The City of Terror

Chapter 1418: Desperate!

I have been sleeping this afternoon, and now I wake up, feeling that the biological clock is completely confusing! gosh--

Wei Xiaobei naturally discovered the cockroach cockroach that rushed.

When I saw the giant worm, I realized that I was afraid that the siege of these ghosts came from the hand of this giant.

Most of the scent of this giant worm is the cold, scent of ghosts, but it is also filled with some divine atmosphere!

For such a creature, Wei Xiaobei was the first to see it.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be surprised. This giant worm will not be one of the so-called eight million gods in Dongpu?

This creature's biological level is also a four-star horror, actually it will be a god?

However, Wei Xiaobei turned to think of the indigenous gods he had seen, and he was no longer surprised.

Those indigenous gods are actually four-star horror creatures. It is not surprising if this giant is a god.

After all, under certain conditions, even if the strength is weak, it can be called a god.

It is like some fox demon in ancient China, the weasel fine, which confuses the believers, and gives them the lure of wealth, but also beats the title of a god.

However, this giant worm rushed toward himself, and it was the meaning of Xiaobei.

You know, what is Wei Xiaobei's entry into this high heaven? Still not trying to collect more powerful strong bodies.

Don't look at the creature's level of this giant worm is four-star horror, but because of its divine nature, this value is much higher than the other four-star horror ghosts.

Like the body of this giant worm, if you invest in Aoki Fudi, the effect will be several times stronger than the other four-star horror ghosts, even higher!

Because of the urgency, the cockroach cockroach has increased its speed to the extreme. In a flash, it rushes away from the ghosts crowded in front of it. It rushes to the front of Wei Xiaobei, opens the mouthpiece that is full of teeth, and goes to Wei Xiaobei. Swallowed down.

Until this time, Wei Xiaobei only laughed, and when he reached out, he slammed the red leaves on his back and slammed it toward the cockroach.


In the blink of an eye, a loud bang of the physical impact came, and the hard shell of the giant worm was smashed into a deep pit by the red leaf, and a crack was scattered around the pit.

At the same time, the high-speed sprinting giant worm was actually knocked out and flew out!

Under the giant force of Wei Xiaobei, the red leaf hunting became a powerful cannonball.

Of course, after the collision with the cockroach worm shell, the red leaf stalk also turned from a stunning beauty to a boiled bolognese!

Under this attack, the cockroach cockroach did not react at all, until it flew hundreds of meters and fell to the ground, the cockroach cockroach found himself actually being hit!

Was it actually hit? There is also a big pit on the outer shell!

What is going on?

I am a god! The famous **** of death! No ghosts can be arrogant in front of themselves!

Well, what does it feel like?

Just as the cockroach swayed his head and wanted to wash away the shame and kill the man completely, suddenly, the cockroach felt that there was something staring at himself, just like taking his own soul. I looked at it all outside.

This makes the giant worms feel a little cold.

The feeling of this giant worm is naturally not wrong. Wei Xiaobei will now throw a genius into the giant worm!

Name: Jing Hao (the **** of death)

Race: Ghost (Dongling God)

Gender: Male

Age: 398 years old

Biology level: four-star horror

Introduction: Jingjing is the bereavement of the myths and legends of Dongpu. It is said that when it appears on the roof, people will get sick and their body will emit a strong black dead air.

Attribute: (omitted)

Weakness: fire, light

Skills: flying, drilling

Special ability: dead, sturdy, divine, and bad luck.

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

This giant worm is really a god!

Still a god!

To say this god, Wei Xiaobei knows that the so-called mourning is actually a mold.

For example, the funeral of Huaxia is the famous star of death, that is, his wife Ma’s.

Whenever such a **** is encountered, it is a bad luck, and the whole family suffers.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei become cautious.

After all, the bad luck of the past, so that Wei Xiaobei remembers.

It's just that this kind of fineness is bad for people, mainly relying on contact. As long as it comes into contact with it, it will be entangled by the bad luck that it releases, which leads to a series of bad luck.

Of course, before there was no real contact, Wei Xiaobei didn't know much about his role in the bad luck.

But the emergence of this fine, let Wei Xiaobei have a way to understand the gods of Dongpu.


The two wine-sucking boys were held in the hand by Wei Xiaobei, and then they lost their rush to the fine.


Two consecutive dull vibrations came, and the cockroach worm had a layer of golden light shining on it, which was able to stop the two smashed burgeoning boy.

