The City of Terror

Chapter 1403: Pick the gossip

This chapter is scheduled to be released. At this time, the poor road is probably going back to sleep. Well, it is a good thing to sleep. For the poor road, it is probably a good thing. ——

This so-called sun religion, Wei Xiaobei was created, originally to collect the power of faith, in order to harvest the use of divinity.

It seems that it can still be maintained for quite some time. Anyway, as long as it does not affect the collection of the power of faith, Wei Xiaobei has no energy to do any rectification for the time being.

After Wei Xiaobei harvested his divinity, he entered the gray world in the first time.

It is one of the main purposes of Wei Xiaobei's arrival in Dongpu.

This time into the gray world, Wei Xiaobei chose to enter near a small city on the island of Honshu.

After entering the gray world, Wei Xiaobei looked around in a circle, the situation around him was relatively strange, and there was a small village standing in the distance.

I want to come, the small village should be the projection of the small city in the gray world, or the projection of a hundred years ago.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei more surprised is that the village seems calmer, or not so much like it should be in the gray world.

Many villagers are farming on the fields outside the village. The way they use the cultivated land is that the two are in front of the animal force, pulling the wooden plow, and the latter is at the helm.

I have to say that this farming method is extremely backward.

But in the East, hundreds of years ago, this backward farming method is extremely common.

The reason is very simple. Dongpu does not produce iron, and the iron materials imported from the outside are collected by the big names to make weapons. These hard-working farmers can only rely on the original way of wood plow manpower to farm.

Of course, the benefits of farming are also very low, but those big names that are levy can not control the lives of these farmers.

Having said that, here is the gray world. These villagers seem extremely peaceful, and there is no fear of potential threats at all.

After a round of circling around, Wei Xiaobei found out that this is indeed the case.

With the village as the center, there is no ghost in the radius of more than 30 kilometers!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also found such a situation.

About 25 kilometers from the village, there is a castle built of stone!

This stone castle has the effect of protecting the surrounding villages.

After a ghost has broken into a certain range of stone castles, the warriors in the stone castle will quickly move out to encircle the ghosts that invade the territory.

Wei Xiaobei has no thoughts on the warriors. The creatures of these warriors are not high, most of them are at the level of the two-star elite, but the stone castle has a magical effect on these warriors.

As long as the range of these samurai activities does not exceed 30 kilometers, their strength can be maintained at the level of two-star terror.

For those ghosts who roam here, a group of two-star horror warriors plus a few Samurai warriors of the Samsung elite are already difficult to deal with.

Wei Xiaobei did not stay too much in this area. After he left the ground and rushed to the sky, he quickly found a slightly familiar castle and determined his position.

The slightly familiar castle was the place where the old gossip snake and the half **** were killed.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also grabbed the Tian Congyun sword here, which made the ink rifle evolve into a sun-gun.

The main purpose of Wei Xiaobei’s entry into the Dongpu Grey World at this time is the two gossip snakes!

Now that I found the familiar castle, I suddenly let Wei Xiaobei breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, this gray world is dangerous. Even Wei Xiaobei does not dare to snarl. On the familiar ground, there is always a stronger psychological advantage than the unfamiliar place.

Wei Xiaobei did not bother the castle.

After all, it is a castle that once built a life. It is hard to say whether the Dongpu **** will cast his eyes here. Wei Xiaobei does not want to cause more trouble at this time.

Bypassing the castle, Wei Xiaobei’s light-duty road went to the huge volcano that the gossip snake was in.

Along the way, I can see a lot of white bones falling on the road, there are warriors and giant snakes.

Undoubtedly, in this area, food is difficult to obtain, so that their bodies are eaten away by other organisms in a short time.

When a huge volcano appeared in the field of vision, Wei Xiaobei fell from the sky to the ground.

Undoubtedly, it is not a good thing to go from high altitude, and it may be easy to be discovered by the gossip snake that explored the volcano.

Under the cover of numerous megaliths, Xiaobei, while waiting to sneak into the huge volcano, still saw the giant snakes who were playing in the river and near the magma.

Well, it is clear that Wei Xiaobei’s last time stealing a large number of snake eggs has had a serious impact on the population of the giant snake. At this time, the number of sharply reduced battles between the giant snake and the warrior has not recovered.

According to visual inspection, the number of giant snakes around the volcano is only over 10,000, which is much less than the last five or six thousand.

I just don't know how the two gossip snakes recovered.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei hid in the river behind a huge stone, and suddenly released a hint of breath.

