The City of Terror

Chapter 1412: The truth of the pumice mountain

I feel that time has passed quickly. I will wait a few days for the Spring Festival. I don’t know how to be particularly nervous in the poor road. Well, this is probably the Spring Festival urgency. When I was a child, I looked at the Spring Festival every day and grew up. It was a kind of tension and horror for the Spring Festival. I don’t know how many friends are like the poor roads.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei is still satisfied, but also let him prepare to step up the next plan, after all, the faster the Aomufu land grows, the more species will be born.

At this time, Weisheng was sitting on the lakeside with Zhang Desheng and several old people. The mother-in-law accompanied Tu Qingqing to walk in the village. Many villagers were busy opening fields near the village.

And women are feeding chicks and ducklings.

The entire village looks vibrant.

Wei Xiaobei did not go to see his parents and Tu Qingqing, but after watching it for a while, he turned and left with satisfaction.

Through the space passage, Wei Xiaobei withdrew all the auras that Aomu Fudi infused into the space channel.

As the Aura draws back, the space channel can no longer be supported, and it quickly breaks into a space crack under the healing power of the gray world, and then disappears into the air at a rapid speed.

For Wei Xiaobei, the safety of Aoki Fudi is now the first. He will not keep this space channel for his convenience. He would rather trouble himself and reopen a space channel.

However, the space channel just disappeared, Wei Xiaobei noticed that the pumice mountain slowly flew over here.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not evade the arrival of this pumice mountain.

In the strength of his own self-improvement to the four-star disaster, the ink and rifle evolved into a sun-gun, and he learned the world of law.

Wei Xiaobei feels that his strength is enough to cope with some sudden dangers. Others don't say that at the most critical moment, using the cow hair key to open the space channel and fleeing into the green wood, there is no problem.

Besides, even if the enemy is chasing Aoki Fudi, there is Master Qing Niu, Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry too much.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not rush toward the pumice mountain, but after prejudging the other's movement trajectory, he even ambushed in its possible position.

Of course, the movement of this pumice mountain is really difficult to judge.

After several ambushes failed, Wei Xiaobei finally succeeded once.

The huge pumice mountain is suspended in the air. When moving, it also floats up and down slowly, about 50 meters to kilometers from the ground.

As time went by, the pumice mountain finally went to the ambush of Wei Xiaobei.

it is good!

Wei Xiaobei jumped from the bushes, his legs twitching in the air, like lightning, and instantly rushed to the pumice mountain 100 meters away from the ground!

Wei Xiaobei’s location on Mount Pumice is somewhere in the foothills.

For the first time, Wei Xiaobei saw the whole picture of this pumice mountain.

This pumice mountain is white, and its shape is not much different from other mountain peaks standing on the ground. The foot of the mountain is covered with a thick layer of soil, which is covered with grass, shrubs and even trees.

From the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain, you can see the dense woods everywhere, and even see many creatures active during the period.

There are white cute rabbits, small deer with full body spots, and even some lively birds jumping between the branches.

And halfway up the mountain, it is a mountain covered by white snow.

At first glance, the whole pumice mountain looks vibrant and gives a fresh feeling of nature.

But in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, this pumice mountain is not simple.

The whole blooms in a circle of black evil spirits, constantly spreading out to the surrounding, even those seemingly cute rabbits, deer, and even birds, are not good.

The weakest rabbits are Samsung's common creatures, and the little deer and the birds have reached the Samsung elite.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not surprised by this. These creatures have been living on this pumice mountain and are constantly being eroded by the evil atmosphere of the pumice mountain. It is not surprising that the biological level reaches such a level.

After Wei Xiaobei observed it for a while, he began to climb towards the top of the mountain.

I have to say that the rabbits, the deer, and even the birds have brought some trouble to Wei Xiaobei's climbing.

Before Wei Xiaobei did not appear, they carried out their own lives in peace, grazing grazing, eating insects and eating insects.

But when Wei Xiaobei is close, when they are less than 50 meters apart, these rabbits, deer, and birds seem to have received a signal, and they become fierce and sinister, with a layer of evil on their bodies. Black fog, it is coming to Wei Xiaobei!

If the ordinary gray world practitioners enter here, then it is extremely dangerous.

These guys are small and flexible, hidden in the pumice mountain forest, but above the pumice mountain, Wei Xiaobei's sensory ability has been greatly disturbed, it is difficult to feel the presence of these guys in advance.

