The City of Terror

Chapter 1447: God on earth!

Nowadays people are going to do business too much, and the poor roads feel like they can’t stand it. They unknowingly used up this month’s private money and mourned. ——

Of course, although China has the scope to include claws in the territory, such things will not be urgent for a while.

With a series of measures in operation, Wei Xiaobei also ended his two-week break in Xigang City and began to clean up the indigenous gods on the islands of the claws with the assistance of the Huaxia Fleet.

In the first time, the giant whale sharks lurking in the sea of ​​claws and even the shrimps and crabs will start to make waves.

Within a day, several indigenous gods who had been huddled in their own nests got news.

The small island in the northern part of the island of Lanmian has stood up with a seemingly simple temple under the efforts of tens of thousands of indigenous gods.

This is also a helpless thing. Although there are a lot of construction machinery left on the island of Blue Cotton, there are few of them who know how to operate these construction machinery.

In this way, those indigenous soldiers can only use the pure manpower to build the temple.

After a few months, it is not bad to be able to build a temple. As for the simplicity of the decoration, it doesn't matter.

You must know that even in the most prosperous place of the indigenous gods, there is no temple more than ten meters high in the country of the claws!

Now the height of this temple is more than 30 meters, and the floor space is tens of thousands of square meters. In the temple, it is also considered top.

There are a lot of huge stone pillars for bearing weights in the temple. There are many torches in the gaps of the stone pillars, which makes the temple appear slightly brighter.

If Wei Xiaobei sees the scene inside the temple, I am afraid it will be a little surprised.

The seven giant giants were sitting in the temple in a circle, and the look was dignified.

Undoubtedly, these indigenous gods added two new partners during this time.

The giant sitting in the middle of the old face is old and wrinkled like a cracked field. It looks like the oldest of these indigenous gods. It can barely keep the wind, like the mouth of a fan, sighing. One voice: "The situation, do you know everything?"

"It seems that it may be back!"

Sitting next to him, a strong middle-aged giant immediately followed the interface and looked a little confused.

"Yes, it is very likely that it is back."

Next, several giants nodded in agreement with this view.

The two indigenous gods who have joined in the new seem to have not understood the dialogue between them, and they are not surprised to ask questions.

"It is the **** of the sea! The demon of the land creature!"

"It is the source of all evil! It is the bearer of all sins!"

Next, these indigenous gods, like humming, spit out some vague words from their mouths.

Well, until the end, the two new indigenous gods still don't know what it is, probably only guessing that there is a powerful enemy in the ocean.

If this scene makes Wei Xiaobei see, I am afraid I will laugh out loud.

These indigenous gods gather here, no doubt for the giant whales and even the shrimps and crabs that will appear on the sea!

After they appeared, they frequently attacked ships that were occupied by indigenous gods.

In front of these aquariums who can manipulate the waves, those ships, together with the indigenous gods who are riding on them, have no resistance.

That is to say, in the sudden outbreak of fighting in the sea of ​​the claws, the indigenous gods were completely in the end of the massacre.

Those aquariums only need to pick up huge waves, they can turn over most of the ships, and then, naturally, needless to say, easy slaughter.

Even some ships with larger tonnages and more able to withstand wind and waves, in the face of giant whales and giant sharks, are only a few smashed end.

In short, in just a few days, the forces established by the indigenous gods have a feeling of being fragmented.

Simply put, the links between the islands are interrupted and separated by the sea.

The new army, which was hurriedly formed by the Kuwa country, was transported to the various islands by the warships of the Huaxia Fleet.

It can be said that the lives of those indigenous soldiers are honing the soldiers of these new pawns into a hundred war veterans.

Now, the indigenous gods regard the aquarium as a subordinate to a once hostile god, so that it also enters reality.

This is also a mistake of Zhang Guan Li Dai.

However, when the indigenous gods are on the verge of an enemy, they have not taken the initiative to attack, but instead they are desperately trying to recover their troops.

With the joint efforts of the aquarium and the indigenous gods, more than 300,000 indigenous gods have died on the seabed, and there are no more than 200,000 indigenous gods returning to the Blue Cotton Island, and more indigenous soldiers are divided into various On the island, the new army of the claws became a monster to brush the experience.

This is undoubtedly a major loss for those indigenous gods.

At the end of the day, many aquariums, together with the Huaxia Fleet, surrounded the Blue Cotton Island.

But some of the aquariums did not dare to enter the sea area around the island of Blue Cotton.

For those aquariums that are inherently sensitive to danger, they can feel the dangers of the Blue Cotton Island.

