The City of Terror

Chapter 1444: Big escape!

Time is finally stepping into the formal, sleep early at night, wake up early in the morning, the poor road is ready to start code words! ——

The precision of this power control is amazing!

In other words, this is equivalent to a group of humans seeing a dolphin running on land, faster than themselves, and it is still floating.

Not to mention the horror and awe of the aquarium, Wei Xiaobei is quite satisfied at this time.

This is the first time that Wei Xiaobei has taken the initiative to activate the tide of power in the body after leaving Weijia Island!

It turns out that when you actively activate the tide of power, the power control that has spread from it is still in place.

Of course, there is also a low tide of power released by Wei Xiaobei, so when the huge waves reach the aquarium, the power has been weakened a lot.

However, even so, the power tide in Wei Xiaobei occasionally gets out of control. After all, this power tide is a kind of ability involving the rules level. It is really difficult to control it perfectly.

Well, at this rate, when you arrive at the claws, you can probably control the tide of 50%.

Of course, in order to do this, Wei Xiaobei needs to put all six minds into it. During this period, these six minds cannot carry out any other research activities.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei made a decisive decision.

Obviously, the ongoing genetic analysis is less important than the perfect control of some of the power tides.

After all, even if the genes are resolved, Wei Xiaobei can't use it himself, only the life altar can cultivate more powerful creatures.

Compared with cultivating creatures, Wei Xiaobei’s own strength is more important.

The right foot is gently a little sea, surrounded by wind, wrapped in Wei Xiaobei like a streamer, flying in the direction of the turtle demon king, but when it is more than half the distance, Wei Xiaobei slows down the speed and changes to the air. , ran for a while, back to the top of the tortoise demon king.

For him, this is also a helpless thing.

Wei Xiaobei's control of the wind is much worse than the tide of power. If you want to go directly to the top of the tortoise, you will probably make a big joke.

It is easy to miss the angle, either hitting the tortoise monster or rushing into the sea.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei only slightly manipulated the wind, and then ran back.

In this process, the turtles and monsters screamed at the incomparable defense, and there was no pause. Even the aquariums that were smashed by the waves quickly caught up.

In addition, in the following period, after the aquarium confirmed the growing dragon blood of the squid, it will be confirmed as the second king.

It should be known that the monsters such as the aquarium are hard to resist the pressure from the depths of the blood when they encounter the dragon species that are more powerful in the blood of the dragon.

To put it simply, even if the strongest aquarium meets a real dragon, it has to be automatically smashed!

This is also the main reason why the aquarium wants to be a dragon.

Changed to be you, already powerful, willing to kneel in front of a little dragon?

However, the tortoise and the demon king now have strength and strength, and they must be bloody. The true dragon blood has begun to concentrate and upgrade. If it is not Wei Xiaobei’s ability to completely restrain these aquariums, even the turtles and demon kings seem to be led by him. These aquariums It may not be that the tortoise demon king will be regarded as the king, and Wei Xiaobei is the most two kings.

The tortoise demon king always belongs to the powerful existence of a family. Although it used to be a battle with these aquariums, it is very big, and there is no way to care too much.

In this way, the aquariums respectfully respected the tortoise and the demon king in the middle, surrounded by tens of thousands of aquariums, and the mighty, but more and more to set off the honor of Xiaobei.

Of course, there is no way to do this. After all, Wei Xiaobei is sitting on the top of the tortoise demon king. As a result, any guy who sees this scene will regard the turtle demon king as the mount of Wei Xiaobei.

Time in Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes, and slowly became familiar with the tides of power. In the past, the Turtle demon king used his tens of thousands of aquarium waves to raise his speed.

In the evening of the next day, Wei Xiaobei, sitting on the top of the tortoise's demon king, saw the ship chasing each other on the sea.

Well, to be precise, it should be that a thousand-ton passenger ship loaded with various human beings is chased by two 500-ton fishing boats, and the sailors on the two fishing boats are all indigenous people with mysterious red patterns on their bodies.

With Wei Jingbei's current vision and height, it is extremely easy to see the figures on any ship within ten nautical miles.

As far as Xiaobei is concerned, the front thousand-ton passenger liner is undoubtedly a refugee, and the two fishing boats behind should be the gods of the indigenous gods.

This is what Wei Weibei did not think of.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that the five indigenous gods had a high degree of control over the occupied territory, but now, those who have not been able to escape from the high-ranking countries of the Javanese are not willing to invest in the indigenous gods.

