The City of Terror

Chapter 1470: Bronze temple!

Bite the bones, the teeth are half collapsed, and the poor roads are speechless. I think that the poor roads of the year are also the owners of the steel beans. Now they are old, oh ——

Well, this is also the helplessness of the weak pig.

Although the weak pig can let any creature ignore its existence, but because its strength is too weak, even the battle aftermath between the monster and the defender may kill it.

Therefore, in some more sinister environments, the use of this weak pig will be limited.

The speed of the weak pig is not fast, but without any hindrance, it did not fly to the foot of Tiewei Mountain without a little thrill, and then disappeared into the surging cloud.

Of course, vision can't see the whereabouts of the weak pigs.

However, Wei Xiaobei is able to keep in touch with the weak pigs through the spiritual link, and even be able to observe the movement around him through the visual of any weak pig.

I have to say that the visual impact of the clouds on the iron-clad hills on the weak pigs is too great.

Wei Xiaobei could not see the scenery beyond half a meter through the vision of the weak pig.

Flying in the clouds is a great test for the weak body of the weak.

Not long after flying into the clouds, the weak pigs were like no flies, and they ran into the iron and stone trees. Even a few weak pigs ran into some iron stone monsters.

Wei Xiaobei had to let the weak pigs reduce the flight speed to a minimum and avoid the impact.

Time passes by, the weak pigs slowly fly towards the mountains.

Through some iron and stone monsters occasionally discovered by the weak pigs, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the iron stone monsters in this iron fence mountain are extremely dense!

Simply put, this Tiewei Mountain is actually a mountain made up of stone monsters!

The ground of Tiewei Mountain is uneven, actually it is made up of a head stone monster!

As a result, the previous mystery was revealed, why the iron and stone monsters in this iron-clad mountain can flow in and out!

If this Tiewei Mountain was originally composed of iron stone monsters, then this can be said.

Gradually, the weak pigs gradually approached the top of Tiewei Mountain, and this process consumed a full six hours of Weibei!

But then, what Wei Xiaobei saw through the weak pigs made him feel that the time that was consumed before was worth it!

Near the top of the mountain, the clouds began to become thin, making the sight of the weak pigs much better.

There is a magnificent temple on the top of the mountain!

The whole body is bronze casting. At this time, the mountain gate is wide open, and you can see the towering bell tower on the inner side of the mountain gate, the Drum Tower, and the building facing the Heavenly King Hall.

On the courtyard wall of the monastery, the Buddha is carved into the Buddha under the Bodhi tree, the Lunai Garden in the Bologna City, the Wuqiuqiu, the education outside the fire, the education of the city, and the Buddha's death and death, and a series of Buddha's deeds.

With Wei Xiaobei's understanding of Buddhism, the Buddha's deeds inscribed on the walls of this courtyard are more consistent with history and more realistic.

Anyone knows that some of the stories in Buddhist myths and legends have been exaggerated after being beautified.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the slightest thought of Buddhism, he was just surprised that there would be a temple in the Iron Mountain!

However, more things, Wei Xiaobei can not see, after all, he is now only observing this through the visuals of the weak pigs.

The weak pigs can have no magical visual angles like Wei Xiaobei, so they can only see some things on the surface.

I don't know if there is any monk in this temple, and I don't know if this temple has a relationship with the demon avatar of the day.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei immediately drove the weak pigs to continue to fly upwards, trying to enter the temple to check the situation.

The weak pigs are getting closer and closer to the temple. The thick bells from the temples are introduced into the ears of the weak pigs. When the weak pigs are less than 100 meters away from the temple, they even heard the melodious and heavy in the temple. Buddha music.

Someone in the temple!

This point, Wei Xiaobei can be determined.

The weak pig began to lift the height and flew towards the wall of five or six meters high.

When the weak pig height exceeds the courtyard wall and is waiting to cross the courtyard wall, suddenly a layer of golden Buddha light rises from the courtyard wall!

The weak pig suddenly slammed into the rising golden Buddha light!

With a soft bang, the weak pig is like a ball hit by a baseball bat and suddenly flies out.

For a moment, the weak body of the weak pig collapsed in this violent collision, and in the dark moment before the weak pig, Wei Xiaobei saw a monk rushing out of the mountain gate.

Someone in the temple!

But what happened next, Wei Xiaobei could not see.

The weak pig connected to Wei Xiaobei’s mind has died and died!

When Wei Xiaobei drove another weak pig to fly outside the monastery, the monk had disappeared into the mountain gate.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not let the weak pigs rashly continue to explore the situation, but let the remaining nine weak pigs concentrate on the temple.

