The City of Terror

Chapter 1411: Juli!

Well, the poor road to verify, and found that this bun is full of people who do not exist? ! ! Well, this seems to be good. Since it doesn't exist, when the buns in the poor cooking are unique in the world, hahahaha, the buns will be famous in the world. Hey, the saliva is laughing. ——

The problem is that compared with the ancient behemoths in those pictures, Wei Xiaobei’s effect on this method is far too far.

The revolution has not been successful, and comrades still need to work hard!

Wei Xiaobei ridiculed himself, and then he moved up, picked up a huge stone, cast it out, or jumped up in place.

After the test, Wei Xiaobei discovered that after exerting the law and the world, after his body was huge, the strength of the light body increased by about 50%!

However, this is also the case, the flexibility of the flesh is almost reduced by 30%!

Undoubtedly, such changes are worthwhile.

For Wei Xiaobei, the first time I applied the magical powers to the world, the effect I achieved was very good.

We must know that it is quite a horrible thing to increase the strength of Wei Xiaobei now by 50%!

That is to say, under the degree of exerting the law and the world, Wei Xiaobei can display more than 30,000 tons of strength even if he does not hold the sun **** soldiers!

Even a 10,000-ton ship can be lifted easily by Wei Xiaobei!

As for the reduced flexibility of 30%, it is not a big problem.

After all, this body size has become so much, it is a good deal to reduce the flexibility of 30%.

However, Wei Xiaobei, who had just mastered the magical powers, was still a little too short to maintain. As soon as three minutes passed, Wei Xiaobei was like a punctuated balloon, quickly deflated, in a blink of an eye. The normal body shape is restored.

However, just after returning to normal body shape, Wei Xiaobei felt a blank in his mind and fell down instantly.

After lying on the ground for a while, Wei Xiaobei came back to God.

He knows that the previous state was completely due to the fact that the spirit of consumption was too much when the law was applied. Even now, Wei Xiaobei felt that his spirit was sluggish and drowsy.

Seeing the state of Wei Xiaobei, the green cow smiled and then comforted Wei Xiaobei.

It turned out that this magical power was originally intended to consume a lot of spirit, and Wei Xiaobei was able to display the world of law in such a fast manner, which has already made the blue cow very surprised, and the appearance of the law and the world looks good, and Some beginners who have seen cows have been a lot stronger.

You should know that some beginners that Qingniu has seen, the first time they use the world of law, the most is to increase their size by more than two times, and after the magical effect disappears, even if the spirit is exhausted, they will directly fall asleep and even call Calling not to wake up.

In terms of light, Wei Xiaobei’s performance has been excellent.

Hearing the comfort of Master Qing Niu, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

This supernatural power does not look at the ancient monsters, which are powerful and earth-shattering, but in fact, when the ancient behemoths were just born, they may not be able to display this magical world hidden in the blood!

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes and looked at his own property panel while resting.

Adding an ability to the special abilities of the Attributes panel, the magical powers of the world!

Fascinating Heaven and Earth: This supernatural power is derived from the blood of the ancient giant beast. After the transformation of Lingbao Tianzun, it is transformed into a supernatural power for learning. Learning this magical power can increase the size of the body and increase the body. When you practice this **** to the extreme, you can ride your hands and pedal the earth!


After seeing the introduction of this law and the world, Wei Xiaobei spit out a long breath, a little regret.

Obviously, this supernatural power is different from other abilities. It is impossible to use evolutionary points to improve.

The only way to improve it is to continue to research and use!

But then again, this is not bad, as long as there is enough time and spirit to consume, then this magic power can be strong!

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei looked inside the body and found himself in the dantian. The little man who turned the blood of Xuanyuan became a lot bigger. At this time, he closed his eyes and sat on the liquid ball, seemingly with the liquid ball. A mysterious exchange is taking place.

Wei Xiaobei is a bit stunned. He suspects that the changes in the Xuanyuan **** villain may have something to do with the law he has learned.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei will sink his heart. Not long after, when Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes again, he has become the **** villain and sits on the liquid ball.

Sure enough, Wei Xiaobei discovered after the incarnation of the **** villain that there was a mysterious imprint in this **** villain. This mysterious imprint is absorbing some of the things in the liquid ball, thus slowly strengthening itself.

After Wei Xiaobei carefully studied this mysterious imprint for a while, I found that this mysterious imprint is actually the seed of the magical power of heaven and earth!

It contains all the information about the magical world, and it has the record of Wei Xiaobei's first application of the law and the world.

That's it!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

According to Master Qing Niu, this magical technique, after its formation, exists in Shangdantian.