Of course, there is also the possibility that those indigenous gods are not willing to leave these human beings under their own feet.

It is not surprising to think about it. For the five indigenous gods, the soldiers are just a kind of cannon fodder, and they are completely ant-like existences relative to their own strength.

If the indigenous gods unrestricted redemption, they will definitely affect their strength recovery. You must know that every redemption of a **** soldier means that the indigenous gods will have less blood sacrifices!

Besides, even ordinary indigenous people may not be so willing to be redeemed. Although they still have their own memories and emotions after being redeemed, they are like robots with certain wisdom in most of the time.

As long as they are the gods of the indigenous gods, those **** soldiers will not hesitate to execute, even if they let them kill their loved ones.

To put it bluntly, this kind of redemption of the indigenous gods is like injecting the consciousness of obeying themselves in the minds of the soldiers and turning them into their own embarrassment.

As a result, as long as people who can find this, I am afraid that they will not rely on the idea of ​​strengthening their own strength to rely on this indigenous god, but will choose to escape.

Obviously, the human luck on the passenger ship was not very good. When they fled, they were discovered by the soldiers and they were chased.

Although Wei Xiaobei did not like the people of the Claw States, there were some Chinese compatriots on the passenger ship.

Besides, the rescue of the passenger ship is too easy for the current Wei Xiaobei, and he does not even have to take it himself.

After receiving the command of Wei Xiaobei, even a giant whale left the periphery of the tortoise and the king of the tortoise, and disappeared into the sea.

Of course, the whales are so large that Wei Xiaobei can clearly see the sea below, and a huge black shadow is rapidly approaching the three ships that are chasing each other.

The passenger ship is already at a critical juncture this time.

As a passenger ship, its speed is not too fast, and the two fishing boats that are chasing behind it are the latest products of the sea, and its speed is not slower than the passenger ship.

As long as the two sides are closer, the two fishing boats will not be able to launch a giant harpoon for killing whales on the passenger ship.

To be honest, if it weren't for the giant harpoon on the fishing boat, it would only have a range of two hundred meters, and the passenger ship had already been hit by the harpoon.

As long as the harpoon is hit, the wire rope attached to the end of the giant harpoon, once the hoist is turned on, the distance between the two sides will shrink rapidly!

In terms of the strength of both sides, a single soldier can kill more than a dozen ordinary people with empty hands. As for fighting on the ship, it has a greater advantage!

The reason is very simple. Those ordinary humans are even more difficult to stand on the bumpy ship deck, let alone fight and kill.

That is to say, once the soldiers of the portable scimitar boarded the freighter, then these ordinary humans will face a **** slaughter!


Finally the two ships are leaning against each other.

Looking at those indigenous red-eyed soldiers with sly smiles and carrying a scimitar to the passenger liner, those ordinary humans could not help but be shocked.

But when an indigenous **** soldier slashed a knife to a sailor, a huge shock came.

The indigenous gods saw their fishing boats began to rise in a blink of an eye. The steel cables connecting the two ships collapsed instantly, and the broken steel cables were swept out. All the indigenous soldiers in the sweeping radius. Even a few scared humans were swept away from the waist in an instant, and the upper body fell, spurting a blood spring.

Even the most unfortunate ones were the indigenous gods who had just stepped on the passenger ship's side. They were swept up by several steel cables and the body was beaten into a spoiled bolognese.

Next, the fishing boat flew out, and the soldiers on the boat seemed to be falling from the cans that had been shaken out of the cans.

A giant whale with a length of more than 200 meters appeared, replacing the position of the fishing boat.


The giant whale opened its mouth, and a suction came, and the indigenous soldiers who fell from the fishing boat suddenly inhaled into the mouth of the giant whale.

The human beings on the passenger ship were a bit stunned. They thought they would hang up. Who knows that after the blink of an eye, they are saved.

what's going on?

But the next moment, I saw that the whale turned and flew to another fishing boat.

Not only the indigenous soldiers on the fishing boat were terrified, but even the humans on the passenger ship.

In their eyes, the whales that suddenly popped out of the sea were more horrible than those of the indigenous gods!

Who knows if this whale will swallow himself in one bite.

As I said before, human beings will have a sense of fear when they are bigger than their own creatures. Moreover, the gap between the two sides is so large that it is difficult to estimate.

If they can, they want to stay away from this whale as much as possible.

But here is the sea, what can I do?

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