The City of Terror

Chapter 1469: Iron and steel turmoil

No nonsense, everyone reads books. Because of the things mentioned in the previous chapter, the poor roads have been fined for the keyboard. The host said that the poor roads are extravagant and wasteful, and they squat for two hours to show minor punishments.

Above the line of defense, the square array of archers and arrows is constantly shooting out the arrows, forming a wave of arrows falling in the air. In addition, the mattresses placed on the line of defense are shot after a beep. A giant arrow with a length of about three meters.

Of course, there are also heavy attack weapons such as catapults and so on.

But the number of iron stone monsters is too large, so that these long-range attacks fall into the monster group, which is like a small stone falling on the sea, stirring up a little wave.

This battle will eventually have to rely on hand-to-hand combat to solve!

More than 30 soldiers will leave the line of defense with a single gunners and move forward slowly!

At this point, some sporadic iron stone monsters have broken through the interception of long-range attacks, rushing toward those guns.

Any rock monster with weaker strength will be killed by the guns in the row of guns, and some of the more powerful iron monsters will be intercepted by the military, not to the guns. create a threat.

The battle became more and more fierce as time passed.

The iron monsters appearing from Tiewei Mountain are getting stronger and stronger.

The iron monster that first appeared is probably the same as Samsung, but soon there are four-star ordinary, four-star elite and even four-star horrible iron stone monster!

Taking advantage of their huge and hard body, these phoenix giant elephants, giant bears and other horror monsters began to wreak havoc on the defense line.

Because of the quantitative relationship, even the military will become a little busy for a while.

At a critical juncture, they even need to deal with three to five powerful monsters that exceed their biological level!

At the same time, the guns' phalanx began to be defeated one by one and had to retreat. As for the number of casualties, it was rising rapidly.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who was standing on the defense line, could not stand.


With Zhao Yun's whistle, a white light in the distance quickly fell toward this side, and in the blink of an eye there was a white horse in front of Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was on the ground, turned over the horse, and after the horse screamed cheerfully, he began to accelerate and rushed toward the monsters outside the line of defense.

"Hundreds of birds phoenix!"

The silver gun in Zhao Yun’s hand was lifted, and a thorn was gently pushed forward. A gun shot immediately came out of the gun, flying less than a hundred meters, and even turned into countless birds, and spread out in all directions.

Any stone monster that was hit by these birds, the body instantly burst and exploded into countless pieces of broken iron that were sputtered in all directions.

Just like this, the iron monsters that surged before the line of defense were cleared more than 10%!

But this is not the end. The scattered birds flocked together after defeating the large group of monsters, and suddenly turned out a white phoenix!

The white phoenix quickly rushed to the sky, and after a loud scream, he turned and swooped down, and in a flash he hit a giant elephant that had just rushed out of the clouds in Tiewei Mountain.


After a loud bang, the giant elephant disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge pit in the original place and countless gravel that was sputtered in all directions.

Zhao Yun’s attack attracted the attention of the monsters above the battlefield.

To know that these iron monsters are made of iron, but they also have the keen instinct of the beasts. They can feel the horror of the blow, and thus the heart is a bit horrible.

Through the momentum of Zhao Yun's attack, the defenders on the defense line suddenly became full of morale and fought back, but they killed the iron stone monsters and lost.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but tickle, grabbed a big gun and leaped high, as the same big bird rushed into the battlefield.

A giant stone giant, which is raging on the defense line, was unfortunately selected by Wei Xiaobei as a target.

Among these iron monsters, the existence of giant statues and giant clams is a four-star horror creature, while giant tigers, giant leopards, and giant bears are much weaker, just the biological level of the four-star elite.

After Wei Xiaobei leaped, he chose the target, and the big gun in his hand immediately picked it up. Like an iron rod, he went down to the giant.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei launching an attack against himself, the giant python that was about to destroy a giant smashing car quickly smashed the snake array. The snake head was high and the mouth was wide open, and it was toward the falling Wei Xiaobei. Biting the past.

In the face of the giant python with a body length of more than 100 meters, Wei Xiaobei did not have any slight fluctuations in his face. On the contrary, the speed at which the big gun fell was accelerated.


After a short moment, a loud bang came and the big gun slammed on the head raised by the giant python.

It must be said that the gap between the two sides is extremely large, Wei Xiaobei is less than two meters, and the giant python is a hundred meters long. In front of the head raised by this giant scorpion, the big gun in Wei Xiaobei’s hand is like a human eye. a toothpick!

Imagine how ridiculous a scene of a strong ant waving a toothpick toward a human head.

