The City of Terror

Chapter 1463: Heaven kills!

There is no doubt that the code word is tired today. The only thought of the poor road is to climb into the bed. The beauty of the United States sleeps, thank you for your concern and support! Thank you! ——

Floating rules and genetic analysis are evenly divided from this point on.

On this day, the sun was just hanging above the sky. Wei Xiaobei stood on the edge of the basin and looked at the various creatures that were crawling up the basin on the bottom of the basin. They looked at the meat that covered a lot of basin area. The blanket could not help but shake his head.

The genetic evolutionary variation in this basin is ultimately out of control.

The meat blanket suddenly evolved into a giant.

Of course, this is only the area of ​​the body covered on the ground is very wide, more than five or six square kilometers, but the thickness of the meat blanket is only less than half a meter.

But in the basin, no creatures can resist the predation of this meat blanket.

The meat blankets continue to spread all around, and all creatures that dare to approach the meat blanket will be rolled over by the meat blanket and swallowed.

A body of more than ten meters, like a tiger's creature, has mastered the power of the flame, at this time has reached the ordinary strength of Samsung.

After one of them was accidentally wrapped in a meat blanket, the whole body was full of flames, and the meat blanket was burned through in a moment, and the piece was turned into black charcoal, but the meat blanket did not give up killing the prey, but more meat came in. The blanket, even if it is instantly burned into coke by the flame, is like a huge wave, and goes to the tiger.

In the end, the tiger that had mastered the flame was exhausted and was smothered by the meat blanket!

Thunderclouds suspended above the basin are now carrying out the instructions of Wei Xiaobei. Any creature that climbs above the mountainside of the basin will be killed by lightning.

But by this time, those creatures were also mad. In order to capture the only way of life, even if they were constantly falling into coke bodies, they rushed toward the mountain wall without hesitation.

Wei Xiaobei even saw a tree that was constantly climbing out of the tree roots and climbing on the mountain wall.

To say that in terms of volume, this big tree should be the second in the basin, and its size is more than 20 meters.

But in front of the overwhelming meat blanket, this big tree was probably scared and timid, and did not dare to resist at all, and climbed up the mountain wall directly.

At this time, the creatures who dare to stay in the basin probably have only parasitic moss.

Although most of the parasitic moss is digested by other meat blankets, the parasitic moss spores float in the air near the ground, but are not affected by the meat blanket.

Although the meat blanket did not show any wisdom, it has the natural predatory nature of the beast and the unstoppable hunger. Seeing that the creatures have climbed the mountain wall and want to escape the basin, even if they speed up, their bodies are like A layer of waves rolling up from the ground rushes toward the wall.

When it was hundreds of meters away from the mountain wall, the meat blanket that had expanded to six or seven square kilometers suddenly rose up, then violently bounced, and then opened, like a raised fishing net, rushed toward the mountain wall!

You know, after the meat blanket is opened, its height suddenly reaches a kilometer.

This height has exceeded the height of the basin by more than half!

It even touched the thunderclouds floating above the basin even after almost.

Undoubtedly, under the attack of this meat blanket, those creatures that are climbing the mountain wall want to escape, it is too difficult.

But the problem is that the height of this meat blanket has exceeded that of the mountain wall, beyond the limit that Thundercloud can tolerate!

Suddenly, for a moment, the brightness of the thunder in the dark clouds has been more than several times.


A series of thunder bursts, and lightning flashed like a raindrop.

It is said that this meat blanket is still okay in the basin. In the face of the existence of the law enforcement right granted by Wei Xiaobei to Qingmu Fudi in the face of Lei Yun, it is completely inadequate.

The lightning flashed in the moment and hit the meat blanket. As the lightning blew on it, it turned into a layer of thunder and swept it down, so that the meat blanket could not help but twitch under the lightning.

In a matter of seconds, the raised meat blanket quickly became like a handkerchief falling down.

The powerful amount of lightning power instantly turns the meat blanket into a large piece of coke from the inside out.

This result did not surprise Wei Xiaobei.

From the rapid evolution of the meat blanket to the giant giant, Wei Xiaobei knew that the ending would be like this.

Wei Xiaobei's defensive measures in the basin are naturally not so easy to break through.

Wanting to break through the bombardment of Thundercloud is not something that this meat blanket can do now.

This requires at least four stars of ordinary biological grades to be able to secure a line of life under the bombardment of lightning, and there are some breakthrough opportunities for the four-star elite.

However, the number of organisms supported by the basin is more than one hundred square kilometers. Even under the influence of the Loki fingers, it is crazy to evolve. However, it is more difficult to evolve to the four-star common biological level. Needless to say, the four-star elite.

