The City of Terror

Chapter 1429: God's heritage!

The password red envelope will finally play, first wave, everyone book friends, friends, brothers and sisters remember to receive Oh -

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei had a little insight, and then he focused on the country’s constant life and carefully observed the differences.

Sure enough, such a careful look, Wei Xiaobei saw something.

The giant tree that the country often succumbs to, the ends of countless branches that grow out toward the sky actually extend out of an invisible thin line.

These thin lines are very thin, so small that Wei Xiaobei can't find it without careful inspection.

This is also the main reason why Wei Xiaobei has not noticed these thin lines before.

The thin line stretched out until the space barrier through the Aomu Fudi disappeared, and it was somewhat similar to the beliefs on the top of the believer.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it, and the numerous thin lines that spread out are undoubtedly the source of the power of the country!

With these thin lines connected to places like Gao Tianyuan, the country often can replenish it in time, even if it consumes more power.

In any case, how strong a **** system is, it is self-evident.

With the support of the entire system of the gods, probably even Wei Xiaobei exhausted, can not dry the other side!

However, this is the situation before Wei Xiaobei found no thin lines.

After discovering the thin line, Wei Xiaobei’s first reaction was to connect the Sun!

The sun hanging from the sky suddenly exudes a power. For a moment, the space barrier of Aomufudi seems to have produced countless scissors and cut off those thin lines!

At the moment when the thin line was cut, the country often couldn’t help but change its face.

For it, the thin line connecting Gao Tianyuan is where it enters the green wood, but now suddenly, the thin line is cut off!

For a moment, the country often feels a little bad.

It is like a person diving, and the result is that the oxygen tube is cut.


The country often screamed at Wei Xiaobei, and when the thin line was cut, it knew that this matter could not be separated from Wei Xiaobei.

No, you must leave immediately!

It’s not a fool to know that the country’s life is not a fool. It knows that once you are trapped here, there is no magic power from the thin line. It’s impossible to continue fighting by relying on the power of your own body. .

Therefore, in the first time, the giant tree that the country often succumbed to, and gave up the pursuit of Wei Xiaobei, turned and rushed toward the edge of Qingmufu.

Want to escape?

Since Wei Xiaobei chose to cut the thin line, it is naturally expected that the country will often take the next move.

The sun hanging above the sky will shoot a blazing fire.

The speed of this group of fires is extremely fast. Because of the huge size, the giant tree people are hard to avoid, and they have to bear the blow.

The fire lingered over the trees in the area around the giant tree, and exploded in a blink of an eye, turning it into a sea of ​​fire to wrap it.

The flames containing the power of light and heat are constantly rising, and the trees in the field of trees are constantly turning into torches.

Although the giant tree people were not entangled in flames, the burning of the sea of ​​fire could quickly consume a lot of power in the field of trees.

It can be said that as the sun's fire continues to fall, the idea that the giant tree man wants to rush to the edge of the Greenwood blessing will have to be shattered.

If it continues to follow the straight line, then it will be a group of fires to greet it. Under the smoldering of these fires, the country often can rush to the edge of the Aomu Fortune, but its power will also be consumed. less.

For a country that has been cut off from the source of power, this is not a reliable choice.

At this time, the country often needs to consider how long its own strength can last.

Of course, if the country is always bent on its own way, regardless of the sun's falling fire, it is no problem to rush to the edge. As for whether it can break through the space barrier of Aomufu, and successfully escape, the success rate is about 50%.

In other words, if you risk this risk, the chances of being able to escape are half.

When I think about this problem, the country often retreats.

As a god, a **** who is afraid of death, when the chance of escape is no more than 80%, it is difficult to choose to fight for it.

You know, once you haven't succeeded, the chances of surviving will not exceed 20%!

This is true for the country’s long-life, that is, it is terrible.

As a result, the country often turned to defend Wei Xiaobei, and chose a more stable means to take Wei Xiaobei!

They have been fighting Wei Xiaobei for so long, and the country’s long-life life has also been seen. This micro-world has a very close relationship with each other. That is to say, this is the other side’s territory.

Then if you can take Wei Xiaobei, the next thing will be easier.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not dodge, and the rare ones had a hard time with the country.

