The City of Terror

Chapter 1404: Dragon arrow

Poor road bought a magnesium rod, although it was a bargain, but it also satisfied the poor road, gave birth to a fire, and the result was a disaster, the knife that scraped the magnesium rod pulled a hole in the hand -

Of course, the huge body of the gossip snake lingers in the river, and it is only a small part. A large number of rivers are evaporated by high temperature for a moment, and even a large groove is drawn by the gossip snake on both sides of the river. Hundreds of giant snakes were crushed into bolognese under the gossip snake.

To say that Wei Xiaobei’s current strength is that he wants to pick up the gossip snake, it’s still a little worse.

However, the 10 points of power added by the Sun Boxing to Wei Xiaobei made up for this, which made Wei Xiaobei fly the gossip snake in the case of full force.

However, the reaction of the huge body of the Eight Diagrams Serpent is extremely great. The air that has solidified at the foot of Wei Xiaobei is also broken in an instant, making Wei Xiaobei almost pressed to the ground by the tail of the gossip.

Undoubtedly, the gossip snake was smashed by Wei Xiaobei, and five heads were smashed in some circles, but for the gossip snake, the five heads were a little faint, not a big deal, the remaining few The skull turned to the Wei Xiaobei, which had just rushed out of the magma.

At close range, Wei Xiaobei clearly saw the strange power of the teeth of the gossip snake!

It is an evil force similar to divine power!

If you want to come, this gossip snake is the most horrible monster in the myths and legends of Dongpu. In the past few years, the fear of the Dongpu people against the gossip snake has increased the power of the gossip snake in the gray world.

It can be said that this gossip snake is almost like a god.

Wei Xiaobei can feel the threat of the attachment of the teeth to himself.

I have to say that all creatures with four-star disasters on the biological level have their own killers.

In the past, the gossip snake did not seem to have much to fight back in front of the sacred life. It was because Tian Congyun had a natural restraining effect on the gossip.

Just like fate, the gossip snake family is in front of the death of the enemy is the weakness of the other side to kill.

Now, in front of Wei Xiaobei, this gossip snake has shown his own killer.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei's killings release light and heat, the effect of the gossip snake is not obvious, it can resist the extreme high temperature, and even resist the bombardment of neutron bombs. In this respect, Wei Xiaobei does not say I was able to be hit by a neutron bomb and escaped from birth.

A few big mouths of the gossip snakes bite down Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei body retreats!

The giant mouth closed in a blink of an eye and made a strong impact.

Wei Xiaobei was almost bitten by one of the giant mouths, and the back could not help but come up with a layer of cold sweat.

To say that Wei Xiaobei really did not expect that at the time of melee, the speed of the gossip snake would be so fast.

When the giant mouth was close to himself, the speed that broke out in an instant reached more than three Mach!

If it is not Wei Xiaobei's very fast response, then it will be bitten.

As for what it would be like to be bitten by the gossip big snake, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t imagine it. I’m afraid it would be possible to be bitten in half on the spot.

Although the dragon software can resist most of the heavy blows, it is really hard to say in front of the teeth of the gossip snake that is extremely sharp.

After fleeing, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was quite a bit too strong. In a flash, the glove was turned into a big bow, and then the distance was quickly opened. He was condescending, and he took a dragon arrow and his eyes were staring at the bottom. Gossip big snake body.

To say that after the ink rifle evolved into a sun-spray, the most significant change that Wei Xiaobei felt was not the subsidiary effect, but the time of conversion between the three forms was reduced to the extreme.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei can arbitrarily choose the weapon form he needs during the fierce battle, which undoubtedly adds a lot of combat power to Wei Xiaobei.

The sun **** bow is no doubt more powerful than the ink bow.

Wei Xiaobei now holds the total power of the Sun God Bow up to 135 points! When you change to the big bow of ink, it is enough to easily pull the big bow of the ink to the full string!

But now the sun **** bow, Wei Xiaobei has made 80% of the force, only to pull the sun **** bow to the half string.

However, the two sides have now opened less than eight kilometers. For the huge gossip snake, it is a distance that is gently flying.

Half string is enough.

At this time, the gossip snake was very angry, and several tails slammed on the ground, then vacated and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei above the sky.

Undoubtedly, for a gossip snake with a body length of more than a kilometer, it is a simple and easy thing to jump a few kilometers.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei smiled on his face, and then his right hand was lightly loose.


A loud bang, the dragon's arrow on the bowstring then detached from the string!

The dragon's arrow shot too fast, the sound of the sound just sounded, and the gossip snake that vacated, the eye on a skull exploded!