This is also known as mud pill, which is located between the eyebrows and is in charge of the spirit.

However, this supernatural seed is actually integrated with the **** villain and exists in the lower Dantian.

I think it might be a change.

Of course, after feeling a bit, Wei Xiaobei did not find any problems, and temporarily let go of his heart.

This supernatural seed absorbs some of the contents of the liquid ball, allowing the supernatural seed to grow on its own.

Undoubtedly this is a very slow way of growth. If Wei Xiaobei does not practice this supernatural power, the time that Shentong Seed wants to grow to the next stage will take quite a long time.

Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei doesn't know that the way that this kind of supernatural seed absorbs other things to grow up is the right way in the ancient monsters.

Most of the ancient giant beasts like to find a feng shui treasure to sleep, a sleep is hundreds of years, thousands of years, where there is much time to practice the magical power, so its supernatural seeds contained in the blood, they will absorb other forces to grow.

However, many of the supernatural powers of the ancient behemoths were transformed into supernatural powers, and this magical seed lost its ability to absorb.

Therefore, to be precise, Wei Xiaobei’s supernatural seed should be said to be returning to the truth.

We must know that the magical power is only a kind of magical power that comes from learning. Compared with the magical powers that are naturally in the blood of the ancient giant beasts, under the same strength, the power will always be worse.

That is to say, Wei Xiaobei's supernatural seed grows up, and its power can be much stronger than the magical seed cultivated by ordinary practitioners!

After discovering that there was no problem with the seed of Shentong, Wei Xiaobei’s heart immediately left the lower Dantian.

When Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes again, he had already mastered the flesh.

At this time, the green cow witnessed Xiaobei and opened his eyes again. He couldn’t wait to move a small white light toward Wei Xiaobei.

However, after the white light entered the Wei Xiaobei forehead, it did not cause any abnormalities, as if it had never appeared.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised, Qingniu could not help but smile: "This reduction surgery is no better than the law, the law is heaven and earth is to master itself, and this reduction is applied to foreign objects, so the seed of this reduction To activate, you have to get the best of the world!"

After explaining it with Wei Xiaobei, Qingniu looked a little tired, and then he developed the prototype and laid comfortably under the tree of the world. After a while, he slumbered and slept.

Undoubtedly, for the blue cow, it is unimaginable to continuously condense two Shentong seeds and send them out. The power consumed here is unimaginable.

To put it bluntly, this supernatural seed is formed by Qingniu’s own understanding of these two kinds of magical powers, and the formation of the two kinds of magical powers. If you want to do this, Wei Xiaobei suspects that even if he has reached the five-star ordinary, he may not be able to Do it.

In any case, this method of learning and shrinking is a learned hand. Although this reduction can not be activated for a while, it will always be activated as the magical power of the Fa-rectification grows.

The green cow slept, and the long snoring sounded from time to time under the world tree made the place a little noisy.

Wei Xiaobei got up and looked in the direction of the space channel. There was no movement in the east side of the gray world, and then he went to the settlement of mankind.

Human settlements are located by the lake. For Wei Xiaobei, within the scope of Aoki Fukushima, you only need to think together and you can move to your destination in an instant.

At this time Wei Xiaobei appeared 500 meters above the lake, overlooking the movement below.

Two months passed, the lakeside became a bit different, and a prosperous village was erected.

More than two hundred houses form the village, and a circle of stone walls surrounds the village to prevent some small animals from entering the village to steal.

We must know that after Aoki's blessings have been opened up, with the addition of the rules themselves, the heavens and the earth will give birth to some creatures in the aura of abundance.

However, because the Aomu Fudi is too small, so large, large creatures can not be born, Wei Xiaobei has already seen, there are about one hundred and nine kinds of creatures in Aomufudi.

But in this one hundred and nine kinds of creatures, there are 85 kinds of creatures from the outside world, that is, reality, most of them are plants. Well, to be precise, there are more than 50 kinds of plants that are moved to The humanity brought by Aoki Fudi.

What kinds of wheat, rice and other food crops, cabbage, spinach and other vegetables and various types of fruit trees.

That is to say, there are only twenty-four kinds of creatures born in Qingmufudi, including fifteen species of plants, seven species of insects, and two types of small animals.

It is one of the small animals that often sneak into the village before, sneaking around like mice, and biting up furniture and so on.

It should be said that the species of life that Aomu Fudi gave birth to is still a little too small. Compared with the reality or the gray world, it is not as good as a cow.

However, if we consider the volume ratio of Aomu Fudi to the reality or the gray world, then the species that Aokifu is born by itself is already quite rich.

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