The City of Terror

Chapter 1399: Bait

Chapter 1399, bait

This chapter is scheduled to be released, the poor road is trying to code words in the small black house, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a ticket, and subscribe! ——

We must know that if tens of thousands of living people bring blood sacrifices, they can further strengthen the rule transformation of the Blue Cotton Island!

What's more, in the current situation, a large number of humans have escaped from the vicinity of the Blue Cotton Island, making it increasingly difficult for them to capture humans. ~,

With so many human beings, the indigenous gods are absolutely unwilling to give up!

Wei Xiaobei’s mind is now running fast, thinking about this problem.

I knew that there would be such a situation, and I should have brought it to Bai Mayi.

Undoubtedly, Bai Mayi is the best way to deal with these giant albatrosses!

As long as the giant albatross will reduce the height to less than a kilometer, Bai Mayi will let them know from the rain of rain like a rainstorm, what is pain!

However, it is a bit late to think about it now.

Even Wei Weibei wants to immediately cultivate a group of Samsung horror elites.

Cultivate such elites, and do not say that the material consumption is extremely high, the cost performance is extremely low, and the time of cultivation is very long!

Then you can only seduce them.

Wei Xiaobei soon thought of an idea.

In a few minutes, Wei Xiaobei cultivated a group of flame birds.

In order to save the cultivation time, these flame birds only keep the speed, and the flame temperature is weakened to less than two Baidu!

To put it bluntly, the flame outside the body is completely a display. In addition to dealing with ordinary humans, it does not play any role in dealing with other monsters.

In order to ensure that those giant albatross will be attracted by these flame birds, Wei Xiaobei also took out the big killer!

A mass of meaty meat.

Well, this group of meat was originally cut from the edge of the broken fat. Because this part of the meat was severely damaged, the meat quality was extremely poor.

If Wei Xiaobei was not thrown into the storage ring in the principle of not wasting, I am afraid I should have lost it long ago.

But now, these meats are of great use.

After the flame bird got out of the meat chop, he didn't even have time to eat the meat. Then he took a sip of meat and then flicked his wings and quickly left.

Hundreds of slap-sized flaming birds left in droves with their flesh.

At this time, the giant albatrosses had some uncontrollable feelings. They began to reduce their height from high altitude, trying to pass over the crowd and test the enemy's situation.

Under Wei Xiaobei’s orders, those ordinary people were prepared. Once the giant albatross passed by, they rushed up with a stone, taking advantage of the giant albatross’s bite in his mouth. Just put the stone into the mouth of the giant albatross.

The giant albatross then bite, although the Pu people were killed, but the stone was broken.

It is conceivable that a bit of gravel will make a giant albatross feel.

Blue thin mushrooms!

The first thing is all right, the second is the same.

Undoubtedly, this tactic has made the giant albatross somewhat hesitant.

Although they have certain wisdom, it is because of this wisdom that their judgments have made a little mistake.

In their eyes, the following humans do not seem to be delicious.

This makes them hover longer at high altitudes.

It was not until the indigenous gods discovered that these giant albatrosses did not attack according to their orders.

After these giant albatrosses felt the anger transmitted by the gods, they naturally did not hesitate to hesitate. They even lowered their heights, like a long arrow, rushing toward the human fleeing on the ground!

But at this moment, a flaming bird with a slap in the distance appeared and flew over here.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the flame bird, the giant albatross stopped to dive and observed these foreign visitors.

What they didn't think of was that these little ones had launched an attack on them after they arrived.

court death!

The giant albatrosses were furious and killed the flame birds with their wings and claws.

But they soon discovered that these flame birds have attractive meat flavors!

This meaty scent directly triggers the impulse to bury it in the deepest part of their blood.

Clam meat!

Xiaolong is a high-ranking person among the aquariums, and its status is second only to Zhenlong and Xiangliu.

And those giant albatrosses feed on fish, which are foods that enhance their life's life, and their temptation is imaginable.

After fighting for a moment with the giant albatross, these flame birds fled and fled.

At this time, the giant albatross has completely forgotten the orders of the indigenous gods.

After all, they are not the creatures that the indigenous gods cultivated by themselves. They are just the variants that the universal communication gods appear under the guidance of divine power.

Thus, in the face of orders and tempting food, these giant albatross chose food!


Without hesitation, the giant albatross obeyed the impulses of the deep blood, fanning the huge wings and chasing the flame birds.

