The City of Terror

Chapter 1417: Red leaf hunting

Not much to say, everyone reading books and reading! ——


A continuous bang came, along with the snow Maiden, the wine swallowing boy and a crow's dog were inserted in the chest and the arrow exploded to reveal a large hole running through!

After being so badly hit, these three ghosts no longer have the ability to resist the heat of light. The lethal effect of light and heat on their ghost bodies suddenly appeared, and even burned them into coke.

To be honest, from the beginning of the East to the present, Wei Xiaobei has seen ghosts that have strong resistance to the flames. Probably only the ghost temples and the gossip snakes.

As for other ghosts, under the guise of light and heat, even if they can resist, their strength will be affected considerably.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei and these four-star horrible ghosts have formed a crushing gap. As long as they have distance, the only end of these ghosts is death!

Time is in battle, and it is passing fast.

The sun **** bow on Wei Xiaobei’s hand kept making a sound and shot a branch arrow.

Even those ghosts who want to fight desperately with Wei Xiaobei, even if Wei Wei is not close to the 10 meters range, they are hit hard by the arrows and eventually burned to death by the light!

Seeing those ghosts who dared to launch a charge toward Wei Xiaobei, they were shot one by one. The ghosts that had retreated in the face of the heat had become more hesitant.

They now know that those light and heat can not cause fatal damage to themselves, they can resist this heat damage, but the guy's arrow is too powerful, there is no room for dodge.

It is better to let others act as cannon fodder. Anyway, so many ghosts, a few deaths will not hinder anything big, as long as you are not dead yourself!

I have to say that these ghosts have a deep understanding of the dead and poor roads of the dead.

Hundreds of ghosts formed an encirclement, surrounded by Wei Xiaobei, but at this time they did not have a ghost to dare to continue to charge, step into the scope of the light, and count on other ghosts!

However, Wei Xiaobei saw this scene laughing, he would not wait for these ghosts to attack himself, the sun **** bow in his hand still did not stop, a branch of the alloy arrow quickly consumed.

Of course, these ghosts did not step into the scope of light and heat, an alloy arrow is difficult to shoot them directly, so two pieces are needed.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. The light is suspended in the original archery. As he shoots arrows, he walks toward those ghosts.

A head ghost fell to the ground under the alloy arrow, and covered with light and heat, suddenly the ghosts waited for others to act as cannon fodder, forming a polarization.

Some of the ghosts have retreated farther, but they ordered their four-star elites in the first time, and the four-star ordinary men crossed the encirclement and launched an attack against Wei Xiaobei.

The other part of the ghosts probably hold here is their territory. How can it make a man's thoughts of triumphant and arrogant, and finally kill the past in Wei Xiaobei.

As those ghosts launched the charge, Wei Xiaobei continued to retreat, and the big bow kept in his hands. All the ghosts close to him were included in the shooting range.

But with those four-star elites, the four-star ordinary ghost army swarmed, greatly sharing the pressure of those four-star horror ghosts.

After all, these four-star elites, four-star ordinary ghosts can also bear some light and heat damage, and Wei Xiaobei is not likely to let them close to themselves, so there is no special purpose to start with those four-star horror.

When those ghosts approached the 30-meter range of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei turned the big bow into a big gun, and a very stab, he entered the ghost group.

To say that this should be regarded as a small victory for the ghosts, and it can force Wei Xiaobei to fight me.

But this little victory, the price that the ghosts pay is not small.

When approaching the 30-meter range, the number of ghosts and casualties exceeded 3,000. Among them, the four-star horror ghost powerhouse.

More than 100,000 ghosts will be surrounded by water. The ghosts with long-range capabilities are like crazy, and they are constantly throwing their attacks toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei has been unable to dodge the dense long-range attacks at this time, appearing in any position, will be bombarded by these long-range attacks!

That's right, it's bombing!

Wei Xiaobei never stopped, but he was hit by more than ten long-range attacks every second!

It is conceivable that if Wei Xiaobei stops, how many attacks will be taken per second.

In addition, those ghosts that are approaching are more like crazy, desperately rushing toward Wei Xiaobei, and even often there are accidents in which several ghosts collide.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't have to look at it. Every time he shoots a shot, he can wear several ghosts!

The tactics used by these ghosts at this time are completely to use the number to crush Weibei.

Around the front, back, left and right, ghosts are constantly coming in, so as to squeeze the activity space of Wei Xiaobei.

