The City of Terror

Chapter 1464: Suspended arrow

First update the chapter, the poor road will go to the meeting first -

After arranging a series of affairs in the basin, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention back to the floating land.

In fact, after this meat blanket incident, the number of creatures in the basin has been weakened to a very low state. In a short time, it is impossible to evolve a strange and horrible creature.

Time has passed and the time has elapsed. Wei Xiaobei has been in Qingmu Fudi for almost three months.

Since the time flow rate of Aoki Fudi still exceeds reality, it takes about five days to calculate the time.

At this time, the floating land has been completely fused together to form a floating land with a diameter of more than 100 meters and a thickness of about 20 meters.

He should go out, Wei Xiaobei stood up from the floating land and reached out and took an alloy arrow from the storage ring.

After a long-term analysis of the floating rules, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had a lot of understanding of the floating rules.

Before leaving Aoki, he wanted to test his understanding of the rules of floating.

Holding the alloy arrow in his hand, it didn't take long for a layer of blue light to appear on the alloy arrow, but the blue light quickly faded.

Wei Xiaobei had already had a layer of sweat on his forehead.

This situation was not thought of by Wei Xiaobei.

With the identity of the creator of Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei can pour the rules he understands into certain objects.

But he did not expect that this would consume so much power.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that his body became emptiness, and the thunder and lightning of mercury was almost consumed, leaving only a point in the dantian.

Huh, after a long vomiting, Wei Xiaobei released the alloy arrow in his hand.

The alloy arrow is suspended in the air!

Has it succeeded? ! !

Ok, to be honest, a test like this, even if it can be successful once in ten times, is not bad.

But now, the first time is successful.

This point will undoubtedly make Wei Xiaobei feel that he is lucky today.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei really masters the floating rules. If it is not with the help of Aoki Futji, it is impossible for him to easily construct the floating rules.

Only by being able to construct such rules more or less in each world can it be seen as the power to truly master a rule.

Just like the rules of light and heat that Wei Xiaobei has mastered, whether in the Aomu Fudi, or in reality, or in the gray world, Gao Tianyuan and so on, Wei Xiaobei can release this rule power.

Of course, this will also cause some errors in the rule power because of the differences between the worlds.

Of course, this alloy arrow can float in the Aomu Fortune, which does not mean that the experiment is over.

Wei Xiaobei then grabbed the alloy arrow in his hand and headed for the space passage connecting the Weijiadao plantation.

After going through the space channel and returning to reality, when it appeared in the plantation, Wei Xiaobei was loose, and the alloy arrow fell to the ground, but eventually hovered at a height of half a meter.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei nodded gratifiedly.

These hours that I have lost in Aoki’s blessed land are worth it.

Although in reality, it is still impossible to grasp the floating rules initially, but Wei Xiaobei's objects filled with floating rules in Qingmufudi can still play the effect of floating in reality, which is already very good.

Of course, compared with Aoki Fukui, the floating effect of this alloy arrow is much worse.

In Aoki's blessed land, this alloy arrow can be suspended a few meters from the ground, and in reality, it falls to half a meter.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei will not feel depressed.

After all, the reality has some suppression effect on the rules produced in Aokifu.

The only thing that Wei Xiaobei feels is that the suppression effect caused by the different worlds will not increase because of the size difference of the world.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei’s rules of light and heat can be used in reality, and only God knows it.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei feels more fortunate. In the study, Wei Xiaobei discovered that there are similarities and some mysterious connections between some of his own skills and this floating rule.

For example, the ability to walk freely.

Wei Xiaobei’s ability to walk freely has already been able to do so.

This is also something that Wei Xiaobei can understand the rules of floating in such a short period of time.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei can conduct targeted research and speed up the understanding of floating rules.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that high-level things like rules, which are completely mastered in a short period of time, are completely impossible.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei is not in a hurry. For the time being, he will put down the advance line and return to the office building of Weijiadao. He will then let Li Zhaoxing summon the disciples of Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun who are still in China.

With the blessing of modern science and technology civilization, Li Zhaoxing made a phone call and notified him.

Zhu Xinyi and other disciples who were summoned by Master did not know what it was. After rushing to hand over the work of the hand, they took the eDonkey and accelerated back to Weijia Island.

Of course, Zhu Xinyi and others temporarily left, but it made Xu Feiyang a big head.

