The City of Terror

Chapter 1471: Terror of Tallinn

Recommend a good book for you, "The Temple has a god"! The old-fashioned strength writer Xue Manlin wrote it, very good! ——

Wei Xiaobei did not let the weak pigs venture into the Tianwang Hall and the Daxiong Hall, but let them fly straight toward the rear of Tallinn.

Among the Buddhist temples, Tallinn is a very special building complex.

To put it simply, Tallinn is made up of many stone towers, which are used to worship the buildings of Gaochun relics.

So in a nutshell, Tallinn is the place to go after the death of Gao Yan in the past.

In addition, a temple is not very famous, and its status is not high. In many cases, it is to see the quantity and quality of the sorghum relics worshipped by Tallinn in the temple.

If Tallinn enshrines Buddha relics or Buddhas, bodhisattva relics, then the temple will be greatly enhanced regardless of fame or incense.

Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that Tallinn in this monastery should be able to make himself understand something.

After the weak pig swallowed to Tallinn, Wei Xiaobei saw a Tallinn that had collapsed.

Tallinn in this monastery has been pushed down here, the ground is muddy, and countless relics are mixed in the mud, which looks extraordinarily desolate.

In the sense of the smell of the weak pig, it has already smelled a strong **** smell in the air.

However, this Tallinn's feeling for Wei Xiaobei is not as narrow as that of a temple. As the weak pigs continue to penetrate deep into Tallinn, Wei Xiaobei suddenly finds that the area of ​​this Tallinn is at least ten times larger than the entire temple. !

How is this going?

Is it the use of space power?

Weak pigs can't feel the fluctuation of space, so Wei Xiaobei can only rely on visual inspection to judge.

But in any case, Tallinn, which is located inside the monastery, is bigger than the temple as a whole. It is a special space power, and the evidence is conclusive.

But from this point, it can be seen that the identity of this monastery may not be so simple.

What would happen to an ordinary temple?

Besides, the number of stone towers in this Tallinn is over 10,000, which proves that the number of relics offered here is extremely large.

After all, in addition to Buddha, Bodhisattva and some of the higher status of Buddhism, this stone tower is not a relic of only one person.

This stone tower is usually divided into one to seven floors. The higher the status of Buddhism, the more layers of stone towers that have buried their relics.

But there is another situation, that is, the burial tower, also known as the ordinary tower.

Stone towers like this, each layer will be placed in a number of awkward ashes.

Therefore, the number of relics buried here is not afraid of tens of thousands.

The temples like this, according to Wei Xiaobei, have probably not appeared in the history of China.

If you have to describe it, this Tallinn should be called Wan Tallinn!

Of course, if you want to exaggerate a little, it is also called Qianwan Tallinn.

Well, no, there is a stone tower that has not been pushed down!

Just as Wei Xiaobei wondered if he had seen the record of the monastery in the Buddhist classics, suddenly a stone tower appeared in the sight of the weak pig!

The stone tower stood alone on the ground, and the surrounding stone towers became ruins.

It adds a bit of shock to people.

But soon, Wei Xiaobei felt that something was not quite right.

Compared with other gray-white stone ruins, this stone tower is red and the tower is smooth, just as it has just been built, and there is no stone tower ruin within 50 meters radius, just like the rest of the stone tower ruins are pushed open. general.

This scene falls in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, which is undoubtedly a bit strange.

Just as Wei Xiaobei hesitated to let the weak pigs get closer to detect the situation of the stone tower, a beautiful and thick buddha sound suddenly sounded into the ears of the weak pig.

For a moment, a golden Buddha sitting on the top of the mountain appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei, who had a spiritual connection with the weak pig!

Wei Xiaobei recognized it at a glance, this is the golden statue of Buddha!

"If I smell. For a moment, the Buddha is in the country. The banyan tree gives the lonely garden. With the big bhikkhus. Two hundred and fifty people. The time is respected. When eating.

At this time, the golden statue was open, and the sandalwood between the words appeared. On both sides, there was a statue of Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Lohan. The number was tens of thousands, and the number could not be counted at one time.

During the period, countless flying days carried the beautiful flower baskets and flew around, scattered countless petals, and even Wei Xiaobei could smell a scent of flowers.

This is the scene of the Buddha's smallpox in the Buddhist scriptures.

In exchange for the average human being, I am afraid that I have been convinced by the high-level Dharma of the golden statue, and I can't help but plunge into it.

Wei Xiaobei is not an ordinary person. The voice is just in the ear. Wei Xiaobei feels that his mind is slightly confused. The heart will give birth to a warning message. In a blink of an eye, he will be tempted to start, and the slightly confused mind will suddenly wake up.

When Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes again through the weak pigs, he found that the golden statue of the Buddha disappeared together with various miraculous scenes, but replaced by the red stone tower!

At this time, the red stone tower radiated a red light like blood, which spread out to the surrounding area and looked extraordinarily stunning. The next moment, the spiritual link between Wei Xiaobei and the weak pig was suddenly interrupted.

Even the weak pigs who stayed outside the temple, the breath of life is rapidly weakening.

Without waiting for the re-spiritual connection between Xiaobei and the weak pigs, those weak pigs will die.

"Call! Awesome demon!"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei still didn't know where the golden Buddha statue he saw before should be the red stone tower that made a confusing trick.

Undoubtedly, the evil spirits were hidden in the red stone tower that day, then the red stone tower is the body of the demon!

This day, the demon is really powerful. You must know that Wei Xiaobei is not as good as the original.

Light is a perceptual attribute of up to 120 points, which can make Wei Xiaobei ignore the influence of most mental intelligence.

And the soul strength of up to 502 points also allows Wei Xiaobei to resist this influence.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei was still affected by the red stone tower at the beginning.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei always got rid of it.

This also proves that the influence of the red stone tower on him is not too big, but then again, Wei Xiaobei and the red stone tower are separated by a weak pig, and the red stone tower affects the power of the mind not to spread out to the weak pigs. .

Therefore, if Wei Xiaobei is close to the distance, the impact should be even greater.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes and called, Zhao Yun hurriedly asked: "Second brother, what happened?"

Wei Xiaobei set his mind and replied: "Big Brother, this Tiewei Mountain does have some problems."

Later, Wei Xiaobei carefully said what he saw through the weak pigs. Zhao Yun’s brows were almost wrinkled together.

There is no doubt that there is a bronze-cast temple on the Tiewei Mountain. This is already an amazing thing.

In the Tallinn of the Bronze Monastery, there are stone towers related to the demon in the sky, which makes people have some headaches.

The most terrible thing is that this stone tower can even affect Xiaobei’s mind!

Undoubtedly, the iron-stone monsters in Tiewei Mountain have been extremely turbulent during this time and should have something to do with the stone tower.

It can be said that the stone tower is a time bomb hidden in the Tiewei Mountain!

Once the red stone tower affects the power of the mind to spread out, what kind of impact will be caused, it is a imaginable thing.

Whether it is Zhao Yun camp, or the Great Plains will be affected!

Maybe it will become a place full of blood and killing!

For a while, the two did not think of a good way.

However, after returning to the big camp, Wei Xiaobei thought of a way to save people.

"What? You have to open a space channel to let those people enter the green woods?"

Zhao Wei did not know that Wei Xiaobei had created a Qingmu Fudi.

Therefore, after listening to Xiaobei’s words, Zhao Yun was surprised.

Well, although Zhao Yun said that his strength is unfathomable, he is the first time he heard about such things as creating the world. In Zhao Yun’s heart, this kind of thing seems ridiculous.

However, since it is Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun is not a bit unbelievable, in a state of dubiousness.

Seeing Zhao Yun’s dubious appearance, Wei Xiaobei is not angry. He knows that if he changes to himself, it will probably be the same.

After all, this kind of thing, if it is not luck, probably can't do it.

From the gray world to the Qingmu Fudi to open space cracks, open the space channel, Wei Xiaobei has done many times in Gaotianyuan, so this time to open the space channel, the consumption time is not too much, only a few minutes before and after.

When the aura in Aoki Fudi was poured into the space channel and stabilized, Wei Xiaobei made a gesture, inviting Zhao Yun to enter and visit the world he created.

Stepping through the space channel and entering the Qingmu Fudi, Zhao Yun could not help but have a straight line.

Almost let him breathe a sigh of relief, wrap it!

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yun's face was slightly reddened, and his body was full of enthusiasm.

Wei Xiaobei, standing on the side, couldn't help but glimpse. At this time, Zhao Yun was in his eyes, and the intensity of life was constantly rising.

If Zhao Yun was a huge fireball in his eyes, but now the fireball is shrinking, condensing, and suddenly breaking in the direction of a miniature sun!

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei probably understood it. It should probably be that Aoki's aura stimulated Zhao Yun, who had not broken through for a long time, and made it break through the bottleneck of the four-star elite!

Yes, Zhao Yun has been at the biological level of the four-star elite and has never been able to break through.

But the problem is that even Zhao Yun, a four-star elite, Wei Xiaobei does not dare to say that he has absolute confidence over the other side!

This is a daring Zhao Zilong!

Even the four-star elite can make the threat of the two big-level powers higher than their own!

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