The small sun that Wei Xiaobei released from the heat of light collided with the tree fields formed by the country.

The result of each collision was that the little sun was hit and flew out.

This is the inevitable result!

Wei Xiaobei's body shape or actual strength is weaker than that of the country. In particular, the field of trees released by the country is already higher than Wei Xiaobei's light and heat rules!

Unless Wei Xiaobei can form the relevant rules in the light and heat rules, it is possible to tie in such an impact.

With only three impacts, Wei Xiaobei began to vomit blood, and a layer of plasma appeared in the pores of the skin. It looked terrible.

Wei Xiaobei only knows that he has broken his body bones by more than 40%.

In such an impact related to the rules, it is difficult for the body to be injured.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Wei Xiaobei has the protection of light and heat, and the power released by the tree field is temporarily unable to invade Wei Xiaobei's body.

Otherwise, this does not need to be played. Once that kind of force invades the body of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei will probably grow plants all over the body. Even if the power is strong, it will quickly dry up under the continuous extraction of plants. Go on.

At the same time, the country often does not win a big victory. From a rule point of view, light and heat are nourishing trees, but at the same time it is to restrain trees.

Therefore, after each collision, the field of trees that the country often lives in will be ignited in a sea of ​​fire, and it will have to consume its power to extinguish this endless flame.

After three times, the country’s often fate is also awakened. Such a force impact, on the surface it seems that it is dominant, but in fact it is a loss.

My current strength is to use a little less, follow this rate of consumption, and maintain a maximum of a few days, it is necessary to dry the lamp.


I have to find a way to break the game!

The eyes of the country’s long-awaited life soon turned to the world tree that stood on the side of the Central Mountain Range.

As a wooden god, the country often had the idea of ​​wanting to control the world tree before it was destroyed, but it was destroyed by Wei Xiaobei.

But now, the country often gave birth to the idea of ​​wanting to swallow the world tree.

If you can swallow it, you can control the world. You can control one or two. By then, the two sides will have equal opportunities. You can not only escape from birth, but also get a world of your own!

At this point, the country often succumbed to a pair of giant eyes above the trunk of the giant tree, and could not help but be excited.

To tell the truth, when the country was often ordered to be accepted by God as a god, it is impossible to say that it is voluntary.

Any god, a true god, is unwilling to fall under others.

However, the strength of Amaterasu is far greater than that of the country. At the same time, there are some temptations in terms of growth strength, which makes the country often have to join and become the **** of the Amaterasu.

But now, the opportunity to have a world alone is right in front of you, and it’s really a matter of life.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not find the idea that the country often had a fate. It was only when he saw that the country was always moving toward the world tree, and he could not help but be wary.

After all, this country often tried to attack the world tree before it was born, and had to guard against it!

Therefore, while Wei Xiaobei was mobilizing the sun to attack the country, he also rushed to his teeth.

For Wei Xiaobei, in the Aomu Fudi, the bones are broken by 40%. It is not a big trouble, but it is painful.


The two sides collided again!

The incomparable heat of the heat merged with the fire that was released by the sun, and it collided with the incomparable tree field, prompting an earth-shattering explosion.

This big bang directly caused Wei Xiaobei to fly out and hit the space barrier. He was almost stunned in the past. This injury is aggravated and naturally it is inevitable.

And the situation in which the country is always alive is not too good.

This time it was a collision with Wei Xiaobei and even the Sun. The trees, vines, etc. that grew up in the field of trees were burned into torches, and even the giant trees that were incarnate in the country. The body is also burning.

At this time, the country often wants to fight a lot, the whole body is shining green, the power is running, just after the flame of the giant tree is extinguished, the fire in the field of trees is ignored. Continue to rush towards the world tree.

Even when Wei Xiaobei rushed for the second time, he even took back the tree field and relied on the body of the giant tree to collide with Wei Xiaobei!

This time, Wei Xiaobei seems to have taken up some advantages. He was only hit and flew hundreds of meters away, and the giant tree people burned again. When the country often killed the flames, the canopy of the giant tree people Almost all of them have been burned out, and even the trunks are mostly blackened.

At this time, the country’s life was completely paralyzed, and all the power was used on the road. Even the burnt canopy was not managed. It only cured the blackness on the trunk.

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