Of course, if this meat blanket can swallow the bacteria in the basin, it may grow to a four-star level.

But now, the meat blanket has no chance.

After being bombarded by lightning, the meat blanket did not immediately kill, but more than 80% of the body inside and outside turned into coke. It took too long to recover.

At this time, the creatures still climbing on the mountain wall felt the rapid decline of the vitality of the meat blanket with the instinct of the beast.

Well, for them, maybe I don’t know the sentence of hitting the dog, but I also know this.

As a result, the creatures that originally wanted to climb out of the mountain wall did not run away. They returned to the basin and rushed toward the meat blanket that had turned into coke.

After the evolution into a giant, the biological level of the meat blanket is not the original Samsung, but the Samsung horror!

Undoubtedly, even if it is mostly for coke, the remaining body of Samsung Horror is a rare and sumptuous meal for other creatures!

The fastest creature naturally grabs the best position to eat. The United States and the United States bite a few mouthfuls and swallow it quickly, and the slower creatures will face a battle when they arrive.

No way, the body of this meat blanket is huge, but after coke, the part that can be imported is much reduced, not to mention the fact that there are many guys with great appetite in the creatures that come to compete.

For example, a wolf-shaped creature with more than a dozen skulls, or that big tree, even those parasitic mosses are seriously injured by the meat blanket, and they are desperately proliferating at the rupture of their wounds.

In short, a fierce food competition and melee soon broke out.

The more clever creatures bite a few mouthfuls of fat and flash to the side to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The stupid creatures force their own powerful force to forcibly occupy a piece of land, and any guy who crosses the line will be hit by it.

Of course, even a guy like this kills a few contenders, but he is also scarred, or he is honestly withdrawing from this food battle, hiding to the side to lick the wound, or just fighting to the end, in a melee After that, I became the belly of a lucky one.

In any case, after the food battle lasted for more than half an hour, it was declared dead.

Due to the crazy evolutionary environment within the basin, the speed at which these organisms eat is unimaginable.

Whether they are willing or not, the god-given food will soon be gone. If you want to continue to get food, you need to take risks to attack other creatures.

Obviously, everyone has eaten a few mouthfuls, and they are not so willing to take risks to fight.

Next, most of the creatures left the wreckage of the meat blanket. Only some creatures that had not been able to grab the food before were not willing to leave. They stayed here and drilled in the body of the coke-like meat blanket in an attempt to find some residuals. food.

After watching this war, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had some omissions in the layout of the basin.

Obviously, creatures with high potential for evolution like meat blankets are likely to escape the basin.

Then Wei Xiaobei slightly thought for a while and issued a more cruel order to Lei Yun!

As long as the biological strength in the basin reaches the horror of Samsung, immediately execute the penalty!

Undoubtedly, such an order would cause Wei Xiaobei to leave a lot of new genes after leaving Aoki.

After all, Wei Xiaobei can't stay in Aoki's blessings at any time, and those creatures that can evolve into Samsung's horror, the genes in the body naturally evolved differently from ordinary creatures.

It is a pity that genes like this are wasted.

However, Wei Xiaobei is now unable to construct a means to prevent the escape of four-star terrorists in the Greenwood Fortune.

Unless Wei Xiaobei personally sits in the town, it would be useless to let the sun monitor it. On the night of Aoki's blessing, the sun will fall and the moon will rise.

The moon of Aoki Fudi has not yet been fully formed and is not self-conscious, and it is impossible to implement Wei Xiaobei’s order.

This is also before, Wei Xiaobei had to give Thundercloud the order to kill the Samsung terrorists.

Next, Wei Xiaobei stationed some weak pigs on the mountain walls around the basin.

When those Samsung terrorists were killed by Thundercloud, these weak pigs will be dispatched, and the genes will be preserved from the wreckage of those Samsung terrorists until Wei Xiaobei returns.

Only those weak pigs with the ability of the weak can easily move in and out of those mutant evolutionary creatures.

If you switch to a team of ordinary people to carry out this task, I am afraid that when Wei Xiaobei returns, he will soon be out.

Although the average biological level of the Pu people is now more than that of Samsung, the biology in the basin has evolved too fast and is very dangerous.

Just like those parasitic mosses and meat blankets, it is easy to kill ordinary people.

But the weak pigs are different.

Their weak ability can make any creature ignore themselves, even if it is a parasitic moss that does not rely on the naked eye to perceive the outside terrorists, can not feel the emergence of the weak pig.

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