No, not just one eye is shot!

The dragon's arrow penetrates through the eyes, and its sharp and extreme characteristics make it not encounter any obstacles.

To say that the gossip snake should be regarded as one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, but to be honest, in terms of the strength of the gossip snake, even if a shell explodes in its eyes, I am afraid Injure his eyes by half.

As for the muscles in the body, a slight tension is as hard as steel.

But the dragon arrow completely ignored all of this, bursting his eyes, then piercing into the brain, and finally breaking a big hole from the back of the skull, and then re-injecting into the neck of the gossip snake because of the angle, continue all the way. Throughout, until it was to be drilled from somewhere in the abdomen, it suddenly burst into a hole, and the belly of the gossip snake exploded a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters.


The gossip snake was so hit, and the body that had vacated did not stop at all. It still flew toward Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei had to continue to open the distance with the other side.

One hit, the gossip snake did not have the ability to fly, and eventually fell to the ground.


The gossip snake with a body length of more than a kilometer is on the ground. It can be described as a landslide. The ground vibrations around it are like a violent earthquake. Numerous cracks spread and the stones on the ground were scattered. Now, even the river in the distance has been shaken up.

I have to say that this small arrow of Wei Xiaobei let the gossip snake know what is called pain!

Although the wound caused by the dragon's arrow is only a few miles away from the eight-year-old big snake.

But the head of the gossip snake still hangs down.

Regardless of any creature, its brain is undoubtedly the most vulnerable, and a slight injury can cause heavy damage.

Moreover, the wounds caused by this series of runs are not comfortable.

It's like a person, running through a needle from the head, and finally opening a small hole in the stomach, will it be comfortable?

Of course, the resilience of the gossip snake is absolutely ten times stronger than that of human beings. After the wound in the abdomen first sheds a large amount of blood, it will stop bleeding on its own, and the soil contaminated by the wound will be quickly eliminated by the muscles. Shrink, it seems that it will take a long time to close.

Well, for the gossip snake, if the wound is closed, it will not have any effect on it.

However, the anger of the gossip snake at this time probably rushed to the extreme, knowing that the fireball he spit out had no killing effect on Wei Xiaobei, but he still sprayed out a fireball.

At this time, the speed of the gossip snake jet fireball is almost like a machine gun.


The heads are like automatic firearms, which spray a string of fireballs.

Some of the first fireballs were directly shot by Wei Xiaobei with ordinary arrows.

But this guy has fired too many fireballs. Wei Xiaobei's pulling the sun **** bow is even smaller, but it also consumes some strength.

Next, Wei Xiaobei simply evaded between the dense fireballs.

Undoubtedly, with the speed of Wei Xiaobei, as long as there is space between these fireballs, they can all escape.

But not long after, the gossip snake converted the trick, the color of the fireball that was sprayed became darker, and it exploded after a certain distance.

At the beginning, Wei Xiaobei was careless, did not defend, and was blown up.

The most terrible thing is that the dragon's soft armor was burnt down.

This is also a helpless thing, this dragon soft armor is refining with the skin of the dragon, although after refining, it can resist the high temperature below 1,600 Baidu, but it is not that this dragon soft armor is not afraid of fire. .

Obviously, the black fireball from the gossip snake has a temperature of more than one thousand six hundred!

In the face of the high temperature that he can't resist, the dragon's soft armor is burning more than gasoline.

Wei Xiaobei’s body was full of fire, and in the twinkling of an eye, the upper body became a fruit.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not suffer any harm.

The high temperature of the black fireball has not yet broken through the upper limit of Wei Xiaobei's flame immunity, and the shock wave during the explosion is that it will cause some pain in Wei Xiaobei's body, as long as it is not directly hit by this black fireball, Wei Xiaobei It is still a bit difficult to get hurt.

But then, Wei Xiaobei wants to be close to the gossip snake and it is a bit difficult.

The black fire sphere that has been constantly shot has become a shock wave of explosion. As soon as Wei Xiaobei approaches, he will be repelled by the shock wave.

And Wei Xiaobei, even with the dragon arrow, can not accurately shoot the gossip snake.

The shock wave generated by the explosion is enough to push the shot of the dragon arrow!

Of course, since this dragon arrow is shot by the sun **** bow, it is quite scary to contain huge force.

And the shock wave can only push it a little bit.

But it is this point of view that makes it difficult for the dragon arrow to hit the head of the gossip snake again and again.

After all, the gossip snake is not a fool. The head of the skull is not fixed in place, but is swaying back and forth in the air. When the dragon arrow is deflected, it is directly shot at other positions on the gossip snake. (To be continued.)

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