This is also a helpless thing. The weak pigs can let other creatures ignore themselves, but this does not mean that the weak pigs will not die!

On this Tiewei Mountain, for the weak pigs, the danger is not too small.

In particular, the clouds on the Tiewei Mountain are too rich, making it easy for the weak pigs to hit the iron trees and even the monsters while flying.

Such an impact is most painful for most creatures, and there is something bruised on the skin.

But for the weak pigs it is different.

The weaker ability of the weak pigs is not only to let the creatures ignore themselves, but also to make them vulnerable.

Only need to hit several times in a row, the weak pig will be severely wounded and die quickly.

In this way, even if Wei Xiaobei made the weak pigs careful and careful, the number of weak pigs that hang up during the uphill process still exceeded five.

This is precisely why the weak pig that Wei Xiaobei controlled before will be killed on the Foguang Golden Wall.

To put it bluntly, the weak pig is too little blood, the skin is too thin, it is like the road to fall down at any time, gently push, it hangs.

After the weak pigs arrived, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that the body of the weak pig had disappeared.

The weak pig that killed the dead just left some body fluid on the ground.

Of course, after the weak pig is dead, its body is naturally unable to maintain the ability of the weak, and thus will be discovered by other organisms.

The problem is that those stone creatures should not be interested in a corpse. You know, there is no such thing as a meat recipe.

Wei Xiaobei's brow wrinkled, and then the weak pigs searched around, but found that the remains of the weak pig's body remained toward the temple until they entered the mountain gate!

Was it the same time that the monk found the weak pig body and brought it into the monastery?

Wei Xiaobei's brow wrinkled more tightly.

Wei Xiaobei had some speculation about the relationship between the temple and the demon, so he would not believe that the monk was a big compassion and the body of the weak pig was returned to the burial.

The bigger possibility is that the monk will treat the body of the weak pig as a good ingredient!

You should know that there are many stone creatures around this mountain, and that the monks look like humans. I am afraid that they need to eat.

As for such things as breaking the ring, if the temple is really in contact with the demon, I am afraid that eating some meat is a normal thing.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei simply driven a weak pig to go straight into the mountain gate.

Since the wall can't get through, the mountain gate that opened wide in the middle has become the only choice.

But Wei Xiaobei’s attempt again was not successful.

The weak pig still slammed into the golden light that came out of the mountain gate.

This time, the collision was particularly fierce than last time. The weak pig directly broke his neck and was killed after being bombed more than ten meters.

This time, with the sight of other weak pigs, Wei Xiaobei can see what happened next.

As the golden light emerged, the weak pig crashed into death. The former monk immediately appeared again. A trotting rushed to the weak pig's body and grabbed the body and returned to the mountain gate.

Wei Xiaobei even saw a little blood residue on the corner of the mouth.

That's it!

This monk actually gave the body of the weak pig directly to raw food!

In this case, Wei Xiaobei immediately thought of a move, and the body of the weak pig that was caught in the hands of the monk quickly turned into black water, and quickly flowed from the palm of the deaf, falling all over the place.

This sudden change, but let the monk can not help but stop, the footsteps immediately stopped, kneeling on the ground want to grab those black water, his face showed an anxious look.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wei Xiaobei drove a weak pig to the shoulder of the monk.

There is no doubt that no one can hardly catch those black waters no matter how hard they work.

Besides, even if it is able to grab the black water, it may not be useful for the monks to eat.

After all, the black water from the cultivation of biological corpses does not have any nutritional value for other organisms. Only the altar of life can recycle these black water into material reserves.

Therefore, after a lot of busy, the monks had to get up in disappointment and walked toward the gate.

At this time, the heart that Wei Xiaobei had not excited for a long time was slightly accelerated.

Can you look at the specific situation in the temple to see the next fight.

The left foot of the monk stepped over the mountain gate, the right heel, the whole body passed through the mountain gate, and there was a golden light on the mountain gate!

But the speed of this layer of golden light is still slower, and the weak pigs on the shoulders of the monks have crossed the gate.

Undoubtedly, for the appearance of Shanmen Jinguang, the monk seemed to have some doubts, and stopped to look around.

But he is not likely to see anything unusual.

The weak pig, Yu Youyu, flew from his shoulder and began to wander around the temple.

It is said that the overall area of ​​this temple is not too large, no more than one thousand square meters, so the bell tower, the drum tower, the king's palace and the back of the Daxiong Hall are crowded with the Tallinn behind the temple, which makes the temple extremely narrow.

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