"Ha ha ha, human, you have no power!"

The discovery of the fine surprises, the power of these two wine-sucking boys hitting themselves has become a lot smaller, just being blocked by the power of their own body.

You must know that if it is the power of the red leaf before the hit, the magical barrier formed by the body's divine power on the outer shell is really difficult to stop.

But this head is not knowing, Wei Xiaobei is just a temptation, using less than 20% of the previous strength!

But now it seems that this brilliant power is no different.

Therefore, next, Wei Xiaobei seems to have grown eight arms, his hands flashed out, and he kept grabbing the ghosts close to him, then threw them away.

For a moment, the ghosts thrown out from Wei Xiaobei are like dense raindrops. The first ghost hits the fine body and has just turned into a meat sauce. The second, third, and fourth ghosts are coming one after another.

For a time, the fineness was completely suppressed, a series of ghosts rushed toward it, bombarded on its back, and the giant force that was released from the explosion continued to be completely suppressed on the ground, almost impossible to move.

To be honest, the savvy at this time feels that his power is completely useless.

Although the power of fineness is also very powerful, under the long-range attack of Wei Xiaobei with ghosts as artillery shells, the slightest play is not played out. The most terrible thing is that the fine and bad luck needs direct contact to be able to exert its power!

In this way, Wei Xiaobei will not be close to it at all, but it will only throw away ghosts and bombardment, so that this fine feeling is extremely wrong!

Don't let the **** approach you!

Jing Hao secretly screamed in his heart, desperately wanting to move, but the ghosts of one after another bombarded, and in a blink of an eye, the fine body was smashed into the ground, and the power in the body wanted to protect the outer shell, just emerging When the divine shield is formed, the ghosts that have fallen are broken.

After so many times, Jing Jing had to give up the idea.

Otherwise, the outer casing can't be protected, but it is a waste of power.

Without the protection of the divine shield, the fine outer shell is hit into countless pits in a short time, and the impact force brought by the ghost makes the vibrating body constantly oscillate. It can be said that there are countless internal injuries in the blink of an eye. .

To tell the truth, if it is not the magical power contained in this refined body that can recover the injury with super high speed, this fine is probably already smashed by the ghosts that have come to the forefront and died.

Simply put, the fine shell at this time becomes ugly, and it is covered with a lot of potholes. Fortunately, this fine focus is not put on this point at all, otherwise, it is likely to be vomiting blood.

However, the ghosts thrown by Wei Xiaobei can only suppress this fine, and it is impossible to completely limit it.

You know, this is the finest!

After the ghosts hit themselves and quickly suffered internal injuries, Jingjing had this plan, but it was not as simple as escape, but thought of fighting against Xiaobei!

Therefore, at the beginning, this finer rather than being smothered by blood, is not willing to let Wei Xiaobei find his intentions!

Because Wei Xiaobei’s speed was too fast at this time, a head and a ghost were like a cannonball, and it didn’t take long for the time to be fine.

Well, this is just the scene that the ghosts see. In fact, the fine head has already burrowed into the ground and rushed to the position below Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, the savvy has been extremely angry.

In its centuries of life, it has never suffered such an insult!

It has to retaliate! It wants to hate!

It has to tear this human into pieces!

The ability to drill the ground is still very strong. Less than a minute before and after, it has been drilled for several kilometers and appeared below Wei Xiaobei!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also threw the ghosts around him into the big pit in the distance.

He did not find that he was gone!

Seeing this scene, the quietly smothering the head out of the ground could not help but be overjoyed, and then rushed up toward Wei Xiaobei!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is only ten meters away from the ground, and the fine body can only catch Wei Xiaobei by lifting half of the body!

But just as the fine man was about to rush to Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei suddenly bowed his head and showed a smile.

The next moment, a poor wine-sucking boy was taken as a cannonball to the nearest level.

He found himself!

The heart was shocked, but there was no time for a reaction. The wine swallowed the boy and squatted on his mouth.

That sturdy mouthparts, suddenly smashed by the wine-sucking boy!

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei even rushed up, hands out, with a pair of golden gloves on it, and firmly grasped a fine pliers!

That fine is not shocked at this time!

I finally got in touch with him!

At this time, the fineness of the time was not only the fear of being caught by the other side, but the whole body's divine power suddenly swelled up, and it poured into the past where it touched Wei Xiaobei.

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