The City of Terror

Chapter 1430: Repression!

This chapter is updated, there are two hundred password red packets -

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei probably understood the state of mind of the country.

I have to say that it is really a headache to meet such a guy.

You have to say kill, for a while, it is impossible to kill the other side before consuming the other gods.

If the other side rushes to the world tree, Wei Xiaobei is really worried about some accidents.

Fully entangled!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was considered to be going out, and he went to the country to fight for it. He seized the opportunity and worked hard. Even once, he grabbed the giant tree and flew out.

However, this country is often too strong to resist, and Wei Xiaobei no matter how to attack, no matter how many scars remain on his body, the other party can easily recover.

Gradually, the country is often closer to the world tree.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't seem to have a good way to drag it down. It seems that only the last move can be used!

The magical law is heaven and earth!

The country often did not care about Wei Bei’s attack, but after this time the other party crashed into the air, suddenly, the other side flashed a circle of red light, and the next moment began to expand rapidly like a blow. stand up.

what is this?

You know, in Gao Tianyuan, all the gods are huge in existence, so they have not studied any tricks that can make their body bigger.

Now I can see that the magical powers that Wei Xiaobei has exhibited are really amazing.

However, the law and world that Wei Xiaobei has mastered is still in a relatively low-level stage. After a rapid expansion, it is fixed to a height of fifteen meters.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei rushed toward the giant tree.

Undoubtedly, in front of the giant tree with a body size of more than 500 meters, Wei Xiaobei, which is fifteen meters long, is still a small point.

But when the giant tree people played against it, the country often found out that the strength of the other party had increased a lot. A pair of hands with gloves were slamming on their own bodies, and their trunks were not broken!

However, the country often wants to win the game. After Wei Xiaobei’s punches and kicks, the field of trees suddenly released. The ever-growing trees and vines will be trapped in Weibei.

It is also impossible to say that the country often wants to kill Wei Xiaobei quickly.

After all, Wei Xiaobei has the support of the entire Qingmu blessed land, and often can move away at the most dangerous moment.

Therefore, the country often wants to devour the world tree at this time, and does not waste time to kill Wei Xiaobei's plan, and finds ways to trap Wei Xiaobei in the same place.

As the country often went far, Wei Xiaobei’s expression was not anxious, because he saw that as the country often stepped closer to the world tree, the blue cow that was sleeping in the dark suddenly The ears move!

And when the country often lives close to the world tree, the heart can not help but jump a bit, feel the rich aura released by the world tree, the country often can not help but have the urge to swallow the other side!

This impulse is not the same as the idea of ​​wanting to devour each other before.

This seems to be an impulse from the depths of the blood. The country often feels that if you swallow this giant tree, you can break through the bottleneck that has been broken for hundreds of years before. Go to a high level!

For a god, the temptation is unimaginable.

Swallow it! Swallow it!

This kind of impulse is like a black curtain, shielding the country from the sudden movement of life.

Ok, the green cow at this time feels extremely unhappy.

During this time, I stayed in the Aomu Fudi, eating and drinking well, and the injury was restored. I feel more happy.

But now, inexplicably, I ran a giant tree-like guy with a slobber in my mouth and looked at the world tree.

Don't you know that the world tree is the roof where the old man sleeps?

For any one person, his own nest is not willing to be peeped.

What's more, looking at this guy seems to want to swallow the world tree.

court death!

The green cow slowly stood up, and the huge body immediately blocked the country from the sight of the world tree.

No way, although the young cow is only a hundred meters long, but it is sleeping by the world tree, it is originally located between the world tree and the country. This stands up and must block some of its sight.

The country often did not see the green cow before the death of the country. This may be the impulse to influence its thinking, and perhaps the ability of the blue cow to integrate into nature, let it ignore it.

But in any case, as the green cow stands up, it is impossible for the country to always ignore the other side.

What's more, the cow's nostrils still snorted, and even after a storm on the soul level, the country often had to face up to each other.

Resist the feeling of a slight headache caused by the cold, the country often looked down on the other side.

The giant tree that the country often succumbs to is more than five or six hundred meters, but it is much higher than the green cow. Naturally, it is condescending to look at each other.

a cow?

