The City of Terror

Chapter 1443: ,get along in harmony? ! !

Suddenly found that there is no money to send a password red envelope, the poor road first to ponder how to recharge the starting point account, ah? Looks like the money in the qq wallet now, can also be used directly at the starting point to read books? ? Hey, when you are older, you don’t understand these new things, coughing -

Now, I own a piece of land, and my maritime tens of thousands of people, such a day, in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, but I can't even think about it.

As a result, these giant whale giant sharks were incomparably fearful of Wei Xiaobei, but now they have gradually turned into awe and reverence.

Therefore, after receiving the report of the sea prawn soldiers, these giant whale giant sharks immediately rushed to meet Wei Xiaobei.

This move can be done without a little bit of fake water.

Well, the sentence of Wanshou is boundless, and it is entirely that they are asking for advice from humans.

You know, the king is a human being, so the words that complimented the dragon and the grandson of the dragon are not suitable.

In this way, these giant whale giant sharks intercepted the cargo ships on the waterway, specifically looking for humans who would speak Chinese language, so as to ask for advice.

To be honest, at the beginning, the sailors on those ships were almost scared to death.

If you think about it, you will know it. It is a nightmare to change to who it is, and to sail well. Suddenly, a large group of marine beasts bigger than their own ships are surrounded.

However, the subsequent experience made the sailors feel weird.

These giant whales are shouting a half-baked Chinese language, asking for Chinese compliments.

what's going on?

Although many sailors who run this route know Chinese, they are basically not the original Chinese people, or the understanding of Chinese is just the degree of everyday language, so they come up with compliments. Some of them are not quite in line with the appetite of many marine behemoths.

Congratulations on getting rich, all the best?

Don't be kidding, can you compliment the king?

In the end, a ship from China came to solve the problem of these giant whale giant sharks.

The captain of the Chinese captain in the face of the giant whale giant shark is not small, carefully asked the requirements of these giant whale giant sharks, knowing that the compliment of the protagonist is a king, he put forward this compliment.

Indeed, in the many novels of China, on TV, many of the words that Dawang is most happy to hear are that Wanshou has no boundaries.

The meaning of the so-called longevity is that it will last for generations, without borders and forever.

For those emperors, kings, the immortality is undoubtedly their greatest desire.

Besides, this sentence also implies the meaning of boundless territory and so on.

After hearing these explanations, the giant whale giant sharks were very satisfied, not only to the captain to collect some of the treasures collected on the seabed, but also to allow the other party to sail on their own site without tax.

Well, when it comes to this, you need to explain it.

This tax has been collected at sea since ancient times.

As the overlord of the sea, the ruler, the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the ships and ships that sail on the sea, the fishing boats, and even the human beings living in the coastal areas need to be taxed.

Of course, the way to apply for taxes is different.

Before the first sailing of the cargo ship and the fishing boat, the shipowners need to go to the Dragon King Temple to worship, offering offerings and praying for the blessing of the Dragon King.

When the sea is sailing and encounters a storm, they will also send some prepared supplies into the sea for those who have passed the dragon and dragons.

As for the people living in the coastal zone, in addition to the supply to the Dragon King Temple, it is often necessary to put the three animals into the sea, this is the sacrifice of the sea!

Even in some dark ages, such offerings are for children and boys!

In short, these giant whale giant sharks intercepted the route to collect taxes and only emulated the Dragon Palace.

Fortunately, because Wei Xiaobei issued an order not to take the initiative to kill humans, the taxes that these giant whales sharks demand are just some of the pigs, beef and mutton on the land.

After all, for the whale giant shark, these land-based blood foods are of little use to them, but for those shrimps and crabs, they can promote their strength and grow, and they are good for giving them their loyalty. of.

In any case, when Wei Xiaobei heard that many aquariums had come out of the longevity, their faces could not help but see.

This longevity has no meaning, so Wei Xiaobei feels a very strange feeling.

I remember that the stars and monsters in a novel liked the disciples under the door and shouted for a long life.

Well, such a association, Wei Xiaobei always has the illusion of a chin with a long white beard.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei will not slap his face to swear by these aquariums. After all, these aquariums are also a kind of support for themselves.

The tortoise demon king saw the aquariums bow down to Wei Xiaobei, and then relaxed.

Before these aquariums appeared, it thought it was going to break out.

Wei Xiaobei waved at the aquariums and signaled them to go back.

