The City of Terror

Chapter 1422: Tear the high fog of the high heavens

Well, the little squirrel in the poor road has been busy for a few days, and finally the stock of the new year is enough. I have eaten it in the past few days. I bought beef, chicken, rabbit and other meat, and I am going to show my talents during the Chinese New Year. Sharpen your cooking skills -

In other words, the only way to get a higher escape from the arrow is to avoid the 10,000 meters!

But in such a chaotic scene, there are too few divine creatures to understand this.

In twenty minutes, Wei Xiaobei shot a thousand arrows!

Although Wei Xiaobei only shoots arrows by gently swaying the bowstrings, it is more energy-saving, but it shoots a thousand arrows in a row. For Wei Xiaobei, it is not a small consumption.

Therefore, after shooting more than a thousand arrows, Wei Xiaobei’s arms were also sore.

Then Wei Xiaobei changed the big bow into a big gun and continued to kill.

And those divine creatures saw that Wei Xiaobei no longer shot the arrows, and his heart suddenly settled. They thought that Wei Xiaobei had not had much strength.

Thinking of this, those divine creatures surrounded the past with Wei Xiaobei.

Obviously, the behavior of the divine creature is in the middle of the guardian Xiaobei!

To be honest, if these divine creatures continue to flee, Wei Xiaobei, who replaced the big bow with a big gun, wants to maintain the high-efficiency killing before, which is impossible.

Now, those divine creatures rush toward themselves like the tides, but it is more convenient to kill themselves.

Every once in a while, Wei Xiaobei will return to the place where the generals have piled up the bodies, and the corpses of the divine creatures that have been piled up are included in the storage ring.

Wei Weibei’s move made the divine creatures think that he was afraid of running away. Instead, he attracted those divine creatures to chase.

The only flaw is that every time you kill a demon creature, the evolutionary point that Wei Xiaobei can get is only about 200 evolution points. That is to say, killing these divine creatures is more evolutionary than the four-star horror ghost. Even lower.

But even so, after an hour, Wei Xiaobei killed more than 3,000 divine creatures! The evolution points obtained are also more than 600,000!

Have to say that this is a horrible number.

Although Wei Xiaobei had captured more than two million evolution points before, it was the evolution point of hundreds of thousands of ghosts.

But anyway, here, in this high heaven, the evolution of the brush is really cool.

Of course, this is also because Wei Xiaobei's strength is strong enough.

If you switch to other gray world practitioners, you may hang up when you are on the first land. You may have swept so many evolution points.

But the courage of those divine creatures has been scared by Wei Xiaobei in this hour of killing.

Well, to say the degree of patience with killing, these divine creatures are not as good as the ghosts on the ground below.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei as a killing god, he rushed back and forth, his own kind of continuous degeneration, and the rest of the divine creatures escaped.

For them, saving lives is no doubt much stronger than the so-called **** dignity.

The siege of their own divine creatures escaped. Wei Xiaobei did not continue to pursue it. Instead, he returned to the other body's body and collected some of the divine creature's bodies into the storage ring. He took out some food and drank it.

In such a place, it is necessary to maintain the best condition at all times.

Wei Xiaobei may not want to be concealed because of his low state.

Anyway, those divine creatures can only escape on this land. To the size of this village, there are too many places for Wei Xiaobei to make corpses.

Most of the divine creatures do not know that this **** of the gods has broken into a peerless god!

But it was not long before Wei Xiaobei had enough to eat and drink. A huge black aperture appeared on the land above the land.

With this huge black aperture appearing, a breath of darkness instantly flooded the land and spread all around.

Suddenly, almost all the divine creatures looked at the huge black aperture. Wei Xiaobei could see them start to tremble, just like what natural enemies saw!

Is it true that the **** of Dongpu has appeared?

At this point, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to be scornful, and even spread the people everywhere, and he found a collapsed house on the spot to hide.

Look at the situation first.

Before the situation was unknown, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to take the initiative.

Not long after, a huge arm wrapped around countless black fog emerged from the black aperture.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that after the black fog arm appeared, it quickly caught down to a group of divine creatures below.

This group of divine creatures has about fifty or sixty heads, and most of them have been captured in the blink of an eye. The divine creatures that were pinched to death by the giants occupied half of them.

The black fog arm then retracted the black aperture, but the black aperture did not dissipate, and there was a burst of joyful laughter, followed by a burst of chewing, and the voices of those divine creatures screamed.

