The City of Terror

Chapter 1461: Cornerstone of the Kingdom of God

This chapter is scheduled to be released, and the poor road is now going to ponder the development of the story behind it -

This is the situation that Wei Xiaobei did not find before.

From this point of view, this totem stone column can be called a miniature earth god.

When the lightning flashed, it collided with the red reticle. Then the lightning shattered on the reticle and turned into a flash of flash current, which disappeared into the air after spending a while with the red reticle.

With this blow, the color of the red mask has faded, but it still exists.

After that, even Wei Xiaobei could feel the anger from the invisible of Aoki.

Obviously, before this, Wei Xiaobei never felt that Aoki Fudi would have self-generated consciousness.

If you have to say something, then it should be the sun, the moon, the innate gods who dominated Aoki's blessing, and the Gaia consciousness that gathered in the future.

As far as Aoki’s blessings are concerned, the rules are not yet perfect, and it is so difficult to gather Gaia’s consciousness.

But now, stimulated by the totem stone pillar, this Aomufu land seems to awaken the Gaia consciousness in advance.

Perhaps because of the creators of Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei felt this at the first time.

For this change, Wei Xiaobei is optimistic.

We must know that Wei Xiaobei is also a member of Aoki Fukudi. Just like a joint stock company, Wei Xiaobei occupies the largest share. Therefore, even this Aomufu land awakens Gaia consciousness in advance. It is also dominated by Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this situation is somewhat different now.

Wei Xiaobei should be the brain of Aoki Fudi, but when cleaning up foreign objects that may endanger Aoki's blessings, it is completely unnecessary to pass through the brain. The immune system that Aoki Fudi is forming will strengthen the intensity of the robbery.

The next moment, the black clouds above the thunder, the blue light even reflected the small half of the sky blue.

A flash of lightning is like a raindrop falling.


The continuous thunder almost makes the Wei Xiaobei, who is in the near position, feel that his ears are going to be deaf.

A flash of lightning slammed on the red reticle, causing the red reticle to sway while the color is getting lighter.

Time passes by, about half a minute, and the lightning that falls above the clouds is more than a hundred!

The red mask that rises from the totem pillar is finally unable to withstand the power of the Thunder, and after a whining, it will be broken like a glass.

As the red mask shattered, the lightning that fell was no longer obstructed, and it fell on top of the totem stone.

The first strike of lightning will blow up a large gap above the totem stone column.

Then the lightning flashes down the totem stone and the gravel splashes, even after the end of the formation of a layer of blue lightning!

Finally, the totem stone pillar broke from it and was bombarded by lightning to become a piece of land.

At this point, the dark clouds suspended above the totem pillars quickly dissipated.

As the sun sets, the sky is clear, and some white clouds float with the wind.

If it weren't for the stone fragments of that place, Wei Xiaobei would have an illusion that nothing happened.


what is that?

Wei Xiaobei was waiting to leave the Qingmu Fudi to go out, the eyes of the light sweeping across the ground gravel, inadvertently found a touch of shimmer.

After Wei Xiaobei went up to separate the gravel, he found a piece of gravel with a slight red light.

It is said that this red gravel is completely different from other gravel.

Its overall crystal clear, red light is not emitted from the surface, but scattered from the inside, like an incomparable red gem!

What caught Wei Xiaobei's attention was the red light that was revealed, but what shocked Wei Xiaobei now is the character of this red gem.

To say that on the surface, this red gem can't see anything.

But Wei Xiaobei’s versatile knowledge can solve this.

Name: Pure Foundation of the Kingdom of God (Secondary Treasures)

Introduction: The cornerstone of the Kingdom of God is one of the special materials for the construction of the Kingdom of God. It is derived from the condensation of the power of God, the collapse of the Kingdom of God, and can be used to create the Kingdom of God and expand the use of the Kingdom of God. The gods consume the divine power of the foundation of the kingdom of God with the attributes of the gods. The pure foundation of the kingdom of God needs to be born through the catastrophe. It can be used to create the **** country of any attribute, and thus it is one of the common currencies among the gods.

Effect 1: Create the Kingdom of God. Note: The cornerstone of the Kingdom of God needed to create the Kingdom of God is no less than one thousand.

Effect 2: Expanding the Kingdom of God

After watching the property list of this red gem, Wei Xiaobei’s face slightly brought some excitement.

To be honest, the amount of information contained in it is a bit large.

So, is it necessary for the gods to create the kingdom of God?

Is this actually the common currency between the gods?

Wei Xiaobei then looked for it in the gravel of a place.

Well, this workload is still not small.

