The City of Terror

Chapter 1405: Achilles heel!

One thing to note is that playing with fire is really unsafe -

Well, the size of the gossip snake is huge, and Wei Xiaobei wants to shoot off the target. It is also a very difficult thing.

But if you can't accurately shoot the head of the gossip snake, then all the damage is useless.

The most terrible thing is this dragon arrow, each of which is made from a dragon sucker.

And this dragon, can not be casually encountered.

In other words, each shot of this dragon arrow will lose one, and Wei Xiaobei can't make up for it.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei, who had lost several dragons and arrows, was quite painful and stopped using the dragon arrow and switched to the ordinary arrow made of alloy.

Of course, there are some slightly advanced arrows in the storage ring, such as the bone arrow, the wind arrow, etc., but these arrows have almost the same killing effect on the gossip snake as the alloy arrow.

At this time, the battle between Wei Xiaobei and the Eight Diagrams Serpents entered a stalemate.

The gossip snake spurts out the black fireball and attacks Wei Xiaobei madly.

Wei Xiaobei also shot an arrow from time to time.

Under the blessing effect of the sun **** bow, even the ordinary alloy arrows can break the scales of the gossip snake.

The scales of the gossip snake are actually extremely strong, which is equivalent to a piece of armor of the fairy level!

However, the destruction effect of the Sun God Bow has a very high success rate for these armor that is lower than its own quality.

But even if the scales of the gossip snakes are broken, it is impossible for the alloy arrows to go through the passages of the gossip snake like a dragon arrow.

It can only break through the scales of the gossip snakes, drill into the body of the gossip snake, and after being clamped by the muscles, it suddenly explodes and smashes a small hole in the gossip snake.

The two sides went crazy and shot a lot of time.

Wei Wei can not want to spend this way. Who knows how many fireballs can the jets of the gossip come out?

It may mean that my last arm is weak, and the gossip snake is still alive and kicking.

It can be said that the gossip snake has a great advantage in the consumption of Wei Xiaobei.

The arrows shot by Wei Xiaobei are attached to a series of effects of the sun **** bow blessing, such as what is the explosion tear, light and heat rules, lightning and mercury.

Breaking the scales and blasting out the holes, the light and thunder and lightning thundered in the hole, so that the meat near the wound would be cooked.

But the effect is nothing more than that.

The reason for this is that the body of the gossip snake is too big.

For human wounds that are fatal, for the gossip snake, it is poked by the needle tip, the pain is painful, but nothing.

Moreover, the recovery ability of the Eight Diagrams Serpent is also extremely strong. Like these wounds, it will be healed in ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Even within half an hour, even the scales that have been destroyed can be re-growth!

To put it bluntly, on the whole, due to its huge size, Wei Xiaobei’s injuries in his body have not recovered quickly!

The only weakness is the skull.

The head that was shot by Wei Xiaobei before was almost an hour away, still falling down, without any reaction.


I knew that this was the case. I didn’t let the big inks devour the swords.

As a result, this ink rifle evolved into a sun-spraying gun. On that day, Cong Yunjian did not inherit the killing effect of the Eight Diagrams Serpent!

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei is so deadlocked with the gossip snake for so long.

Of course, it is not that there is no Tian Congyun sword, Wei Xiaobei can't deal with this gossip snake.

Wei Xiaobei has already thought of a way, and has not continued to entangle with the gossip snake, even when he turned and left.

To say that there is no way for the gossip snake to take Wei Xiaobei, it is said that the speed of its close combat is very fast, but it is impossible to let it catch up with Wei Xiaobei.

Therefore, after the raging of the gossip snake, a long distance, seeing Wei Xiaobei farther and farther, had to scream a few times before turning back to the volcano.

Wei Xiaobei saw the gossip snake returning, and did not continue to escape. Instead, he took a bottle from the storage ring, then closed his breath, quickly opened the bottle cap, and inserted several dragon arrow arrows into the bottle.

This bottle contains the version of the dragon's anesthetic solution concentrated several times!

To be honest, if this is not necessary, Wei Xiaobei is really reluctant to use this stuff.

This stuff is hard to come by, the quantity is not much, the volatility is very high, and you will be tricked if you are not careful!

And soak the dragon's arrow into it, the time is short, the anesthetic solution penetrates less, and the effect on the gossip snake is very poor, so Wei Xiaobei soaked the dragon's arrow in it for half an hour before taking it out. .

Although Wei Xiaobei added a seal when soaking, it was soaked once, and this bottle of concentrated dragon's anesthetic solution consumed a full one-third!