Well, if you change a human being, I am afraid that it will be too much to be pushed by these ghosts, or it will be greatly restricted.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s power attribute is too high, up to 125 points, plus the strength of the Sunsense in hand when he is holding 10 points, and the state of the art, the thunder and lightning of mercury on the attribute, making Wei Xiaobei’s power The property has improved a lot.

Wei Xiaobei did not calculate accurately, but probably should be around 155!

And this power attribute has brought a huge amount of 50,000 tons to Wei Xiaobei!

In other words, Wei Xiaobei is now the output of 50,000 tons of strength!

Behind him, there were piles of ghosts. Wei Xiaobei leaned back and slammed against them. The ghosts that were piled behind Wei Xiaobei were like baseballs hit by bats. They suddenly flew backwards and chests one by one. The collapse subsided and blood was sprayed from the mouth.

If these ghosts should be a Taiwanese tank, then Wei Xiaobei is an aircraft carrier!

Business castings and the landings of the tanks?

The battle has been going on for an hour.

The faces of those ghosts are not disposed of with joy, but they are extremely depressed.

A feeling of total powerlessness rushed into their hearts.

No matter how hard they work, how to move forward, it seems that there is not much damage to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, they don't know that Wei Xiaobei feels a little tired during this hour of fighting.

You must know that in the face of ghosts that are constantly coming from all directions, every action of Wei Xiaobei needs to go all out and try to kill as many ghosts as possible, so as not to waste physical strength.

After all, the weakest of these ghosts is also four-star ordinary, and their resilience is not weak. If they are only injured, then if they leave for a while, they will recover some and then join the battle.

Isn't this adding trouble to yourself?

Well, to say, if Wei Xiaobei wants to take a break, he only needs to release a semi-sacred atmosphere, and he will be able to scare a considerable part of the ghosts and get rid of morale.

But in this case, after the ghosts have escaped, it is very troublesome to chase them.

Now, these ghosts are rushing to death, and in terms of overall efficiency, Wei Xiaobei will reduce a lot of trouble.

Just like the previous land, there were too many ghosts to attack Weibei, so that Wei Xiaobei could not help but explode the semi-sacred atmosphere. As a result, Wei Xiaobei turned the land a few laps, at least three-thirds. One of the ghosts was hiding in Tibet, and finally Wei Xiaobei had to give up the killing and left the land directly.

Time and by bit, Wei Xiaobei was a little breathless.

Seeing the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, the ghosts that had begun to produce retreating emotions suddenly became like a chicken blood, rushing toward Wei Xiaobei.

Just a weak move, let those ghosts give up the idea of ​​escape, Wei Xiaobei can only say that these ghosts are really not enough.

But Wei Xiaobei always felt that something was staring at himself from the very beginning to the present.

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel a little uncomfortable, but it is extremely difficult to find each other.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei continued to show weakness, and in the constant siege of ghosts, it seems more and more difficult to parry!

Yes, Wei Xiaobei gave up the secret voyeuristic guy, simply gave up the attack, recovered the light and heat, and began to resist the claws, long knives, wildfires and so on that constantly attacked.

Even in order to be more realistic, Wei Xiaobei will absorb the lightning on the surface of the body and **** it back into the body, so that the skin loses the most secure protection.

It is said that Wei Xiaobei's skin can now resist the bombardment of shells at a close distance, which is extremely tough.

Under the constant attack of the ghosts, Wei Xiaobei quickly began to hang all kinds of wounds, and even a knife with a wine swallowing boy crossed the Weibei eyebrows and left a scar.

This makes Wei Xiaobei look even more wolf.

Finally, when Wei Xiaobei was inserted into the back by a glamorous ghost hand, the guy hiding in the dark started!

"The red leaves are hunting! The glory belongs to the great **** of the sky!"

A rude curse came out, a giant worm that grew like a cockroach, with a body length of more than five meters rushed out from the ground, and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

From the constant curse of this giant worm, you can hear it, thinking that Wei Xiaobei will die in the red leaf hunting hand!

Of course, this cockroach is certainly not to save the life of Xiaobei. It just feels that it was a big day's merit. It was even shirked by a low-lying red leaf hunting!

It can be seen that most of the ghosts should know this giant worm, and the status of this giant worm is relatively high here. Any ghosts that are in front of them will see each other rushing without any hesitation. Immediately, I was desperate to let the road open, and I was more afraid of each other.

Wei Xiaobei was making a fierce cry at this time, and his body seemed to struggle hard, but the red leaves behind him could not deepen the damage. Even the red leaf hunting felt that his hands were about to break!

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