To know that the pure foundation of the Kingdom of God is like the gray stone, it does not release any breath, just like ordinary gravel.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei wants to find out the cornerstones of these gods with his keen sense. It is impossible at all. He can only use the hand to pile up the piles of gravel and distinguish them with the naked eye.

Even the ordinary people can't help, and it is difficult for ordinary people who don't have independent consciousness to do such fine work.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei does not worry about the Pu people doing this.

The value of this stuff is not low. If it is missing, Wei Xiaobei feels a loss.

After he had been sitting on the ground for half an hour, Wei Xiaobei finally smashed the cornerstone of the country of the burial in the gravel.

A total of fifty-six, each piece is evenly sized, weighing fifty-one grams, just like a mold poured out.

The number is not too much. I think about it and understand that even if there are a lot of divine power in the totem pillar, it is a imaginable thing to know how much can be left under the bombardment of the Aomu Fudi.

The most crucial point is that if the power in this totem pillar can be used to create a kingdom of God, those indigenous gods will be willing to build a totem pillar?

Well, to say that the value of this stuff should be mainly reflected in the transaction with the gods, the common currency.

But Wei Xiaobei doesn't think so.

Trading with the gods?

Don't look at jokes, Wei Xiaobei now knows one of the gods, the **** of the sky.

When he ran to trade with Amaterasu, Wei Xiaobei felt that he should probably add brain fragments.

Leave yourself to create a kingdom of God?

This idea is even more brain-dead.

Wei Xiaobei has already cut off the idea of ​​going to Shinto, and naturally will not do such a thing.

Then the last remaining practice is obvious.

Crush it!

Since this stuff is formed by the divine power, then Wei Xiaobei did not intend to waste, and released the divine power contained in it, so that Qingmufu was absorbed, and Aokifu grew up. Isn’t it all happy?

A cornerstone of the kingdom of God was caught in the hand, and then Wei Xiaobei used force, the muscles suddenly tightened, and the giant force acted on the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God.


Not broken.

The power that Wei Xiaobei can explode with one hand can now reach 30,000 tons!

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei can now use the 30,000-ton hydraulic press with one hand.

Even the hardest alloy in the world, placed in the hands of Wei Xiaobei, gently pinched, is as soft as dirt, can be arbitrarily smashed.

But such a huge force for this cornerstone of the Kingdom of God, there is no use!

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not show any surprise.

This is not an ordinary stone, but a cornerstone of the Kingdom of God. Some special things are normal.

Well, this cornerstone of the Kingdom of God should contain some spatial characteristics, so that it will not be affected by the power.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei immediately put on the sun gloves and once again grasped the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God.

The fierce light and heat suddenly formed in the glove, wrapped in the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God, and then a thunder and lightning was poured into the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God through the glove, and finally the destruction effect of the Sun God Soldier was launched!

A loud bang, an unstoppable explosion suddenly broke out in Wei Xiaobei's boxing.

This result is something that Wei Xiaobei did not think of before.


If it wasn’t for Wei Xiaobei’s teleport to the distance of kilometers, the power of the explosion would let Wei Xiaobei know why the flowers were so red.

At this time, the basin wall has been blasted with a huge gap, hundreds of meters in diameter, reaching the basin valley.

If it wasn't for Wei Xiaobei, the first time for Aoki Fudi to repair this gap, I am afraid that the mutants in the basin will escape.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that after the explosion, the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God released about a small amount of power, and most of the power condensed a few meters of land in the air!

And this land is floating in the air at this time.

What is going on?

The power of the explosion is naturally all received by the Aomu Fudi, and it is turned into a driving force for growth, but what is the floating land?

We must know that in the case that Aoki Fudi has not yet perfected the rules, even if it is Wei Xiaobei, it is impossible to create such a floating land in Qingmufudi.

Besides, even if it is possible to create such a floating land, the strength required by Aoki Fukushima does not know how much it will consume.

Now, just a large part of the foundation stone of the gods has formed such a floating land, so that Wei Xiaobei does not know that he should be pleasantly surprised, or surprise.

With a flash of body shape, Wei Xiaobei appeared on the floating land, squatting down his body, reaching out and touching the floating land. Wei Xiaobei nodded, and it was almost the same as his own guess.

This floating land is not that simple.

It contains a strange rule that has not yet appeared in the Aomu Fortune, and this strange rule, which Wei Weibei called the floating rule, gives the land the ability to float.

If you have to explain it, then the floating rule is to make the density of any object slightly lighter than the surrounding air or liquid, but after rising to a certain height, the density of the object is equal to the surrounding air or liquid!

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