Let Wei Xiaobei feel some meat pain.

Next, it is time to continue to find trouble with the gossip snake.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not personally come forward.

You must know that the gossip snake is intelligent. It is already familiar to Wei Xiaobei. If Wei Xiaobei seduce the gossip snake, then the gossip snake will find Wei Xiaobei’s first reaction to prevent the dragon. arrow!

Once this is the case, then it is a stalemate. Wei Xiaobei wants to sneak into the gossip snake without any chance of success.

Back to the huge volcano, Wei Xiaobei took out a big killer against the giant snakes!


When Wei Xiaobei came here for the first time, he saw the battle between the samurai and the serpent.

Those warriors who were weaker than the giant snakes, with the thrown out of the cans, let the giant snakes shrouded in the wine, and the combat power was greatly weakened, and eventually they were slaughtered a lot. If it was not the gossip snake at the time, It is possible that the giant snakes are slaughtered.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei also checked, the weakness of those giant snakes is really wine!

They have a perverted obsession with wine, but their bodies have little resistance to wine, so that some wines can make them less powerful.

This may be the weakness that God gave to the giant snake.

Otherwise, with the horrible ability of the gossip snake to produce tens of thousands of snake eggs at once, I am afraid that the entire gray world will be ruled by them!

The wine in the storage ring, when the ordinary grain production in the original plantation was too much, the ordinary people used the food according to Wei Xiaobei to brew the sauce, vinegar and the like, among which there was wine.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the time to brew by hand, but it was not bad to see the wines brewed by the Pu people, so Wei Xiaobei received a lot of storage rings in case of emergency.

Now, these drinks should be of great use.

The wine is packed in a traditional Chinese wine tank, one full of six hundred kilograms.

If you switch to ordinary humans, it is impossible to lift them up.

Here at Wei Xiaobei, the Pu people who have just been cultivated, carry the shoulder blades, lift the big wine tanks and pour them into small wine cans.

These small wine cans are the weight of five pounds of wine.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei also took out Long Huanding and refining these small wine cans separately.

It is difficult to say that the soil in this belt is used to refine porcelain. The quality is not enough, but it is enough to put some pots filled with wine in Longhuding.

After the water was filled, hundreds of ordinary people would fill the upper half of the wine tanks one by one, and then marched in the direction of a huge volcano.

Wei Xiaobei tried to converge on the whole body and quietly followed these ordinary people.

Hundreds of ordinary people marched along the river bank, and the momentum was not small. When there was still a long distance from the huge volcano, the most peripheral giant snakes discovered the arrival of the general.

The Pu people can't converge like the Wei Xiaobei, so they are as good as the ordinary atmosphere of Samsung, which appears in the scope of the exploration of the giant snakes.


Suddenly, from the outermost periphery, the giant snakes erected in a row, like a layer of waves, which was extremely spectacular.

The battle between the former Wei Xiaobei and the Eight Diagrams Serpents can be regarded as a great improvement in the vigilance of these giant snakes.

What's more, these ordinary people have arrived at Samsung's ordinary one by one, and in the eyes of those giant snakes, they are also a strong enemy.

You know, not all the giant snakes are four-star ordinary strength, and their strength is increasing with age.

The young snake that just came out of the eggshell is at most the strength of a star elite. A veteran can handle it with a firearm.

When it grows to five or six meters, basically the strength is upgraded to the second star ordinary, and then climbed all the way, two stars elite, two stars horror, Samsung ordinary, Samsung elite, Samsung horror and even four stars ordinary.

But then again, the four-star elite snake, Wei Xiaobei has never seen it, and then there is a four-star squad of gossip.

Of course, it may be that once the gossip snake grows up completely, it is too horrible, so every once in a while, the nearby samurai castles will send troops to come and clear these giant snakes.

As for the giant snakes that are more than four stars, they have grown slowly. Once they grow up, they will be madly surrounded by warriors. Even if there are two gossip snakes here, it is impossible to fully protect them. Falling death is also a very normal thing.

But in any case, when tens of thousands of giant snakes spit out snakes in one direction, they are indeed somewhat fearful.

However, those ordinary people are creatures cultivated by the altar of life. One of their greatest advantages is that they have no fear of their own. Even if they are powerful enemies, there are more enemies. As long as Wei Xiaobei gives orders, they will Will be determined to implement!

The Pu people were not too close to the huge volcano, but stood far and began to make various mocking moves. (To be continued.)

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