The City of Terror

Chapter 1410: The law is the same!

Hey, what else is there in cooking, can't the poor road be done? Is it necessary to force the poor to do a full feast? Well, the poor road admits that the ingredients are too expensive, the waste can not afford to weaken the question, is there a full complement of the buns? ——

At this time, the giant tortoise was forced to suck, and the huge suction generated in its huge mouth quickly dragged the unicorn down.

Undoubtedly, this giant tortoise seems to be unable to fly. He wants to drag the unicorn to the ground, drag it into his own rhythm, and then hang this unicorn.

Undoubtedly, if the unicorn is dragged to the ground, the giant tortoise can launch a series of attacks on the unicorn with its own defensive defense.

But the unicorn seemed to know the rhythm of the giant tortoise, knowing what would happen once it was dragged to the ground, and then a high-pitched call came out.

As the high-pitched voice rang, Qilin’s body suddenly appeared in a circle of colorful brilliance.

The suction of the giant tortoise suddenly lost its effect, and Kirin turned and turned down. The auspicious cloud under the hoof had now turned into a burning flame.


In the blink of an eye, Kirin’s two forefoot squats on the back of the giant tortoise, then flies up and does not give the giant tortoise a little chance.

The loud noise that came out of this slammed down a nearby hill.

And the giant tortoise heard a painful roar, and its hard and incomparable shell appeared a pair of hoof-like deep pits deep into several meters. The entire back shell was under the attack of Kirin, and it was violently shocked. Among them.

As for the giant pit under the giant tortoise, it collapsed for a period of time, making the giant turtle almost half of the body is about to fall into the soil.

Around the huge pit, there are countless deep and huge cracks that spread in all directions, and the lengths are more than a few kilometers away.

The most terrible thing is that even among these huge gaps, there is even a surging magma. Wherever the magma passes, the jungle fire suddenly rises and sweeps around.

A quick attack!

Wei Xiaobei was a bit dumbfounded at this time.

The battle between the ancient behemoths is fierce, and the battle between the enemy and the gossip is quite different.

Don't look at the size of the gossip snake. It looks like the giant tortoise and the unicorn. But if it is with these two, then the gossip snake will probably not become a food in the giant tortoise, or be Kirin lived to death!

This fierce battle did not actually last long.

As the unicorn successively dropped the hoof print on the back of the giant tortoise, the giant tortoise could not hold on. Finally, after a blast of ice and snow, unable to hit the unicorn, the giant tortoise began to desperately escape, never again. Dare to turn back.

But then again, the unicorn did not continue to chase down. When the giant tortoise left, it was screaming and screaming, and the colorful aura of the whole body suddenly rushed out, and the battle between the moments would be within the scope of the previous battle. The land is covered as much.

Under the watchful eye of Wei Xiaobei, the land was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. The mountain peaks collapsed, the ground magma ran across, numerous jungles were destroyed, forest fires were everywhere, and countless beasts fled.

But at this time, as the colorful halo spread to the ground, the traversing magma suddenly solidified, and the jungle fire was extinguished under the suppression of the colorful halo. A piece of drizzle was generated at low altitude, and it fell. Those who were fighting The beast that was injured in the aftermath of the jungle fire quickly recovered from the drizzle.

The most amazing thing is that a lot of green buds grow on the ground, and these green buds quickly grow into towering trees, dense shrubs and even pieces of green grass.

Although the earth's ground is still ridiculous and rugged, there are solidified magma everywhere, but at this time, there is a greenery everywhere, completely covering these messes, and the earth has once again recovered its vitality.


Seeing this unicorn's big hand, Wei Xiaobei was shocked.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei is in the green woods of Fudi, taking advantage of the control of Qingmu Fudi, and Qiang Qiang can also do this, but it will consume a large amount of reserves of Qingmufu, which will greatly slow down the growth of Qingmu.

But the place where the unicorn is located is not an independent small world!

In other words, the power exerted by them is the power they have mastered!

According to Wei Xiaobei's estimate, this unicorn's biological grade may not be able to accommodate the four-star disaster, and it should at least reach five stars!

To be honest, if this picture is the personal experience of Wei Xiaobei, he may have thrown out a real thing to see the true strength of this unicorn.

However, now, Wei Xiaobei is useless even if he wants to throw out everything.

These scenes are just the seeds of the supernatural powers given by the young cows, and the pictures that emerged in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, so that anything happened inside, Wei Xiaobei can only watch.

Soon, as the vegetation of the earth recovered, everything recovered and the colorful halo disappeared. Kirin’s body began to shrink rapidly and eventually fell into the jungle.

This sub-picture has turned over.