To put it bluntly, the entire Blue Cotton Island and even beyond the reach of more than 20 nautical miles have been transformed into indigenous gods by the indigenous gods!

It is important to know that when the indigenous gods swept across the country, the number of humans who sent **** ceremonies from the various places to the Blue Cotton Island every day was as high as hundreds of thousands. This is undoubtedly a terrifying horror.

It can be said that when Wei Xiaobei sat on the top of the tortoise demon king and looked at the blue cotton island, he could even see countless blood red sins over the blue cotton island!

This is a unique perspective of Wei Xiaobei.

In exchange for other aquariums, humans, at most, can only see the pale golden glory of the outer edge of the Blue Cotton Island, which is the symbol of the earthly kingdom.

Of course, in order to maintain the existence of the gods on the earth, the power of the indigenous gods is burning with reality all the time.

The real world naturally has the extraordinary power to destroy everything that should not exist in reality.

And if those monsters that come into reality are not weak in the space barriers of both sides, and the gray powers infiltrate into reality, these monsters have long been expelled from the real rule power.

However, the support of this gray world power is limited.

Like the gods of the earth created by the indigenous gods, there is less support for the gray world, and more is that the indigenous gods need to consume their own power to maintain.

As a result, these indigenous gods lost the source of the blood sacrifice materials after being besieged, and the human forces headed by Wei Xiaobei could not let these indigenous gods continue to exist in the world!

The contradiction between the two sides is already at a level that cannot be adjusted!

To put it simply, even if Wei Xiaobei is not willing to risk being vilified as a human being, put these indigenous gods a yard.

Besides, in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the most valuable part of these indigenous gods is their divinity, body, etc., and it is useless for these indigenous gods to take advantage of the benefits to buy Wei Xiaobei.

The benefits they can come up with are not as valuable as their bodies.

The tortoiseshell demon king slowly floated on the surface of Shanghai, and the long head was staring on the island of Blue Cotton.

The desire in the depths of the blood makes it feel that the blue cotton island hides what it needs.

Whirring whirring

As a start, the Chinese fleet's fighters took off and then launched a large wave of long-range air-to-ground missiles toward the Blue Cotton Island.

Although these missiles are aimed at many buildings on the island of Blue Cotton, Wei Xiaobei did not imagine how accurately they could hit the target.

Sure enough, when the missile flew to the distance of ten nautical miles from the Blue Cotton Island, a blue mask was formed on the Blue Cotton Island, and then spread out.

Any missile that hits this layer of red reticle will lose control in a blink of an eye. The engine will extinguish itself. The missile is like a steel rod. After sliding forward for a distance, it will be planted into the sea.

However, that layer of red reticle does not seem to eliminate the full effectiveness of the missile. The missile hits the sea and then explodes, making a terrifying roar, and then spread into a group of fire groups.

Seeing this scene, the commander of the Huaxia Fleet is somewhat surprised.

Obviously, the red mask on the blue cotton island is beyond the normal thinking range of normal people.

However, in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, this is the strength that the Blue Cotton Island should have.

After all, it is the gods of the earth that the indigenous gods consumed a lot of blood and sacrifices.

If it is so easily broken by some missiles, it would be a bit too funny.

However, the Huaxia Fleet did not stop the attack, and one of the fighters began to pass over the high altitude of the Blue Cotton Island and dropped a bomb.

These bombs have a much stronger effect than those of the missiles. After passing the red mask, they still have a violent explosion when they fall to the ground.

Although the power of these explosions has been weakened by the normal range, it has fallen on the altars of the gods all over the islands of the Blue Cotton Island, but the images of the gods are crumbling.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei drove the tortoise demon king to the northern part of the Blue Cotton Island, less than ten nautical miles from the northern island.

At the same time, the aquariums began to block the waters around the island of Blue Cotton, and all the indigenous soldiers who sailed from the outside suffered a devastating blow.

Of course, here, the real decisive battle is not between the aquarium, the indigenous gods or the Huaxia fleet, but Wei Xiaobei here!

Wei Xiaobei slowly stood up from the top of the tortoise demon king, and the inner body of the clothes slowly stirred up.

The scorpion demon king also raised the huge head and stared at the northern island, revealing a greedy look.

Undoubtedly, before the distance is far away, the feeling of the tortoise monster is not too obvious, but now, with the distance close, the tortoise demon king has clearly felt that there is a great advantage for himself on the northern island. Dongdong!

It is the body of the indigenous gods!

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