The City of Terror

Chapter 1423: , Tianzhao VS big dark master

Yesterday, when I went to buy a rabbit in a poor road, I happened to meet the owner and peeled the rabbit. Well, although the poor road once caught the hare when I was young, now I am not able to see this kind of thing, I can only lie in my heart. Not a poor road to kill, not a poor road to kill -

Not to mention the usefulness of these divine creatures' cry for help, only to say that with the appearance of the golden giant suspected of the Azure God, the 18 black fog arms that were busy catching the divine creature suddenly stopped.

Then a head that was also entangled with countless black fogs came out of the black aperture.

"Ha ha ha ha, Amatea! You didn't think about it, I can now invade your Gaotianyuan!"

The head was covered in dark fog and could not see its expression at all, but its voice was extremely arrogant.

"Big Dark Lord! You dare to invade Gaotianyuan! Today is your death!"

With a high female voice, behind the gods, there was a golden giant.

Of course, the size of these golden giants is much smaller than that of the day.

The Azure God is really a woman, Wei Xiaobei has seen a lot of Dongzhao ancient books because of the need.

In these Dongzhao ancient books, the gender of the Amaterasu **** has always been ambiguous.

Some ancient books describe that Azure is a goddess, an incarnation of the sun, and some ancient books describe that Amaterasu is a male character with a tyrannical character.

Of course, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, this day’s **** is a man or a woman, and it will not affect its combat effectiveness.

There are fifteen golden giants who emerged behind the gods of Amaterasu. They should be the true gods of the gods of Amaterasu.

These gods are much higher than those of the divine creatures.

The next moment, the golden giants that emerged quickly rushed toward the eighteen black fog arms.

And the black fog head saw the golden giants rushing, but there was no fluster, but the black fog arm greeted them one by one.

These black fog arms are lifted up quickly, and it is a slap in the face of the golden giant who is rushing!

And the golden giants raised their hands, and the golden light of the circle spread out, and the black fog arm that was photographed was suddenly stopped.

However, the contact between the golden light and the black mist came with a squeaking sound, and a golden war between the golden light and the black mist began.

Seeing that his own gods have blocked most of the black fog arm, the Amaterasu, wrapped in the dazzling light, even stretched out his right hand, and then the numerous light and heat wrapped around his body will gather toward his right hand. The past.

Less than half a time before and after, a golden giant sword that was as bright as the sun was formed, and then it was cut down toward the black fog head that showed a black aperture.

When I saw the golden giant sword, the three black fog arms left by the black fog skull were intercepted.

But in front of this golden giant sword, the black fog arm seems to be a bit less powerful.

The first black fog arm was cut off by the golden sword in a blink of an eye. The huge black fog arm fell down and squatted on a street, and a huge pit was thrown out, and a circle was formed. The shock wave blows down the houses around the house like straw.

The second black fog arm played a role, slightly blocking the castration of the golden giant sword, but was still cut off by a sword.

Until the golden sword was on the third black fog arm, the force was weakened a lot. Although the black fog arm was cut, the black misted head was retracted into the black aperture in time. This sword.

At the same time, a huge black fog foot plate, sticking out from the black aperture, stepped on the golden giant sword at the foot.

The other huge black fog foot plate also protruded from the black aperture in time, and kicked the past with the big god.

This kick kicked out like a giant mountain. It was probably not dare to take this foot on the day of the gods. Then I took a few steps back in the air and escaped this foot, but with the retreat of Tianzhao, it was taken back. The golden giant sword that stepped on the foot of the black fog was even shattered, and it turned into countless light and heat and sprayed out in all directions, causing the houses around it to burn quickly.

The dark fog foot plate was not hurt at all under the seemingly endless light and heat spray, but the black fog wrapped around the foot plate was corroded by light and heat, and it looked thin.

The next moment, the black aperture suddenly expanded several times, and then the whole body of the dark Lord was drilled out of the black aperture.

As the big dark Lord appeared on the land all over the place, the bright daylight suddenly became a lot dim, and the black fog on his body quickly prospered and spread rapidly in all directions.

As the black mist swiftly swept out, wherever it was covered by dark fog, the sky became dark all the time. Not to mention that the fingers were not visible, at least most of the divine creatures were already in a state of reaching out.