You know, for now, Zhu Xinyi and others are in the special joint force. The special joint forces have lost them, and the combat strength is probably one-third lower. This is not a joke.

Fortunately, Zhu Xinyi and others also know that the current situation is more important, so the work on hand is handed over to those who stay in China.

Although those who are not very familiar with modern warfare, but the leaders of the special joint forces, there is no problem.

However, as a contact person with Zhu Xinyi and others, Xu Feiyang is not familiar with Bai Mayi and others. He is afraid of what kind of scorpion, so he has not waited for Zhu Xinyi and others to arrive at Weijia Island. Xu Feiyang’s phone call was sent to Wei. Xiaobei hand.

For this old friend's phone call, Wei Xiaobei is really a little dumbfounding.

Xu Feiyang thought that what happened to Weijia Island, so that Wei Xiaobei would recall all his disciples.

Wei Xiaobei comforted Xu Feiyang on the phone before he ended the matter.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that Xu Feiyang’s phone call is not just his own meaning, but also a high-level inquiry from the Chinese Parliament.

After all, by now, Huaxia and Weijiadao have become a relationship similar to strategic partners. Once there is any problem in Weijia Island, the impact on China is quite large.

After Zhu Xinyi and others stepped into the office building, they saw Wei Xiaobei sitting in the sofa reading the newspaper in the lobby.

Reading newspapers and leisure activities is undoubtedly a luxury for the current Wei Xiaobei.

Zhu Xinyi and others probably know this, so they don’t dare to approach each other and stand in the lobby waiting.

Before Zhu Xinyi and others entered the lobby, Wei Xiaobei noticed their arrival.

However, he still read the newspaper from beginning to end before he put it down and fixed his eyes on the apprentice.

This summoning, even Tian Yuwen, who has been squatting in the green wood for a half-year period without returning to reality, has appeared.

As for Li Zhaoxing, Zhang Tiantian and his two are not behind, standing together with Zhu Xinyi and others, whispering something.

Of course, Wei Weibei’s hearing can clearly hear the secret words between these girls, but the words between them are too private. Wei Xiaobei’s face is slightly red, and he can’t help but turn his attention. To the scent of them.

After all, Wei Xiaobei, as a master, would have been lost if he was found to have eavesdropped on the private room between the female apprentices.

It must be said that Zhu Xinyi and others have had some differences with the past.

As a master sister, Zhu Xinyi has already broken through to the four-star ordinary, and the smell of his body has been faintly mixed with the smell of a four-star ordinary monster.

This shows that Zhu Xinyi has charmed the four-star ordinary monster as a man.

In this regard, among many disciples, Zhu Xinyi's strength should be the strongest.

In the following days, Zhu Xinyi only needs to do something, that is, constantly charm the four-star monster to enrich his monster army!

What's more, Zhu Xinyi's Bajiquan realm has reached unfathomable!

This point is particularly important in Wei Xiaobei's ability than other capabilities.

After all, this is the ability to truly belong to you.

To be honest, even if someone has the same ability as Zhu Xinyi, when they fight with Zhu Xinyi, they will probably die very quickly.

You must know that even if Wei Xiaobei himself, in the battle, Bajiquan can also play a big role!

Next is Huang Kun, Huang Kun's strength arrived at the last four stars, and in the disciples is the first to arrive at the four stars.

Compared with Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun’s strength is more focused on himself, and his body becomes more heavy and steady than the previous one.

The state of the Bajiquan also reached unfathomable, which naturally made Wei Xiaobei feel gratified.

After all, among the many disciples, Wei Xiaobei’s relationship is the closest, and the most promising is Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun.

Now the two have developed very well, and Wei Xiaobei is naturally happy.

The three disciples Xiao Baiyu, in many disciples, are relatively low-key, obscure, and the qualifications are relatively mediocre. So last time, Wei Xiaobei sent him to the five islands ceded from the big reef country as the five island general manager. .

I want to let it exercise, and I can help Tian Yuwen in administrative aspects in the future.

What Wei Xiaobei didn't think of was that this time, Xiao Baiyu had already broken through to Samsung!

Undoubtedly, Xiao Baiyu should have had an adventure during the Five Islands of the Great Reef.

The four disciples are Tian Yuwen. They are now the general manager of Weijia Island and are stationed in the Greenwood Fortune. They are responsible for the size of the human settlements in Aoki.

Undoubtedly, a lot of administrative affairs will drag Tian Yuwen up.

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