The City of Terror

Chapter 1419: Fight for divinity!

Today, I suddenly found that New Year's Eve is coming, and the poor road has to prepare for the new year. I feel so busy.

In the blink of an eye, the gray golden power will cover Wei Xiaobei and quickly penetrate into Wei Xiaobei.

Good luck!

This is the essence of perfection!

It can be said that Jingyu can make such a small name among the eight million gods in Dongpu, and it relies entirely on this bad luck!

If it is an ordinary human being, as long as it needs to appear around its surroundings, then this ordinary human will suddenly die seriously.

If it is those ghosts, you will encounter all kinds of unfortunate things.

It is said that there was once a younger brother who had offended the finest, and as a result, he was smothered with sinister power, and eventually inadvertently offended the Amaterasu god, thus being deprived of divine power, laying down the mortal world, and sadly reminding me!

This also shaped the horrible identity of the ghosts.

Now, this human body is covered with bad luck, so in the eyes of Jingjing, it is not far from death.

Of course, Jing Jing knows that if you say something more than strength, you are really no better than this horrible human.

Therefore, Jing Hao began to struggle desperately at this time, and wanted to escape from Wei Xiaobei's hand, so as not to be killed by Wei Xiaobei's temporary efforts.

Jing Hao wants to struggle to get out, but if he can escape, he has to watch Wei Bei’s wishes.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's hands were not moving under the fierce struggle, but his attention was mostly placed on the mysterious power covering his whole body. The six minds turned rapidly and quickly attacked these bad luck. The rules contained in it are even parsed by the principle of action!

This is the advantage of reaching a certain level of strength.

If Wei Xiaobei, who was replaced by a four-star horror, thought of doing this, I am afraid I don’t even know how to get started.

But now Wei Xiaobei, the four-star catastrophe creature level, is proficient in most of the space rules, light and heat rules, in the case of analogy bypass, parsing some other rules, more or less able to get started.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei probably discovered that the rules contained in this kind of bad luck are actually far from the power of the **** and the curse of the dish.

To put it simply, the delicate power released by this finer is more similar to a deep mix of illusion and toxin!

It can corrode nerves and brain.

For ordinary humans, ordinary ghosts, it is seriously ill, lying in bed until dead.

For other stronger beings, when the nerves and brain are affected, then there will be many accidents.

It is like the little **** of the East, one accidentally offended the great **** of the sun, and the result is sad reminder.

A situation like this is unfortunate in the eyes of those who don’t know the inside story.

As a result, the brilliance of this kind of savage power has been blown even more, thus leaving an impression in everyone's heart.

In short, Wei Xiaobei has discovered that there is no rule in this fine and bad luck!

In this case, Wei Xiaobei did not want to continue to delay.

At this time, the exquisitely struggling, suddenly felt cold in the heart, just as it was preparing to burn the power and violent resistance, Wei Xiaobei had lifted his hands and then used to the ground!

There was a loud bang, and the fine smashed into the ground, and was stunned and turned, but Wei Xiaobei did not let go, but his hands suddenly made a force, and even a hard-working one to tear off a fine pliers!

At this time, the savvy is intimidating, and a threat of death hangs over it. The only deity in it is desperately warning of death.

In any case, although this succinct can only be counted as a false god, not a true god, even even an indigenous god, but it is always a divine creature.

And divine creatures can detect the dangers that many ordinary creatures cannot detect.

But being able to detect the danger is too late.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei seemed to be doing surgery on Jingjing, and the pliers on his body were cut off one by one.

Less than twenty seconds before and after, the whole body became bare, leaving a body that looks ugly.

At this point, even if you want to be desperate, there is no way.

Wei Xiaobei directly opened the deck of the fine chest, and slammed it in a punch. He removed a big hole in his chest and then sneaked in it. When he recovered, Wei Xiaobei grabbed it on his right hand. A golden light.

This golden light is the divine nature of the body.

As this group of divinity was smashed by Wei Xiaobei, the original desperately struggling even lost most of its activity, and became dying and plunged into a state of sudden death.

For the vast majority of divine creatures, divinity can be said to be their life!

