The City of Terror

Chapter 1448: Rule suppression

It’s raining again. I heard that the more the spring rain, the better, representing the arrival of wealth. Well, I hope that I can pour the poor road into a chicken! ——

Invasion by foreign enemies, although the indigenous gods are not true gods, they can only be regarded as extremely powerful divine creatures, but they have lived for hundreds of years and naturally feel the threat of alienity!

As a result, these indigenous gods naturally cannot continue to shrink.

You must know that you have been blocked by others. If you don’t play anymore, I’m afraid it’s hard to have a good end.

Seven huge giants appeared on the northern islands, and large groups of giant albatrosses began to rush from the blue cotton islands and began to expel those fighters.

This is also a helpless thing, the red shield shrouded in the blue cotton island can not block the bombs dropped by the fighters.

If these giant albatrosses continue to be hidden, this loss is probably great.

After all, under the bombardment of a large number of bombs, the giant albatross hiding in various buildings and even caves could not resist the explosion.

Indigenous gods appeared one after another. The turtle demon king accelerated the speed of swimming. The wind and rain around the body suddenly increased. Even the rain cloud on the top of his head began to rise to the sky. It turned black, and the blue light inside it began to shine quickly.

But the faster than the tortoise demon king is Wei Xiaobei, his legs are lighter, and the whole body is violent, like a stream of light, he rushes toward the northern island.

"It is that human!"

To be honest, the appearance of Wei Xiaobei is what the indigenous gods did not think of.

You know, in the last confrontation with Wei Xiaobei, these indigenous gods were so grievous that they watched the fat on the cutting boards escape from the Blue Cotton Island.

But this time, the indigenous gods have the confidence to confront Wei Xiaobei!

The last time the transformation of the Blue Cotton Island area was short, it failed to form a complete land **** country, and it only provided some power suppression to the indigenous gods.

But now it is different.

The Blue Cotton Island and even the northern islands have been transformed into the earth gods belonging to them in the massive human blood sacrifices!

"Cado interest is that!!"

The **** in the indigenous gods who seemed to be almost old with the old farmer stood up at this time, holding a huge branch of scepter in his right hand, which had a red light on it, and then he was facing the Wei Xiaobei One finger, but a word of unclear semantics was uttered in his mouth.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei, who was rushing toward the northern island, felt that the wind surrounding his body was suddenly weakened by more than 90%!

This made Wei Xiaobei's body only gliding forward less than 20 meters, and then it fell like a scale.

Sure enough!

Wei Xiaobei knows that these indigenous gods must be a lot stronger than before, but now it seems that they have looked down on these false gods!

These indigenous gods can deprive themselves of the control of the wind within the land of the gods!

Of course, there is also the reason why Wei Xiaobei is not familiar with this ability and has insufficient control.

If Wei Xiaobei's understanding of the wind can reach a deeper level, these indigenous gods want to deprive themselves of the control of the wind, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Although most of the help of the wind has been lost, Wei Xiaobei is not completely free of resistance.

Then the air at the foot of Wei Xiaobei solidified, and the body that Wei Xiaobei fell was standing in the air.

Walk freely!

With this ability, Wei Xiaobei can easily walk in the air, liquid and other environments.

Seeing that Wei Xiaobei could continue to stand in the air, the face of the old indigenous gods showed some surprise, but in the next moment, a middle-aged indigenous **** immediately followed a stone stick in his hand toward Wei Xiaobei. At the same time, there are words in my mouth.

With the movement of the middle-aged indigenous gods, the solidified air at the foot of Wei Xiaobei collapsed, causing Wei Xiaobei to fall again.

Well, these indigenous gods are clever and know that they must first abolish the speed of Wei Xiaobei.

Otherwise, when the other party rushes to the northern island, in terms of the strength of the other party's last appearance, this group of indigenous gods will fight with it. Even if it is a victory, it will probably lose a lot.

This time, the ability to walk freely failed.

Wei Xiaobei slammed into the sea with a bang.

The ability to walk freely is only an auxiliary ability of an attribute, not a rule-based ability. Therefore, there is absolutely no resistance in the face of the indigenous gods who control the territory of the land by the gods.

To be honest, even if Wei Xiaobei’s wind ability is deprived of the vast majority, at least one thing can work.

To put it simply, it is only weakening, and Wei Xiaobei’s ability to wind is largely isolated.