However, these aquariums want to express their loyalty, and they have invited Wei Xiaobei to go to their newly built Crystal Palace to rest.

Crystal Palace?

At this point, can these aquariums build a crystal palace?

Wei Xiaobei is not convinced.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei did not have so much time to play in the Crystal Palace.

This is not a crystal palace, but dozens!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei finally refused, saying that he had something to do with the claws.

However, these aquariums will not give up their loyalty, so they have said that although they are weak, they are willing to follow the way to the claws, for Wei Xiaobei to send, to help run errands is also good.

Seeing that these aquariums are in a difficult situation, Wei Xiaobei thought about it and went to the claws. He really needs some errands.

You must know that the country of the claws is an island country, and the islands of tens of thousands of people, even if they will be separated, I am afraid they will not be able to take care of them.

Therefore, if these aquariums follow, many things will become much easier.

"In this case, you will follow."

Wei Xiaobei nodded and promised.

After the aquariums heard it, they couldn’t help but be happy. Even if some shrimps and crabs were separated, they would go back to guard their own territory, and the rest would follow behind the tortoise.

Tens of thousands of aquariums gather together, stepping on the waves, and they are so powerful that they look good.

To tell the truth, to Wei Xiaobei’s current power, even if he is a self-reliant country, he is more than enough.

However, his mind is not here.

Passing through the seas of the Great Reef and entering the high seas, there are many ships crossing the road.

After the aquarium was stationed in the waters around the Great Reef and began to collect taxes, the route became safer.

To know that the aquarium looks huge and incomparably, it is really a group of monsters.

But they do things very well, as long as you pay taxes, then as long as they sail on their sites, they can ask for help if they encounter problems.

To be honest, as the space barrier between reality and the gray world is further weakened, the number of monsters appearing in the ocean is also increasing, and the number of attacks on cargo ships is increasing.

This kind of thing can be reduced to the extreme in the waters occupied by the aquarium.

Those shrimps and crabs will often go around the sea. Anyone who encounters other monsters will swarm up and attack. The monsters are mostly ordinary monsters, and they can fight against the siege of shrimps and crabs.

Even if there are some powerful monsters, they will soon be killed by the whale giant shark.

As a result, those ships are even willing to pay more taxes, requesting these aquariums to protect as much as possible.

In short, the image of these aquariums in passing ships is not bad.

Therefore, those who passed by the ship saw the squad and the demon kings were shocked, and the aquarium that followed was seen, and then excitedly waved to the aquariums.

It can be seen that these humans began to accept these aquariums gradually.

Of course, they don't know that if Wei Xiaobei took the town to serve these aquariums, the aquariums of the East China Sea Dragon Palace would not be vegetarians. If they were murderous, they would be enough to send these ships to the bottom of the sea!

In any case, the cheers on those ships made the aquarium feel like they were arguing in front of the king, and they seemed more harmonious to those human beings.

Time and by bit, the Wei Xiaobei, who sits on top of the head of the tortoise, is not completely boring.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei stood up, and his legs leaped and leaped, and when he landed on the sea, the whole body spread out.


A loud bang came, and even a wave of waves on the surface of the sea rose and rushed out.

In the blink of an eye, the huge waves rushed to the front of the tortoise demon king.

For the huge waves that came to the surface, the turtle demon king did not care much, but the wind and waves outside the whole body became bigger.


The huge waves collided with the wind and waves, emitting a continuous loud noise.

When the wind and waves around the tortoise demon king were able to block the huge waves, the aquariums behind the tortoise demon king changed their faces one by one.

As aquariums, they can feel the changes in the marine environment.

At this time, they felt that the huge waves that spread out contained extremely terrifying power.

You must know that the aquarium of the demon can naturally manipulate the water waves, but the huge waves that Wei Xiaobei’s spurt impact make them completely incapable of control. Even when their minds first touch the huge waves, they are impounded. Crush, let them be very painful.


Next, without waiting for them to react, the huge waves leaped high, leaping over the wind and waves around the tortoise demon king, and then fell down, and the aquarium that followed would instantly sink into the sea for tens of meters. .

Unresistable power!

Even though these aquariums did not suffer a little bit of damage, they had a deeper awe of Wei Xiaobei.

They fully understand how powerful this wave is!

You must know that Wei Xiaobei is not an aquarium. Just relying on a circle of qi energy that spreads out from the body can arouse such huge waves, and this wave makes them completely irresistible!

The most critical problem is that even if this wave of waves falls, the damage to them is almost nothing.

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