The City of Terror

Chapter 1400: Variation wharf

I feel that the New Year has not arrived, the spring will arrive first, the air is filled with a thick warm sun, and the sun is warm. ——

To know that the material consumption of these three thousand people is also more than 150,000. If you want to add so much material, if you use a grain blanket, it will take a week. If you use a pig farm, you need it. Consume more than 4,000 fat pigs.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei wandered around the Blue Cotton Island during this time, killing the giant albatross and redeeming the indigenous people, more or less making up for some material consumption, and the hundreds of giant albatrosses tempted by the scorpion meat also gave life. The altar has added a lot.

After all, this material supplement is directly related to the creature's head and the biological level.

If Wei Xiaobei is willing to take the meat and bring it to the altar of life, then half of the meat may fill the material reserve of the altar of life!

Of course, in this case, the loss is too great.

The precious ingredients such as clam meat are used to fill the material reserves, just like the luxury of using gold to create armor!

In other words, even if the ordinary people die, they can recover a lot of substances, more than 60%.

But Wei Xiaobei now needs to shock those indigenous gods, so those who have melted the death can only give up.

Well, one thing to note is that those ordinary people who caused the death of the refugees still caused fears.

For this, Wei Xiaobei can only pass the reasons of the remaining people to the indigenous gods.

It is poison under the indigenous gods! These heroic soldiers were poisoned.

That's right, this reason is very good, and it perfectly explains the symptoms of the black water after the death of the Pu people.

Of course, this reason also gives the asylum seekers a rare boost to the speed of the beach.

People are afraid of death, they are afraid of being poisoned by those invisible poisons, afraid to die here.

As for the shackles of many asylum seekers, it is another matter.

Wei Xiaobei has no thoughts on this.

Another problem is that after a large number of overseas Chinese left the cave, there were more than 10,000 indigenous, foreign-made mixed evacuation teams who were far behind the overseas Chinese.

These people didn't dare to show up before. Now they see that the overseas Chinese have withdrawn, it seems to be safer, and they will follow up with a bite.

Can't save them?

Through the eyes of ordinary people, Wei Xiaobei can easily see the indigenous and foreigner's weak and rickety body.

Obviously, they are no better than the Chinese overseas.

They suffered the same pain in the catastrophe created by the indigenous gods.

If Wei Xiaobei does not pay attention to them, probably more than half of them will fall on the road to the beach.

This is not unusual. You must know that anyone who is hungry for nearly a month, does not have enough food, and the body will be weak to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, even top-notch survival experts can't do anything about it.

After all, there are too many people hiding in the mountains, and they can't find enough food to fill their stomachs.

First, the overseas Chinese will be safely delivered to the beach.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and made this decision.

This is also one of the main purposes of Wei Xiaobei’s coming here. He is not a believer in philanthropism.

Well, even if it is a believer in philanthropism, its radiance needs to first shine on its own ethnic group.

As for the next thing, look at the luck of those indigenous and foreigners.

Time passes by.

The vast majority of Chinese overseas Chinese migrated to the beach.

The so-called 10,000 people, people are crowded.

These 30,000-plus overseas Chinese have gathered together, and the heads of people are quite spectacular.

For Wei Xiaobei, the most important thing now is to step up and urge the first aircraft carrier fleet to be close to the Blue Cotton Island.

Before the asylum leader set off, Wei Xiaobei ordered the first aircraft carrier fleet to be close to the Blue Cotton Island.

According to the time, the first aircraft carrier fleet should appear on the sea.

Is there something wrong with this?

Wei Xiaobei took out the satellite phone and connected the communication channel of the first aircraft carrier fleet.

However, the news obtained made Wei Xiaobei quite frown.

The first aircraft carrier fleet arranged Wei Xiaobei's arrangement to go to the island more than 30 kilometers away from the island of Blue Cotton, but there was an accident in the process.

A fleet of clawed countries intercepted the aircraft carrier fleet.

It is said that the fleet of this claw country is very weak, and there are three frigates in the district.

But when the problem is often raised between countries, it is more troublesome.

The aircraft carrier fleet informed the other party that it was coming to evacuate the overseas Chinese, but the other party refused to let the aircraft carrier fleet pass.

After a delay, the commander of the first aircraft carrier fleet made a decision and forced it through!

To say that the frigates of this claw country were intercepted on the high seas, they had some meaning that they could not understand.

Sure enough, when the aircraft carrier forced the interception of the other party, the other party also attempted to bypass the aircraft carrier fleet to continue to block.

