The City of Terror

Chapter 1462: , speeding evolutionary variation!

I would like to thank the book friend Yuan Fang for your 10,000 starting point reward! ——

In this way, as long as such a floating rule appears on any object, the object can float in the air in violation of the physical rules that should be followed.

This discovery made Wei Xiaobei's eyes unable to shine.

To say that this floating rule does not seem to have much bonus to combat effectiveness.

But if you can master such a floating rule, the change in reality can be described as skyrocketing.

Do not say anything else, if you can lift Weijiadao to the sky, then Wei Xiaobei can have a floating base in reality!

This alone is enough to shock one side, so that those who have a bitter mind can't dare to tamper with Weijiadao.

Of course, if you want to do this, you need to have an in-depth understanding of the rules.

For now, such a floating land is in front of you, and Wei Xiaobei will naturally not let go.

Wei Xiaobei was on the floating land. It was a week, and the body was covered with dust.

Until Wei Xiaobei stood up, the floating rules contained in this floating land had opened three-inch tulle for Wei Xiaobei.

However, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the floating rules contained in this floating land are not complete, showing a piecemeal state.

This may be directly related to the small size of the floating land.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate to take out the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God again.

However, the cornerstone of the Kingdom of God that was taken out this time is not just one piece, but ten pieces!

And to deal with the position of the cornerstones of these gods, Wei Xiaobei also changed to high altitude. He did not want to explode and directly destroyed the basin he had worked so hard to make.


A loud bang came from the sky, and a wave of invisible volatility spread all around.

Wei Xiaobei even moved to the distance in an instant, but it was also unable to hold the body by the wind that formed.

The energy released at the same time by the ten cornerstones of the Kingdom of God is really amazing.

Just like this, the whole green wood blessed land shook a few times, and the creatures everywhere were flustered and hid in the bushes.

Wei Xiaobei, with the gust of wind blowing, forcibly opened his eyes and looked at a floating land that appeared in the distance, and his face was not happy.

Compared to the floating land formed by a cornerstone of the Kingdom of God, the floating land formed by the ten foundations of the Kingdom of God is somewhat horrible.

The area is more than one hundred square meters and the thickness is ten meters.

From here, Wei Xiaobei can see that the more the one-off explosion of the foundation of the Kingdom of God, the greater the floating land that can be formed. In this case, it is more cost-effective than the single stone of the country. .

But this is probably the limit that Aokifu can afford.

After all, the number of cornerstones of this country is too large, and the power of the explosion is not small.

And the explosion of the foundation stone of the Kingdom of God is not an ordinary explosion, but a force of rules.

Wei Xiaobei estimates that the Qingmu Fudi can not withstand the explosive limit, that is, eleven.

If there is more, an explosion will produce a lot of floating land, which is very cost-effective, but it is not cost-effective for Aoki Fudi.

Aoki Fudi needs more power to repair the place that was hit by the explosion.

In the following period, the violent explosion of the basin from time to time, and the ground around the basin has been cut by the wind and wind more than one meter!

This shows the power of the foundation stone of the country of God.

Although Wei Xiaobei said that he could hide from the distance every time, but this gust of wind blew down, he felt that his face was about to lose consciousness.

If you switch to ordinary humans, under such a gust of wind, it is not a small thing that the skin is not conscious, and the whole person is blown into the bones by the wind.

After Wei Xiaobei’s cornerstone of the Kingdom of God, which was collected at hand, was consumed, seven floating land areas of different sizes appeared in the basin.

At first glance, it looks like a meteorological fairy. If you can plant green trees and flowers, raise a few cranes, and then lead a waterfall, this is complete.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have the heart to plant trees and raise flowers. He came to a floating land and dragged the land in an attempt to drag it to another floating land.

Because the floating land formed by the foundation stone of this country has a special floating rule, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to move these floating islands by the teleportation rules in the Aomu Fortune.

Besides, even if it is able to move, it is not a waste of some of the power to consume the blue wood and the land to carry these floating land. It is better to have Wei Xiaobei do their own work.

Of course, these floating land areas are suspended in the air, but this is only the effect of floating rules. Compared with those objects that are simply suspended in the air by their own density, Wei Xiaobei can feel when dragging. The impact of its weight.

too heavy!