But for the giant python, when the big gun is on his head, this is not laughable.

A loud bang came, and the giant python felt a sharp pain in the head.

Wei Xiaobei’s squadron’s scales suddenly burst open, and the big guns were bent to the extreme, as if they were going to break.

But when Wei Xiaobei left the gun and turned to kill a giant elephant, the body of this giant python stood in the air for a few seconds, then it was like a huge column that was pushed down, and it fell down and smashed the ground like an earthquake. The general vibration, under the body was suddenly pulled out of a huge ditch.

Only this blow, this giant python was killed by Wei Xiaobei live!

Of course, if you only rely on the tremendous strength of your Majesty, it is impossible to kill the four-star horrible giant.

But when he left the gun, Wei Xiaobei used the technique of shock, and the giant scorpion slammed into it, and there was no means of reducing the force, so that the brain in the skull was shaken like mud. In general, wherever you can survive.

In the case of Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei, the iron stone monsters that were able to break through the defense line were forced to retreat. Eventually, they had to leave a corpse to escape.

Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei did not take the opportunity to chase, the iron stone monsters that can escape at this time are basically the four-star ordinary creature level, and the slightly more powerful iron stone monsters have been killed by Wei Xiaobei. .

However, as Wei Xiaobei’s eyes inadvertently swept over the Tiewei Mountain, he couldn’t help but look a little embarrassed.

Until Zhao Yun came over and asked, Wei Xiaobei only came back.

Wei Xiaobei didn't just swear at the gods. He suddenly saw red light in the clouds over the Tiewei Mountain. It was only after careful inspection that it was confirmed.

After that, Wei Xiaobei said this thing, what he did not think was that Zhao Yun nodded and said: "I didn't expect the second brother to see it."

But Zhao Yun didn't know what the red light was all about, just feeling that it was very evil.

I have sent people to check it out before, but the soldiers who entered have never returned.

Zhao Yun would like to enter the Tiewei Mountain to check the situation, but many soldiers will be opposed in unison, saying that the general is the commander of the army, not easy to risk.

As a result, this matter has dragged down.

However, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat familiar with the breath of red light. After a little thought for a while, he turned out something from his memory.

I remember that it was a long time ago.

Wei Xiaobei went to Thailand to pursue the gray-white organization, where he entered the gray world and met a stupa and an incarnation of a demon!

The breath in the red light of the Tiewei Mountain is similar to that of the day.

However, this is just a similar one, and there are some differences.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei is probably able to conclude that the red light should have something to do with the demon in Buddhism, and the most inferior should be the incarnation of a witch or a demon.

Hearing Wei Xiaobei said, Zhao Yun could not help but frown.

Although in the era of Zhao Yun, Buddhism was not officially introduced to China, but during these times, Zhao Yun also read some books sent by Wei Xiaobei before, but he had some understanding of Buddhism.

To say that in the demons and demons described in the Buddhist classics, the most dangerous thing is those devils!

To put it bluntly, these devils are better at manipulating the human heart than others, and evoke the desire of the human heart, thus invading each other's mind and controlling each other!

Like Zhao Yun, who fought in the battlefield, the inner iron-like general, naturally, don't worry too much about the day's magic control himself. After all, it is at most the witch, the level of the demon incarnation.

But like some weaker military officers and ordinary soldiers, etc. will not work.

If there is a demon incarnation here, if there is a witch, I am afraid there will be big trouble.

In fact, when Zhao Yun considered this point, Wei Xiaobei also thought about the problem.

Do not say anything else, if the demon avatar controls the people of the Great Plains that day, it will be enough to cause headaches.

Of course, how powerful this day is, how many people can control, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun are not clear.

How to do?

The two looked at each other and felt that there was some headache from this moment.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei decided to go to the Tiewei Mountain to find out what happened!

In this regard, Zhao Yun has objections. In his view, Wei Xiaobei’s behavior is somewhat risky.

After the dispute between the two sides, Wei Xiaobei had to take a step back and use the cultivated weak pigs to investigate.

In this way, Zhao Yunfang agreed.

Breeding the weak pigs For the current Wei Xiaobei, the speed is very fast, the pork squirts out into a meat mass, not long after, the pink and lovely weak pigs have drilled the meat mass, after eating the meat mass shell, ten The bulls with the weak ones fanned the small wings on their backs and flew in the direction of Tiewei Mountain.

Fortunately, the battle has come to an end at this time, and a bit of a rock monster has been killed.

Most of the remaining rock monsters are also desperately trying to escape to the Tiewei Mountain. The remaining wave of the iron stone monsters fighting with the defenders is not enough to affect the weak pigs.

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