But as the fighters above the aircraft carrier began to fly together, the turrets on the destroyer were removed, and the other party was still afraid, and had to step back and let the route.

Of course, after the adoption of the aircraft carrier fleet, the commander could not help but feel a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of a conflict with the other party. The problem is that his task now is not to fight with the fleet of the claws, but to evacuate the overseas Chinese.

Once it affects the action of evacuating overseas Chinese, the problem is more troublesome.

Once the other party has been constantly disturbing and wants to solve the problem, it will take a lot of time to rely on diplomacy.

Unless you hit it!

However, an aircraft carrier fleet is far away from the country. Once it is shot, the task of evacuating the overseas Chinese will be a failure.

Although the Kuwawa country can't deal with Huaxia's aircraft carrier fleet, its power to pour the country is enough for you to pick up the overseas Chinese.

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a test of the wisdom and decision of the commander.

However, this is also the case, delaying the journey of the aircraft carrier fleet.

The aircraft carrier fleet has received more than a dozen overseas Chinese in the small island 30 kilometers away. At this time, it is moving towards Lanmian Island at full speed.

Well, actually, at this time, Wei Xiaobei has seen the emergence of carrier-based aircraft.

As the eyes of the aircraft carrier fleet, they first arrived at the Blue Cotton Island.

Seeing the carrier aircraft that had been slowed down from the low altitude, those overseas Chinese who were resting on the beach cheered up.

For them, after experiencing this terrible horror, they saw the fighters from the motherland and they were very excited.

They even sang and danced in cheers despite the weakness of the body.

Several frigates belonging to the aircraft carrier fleet are approaching at high speed and take half an hour!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei guarded the indigenous gods on the northern island and turned his attention to the indigenous and foreigners who were struggling on the road.

He is calculating how many people the carrier fleet can take.

Well, this also determines the fate of those indigenous and foreigners.

If the aircraft carrier fleet can only take away those overseas Chinese, I am sorry that Wei Xiaobei will not let his compatriots disembark and give the position to others.

If the aircraft carrier fleet still has a little position, Wei Xiaobei will bring them in a humanitarian spirit, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After the calculation was completed, Wei Xiaobei gave a sigh of relief and laughed. The luck of these guys was not bad.

Just an aircraft carrier, probably can take away 37,000 people, of course, this is not very loose placement.

Plus the rest of the ship, almost able to take 60,000 people!

In other words, those indigenous and foreigners are saved.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei sent half of the remaining ordinary people out to guide the indigenous people, and the foreigners approached the beach.

I have to say that after learning that they can be rescued, these indigenous and foreigners have even had the last potential, even if no one is helping, they have to desperately go to the beach.

Finally, in the distant sea, a steel behemoth appeared and drove towards the beach.

Suddenly, a cheer on the beach rang again, and then a Chinese national anthem sounded.

At this time, all the overseas Chinese have a heart and blood.

Often this kind of distress, the meaning of the motherland will be reflected.

If you put the frigate in front of the giant sea-fighting combat weapons of the aircraft carrier, it is really a small point.

But when they are alone on the surface of the sea, the visual impact is unbeatable!

Although the frigate is a little trumpet, it is impossible to dock directly to the beach.

However, the people who used to work as guardians around the beach have long been busy. They are like the same platform, they are desperately crushing their own strength, cutting down tall trees and cutting them into pieces. The original flavor of the wooden planks starts from the beach and builds a wooden pier into the sea.

However, the strength of these ordinary people is still weaker, and the construction speed of wooden piers is too slow.

The frigates have begun to send lifeboats to the beach.

Of course, if the lifeboat is completely used to evacuate the overseas Chinese, the speed is too slow.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei took a necklace hanging from his neck and then violently threw it. The stone necklace flew like a lightning bolt to the beach more than 20 kilometers away.

In the process, the size of the stone necklace began to expand.

Until the beach fell, it has turned into a cement pier more than 30 meters long.


A dull bang came and the concrete pier was lying on the beach, and the overseas Chinese were shocked.

Undoubtedly, this variant terminal is just right at this time, and it quickly spreads out to the sea surface, and it will only slow down when the body length exceeds 500 meters.

Wei Xiaobei then used the satellite phone to inform the aircraft carrier fleet and let their ships stop at the nearby cement terminal.

The overseas Chinese began to form a team of hundreds of people under the leadership of the generals, and then went to the cement terminal to board the ship. (To be continued.)

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