Even if Wei Xiaobei drags with all his strength, the speed of these floating land is only a few decimeters per second.

As a result, when Wei Xiaobei dragged a floating land to another floating land surface, the time spent varied from tens of minutes to several hours.

After this fatigue, Wei Xiaobei was sweating all over, and he was breathing heavily.

The only gratification is that there seems to be a mysterious connection between these floating land, and whenever they collide with each other, they will start from the contact surface and merge together.

Of course, this process is not fast.

Wei Xiaobei dragged all the floating land together and consumed about three hours before and after. The two floating land areas that originally started to merge were not fully integrated.

However, after these floating land began to merge with each other, it was more difficult for external forces to separate them.

At this time, the floating land that is being merged with each other looks like a **** that is kneading together.

Of course, this ugly appearance does not affect Wei Xiaobei's observation of the rules contained in it.

In the next research process, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the floating rules in these floating land are also interconnected.

Undoubtedly, the interconnection of such rules makes it easier for Wei Xiaobei to understand it.

Time passes by.

Wei Xiaobei observes the floating rules while collecting some genetic samples from time to time to enrich the gene pool of the altar of life.

Well, one heart and two uses is not difficult for Wei Xiaobei.

In the six minds, Wei Xiaobei focused on the floating rules, divided the five minds to study the floating rules, and the remaining one was placed on the analysis of those genetic samples.

But after a week, things changed.

Wei Xiaobei discovered that because of the abundance of aura in Aoki, the evolutionary variability of the organisms in the basin is fast.

In just one week, the basin has evolved several horror carnivores that dominate the party!

The biological grades of these horror carnivorous creatures have reached the level of two-star horror!

Among them, the piece of meat blanket that occupies the center lake is the most terrifying!

The whole is like a translucent colloidal glass with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. It floats on the lake. Due to its translucent nature, it is difficult to see its shape when floating on the lake.

Once a creature is close to drinking water, it will pounce on it very quickly, wrap the other side directly, and quickly swallow it!

Wei Xiaobei extracted a bit of digestive juice from this meat blanket and found that its corrosion effect is amazing, and even able to corrode his skin from the outer skin!

You should know that Wei Xiaobei's skin is very tough now, and there is no reaction in the bombing of the shells. It is no exaggeration to say that Wei Xiaobei's skin can even withstand small nuclear explosions at close range!

But under the digestive juice of this meat blanket, it will be corroded off the outer skin. The corrosion strength of this digestive juice is already quite amazing.

Of course, although the digestive juice corrosive effect is amazing, but the meat blanket probably only can be dominated in this small lake, once it is on the land, it is probably the object of being eaten by other carnivorous creatures.

In other horror carnivores, there is also a plant that evolves parasitic abilities into horror levels.

Its shape is like moss, it is not big, and the single volume is only the size of the tip. It will continuously produce a large number of spores floating in the air. Any biological breathing inhales the spore, then the spore will take root in the warm body of the other. Constantly extract the energy of the other party's body and supply itself with a lot of reproduction.

The parasitic creatures may be skinny in a few days and eventually collapse.

I have to say that in Wei Xiaobei's view, this parasitic moss is much more terrifying than the meat blanket.

Fortunately, here is the Qingmu Fudi, the means of Wei Xiaobei's arrangement also played an effect, and those spores could never float out of the basin.

Otherwise, this will trigger an ecological disaster in Aoki Fortune!

Any creature that needs to breathe will be caught in front of this parasitic moss!

Even if you don't need to breathe, the spores can quickly multiply as long as they can enter your body or where the body is slightly damp!

This parasitic moss does not need to continue to evolve and mutate, even if the current parasitic ability, in any world, is called a terrorist killer.

In fact, if the animals in the basin did not have some means of fighting this parasitic moss in the process of crazy evolutionary variation, I am afraid there are not many animals left in this basin.

A guy like a meat blanket is naturally not afraid of parasitic moss parasites. The body fluids in his body, that is, the digestive juice, can easily destroy their spores.

For a creature like this, its gene in the body, Wei Xiaobei naturally listed it as a key research object.

But as a result, one mind is not enough.

In order to quickly resolve the genes of these organisms and apply them to the breeding organisms, Wei Xiaobei will increase the minds used in gene analysis research to three in a week.

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