The country often has some surprises. The size of this cow is actually a hundred meters long. Of course, it is not surprising that the giant cow is strange. The strange thing is that this giant bull has no strong breath in the eyes of the country.

It is an ordinary cow.

court death! Dare to keep in front of yourself!

Since it is an ordinary giant bull, the country often has no more ideas, and a huge branch is volleyed toward the green cow.

Wei Xiaobei, who had just escaped from a large number of trees and vines, saw this scene and could not help but sigh.

Hey, I finally got the shot of Master Qingniu.

The country often does not know the thoughts of Wei Xiaobei’s heart, but when the branches are pumping, they begin to move forward and want to swallow the world tree as quickly as possible, so as not to cause any accidents.

The branches were taken with a circle of green light, and the green cows were about to be blown up.

The other party’s actions directly ignored him. In the eyes of the other party, he was like an ant on the road, and he was trampled on.

Therefore, when the tree branch was not drawn on himself, the green cow flashed in the whole body, and even opened a huge mouth!


An invisible wave rushed out of the mouth!

At that time, the country often felt that the branches it had pulled out were shattered in silence. The next moment, the country often felt the danger of incomparable danger!

Business castings, and even the whole country can not get on the whole, and a whole green glimmer spread out!

The field of trees is rapidly forming, countless trees, and vines are growing rapidly in the green light range!

It is very horrifying that the country is always stunned by the giant eyes. Just in front of you, the trees and vines that were born in the tree field are being shattered quickly!

This power even spread to the giant tree people that they have made in the blink of an eye!

In the twinkling of an eye, the tree trunk of the giant tree, the small crown of the tree is turned into powder and blown away by the wind!


The country often succumbed to this time, and at the end of the day did not dare to have a little bit of reservation, the whole body of power suddenly broke out!

Numerous green lights emerged from the trunk, desperately resisting the silent horror fluctuations!

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene and couldn’t help but recall the scene when he first met Master Qingniu.

At that time, the green cow screamed at the ghosts. In the twinkling of an eye, those ghosts and even the military base turned into powder!

But now it seems that Master Tsang’s move seems even more powerful.

Of course, this is also normal. Master Ai Niu’s injury seems to have recovered a lot.

The country often desperately desperate at this time, even if he burned the power of the whole body, the invisible fluctuations still swallowed a little toward himself!

Do you want to fall here today?

For a moment, the country often regretted that he had rashly entered the world.

I know why it is now!

Of course, even the painful regret at this time will not help.


Just as the country often had two-thirds of the trunk left in the body, the terrible wave of horror suddenly disappeared.


The country often couldn’t help but be overwhelmed, and this life is a comeback.

But when the country is always rejoicing, when it is about to carry out the counterattack in the Jedi, a blue light spit out from the mouth of Qingniu, and then it fell on the country’s life.

This blue light is like a vine. As soon as it falls on the country, it quickly binds the country to life.

Of course, it is not a matter of being tied up. The fate is that the country often finds its own power and even the body, and cannot move!

"Okay, I will hand it over to you, and I need to make up for the teacher."

At this time, Qingniu seemed to have completed a small incident that was not enough. He said two words to Wei Xiaobei, and then he re-sleeped. When the time was counted, the snoring sound of the earthquake shook.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had a new understanding of the strength of Master Qing Niu.

The country often said that it is also a true god, but in front of the young cow master, before and after the ten-minute time, it was easily taken down and could not move!

What a great power this is!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that the true strength of Master Qing Niu is probably not the only one.

Slightly thought about the possible strength of Master Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei then came to the country to face the fate of life.

It must be said that the country’s current life at this time is a huge loss in the previous Zhen Zhentian.

The crown, the roots and even the branches are gone, leaving a tree trunk that is bare and still ruined.

But the faint green light shining under the blue light confirmed that the wood **** is still fighting hard.

However, under the suppression of Qingniu, this country often wants to resist success, which is almost impossible.

Its power in the body can't be mobilized, and it's useless to struggle.

To say that Wei Xiaobei’s idea is to absorb the country’s life and let the world tree absorb it.

But the world tree doesn't seem to have much interest in this wood god. Even if the country is often placed on its exposed tree roots, there is no movement in the world tree. Its roots are only inserted into the bodies of ghosts. Extract power.

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