The City of Terror

Chapter 1409: The magical powers of heaven and earth!

I learned to make dumplings, and the sequelae of the steamed buns appeared. I have a backache and a swear by the poor road. Unless I am hungry, I will never make dumplings, buns, too tired. For the poor roads, Still codewords are a little more fun. ——

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei held a sun-spraying gun and poked thousands of holes in the gossip snake, letting the blood flow out of the body and blending into the earth.

But even then, after three hours, the blood flowing out of the gossip snake probably reached 90% of it, but the two gossip snakes still did not die.

This gossip snake has no Tian Congyun sword in hand, it is too difficult to kill some.

Of course, at this level, it is more difficult for the gossip snake to recover.

Wei Xiaobei had no choice but to take some of the seeds of the mutant creeper and sprinkle it into the hole in the gossip snake.

To say that this variant of the ivy can be regarded as a very vigorous plant, can be scattered into the seeds of the gossip of the gossip, only less than 10% of the seeds.

No way, the blood of the gossip snake contains pure fire, and the mutated ivy seed is planted in such an environment for the first time. It can be a small amount of germination, which is considered to be a strong survivability.

However, as long as the mutant creeper can germinate, it can extract the flesh and blood around it as a nutrient for its growth and grow up quickly.

Not long after, the two gossip snakes that were soft on the ground were mutated by the vines of the ivy, and the leaves and even the roots were covered.

These variants of the creeper continue to extract the power of the gossip snake and give it back to the green wood, and the growth of the green wood will consume most of it, and a small part will be transformed into the unique aura of the green wood and enter the air.

Therefore, the concentration of aura around the two gossip snakes soon exceeded other places.

At this time, these two gossip snakes have become the fat of the mutant creeper. I am afraid that for a long time in the future, the mutant creeper will be difficult to pump the energy of the gossip snake!

After busy with the gossip snake, Wei Xiaobei tried to take some snake meat from the gossip snake and made it into a delicious dish, in order to ask the young cow master for the method of narrowing down.

It is a pity that the snake meat of the gossip snake is not suitable for use as a food. The pure fire contained in it makes it, if used for cooking, once heated, it will soon turn into a burning magma!

However, it is difficult to defend Xiaobei.

Two tons of clam meat, one hundred sea monster eggs, made a caviar soup.

Although this caviar broth, only to achieve the entry of immortality, but also let the green cattle full of good fortune, eating is full of praise.

When the blue cow ate and smiled, Wei Xiaobei came forward and helped the Qingniu to add broth. He smiled and asked: "Master, what is your old surgery, can you teach me?"

As the saying goes, the mouth is short and the hand is soft.

At this time, the green cow has been fascinated by this food, and does not think about it: "This narrowing technique is created for the teacher to observe the seventy-two changes of the pot, and to create a fusion with the law and the world. If you want to It is not impossible to learn, but you must first learn the Fa-rectification."

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but ecstasy, and it became more and more diligent to add meatballs to Qingniu.

Of course, this green cow also slightly blew a little cowhide.

This reduction is of course the result of the observation of the pot of Tianyi, but it is the fur.

You must know that the pot of Tianyi is trained to Dacheng, referring to the mountain sand, referring to the sand mountain, which is easy. If it is trained to the extreme, it can even turn a grain of gravel into a miniature world, and it will be a miniature world. For gravel!

To say this technique, it can be said that the law of space has reached its peak.

The reduction of the green cow can also learn to be able to learn from the world, and can only reduce the object. In this respect, compared with the technique of the pot, the difference is not small.

Of course, the seventy-two changes in the earth's land are not easy to learn spells. I think that the head of the great sun and the sun, the natural and intelligent, after learning the seventy-two changes in this place, the mastery of the technique, but also a few.

But then again, even if it is, if you can learn this reduction, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is much more convenient to do things in the future.

"Please teach me."

Therefore, when the green cattle are full and full, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly asked for advice.

Probably this young cow is also rare to encounter a good apprentice, so he did not find a reason to push it. Instead, he took out a futon and sat under the tree of the world. He began to swear: "This method is originally a **** technique, common. Yu Hong's beast, Qilin, Phoenix, Xiangliu, etc. are all proficient in this technique. Of course, this is also true for the teachers.

This young cow first talked about the origin of this law, and Wei Xiaobei listened to these ancient secrets.

To say that the Lingbao Tianzun mentioned here is the Sanqing ancestor in Taoism.

What is the Sanqing ancestor?

Yu Qingyuan began to respect the Emperor of the Emperor, and the Qing Dynasty Lingbao Tianzun Yujun Daojun, Taiqing morality Tianzun too Laojun!

These three are the incarnations of Taoism, and their status is indispensable.

