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will be reluctant to help them, and they will only help them to break.

More than three thousand people entered the mountains and found the entrance to the cave.

However, the joint guards guarding the entrance to the caves in various places prevented the entry of ordinary people.

Well, their approach is not wrong.

After all, the lives of tens of thousands of people can basically be said to be handed over to them. If these people with unknown origins are put in, once they make a mistake, it will be difficult to recover.

You know, they are friends and relatives in the cave!

Fortunately, the blocking of the Joint Guard is only temporary.

After receiving news of the arrival of a self-proclaimed rescue team, the leadership of those overseas Chinese groups rushed out.

Not to mention whether this is true, they must seize this life-saving rope!

This is also a helpless thing, tens of thousands of people hiding in the cave, no food, relying only on some plants that are occasionally found from the outside, many people are hungry.

If this situation continues for a few more days, I am afraid that people will eat things!

"You are?"

Although seeing the faces of ordinary people is the standard of Chinese people, the leadership of those overseas groups feels hesitant, has a feeling of being saved, but is afraid of being deceived. The other is a liar disguised by the indigenous gods.

"We are the first special operations unit of the Huaxia evacuation fleet, this is our head."

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has connected his mind with several ordinary people, and he personally manipulates the affairs of contact with the other party.

This is also a helpless thing.

These common artificial prices are cheaper, and the ability to act autonomously is even worse.

If those ordinary people of Samsung can still say something according to the specific situation, these ordinary people who are not as good as cannon fodder are equivalent to idiots.

They will only do things according to Wei Xiaobei's arrangement, but it is impossible to disguise their identity, say something to communicate, and dispel the other's doubts.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is not sure that he can believe in the operation of these ordinary people.

After all, the time is too tight, more than 3,000 people, only 30 different appearances.

In other words, each of the appearances has a hundred ordinary people who look exactly the same.

This is easy to cause misunderstanding.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei said this, and gave the head of a seemingly majestic general to the head of the regiment. Those leaders who originally wanted to catch a straw were immediately believed.

Of course, it is impossible to say that it is completely believed.

No one will give his life to some strangers.

But at this time, you can only take risks.

The worst result is nothing more than being caught by those indigenous people.

Ok, even if you are caught, everyone can resist!

However, next, it is extremely cumbersome to arrange for these asylum seekers to escape from the mountains.

Wei Xiaobei needs to do a good job in his mind. Three thousand people have been assigned to help some old and sick people and even those who are too hungry to walk away. Of course, only these three thousand people are not enough.

However, at this time, the brilliance of human nature still appeared. Most of the young and strong stood up and were willing to help others.

Soon, the asylum seekers began to leave the cave with the help of the generals and young people.

At this time, the ant colony has swept around the mountains and is gathering to move towards the west coast of the Blue Cotton Island.

They will first arrive at the west coast of the Blue Cotton Island, disperse the indigenous people where they pass, and open up a passage for those who have evacuated safely.

Of course, the indigenous people who are unwilling to leave, did not say, kill them all!

A little headache for Wei Xiaobei is that some giant albatrosses seem to be attracted to the past by the crowds who began to evacuate the mountains.

They hovered above the sky, and they could rush to attack the crowd at any time.


Wei Xiaobei will burst out of swearing.

If those giant albatrosses are attacking people, not to mention the casualties they cause, those who have been horrified, there will be chaos, trampling, and so on. The most terrible thing is that this may scare They have to escape to the caves of the mountains and never dare to come out.

This will undoubtedly undermine Wei Xiaobei’s evacuation plan.

Wei Xiaobei looked coldly at the northern island.

Obviously, those giant albatrosses are not acting by themselves, and this is probably related to the indigenous gods.

Obviously, I am sitting here, let the indigenous gods dare not act rashly, but they are not willing to let the asylum seekers escape! (To be continued.)

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