There is no doubt that the owner of the black fog arm is now swallowing the divine creatures that have been taken away! ? ? ?

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei felt that his brain was about to turn.

Originally thought that the Amaterasu **** appeared, what Wei Xiaobei never imagined is that it seems to be the enemy here!

Do not say anything else, just look at it and stretch out an arm to attack those divine creatures, and take these divine creatures to catch and swallow, you know that the other side and the Amaterasu should be hostile.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei originally held the idea of ​​being able to fight and can not fight and flee back to Qingmu Fudi, and temporarily put it down.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei’s idea now is to be a fisherman.

Since this black fog arm has invaded here, it is likely to attract a great god.

After all, no matter which point of view, the owner of this black fog arm is more threatening than Wei Xiaobei!

Perhaps the divine creatures were very appetizing for it. Soon, the huge arm of the black mist slid out again and caught the divine creatures fleeing around the ground.

Do not!

This time it was not just an arm. With the appearance of the first arm, a second arm appeared soon in the aperture.

The second arm is still entwined with countless black fog. After its appearance, it will be grabbed in the distance for the first time, and a group of divine creatures gathered together to escape will be caught.

Well, in the following time, Wei Xiaobei looked at the black aperture with a blank look, and a black fog arm extended.

In just a few minutes, the black fog arm that protruded from the black aperture reached as many as eighteen!

Fortunately, after the arm of the eighteenth arm is extended, there is no arm in the aperture.

This head is hidden behind the black aperture, and has 18 arms!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was the first to see such a terrible existence!

And in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, every black fog arm has a black divine glow, and behind the black aperture is a cloud of darkness that cannot be seen through the light!

Eighteen black fog arms went into battle together, and in the blink of an eye, the village was destroyed by a large number. Thousands of divine creatures were easily caught by these black fog arms and then sent into the black aperture.

To say that efficiency is the case, this black fog arm is much higher than Wei Xiaobei.

Especially the divine creatures hiding in the collapsed houses did not escape the search for this black fog arm.

Take a closer look, the palm of the black fog arm is filled with a huge eyeball like a tumor.

Well, this horrible shape, those intensive patients, as long as they look at their eyes, I am afraid they will faint directly.

Well, to be honest, when Wei Xiaobei saw the eyeballs in the palm of his hand, the first reaction in his heart was to dig out the eyeballs that looked like tumors, or to poke!

If you can do this, Wei Xiaobei will feel a lot more comfortable.

Of course, this is just to deal with the uncomfortable feelings that have emerged in my heart.

Wei Xiaobei can not be so stupid, this time rushed out to do this kind of thing.

The black fog arm is still raging in the village, constantly picking up those divine creatures and sending them back to the mouth behind the black aperture to swallow.

It can be said that if you look at this scene, anyone will think that the black fog arm is the devil's head, and those divine creatures are poor ordinary villagers.

Time passed by, and Wei Xiaobei, who was hiding in the dark, thought that the big **** of the sky would not appear.

But at this moment, a circle of golden light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then a golden giant with a height of 100 meters appeared in the high ground of this land.

This golden giant is covered in a circle of golden light that is constantly radiating out. Even Wei Xiaobei can only see his human form through the golden light.

Is this the **** of the sky?

Feeling the diffused light and heat, Wei Xiaobei's heart could not help but move.

The golden light is very familiar to Wei Xiaobei.

That is the sun! That is light and heat!

It contains the rules of light and heat!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei even raised an impulse and wanted to rush to capture the power of the golden giant!

The intensity of this impulse has made Wei Xiaobei almost unable to control himself.

This should be the **** of the sky!

According to the description of Dongpu mythology, this **** of the sun is actually the sun **** in the gods of Dongpu!

The sun god, this shape appears, it is normal.

For any one of the sun gods, mastering the rules of light and heat is a normal range of talent.

Wei Xiaobei slightly judged it and found that the depth of his control of the rules of light and heat is still a lot worse than that of the Amaterasu.

The other side should far exceed itself in this regard.

With the appearance of the golden giant of the suspected Amaterasu, the divine creatures that were escaping from the ground suddenly gave off the excitement of shouting.

Of course, these divine creatures do not worship the Amaterasu like the ordinary human beings. They think that they are gods. Although they have a power gap with the Amaterasu, everyone is always a god.

Therefore, the shouts of these divine creatures are calling for help from the **** of the sky.

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