This young cow is the mount of Laoqing, who is too morally esteemed, so it is not surprising that he knows a lot about these ancient secrets.

In the Taoist collection, Yuanshi Tianzun symbolizes the formation of the heavenly order before the formation of the heavenly order, that is, the world of Hongmeng, it does not matter, there is no such thing as the mysterious state, and the scientific saying is the small point before the formation of the universe!

This Lingbao Tianzun symbolizes the Promise-born Taiji, and the Taiji becomes the process of the Five Elements. It can be said that it is the generation of Heaven. From the moment of the birth of Lingbao Tianzun, the heavens and the earth have their own rules, and everything is born.

As for moral esteem, it is responsible for educating the souls and being the supreme **** of the entity.

In fact, the prototype of the Heavenly Master, described in the God of the Gods, is the essence of Lingbao Tianzun!

It is said that there are thousands of apprentices under the door of Lingbao Tianzun. There are no classes, and the altar is opened every day. It is the one with the most apprentices among the three clears.

This so-called law is said to be white, originally was the blood talent of some of the wild beasts, and later by Lingbao Tianzun to observe its essence, turned into a magical power to learn!

Qingniu's research on this method is very deep. It was originally the ability of Qingniu's blood talent, which is much more used and naturally understood.

After the story of the Fascinating Heaven and Earth, the young cow smiled and said: "Come, stay for your teacher!"

Then the green cow stretched out the index finger of the left hand, and it immediately condensed a dazzling white light of the size of a soybean. Then, the green cow's index finger flicked a little, and the group of dazzling white light flew out, and disappeared into the small North. .

Suddenly, there is a discourse in the battle description on the Wei Xiaobei property panel: "The green cow teaches the magical method of the magical method."

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei could not notice this passage. He was completely immersed in a picture formed by the dazzling white light in his mind at this time.

The mountains and mountains, snow and snow, a haze, a unicorn wakes up from sleep, its height, body red, like a burning flame.

Gently leaping, it fell from the top of the mountain, came to the woods at the foot of the mountain, and began to look for the fruit in the forest.

The beasts who survived in the forest saw this unicorn. They squatted in the first place and bowed down to the unicorn.

Undoubtedly, as an ancient sacred beast, this unicorn is the king of this mountain forest, but the patron saint here.

Suddenly, a giant turtle with a huge body is coming from the mountains.

It is extremely greedy. When passing by the mountain peaks, it will stretch out a huge and full of teeth to bite down the mountain peak. Suddenly, even if the mountain peak is bitten down by it, it can be described as a landslide and numerous cracks. The rock fell.

As for the living creatures living above the mountain peaks, even if there is no chance to escape, they will be swallowed by the giant tortoise along with countless rocks. As for the creatures that have been trampled to death between them, there are countless others.

It can be said that this giant tortoise is a mess, and it is a charcoal.

Finally, this giant tortoise is close to the forest where Kirin is looking for.

Feeling the majestic momentum of the giant tortoise, almost all the beasts were scared to the whole body and could not move.

Only a flash of fire appeared in the eyes of the Kirin, and then voluntarily greeted the giant tortoise.

As the distance between the two sides kept approaching, Kirin's body began to emit a circle of golden light, and it quickly expanded in a blink of an eye. After that, a piece of Xiangyun cloud slowly lifted up.

When the distance between the two sides is close to less than a kilometer, the size of the unicorn has expanded to the extent that it is almost the same as that of the giant tortoise!

The law is heaven and earth!

This is the magical law of heaven and earth!

Wei Xiaobei could not help but get excited.

You must know that this unicorn's body was originally high by one person, but after exerting this method, the body shape has grown to a diameter of kilometers!

The giant tortoise seemed to have hatred between the unicorn and the unicorn. When I saw the unicorn coming from the cloud, there was an angry red in my eyes. Then I screamed and the huge body jumped up, and I went to the unicorn. I rushed up.

The unicorn was not in a hurry. When the giant tortoise was seen, the auspicious clouds rose at the foot, and the giant tortoise escaped. Then the heels suddenly fell and slammed on the back of the giant tortoise.



In a flash, the giant tortoise was trampled by the unicorn and suddenly fell on the ground, causing a huge pit on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei's back could not help but burst into a cold.

In this battle, whether it is a unicorn or a giant tortoise, the strength shown is extremely terrible.

Like a giant tortoise, you can pry a large pit of a kilometer in diameter on the ground, which is much more powerful than the gossip.

At the same time, the giant tortoise suddenly counterattacked, stretched out his head and opened a huge mouth toward the unicorn, spurting hard, a white mist suddenly rushed out, and countless snowflakes fell.

And the scorpion is too big, and there is no time to dodge, so there is a thick layer of ice around his body. (To be continued.)

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