There is no doubt that the speed of the flamingo is a little worse than these giant albatrosses.

In this fierce chase, the flame bird is constantly caught up by the giant albatross, and then swallowed.

Of course, the flame bird is flexible enough because of the relationship between the giants, and it is still difficult for the giant albatross to try to wipe them all out.

Not long after, this chase war came to an end.

More than 90% of the flamebirds were swallowed by giant albatrosses, and the remaining flamebirds desperately swooped toward the beach.

Undoubtedly, the giant albatross at this time saw Wei Xiaobei sitting on the boulder. At the same time, he also saw the meat piled up next to him.


This is an indescribable visual impact.

The meaty flesh of the masses is much more than the flesh of the flaming birds in their mouths.

What's more, these giant albatrosses have excellent eyesight, and they can clearly distinguish what the scorpion meat is, that is, the food that smells seductive meat!

The giant albatross directly ignored Wei Xiaobei, and gave up the flamingos that flew around the beach, and the head flies straight toward the group.

Looking at the giant albatross that swooped down like a moth, Wei Xiaobei’s mouth could not help but sculpt an arc.

To use the meat to lure these giant albatrosses, Wei Xiaobei’s heart is only 80% sure.

However, this 80% grasp is finally successful.

The schemes of those indigenous gods are now shattered.


In the face of the giant albatross that was thrown down, Wei Xiaobei did not have the slightest softness. As soon as he raised his hand, a dragon's pin spurt out, and in a flash, he will kill the top ten giant albatross in front of him!

To say that these giant albatrosses are not completely tempted by food, the wisdom they possess can also allow them to judge the human horror below!

The remaining giant albatrosses are desperately fanning their wings, trying to slow down the dive and escape from this desperate situation.

However, the inertia caused by the previous rapid dive is not so easy to resolve.

Wei Xiaobei has already jumped up and left the boulder. A large gun emerged in his hand. In a blink of an eye, he stabbed several guns. The guns took several giant albatrosses and passed through their bodies. Emerge, a slender white light burst out!

For a moment, all the giant albatrosses that swooped down in the volley were shot and killed by the blast!

To say that when Wei Xiaobei took over these giant albatrosses, the indigenous gods on the northern islands then floated, and it seemed that they wanted to shoot.

After waiting for Xiaobei to burst out of guns and killing more than two hundred giant albatrosses, the indigenous gods on the northern island suddenly subsided.

The hand exposed by Wei Xiaobei has undoubtedly greatly shocked the indigenous gods.

Don't say that Wei Xiaobei's gunshots are so powerful. He only said that Wei Xiaobei's casual breath revealed a hint of breath, and let those indigenous gods realize that this human being is not easy to provoke.

The kind of atmosphere similar to the gods contains great danger!

For this, the indigenous gods who have lived for hundreds of years and even thousands of years can clearly judge.

Do not dare to move!

At this time, the schemes of the indigenous gods were shattered, and they themselves did not dare to take the shots, and the rest of the matter was solved.

Of course, even so, the migration of tens of thousands of people is not so easy and simple.

Long periods of low food intake make the asylum seekers extremely poor.

Those young and strong can still barely walk on their own, and the old, the weak and the sick are not working. When they are less than halfway away, there are a large number of asylum seekers who have stopped breathing.

Not that they are not willing to go, but that the body is too weak.

At this time, the three thousand people sent by Wei Xiaobei had to bear heavy physical labor. They needed to transport the weakest old, weak, sick and sick to the western beach. During this period, some of the ordinary people had to be sent to undertake the garrison task. Most of the remaining people need to return to the cave until they have moved all the old and weak, and then proceeded to carry the asylums who stopped halfway.

To be honest, if these ordinary people are not ordinary people, this task can't be done.

These ordinary people are only one star elite, close to the ordinary strength of two stars, which means that they do not exceed the normal peak of human beings.

To be precise, the generals of these one-star elites are elites who have been in the military for fifteen years.

In such heavy physical labor, most of the ordinary people are physically exhausted, and if they are ordinary humans, they have long lie down.

Of course, the result of such heavy physical labor is that many ordinary people directly extract the final physical energy after the physical exhaustion is clean, and the final physical energy is squeezed clean, and the ordinary people will fall down directly and turn into black water. .

This is the result of cultivating the organism's inability to maintain the internal circulation normally, and the whole collapses and dies.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei also had some meat pain.

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