The silky breath spread out. Whether the serpents were playing or resting, they suddenly woke up. They erected a long body and spit out the snake letter, and they rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s sigh of breath is so close that it is difficult to judge the source of this scent.

After these giant snakes returned to their previous state, Wei Xiaobei released his breath again.

This time, Wei Xiaobei released a breath more than a few times before, and the reaction of the giant snakes was even more intense. They even smashed the snake array in the same place, spit out the snake letter and constantly screamed with horror!

Obviously, Wei Xiaobei’s breath of release this time scared them.

The strongest of these giant snakes is just four stars, and the breath released by Wei Xiaobei has surpassed the four-star horror and reached the level of four-star disaster.

For these giant snakes, what they feel in a flash is fear!

This time, there was a movement in the quiet crater.

The sound of the violent tumbling of the magma suddenly appeared, and then several giant snakeheads explored the crater, vigilantly exploring the snake letter around!

It is a gossip snake.

It finally appeared.

There are eight heads that are the gossip snakes that haven’t been hurt, and one of the heads next to them is the gossip snake that has been smashed with many heads. It looks weak and looks down and then shrinks. Go back.

Obviously, many of the skulls were smashed, and it was a very serious injury to the gossip snake, so that it has not recovered.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh.

Without a gossip snake as an opponent, the next battle will undoubtedly be a lot easier.

Wei Xiaobei did not hide again, his legs slammed on the ground, and even stepping on the air, like stepping on an invisible ladder, rushed toward the huge volcano.

The vision of the gossip snake is very good. When I saw Wei Xiaobei rushing over, I didn't hesitate. A skull opened a fireball toward Wei Xiaobei!

Undoubtedly, after seeing the atmosphere of Wei Xiaobei, the gossip snake has regarded Wei Xiaobei as an enemy equal to himself!

Wei Xiaobei’s right hand caught in the air, and the sun-gun shot appeared immediately. The body-sized fireball was less than ten meters away from Wei Xiaobei at this time!

The sun-gun shimmered gently, even on the fireball.

A loud bang, the fireball exploded, and Wei Xiaobei bounced off.

Wei Xiaobei was unscathed and continued to rush toward the gossip snake.

The next moment, several fireballs shot at Wei Xiaobei, and the body of the gossip snake began to climb outside the volcano.

Obviously, for the gossip snake, the crater is not suitable for combat.

Under the continuous movement of the sun-gun, the fireballs exploded one by one.

However, the angle of the fireball shot by the gossip snake was extremely in place. The shock wave generated after the explosion continued to push Wei Xiaobei toward the rear, which made Wei Xiaobei unable to get close to the gossip snake in a short time.


Wait until the gossip snake climbed out of the crater, and even waved the thick tail, and swept the Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei sighed softly, and the sun-gun shot on his hand turned into a pair of gloves worn on his hands. He punched his fists and grabbed the tail.

The thick tail of the gossip snake emerged with a layer of hot magma.

When the two sides collided, Wei Xiaobei was trapped in this layer of hot magma. It was impossible to see that the magma layer on the tail of the Eight Diagrams Serpent was very thin compared to the Gossip, but for Wei Xiaobei, It is a thick layer of magma, and its depth is more than five meters!

A slight glimpse of the tail, a large piece of magma splashed out, falling into the vegetation and immediately caused a raging flame.

To be honest, this gossip snake can make a lot of enemies besieging himself by the trick.

Well, in the eyes of the Eight Diagrams Serpent, Wei Xiaobei will certainly be hit hard in the magma, and the tail will immediately turn to the ground and smash down, which will kill Wei Xiaobei.

But when the tail was about to hit the ground, a huge force came, and the gossip snake found that his tail could no longer be taken, just like an invisible force to set his tail in the air.

Of course, the gossip snake did not know that Wei Xiaobei, who was caught in the magma at this time, had already caught his hands on his tail!

Compared with the gossip snake, Wei Xiaobei’s head is too small.

If the gossip snake is a ham, then Wei Xiaobei is not as good as a sesame.

But this is the sesame that is trapped in the magma layer. At this time, the tail of the gossip snake can no longer be slammed!

The special effect of the sun glove allows Wei Xiaobei to ignore the huge body of the gossip snake and hold it tight!

"Give me down!"

Wei Xiaobei burst into a burst, and his hands suddenly made a force. The huge and incomparable gossip snake was suddenly smashed by Wei Xiaobei.

Hey, a loud noise!

The gossip snake was dragged down from the volcano by Wei Xiaobei in a blink of an eye, and one of them squatted in the river. (To be continued.)

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