But even so, these little guys will be killed when they rush to Wei Xiaobei!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was not wasted. After killing him, he even took his body into the storage ring.

Along the way, Wei Xiaobei is like a lighthouse erected in the darkness, attracting countless small animals to rush toward him like a moth.

However, after crossing the mountainside and stepping above the snow line, the attack on small animals suddenly stopped.

Wei Xiaobei sighed with relief and said that there was no danger in the attack of these small animals. However, for Wei Xiaobei, the continuous sneak attack made his heart inexplicably a little annoyed.

Wei Xiaobei probably knows that this kind of fluctuation in the mood comes from this pumice mountain.

It has a scent of evil around it, and naturally there is a force that evokes the emotions of the biological mind.

And then, if this situation continues, then Wei Xiaobei will become irritable, and in the end, become **** and violent, out of control.

However, with the strength of Wei Xiaobei's willpower, it takes a long time to reach this level.

Before this, Wei Xiaobei only needed to leave the area of ​​Pumice Mountain, then he could get rid of this influence.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei reached out to open the snow layer, grabbed a piece of dirt underneath it, and looked at it with all things.

That's it!

It includes the earth here and even the gravel mixed in it, which contains this power.

But then again, the mud and gravel of the pumice mountain has no use for Wei Xiaobei. As long as it is away from the pumice mountain, it will lose this power.

After crossing the snow line halfway up the mountain, the more you walk up, the power that affects the biological spirit will slowly strengthen.

Along the way, Wei Xiaobei saw a lot of rabbits, deer, and birds' bones. At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood.

Those rabbits, deer, and birds can't bear the power above the snow line. Once they step on the snow line, they will become mad because of this power affecting the mood of the heart, or they will die all the way to death, or they will kill each other, the final outcome. They are all dead.

When Xiaobei climbed to the top of the mountain, he saw a crater.

However, this crater is not a tumbling magma, but a deep darkness.

The crater is only less than ten meters away, and you can't reach your fingers, like the same mouth!

But with a gaze, Wei Xiaobei felt the incomparable power from this darkness. This darkness mixed with many kinds of power.

There is a powerful power similar to that of Jian Jianming. There are various powers of ghosts. The breath of these forces is mixed together and condensed under the crater to form this darkness.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this dark back is probably an entrance. From here, perhaps you can enter the high heavens in the legend of Dongpu!

Gao Tianyuan is the heavenly world inhabited by the gods of Dongpu, and its position in Dongpu is almost similar to that of the summer court in China.

It is said to be a magical land suspended in the sea and soaring in the clouds.

Wei Xiaobei stepped down and stepped into the darkness step by step.

After dropping a hundred meters, Wei Xiaobei felt a space channel appear in front of him.

Wei Xiaobei stepped into the space passage and walked forward. Not long after, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes lit up and he saw a blue sky in front of him.

At this time, I have come to a land that is flying in the air, and the land is flat.

But what surprised Wei Xiaobei was the sun hanging above the sky. This sun slowly radiated the light and sprinkled it on the flying land.

But flying land is not just the foot of Wei Xiaobei.

In this position, the land is slightly higher in the four directions, each of which is suspended by a land, and the land is suspended above some land. In this way, the land suspended from the block forms a stepped shape from bottom to top. Inverted trapezoid.

At the foot of Wei Xiaobei, this piece of land has the smallest area and the lowest position. It is like the inverted trapezoidal base. In turn, the land is bigger than a piece, and the highest part of the 36 pieces of land forms a patchwork continent!

I have to say that this scene looks a bit spectacular.

Wei Xiaobei turned and looked at it. He breathed a sigh of relief. The space channel that he came in was still there, but it was covered by a thick layer of dark fog. These black fogs were constantly extracting evil spirits from around to make up for themselves.

As long as this space channel is still there, Wei Xiaobei is not too worried.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei turned on this land.

The landform of the land is a wide grassland with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers.

Wei Xiaobei saw a lot of familiar ghosts in the dense grass between the marches.

Such as spiders, wood charm, mountain children and so on, some of the ghosts, some of the strongest spider female, that is, the level of Samsung's common peak close to the Samsung elite.

To be honest, after watching the situation of these ghosts for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt a little surprised.

The number of ghosts living on the whole land is more than 3,000.

There is no chaotic battle between these ghosts, and there seems to be an orderly hierarchy between them.

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