Where the darkness is shrouded, the faint divine light of those divine creatures suddenly becomes dazzling.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that the strength of those divine creatures is rapidly weakened under the cover of dark fog, and even in those black fog, a ghost composed of black fog emerges. Different, it is also a replica of the gray world ghosts, and they appear to attack the divine creatures after they appear.

Seeing that the great dark Lord actually entered the whole body, filled with black fog and began to carry out large-scale killing of the divine creatures.

The Azure God who retreated in the retreat did not let the other party relax. The light and heat that had been condensed before the golden giant sword was once again strong, and quickly pressed toward the black fog.

In a blink of an eye, the world became black and white.

One side is the black mist that is constantly filling, while the other side is the light and heat that is constantly spreading out. One side is dark and the other side is bright.

When the two sides meet, it is the black fog and the light and heat collide with each other, devour each other and annihilate each other.

Wei Xiaobei has already seen it at this time.

The light and heat that was released from the day when the gods were released did not say much. It was similar to the rules of light and heat that they had mastered, but there were some differences.

And the so-called Great Dark Lord masters the rules of darkness, and the dark fog is a derivative of the dark rules. They are filled out, and all the places covered by them will be quickly transformed by the rules of darkness.

The two completely different regular forces of light and dark are constantly colliding on this land. The divine creature that survives on this land is simply a sudden catastrophe.

At this time, the Amaterasu will probably not be able to stop because of those divine creatures, and release the light heat!

Those divine creatures, whether they are on the dark side or on the hot side, have nothing to end.

The divine creatures on the hot side, although they can resist some light and heat, but in the case of the full release of the Amaterasu, the whole world is turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the endless light and heat are constantly spilling, even the strongest god. Sexual creatures, under such circumstances, can only survive and wait for the advent of death.

As for the divine creatures on the dark side, there is no need to say more.

The dark fog filled out, although there is no direct lethality, but it can make the power of the divine creatures quickly deplete, and the ghosts that are condensed by the black fog will not be soft!

Of course, the most unlucky ones should be regarded as the divine creatures at the junction of the two rules of light and darkness.

The friction between the heat and the darkness, the conflict, and every moment will bring a huge explosion and an inexplicable corrosive effect, so that the divine creatures in this zone will soon die.

Even the golden giants who followed the Amaterasu gods were blown out in such an effect, and the golden skin of the whole body began to rot and bubble black, as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

It is said that the battle has entered the process of white heat from the very beginning. Whether it is the Azure God or the Big Dark Lord, there is only one attack target, that is, the other party!

The Amaterasu **** constantly condenses the golden giant sword and cuts it down toward the big dark master. Whenever the golden giant sword cuts the big dark Lord, it will splash a black blood, and those black blood will quickly turn into black. The fog makes the surroundings darker.

And the great dark Lord did not show weakness, and changed a long gun with black fog, and continued to stab the **** of the sky.

When the Azure God is stabbed by the long gun, it will take out the golden blood. After the golden blood leaves the wound, it will burn, like the same miniature sun suspended in the air, and released to the Amaterasu. Light and heat add a bit of power!

It should be noted that Wei Xiaobei has identified the identity of both parties from the names of both parties.

It is natural that the **** of the day does not need to describe too much, and this great dark Lord is also one of the gods of Dongpu.

To put it simply, this great dark Lord is a **** who is hostile to the Amaterasu god. In the myths and legends of the East, the Great Dark Lord is also known as the 倭筘加台. It is said that it was born after the birth of Amaterasu. The god, who originally ruled a small half of the East, but under the attack of the gods sent by the Azure God, had to reluctantly give up the rule, and disappeared.

But the great dark Lord thus embarked on the road of confrontation with the Amaterasu.

Of course, there are also myths and legends described because the light and the dark cannot coexist, which makes the two gods sin and so on.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to pay attention to the outbreak between the two gods. He was quietly rushing toward the place where a golden giant fell.

In fact, after the appearance of the Amaterasu and the Great Dark Lord, Wei Xiaobei knew that relying on his current strength and wanting to deal with any of these gods is impossible.

Take the day as the great god, although the rules of light and heat mastered by it are somewhat different from the light and hot nobility of Aoki Fudi, the level of light and heat rules they have mastered is much stronger than that of Wei Xiaobei.

If Wei Xiaobei has a light and heat rule of 10, then the light and heat rule mastered by the **** of the day should be 100 or even 200!

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