Next, it is a sea covered with countless ice cubes. The sea is so deep and the sky is extremely dark.

A giant fish about 100 meters long appeared, its body scales bloomed a faint blue, slowly swimming between the ice.

Not long after, a giant whale of five or six hundred meters appeared and stared at the giant fish.

The whale began to rush toward the giant fish. When it was over, the ice was crushed and it looked spectacular.

But with such a big movement, the 100-meter-long giant fish didn't care about it, and it was indifferently swimming. There was no attention to the giant whales that rushed from a distance.

Finally, the giant whale took the wind and waves, and killed the giant fish in front of a hundred meters. When he opened his mouth, he wanted to swallow this 100-meter-long giant fish!

Of course, with the difference in body shape between the two sides, the giant whales of five or six hundred meters long want to swallow a hundred meters of giant fish, but it is a little difficult to swallow most of them.

But it is at this time! The accident has appeared!

The size of the 100-meter-long giant fish suddenly expanded, and only a half-time, the 100-meter-long giant fish from a hundred meters long, turned into a giant body with a body length of 10,000 meters, the giant mouth opened, the momentum was rushing The giant whale came to the reaction without any time, and then he slammed into the huge mouth and disappeared.

I have to say that this giant whale is too unlucky to urge a little.

On top of this piece of ice, it was originally the existence of the top of the food chain. It could be a carelessly provoked low-key strong existence, and eventually it was thrown into the net and returned to Huang Quan.

However, for swallowing a giant whale of five or six hundred meters, this giant fish is not very satisfied and does not seem to be full.

But in the next moment, a giant bird flew from a distance, its wings unfolded, and it was full of kilometers. It flew above the sky, like a black cloud passing by.

The giant fish on the sea saw the giant bird flying over, and could not help but get excited. The body leaped high and wanted to swallow the giant bird.

But the giant bird is much more flexible than the giant fish. When the giant fish rushes into the sky, the wings are lightly lit, and the huge body immediately turns around, avoiding the giant fish, and then accelerates and leaves. This sea area.

A giant fish that couldn’t bite the giant bird suddenly became angry. It was still shining red light on the huge body at high altitude. After the red light disappeared, the giant fish disappeared. Instead, it is a yellow giant bird with wings more than 10,000 meters!

As the yellow giant bird's wings were lightly swayed, it suddenly became a violent wind. In a flash, it turned into a very fast streamer and disappeared into the sky!


This is definitely the ancient **** beast!

To be honest, although Kirin is very powerful, Wei Xiaobei does not seem too excited. It can be seen that this Xiaopeng, Wei Xiaobei is very excited.

There is a fish in the north, named 鲲, which is not counted in length, and then the bird is turned into a bird, and the wings are stretched for ten thousand miles.

This picture ends, and after that, another picture appears.

In these successive pictures, Wei Xiaobei saw the ancient sacred peacock, swallowed the hustle and bustle of the heavens and the earth, and the Xiangliu, who called the rain and the rain, and so on, dozens of ancient monsters who were proficient in the world.

Of course, in addition to being able to see the ancient world of these ancient behemoths, these other supernatural powers of the ancient monsters, Wei Xiaobei also saw a lot.

These supernatural powers were displayed in the ancient monsters, and each one was earth-shattering, making Wei Xiaobei shocking.

Compared with these ancient behemoths, Wei Xiaobei feels like a child who has not stepped out of the Mao, and there is no comparability.

Even if it is the most powerful reliance of himself, then Aomu Fudi, in the face of these ancient behemoths, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning.

To put it bluntly, if Wei Xiaobei wants to use his own green wood to deal with these ancient behemoths, I am afraid that the other party only needs a collision, and it will be able to knock Aoki fortune into a big hole!

Of course, these ancient behemoths were all powerful in the past when they were in ancient times. Wei Xiaobei would compare himself to them and would have seen himself too high.

When the last screen ended, Wei Xiaobei thought a little and quietly sat under the world tree, his mind quickly turned, and the previous pictures resurfaced.

Time passes by.

The blue cow did not go to sleep at this time, but sat quietly waiting.

Time does not know how long it has passed. Suddenly, Wei Xiaobeikou gently read: "Fa Xiangtian!"

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei suddenly showed a faint yellow light in his body, and then his body began to swell.

Until the circle of yellow light scattered, Wei Xiaobei's height has reached more than ten meters, even if Huang Guang San, Wei Xiaobei's body shape is also smashed up, reaching 15 meters!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes and looked at his body shape. His face showed a smile, but he still had some regrets.

To say that the shape of the fifteen meters is a lot more than the one meter before Wei Xiaobei!

Standing on the ground, that is a giant!

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