Their hearts are dug up, and they may still be able to survive, but if the divinity is taken away, then the chance of living will not exceed one percent!

More often, this divinity is entangled with most of their souls, so the end of the divine nature can be imagined.

Seeing that Jing Jing was beaten to death by Wei Xiaobei, those ghosts were shocked!

For them, the gods have always been high above.

Especially this fine, because of its low status in the Dongpu gods, it often appears in the land of this area, to announce some gods.

As far as influence is concerned, the influence of this fineness in these ghosts is not as high as that of the big gods, but it is not low.

But now, the horrible human being has dug out the refined deity.

This is no doubt!

For each ghost, growing up as a **** is the goal of their lifelong struggle.

As high-level ghosts, they have a hidden ability to recognize the true and false of the divine at a glance.

Well, to put it bluntly, when Wei Xiaobei took the group of divinity out of the fine, all the ghosts present felt like fish on the shore and could not breathe!

It was a feeling that was difficult to describe. After a short time, an unstoppable craving rushed to the hearts of these ghosts!

get it!

As long as you get it, you can become a god!

These ghosts can even feel the sound of shouting in their blood!

I have to say that people are all in a variety of colors, and this ghost is roughly the same as humans.

Even the horror that Wei Xiaobei showed before has scared most of the ghosts, but after the deity comes out, the so-called wealth is moving.

Suddenly, many ghosts once again launched an attack against Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, after Wei Xiaobei will be fine-tuned, there are still some people who are worried that these ghosts are scared away.

But now, the divine appeal is really not small.

All the ghosts that have been thrown over are quickly killed by Wei Xiaobei.

There is no doubt about this. You must know that it is too easy to solve these ghosts when it is like a quagmire.

What's more, most of these ghosts are focused on the divinity that Wei Xiaobei is holding. The divinity is too attractive for these ghosts.

In the case of distraction, if these ghosts can hurt Wei Xiaobei and take away the deity, it would be too ridiculous.

In order to attract more ghosts, Wei Xiaobei even pretended to accidentally drop the divine to the ground.

However, what happened next was to let Wei Xiaobei not think of it.

As a ghost robs the **** in his hand and swallows it, the ghosts who stand in the distance and try to suppress their inner impulses can no longer hold back. They rushed from all directions like floods. The goal is firmly locked in the lucky ghost.

Even when the ghosts were rushing past Wei Xiaobei, they didn’t even look at Xiaobei.

A huge melee began to unfold.

The ghost is a four-star horror white lord.

Well, this white lord is actually a fox-like ghost, or it should be called a fox, it is good at change, although the combat power is not very strong, but when it sees the ghosts around it all toward themselves, it becomes A wine swallows a boy.

To say that in other places, a wine-sucking boy should have considerable power.

Most of the ghosts are not willing to fight with the melee-powered players like the wine-swallowing boy, and the strength of the wine-swallowing boy is really strong in the ghosts.

The problem is that there are more than 30 heads of wine swallowed here. As for other kinds of ghosts, their attention is completely attracted by divinity. Wei Xiaobei doubts, even if this white lord becomes a great god. These ghosts will not hesitate to pounce on!

To put it simply, the group of divinity is like the blood in front of a shark. It is the same as being swallowed by ghosts. It is equivalent to being splashed in the sea, and it is not so much to say how cruel the sharks smell.

Besides, the change to become a wine-swallowing boy does not mean that the strength of the white-headed lord is the same as that of the wine-swallowing boy.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost in front of the front tears the white master into pieces!

The group of divinity had just floated out of the corpse of the white lord, and was caught in a hand by a soil spider.

The earth spider is also a four-star horror ghost. Its shape is a huge spider with a body shape of more than six meters. The whole body is covered with a thick layer of mud, which is very strong.

But this earthy spider got divine, just screamed with excitement, and was overwhelmed by the attacks of ghosts around him.

From this moment on, there is almost no ghost after the divinity, there is enough time to plug the divine into the mouth!

Whoever gets divinity, then all the ghosts will target who is attacking.

Tens of thousands of ordinary four-star horror ghosts, only a small part, can easily kill any ghosts that have been divine, even in such a melee, the number of ghosts that have been accidentally injured and killed is countless.

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