Just two times, Wei Xiaobei had to fall into the sea and start swimming in the most primitive way.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is still so embarrassed for the first time.

Two consecutive times, there is no power to fight back.

But those indigenous spirits do not give up.

The previous two, that is, let Wei Xiaobei's speed drop to the extreme, but there is no harm to Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei can still swim at a faster speed toward the northern island.

"Sisi Dahani!"

Another indigenous **** stood up, his gloves with a ring of golden rings, his hands slid out, and caught in the direction of Wei Xiaobei!

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei felt the malice coming from the sea!

The sea water around your body seems to have a life in a moment, and it is like a very elastic existence, just like a huge jelly wrapped in it, then squeezed in and squeezed inward!

It can be said that the force of this seawater squeeze is enough to easily squeeze any steel product into a powder!

Even after Wei Xiaobei, who was constantly swimming toward the northern island, the turtle demon king, also suffered a malicious attack from the sea!

The turtle demon king can feel the sea water around him constantly squeezing, and even the wind and rain that he controls is greatly affected!

The huge waves can't be picked up at all!

It can be said that if the giant whales are close to here, I am afraid that they will only be able to end up being squeezed into a bolognese.

From this point of view, it can be seen that the indigenous gods who have painstakingly constructed the indigenous gods have an extraordinary place!

As long as you enter the land of the Kingdom of God, the indigenous gods can manipulate the rules of the land of God to attack the enemy in all directions!

On this point, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei’s Aomu Fudi has not yet reached this level.

Of course, this is not the difference between the Aoki Fukushima and the indigenous gods.

This is completely because the volume of Aomufudi is too small now, and many of the rules that should be made have not yet been fully constructed.

The indigenous gods built by this indigenous **** are different.

It is not a complete independent world, but the indigenous gods are transformed based on the reality and using a huge blood sacrifice.

To put it bluntly, this land of God is still a part of reality, except that some of its rules have been transformed and controlled by indigenous gods.

As long as the scope of the land of God is out, the strength of the indigenous gods will be greatly weakened.

But then again, the Turtle King is not crushed by the rules manipulated by the indigenous gods.

Lightning began to fall in the ever-expanding rain cloud above his head.

The sound of roaring is endless.

Lightning falls and continually bombards the seawater squeezed around the tortoise's demon king, and instantly can return those seawaters to an uncontrolled state.

Although this does not allow the turtle to control the sea, the indigenous gods can't control the sea to squeeze the tortoise.

Wei Xiaobei, who is in the same situation as the tortoise demon king, is different.

The sea water squeezed around the body is even stronger!

Undoubtedly, the indigenous gods think that Wei Xiaobei is more threatening than the turtle demon king, and wants to kill Wei Xiaobei in one fell swoop!

To be honest, even if the indigenous gods fall into such a situation and want to get out, it is very difficult.

But as the sea began to squeak the body of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei no longer suppressed the tide of power in the body.


A loud noise like a heavy hammer bombarding a giant drum suddenly broke out!

The tide of power in Wei Xiaobei's body poured out in an instant, and the air was swaying. In a blink of an eye, the sea water squeezed around suddenly exploded, forming a huge wave that surged into the sky. The northern island is falling!

Those indigenous gods were previously a winner and a confident look, but by this time, even the old indigenous gods face a horror.

When the gods on the ground tried their best to suppress each other, the other party was able to make such a big move!

This means that the other party broke through the suppression of the gods on the ground!

At this time, the indigenous gods are no longer one by one, but they go all the way forward and go to Wei Xiaobei, and they have words in their mouths.

In the twinkling of an eye, the ocean and the sky in this area are discolored, and turned into a blood red. The **** red waves rush from the sea and turn into a giant sea of ​​water. Zhangkou is provoked toward Wei Xiaobei. The huge wave bite in the past!


A series of violent explosions came, and the huge waves ignited by Wei Xiaobei suddenly dissipated, but the blood red giants composed of those seawaters also collapsed.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei rushed out of the huge waves that dissipated. Zhang bowed the arrow and shot at the northern island!

"Children are looking for death!"

The two newly joined indigenous gods have never seen the power of Wei Xiaobei. Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei was so powerful, he was able to break the ground gods and suppress themselves. However, he was somewhat happy and carrying his own The weapon was left and right, rushing out of the small island in the north, stepping on the sea with both legs, and rushing toward Wei Xiaobei.

The shapes of these two indigenous gods are somewhat different from those of other indigenous gods.

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